Thanks a ton guys. Did some serious reading today (every one of those series I mentioned in that list got a trade read to catch up on my backlog), so now along with that and a little thought on the matter I'll try to make an informed decision. Thinking I may feel okay with moving everything over to digital Marvel-wise except for Ms. Marvel which is the one that really, really, really clicks with me, and then maybe go back for nice editions for the ones that really strike my fancy when such things come out.
And yeah, I'm out of the loop enough that anything ANAD would be considered "new" for me. Oh yeah, how is the Totally Awesome Hulk series? Kind of interested because it's Amadeus Cho... (But yeah, I got some serious thinking to do on all of this in general...)
Edit: But yeah, any thoughts on what Earth 2 stuff on sale is good would be greatly appreciated as I may also want to take advantage of that and have no idea what to do with that stuff...