I wonder why that other crystal gemwas bubbled in the first place.
They get
placed in a bubble when they're corrupted. It's kind of like stasis.
I wonder why that other crystal gemwas bubbled in the first place.
They getplaced in a bubble when they're corrupted. It's kind of like stasis.
But wasthat gem corrupted? Gonna check.
You're talking about.Centipeetle, right? Yes she was corrupted
I didn't read anything today, but I watched Nausicaa, and that's always a good thing to do.
That movie looks unbelievably good on Blu-ray.
I didn't read anything today, but I watched Nausicaa, and that's always a good thing to do.
That movie looks unbelievably good on Blu-ray.
When does the new Star Wars and Darth Vader take place among the main timeline from the films? And do they tie into each other. Like should I be reading them together or are they completely stand alone?
Oh shit this is the last month for Vader huh? AwwwwI'm gonna miss that book it's been terrific
It was easily the best of the Star Wars comics. Hopefully the new book is going to be about Aphra, because she needs to stick around.
Salvador Larocca. He and Frank D'Armata ruined Fraction's Iron Man with their terrible art/coloring.I like Vader but I wish they had gotten a different artist, whoever they got has a really boring artist and their character designs look like something out of some weird 90s EU Star Wars book.
It's pretty weird we know so little of the future of this gigantic brand. I suspect it will be Aphra and that's why we don't know yet. Don't wanna spoil she makes it out alive.
Salvador Larocca. He and Frank D'Armata ruined Fraction's Iron Man with their terrible art/coloring.
Thank you for drawing attention to the fact that some people around here don't think it's an important part of an OT.
Shit son there was shit posting here before I even became a memberIt isn't and it inspires shit posting
I don't get why Snyder left Batman to work on All-star Batman. If you wanna continue working on Batman, why pick a lower-tier Batman comic? I wonder if DC moved him to get some new blood just so Rebirth could be more of soft reboot then if they had kept the same people. Otherway, looking forward to see what he does there.
I don't get why Snyder left Batman to work on All-star Batman. If you wanna continue working on Batman, why pick a lower-tier Batman comic? I wonder if DC moved him to get some new blood just so Rebirth could be more of soft reboot then if they had kept the same people. Otherway, looking forward to see what he does there.
Amen. 50 issues is when a lot of great series begin or start to endHe might have wanted a break from the pressure. 50 issues of DC's flagship book is a heavy workload and nothing to scoff at. I'm sure Capullo had the bigger job, but still.
Shit son there was shit posting here before I even became a member
This is a SAGA month???
August I take back all the bad things I said about you.
Put it like this, niggas buy Batman no matter what right? Well now that he built his name up, he can go and do another Batman book with star artists and now DC has another top seller. Worked for Superman Unchained, as erratically as that shit came out.
I've never done one of the shit posts.
I don't get why Snyder left Batman to work on All-star Batman. If you wanna continue working on Batman, why pick a lower-tier Batman comic? I wonder if DC moved him to get some new blood just so Rebirth could be more of soft reboot then if they had kept the same people. Otherway, looking forward to see what he does there.
Do you think this gives you power over me?I've never done one of the shit posts.
Not a BoJack fan huh
I haven't watched S3 yet, did you just ruin it for me
I'm waiting for the day where every able and notable Batman writer is writing an ongoing about Gotham at the same time.
Batman OGN by Grant Morrison and dat boy John Romita Jr where Bruce Wayne wears a backwards baseball cap and new balance sneakers
ROM was so fucking rad
Question about the ending:These are JOE characters, right? So there's an IDWverse and the Turtles aren't actually in it, is that the deal? I noticed they aren't a part of the crossover/event thing coming up
Scott pilgrim gif makes you ok for now
The whole thing has me curious, and it cam't be worse than Infestation.Yes, they're G.I. Joe characters. I don't know what the deal with the crossover is, but it doesn't look like ROM is part of it.
All-Star Batman by Scott Snyder and John Romita Jr
Dark Knight Returns 3 by Frank "Brian Azzerello" Miller and...John Romita Jr again
Batman by doesn't matter you buying it anyway maybe Romita Jr will be here too
Batman OGN by Grant Morrison and dat boy John Romita Jr where Bruce Wayne wears a backwards baseball cap and new balance sneakers
He is actually, there is a ROM issue in the checklist. Looks like ROM, M.A.S.K., Micronauts, G.I.JOE, Transformers and Action Man.
It looks skippable which is nice. ROM is the only book I'm reading on that list so I'll probably pass.