COMICS!!! |OT| December 2016. Motor Girl is my new Motor Crush



Presented by Freeza, LaunchpadMcQ and myself. I would just like to say, I enjoyed creating this months OT, and the other two months in fact. Its nice to go over the solicits picking out stuff to showcase. Thanks for having me. Also please if nothing else buy Love is Love.





Batgirl #6 By Larson, Albuquerque (Dec 28th) - On what should be a relaxing flight back home, Babs finds herself and her fellow passengers in mortal peril from…Poison Ivy?
DC Comics Holiday Special #1 By Dini, Tynion, Orlando, Rodriguez, Duarte and more! (Dec 14th) - DC’s biggest and brightest heroes celebrate the holidays in this new special! Don’t miss a Chanukah crisis for Batwoman, a Flash family Christmas, Wonder Woman interrupting John Constantine’s hellblazing pagan party and more
Gotham Academy Second Semester #4 By Cloonan. Fletcher, Kerschl and Archer (Dec 14th) - When a member of Detective Club is forced to stand trial for expulsion, the rest of the gang must rally for a rescue. 
Green Arrow #12 By Percy, Schmidt (Dec 7th) - A major new storyline begins as Green Arrow returns to Seattle for a brand-new mission: reclaim the life he’s lost
Harley Quinn #10 By Palmiotti, Conner, Moritat (Dec 21st) - Come spend the holidays with Harley in issue #10’s collection of wintry short stories—just don’t expect to make it to New Year’s in one piece!
Justice League Suicide Squad #1 By Williamson, Fabok (Dec 21st)- The first major event storyline of DC’s Rebirth era begins with a day Amanda Waller always knew would come: the Justice League discovers the existence of the Suicide Squad! 
Suicide Squad #8 By Williams, Lee, Williams (Dec 14th) - Harley Quinn goes sane! The prisoners and staff of Belle Reve Penitentiary have succumbed to the devastating effects of General Zod’s Black Vault, rendering them all insane. But it has the opposite effect on Harley, who must fight her way through a crazed Suicide Squad—with the help of the Enchantress
Supergirl Being Super #1 By Tamaki, Jones (Dec 28th) - while growing pains shake up Kara's world, a deadly earthquake rocks the small town of Midvale beneath her feet! The Girl of Steel has a choice: let her world die, or overcome her adolescent insecurities and be super!
Superman #12 By Tomasi, Gleason, Mahnke, Mendoza (Dec 7th) - Frankenstein has come to Hamilton County, home of Superman, and Hell has come with him. It’s Man of Steel vs. the Monster to save the life of someone in the town with a horrifying secret.



Doom Patrol #4 By Way, Derington (Dec 14th) - Everything is getting stranger and stranger for Casey Brinke. The secrets she’s learned about her true origin do a little to explain the bizarre new surroundings she finds herself in, but not why she’s attracting the members of Doom Patrol like so many flies.
Mother Panic #2 By Houser, Edwards (Dec 28th) - Mother Panic is on the hunt, which means Violet Paige is out on the town, making a splash among Gotham City’s elite. But what role do missing kids play in her thirst for vengeance? And what does her target have to do with the mysterious death of her father?
Shade The Changing Girl #3 By Castellucci, Zarcone (Dec 7th) - Trying to settle into her new life as an Earth girl, Shade finds the body she has taken over doesn’t have the same skills as it did when its previous inhabitant was in charge.





Gamora #1 By Pearlman, Checchetto (Dec 21st) - Once upon a time she was Thanos’ heartless pet assassin and favorite daughter. Today, she is the backbone of the Guardians of the Galaxy, putting her life on the line to defend the innocent. What was it that transformed her from being used as a tool of her oppressor, to a champion of the powerless? 
Gwenpool Holiday Special Merry Mix-up By Hastings, North, Flores, Stockman and more (Dec 14th) - It’s the holidays yet again, and that means it’s time to join EVERYONE’S FAVORITE GWEN (take that, Stacy!) and celebrate good times, come on! Only problem is…somehow this year’s festive traditions seem to be a little…off…and Gwen’s the only one who notices
Hawkeye #1 By Thompson, Romero (Dec 14th) - Remember Hawkeye? No not that Hawkeye, our favorite Hawkeye, the chick who puts the hawk in Hawkeye, the butt-kicking hero who had to save the other Hawkeye’s butt all the time. Yup, you know her, it’s the dazzling Kate Bishop making her solo comics debut!
Hulk #1 By Tamaki, Leon (Dec 28th) - Jennifer Walters has survived the Civil War…barely…and having risen from the rubble, she re-enters the world a different kind of hero. Fueled by a quiet rage, she is determined to move forward, to go on with her life, but the pain of the past and all she’s lost is always there 
Inhumans vs. X-men #1 By Soule, Lemire, Yu (Dec 14th) - The X-Men and Inhumans have been on a collision course since the link was proven between the Inhumans’ precious Terrigen Mist and the sickness and death of many mutants. When Beast discovers that the mutants have only two weeks before the planet is uninhabitable for them, an Inhuman/mutant war is unavoidable.
Invincible Iron Man #2 By Bendis, Caselli (Dec 21st) - Riri Williams has new armor technology that just might change the face of the Marvel Universe forever… if she survives the experience. 
Mighty Captain Marvel #0 By Stohl, Rosanas (Dec 21st) - Behold the mightiest, fightiest super hero there is! Captain Marvel returns to her helm as Alpha Flight commander with the world cheering her on. She’s the biggest hero in the world – but has Captain Marvel become someone Carol Danvers no longer recognizes? 
Starlord #1 By Zdarsky, Anka (Dec 21st) - Peter Quill might have been born on Earth, but he’s been away a LONG time. How does a man go from soaring through the stars as the legendary Star-Lord to living with his feet planted firmly on the ground? What kind of job options are available for a guy whose CV mostly consists of “guarding the galaxy”? One thing is certain, Earth has a new guardian. Also, a new bartender.
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #1 By Gillen, Walker, Larroca (Dec 7th) - Following her time in the clutches of Darth Vader, Doctor Aphra has barely escaped with her life. If he ever learns of her survival, he'll hunt her to the ends of the galaxy. But for now, it's time for a return to what she does best. With the droids 0-0-0 and BT-1 in tow, she's off in search of rare artifacts from the galactic center to the Outer Rim and everywhere in between.




Aliens: Life and Death #4 By Abnett, Moritat (Dec 21st) - As the Colonial Marines on LV-223 prepare to make their last stand against the xenomorph horde, their one hope may lie in the Alien queen!
Aliens vs. Predator: Life and Death #1 By Abnett, Thies (Dec 28th) - The Predators arrive on LV-223! The question is: are they here to finish the fight with the Colonial Marines, or will they join the marines in the battle against the Aliens? And who will Ahab—the Predator from the Fire and Stone story cycle—side with?
Dead Inside #1 By Acrudi, Fejzula (Dec 21st) - The Jail Crimes Division of the Sheriff’s Office in Mariposa County investigates crimes committed inside county jails. With a limited number of suspects who can’t escape, these are usually easy cases to solve—but not this one.
Ether #2 By Kindt, Rubin (Dec 21st) - Boone Dias believes that there’s a scientific explanation for everything—even the impossible murder of the Blaze, protector of the magical realm known as the Ether. But as he gets closer to solving the mystery, he’s realizing just how much he doesn’t understand about the Ether. 
Lady Killer 2 #4 By Joelle Jones (Dec 28th, Hopefully) - Josie's new partnership begins to sour when an over-the-top gift brings trouble for Gene.
Spell on Wheels #3 By Leth, Levens (Dec 21st) - Witches meet WASPs! The girls head to suburbia to find their stolen spell books and planchette, but before hitting the road again they must help a group of nonmagical women with a very supernatural problem.





East of West #30 By Hickman, Dragotta, Martin (Dec 28th) - The final year of the apocalypse begins! Armies rage! Nations at War! A family fights to be reunited.
The Fix #7 By Spencer, Lieber, Hill (Dec 7th) - Mac works on a shady criminal's behalf. 
Monstress #9 By Liu, Takeda (Dec 28th) - A terrible force rises from the heart of the sea, intent on consuming Maika—and the monster inside her.
Moonshine #3 By Azzarello, Risso (Dec 14th) - Gangster Lou Pirlo's mission to Appalachia isn't going as well as planned, so his NYC boss sends him some help in the form of three rival gangsters. 
Motor Crush #1 By Tarr, Fletcher, Stewart (Dec 7th) - By day, Domino Swift competes for fame and fortune in a worldwide motorcycle racing league. By night, she cracks heads of rival gangs in brutal bike wars to gain possession of a rare, valuable contraband: an engine-boosting "machine narcotic" known as Crush.
Revival #45 By Seely, Norton, Englert (Dec 7th) - Armies of the living and the dead amass at Silvercreek. The REVIVAL saga marches to its end, and not everyone will make it!
Saga #41 By Vaughn, Staples (Dec 28th) - Alana and Marko get their war on.
Wicked + Divine #24 By Gillen, McKelvie, Wilson (Dec 7th) - It's January 1st. Happy New Year. For a WicDiv-ian value of happy.
Walking Dead #161 By Kirkman, Adlard (Dec 7th) – Well this book has no solicit text. First time for everything.




Jem #22 By Thompson. McClaren (Dec 28th) - Jem and The Holograms new drummer is incredible and everyone knows it—too bad she’s a spy working for The Misfits! What secrets will she discover when let into the inner sanctum of JEM?!
Jem The Misfits #1 By Thompson, St Onge (Dec 21st) - Their songs may be better, but the Misfits have lost their label and nobody will touch them in the music business. On the ropes and desperate to get back on top, they’re forced to consider the worst case scenario…A MISFITS REALITY TV SHOW
Locke & Key Small World #1 By Hill, Rodriguez (Dec 28th) - Three years after wrapping up their award-winning, best-selling Locke & Key saga, the team that built Keyhouse returns to Lovecraft, Massachusetts with a new tale of terror and suspense!
Love is Love By So many amazing people please just buy this (Dec 28th) - The comic book industry comes together to honor those killed in Orlando this year. From IDW Publishing, with assistance from DC Entertainment, this oversize comic contains moving and heartfelt material from some of the greatest talents in comics - - mourning the victims, supporting the survivors, celebrating the LGBTQ community, and examining love in today's world.  All material has been kindly donated, from the creative to the production, with ALL PROCEEDS going to the victims, survivors and their families via EQUALITY FLORIDA. Be a part of an historic comics event! It doesn't matter who you love. All that matters is that you love.
TMNT #65 By Waltz, Eastman, Santolouco (Dec 14th) - Michelangelo is determined to lift everyone’s spirits with a holiday party. When some unexpected guests show up, the party threatens to grow out of control… and blow the Turtles' cover!
Transformers Lost Light #1 By Roberts, Lawrence (Dec 14th) - Five years ago, Rodimus and a collection of traumatised, lovelorn and/or sarcastic Autobots set off on a quest to find Cyberutopia. So far, they've made a right hash of it. They've misplaced their map. They've lost their ship, the Lost Light, to a mutinous escapologist. Oh, and they're dead.




DIVINITY III: STALINVERSE #1 - “Welcome to the Stalinverse, comrade.” There’s basically no solicit for this. You can pretty much guess what happened. Divinity came back and won Russia WWII. Alternate reality shenanigans. You know the drill.
DIVINITY III: KOMANDER BLOODSHOT - What if Bloodshot were created by the Soviets instead of that private company led by a dickhead that subjugated psiots and experimented on them? Ok, let’s be real, this version of Bloodshot probably won’t be that much different from the current one. Expect some rebelling against his creators, in Russian this time!
GENERATION ZERO #4 - Finally, the truth about the remote town in Michigan comes to light and the evil behind the mysterious murders is revealed! But they won’t be going down without a fight - and Gen Zero is here to bring it! I really don’t have anything witty to say for this one, but this comic is the shit. Read it.
WRATH OF THE ETERNAL WARRIOR #14 - The finale nobody asked for! Seriously, Venditti, what the fuck man, this book was so good. Peace is within reach for Gilad, but to attain it, he must rescue the soul of the son he comically neglected for like 5 issues from the depths of the underworld. I mean, honestly, Gilad deserves worse. He even jobs up being a parent. Come on.
BLOODHSOT USA #3 - The explosive event continues, as Bloodshot and Deathmate team up to rid New York of the Bloodshot virus. The only favorable outcome of this event is that they bring Kay back. Anything less is a disappointment. Lemire pls.
FAITH #6 - Faith must faced an escaped psiot who is deadly powerful. But what will L.A.’s high-flying protector do when this psiot is an immensely famous pop star? And more importantly, is this new psiot ComicGAF waifu material? yes, yes she is




Afterlife with Archie #12 By Sacasa, Francavilla (Dec 28th) - All good things come to an end... and sometimes, good people come to a grisly end. Instead of a honeymoon, Archie's organizing a burial. Several burials, in fact. And before that, he must make two of the most difficult decisions he's ever made. Nothing-and we mean nothing-will be the same after this spine-tingling, jaw-dropping final chapter of our second arc!
Animosity #5 By Bennett, Latorre (Dec 28th) - A safe haven looms on the horizon, but the walled city will not take all of Jesse and Sandor's companions. Who will live, and who will die to save the pack?
Insexts #9 By Bennett, Kristantina (Nov 30th Fuck you it counts) - In the glamour and glory of Paris, Lady's family is drawn into a web of art and intrigue with an intoxicating new monstress at its center...
Josie & The Pussycats #3 By Bennett, Deordio, Mok (Dec 7th) - The next installment's got it all! Alexandra is back to wreak havoc on the Pussycats' beach party as Josie's romance with Alan M heats up! We've got lions, tigers, and jet skis (oh my!) as the Pussycats fight for the right to party!
Motor Girl #2 By Terry Moore (Dec 14th) - Running a junkyard in Blink, Nevada wasn't Samantha Mooney's first choice in life; it wasn't even in the Top 500. But when the owner was abducted by a UFO, Sam was left to run the yard. Now investigator Dan Manders is de-termined to prove the junkyard is a hotbed of extraterrestrial activity. 
Reggie and Me #1 By DeFalco, Jarrell (Dec 7th) - There is no one more loved, revered, admired and adored in Riverdale than...  Reggie Mantle? Well, at least Reggie doesn't think there's anyone as loved and admired as himself. And his best friend can back that idea up-his best friend, of course, being his dog, Vader. 


New to comics? Check out Zombine's Start Up Guide! (This is a bit outdated, but Zombine has expressed a desire to update it (lol). Feel free to ask us for any advice! We love to help you spend money.)
Help support my name is ed! His comic Rage Against the Jackal is available digitally on Comixology!
Also keep an eye out for Bish's upcoming comic Savage Empire featuring art by Jim Roy Jimenez!
Check out The Gamma Gals created by Figboy79!
Like Black Panther? Join in on the Black Panther OT where users post their impressions of the current series

Whether you read webcomics, ongoings, or even if you just stick to trades-- everyone is welcome to post their thoughts here. Unless you are a Valiant fan, if you are a Valiant fan please find somewhere else to talk about their comics, thank you for understanding.

Members in ComicsGAF are expected to follow the NeoGAF TOS just like everyone else. I know it can be hard, but try and be excellent to your fellow members guys (Except Zombine, he deserves the shit he gets).


We've been having some talk of spoilers a lot lately, so I figured it's a good idea to have a section for it.
-If you must post a spoilery panel or a page from a comic (recent or otherwise), please link to them with a proper spoiler warning.
-Please at least allow one week before posting unmarked spoilers.
-Think about whether or not you would have liked to have a moment spoiled on you before reading it. Use discretion when posting spoilers. You know people love Saga/Deadly Class try not to openly post huge spoilers even if they are months old. Link to them and tag them properly.
-Announcements/Solicitations are not spoiler worthy, no need to tag
- Don't spoiler tag images, it doesn't work on mobile so its not reliable.

Motor Girl <3 <3 <3

Can you link me to that CBR thread you were just talking about back when it was November please? I couldn't find it.

Edit: isn't Shade's issue next week #3?
I think you did. I think it's #3. Edit: why thank you

Ohhh my gawsh look at all those lovely new Marvel books! I'm buying all of those, surprising no one! In for Motor Crush too, mebbe that weird new detective series from Dark Horse(?) and I'm sure I will find some other stuff. And of course LOVE IS LOVE which everyone should definitely buy.

Lovely op work as always!

Edit: everybody should check out Moonshine too which is turning out to be a really great book


That ot title got me like : -________________-

Good stuff ot though. Wish the Luke cage Christmas special got mentioned


That ot title got me like : -________________-

Good stuff ot though. Wish the Luke cage Christmas special got mentioned

Marvel are the one company every month that me and Freeza are You not giving us any room to do anything here Marvel. It was Power Man or Gwenpool and eventually it came down to me liking Gwenpools Holiday issue last year so much that we went with that. Im buying both and so should all of you.


Marvel are the one company every month that me and Freeza are You not giving us any room to do anything here Marvel. It was Power Man or Gwenpool and eventually it came down to me liking Gwenpools Holiday issue last year so much that we went with that. Im buying both and so should all of you.
:,(. I feel yah something is always going to end up left out for each publisher.


:,(. I feel yah something is always going to end up left out for each publisher.

I'm sorry, that really was a tough choice. Hardly a shock that I went with the lady character though. If we are being honest.

Right now, my list for Marvel next month is 17 books and I have to cut it to 9 for the OT. Let me tell you Deadpool the Duck might not make it guys. I try to include #1's so you guys don't forget them and I also like to include final issues of arcs or new arc jumping on points.
Does it seem to anyone else that there are a *lot* of holiday specials and issues this year? Batman Annual was basically a holiday special too.

Edit: gotta wait all month for East of West and 4 Kids got dangit


I'm sorry, that really was a tough choice. Hardly a shock that I went with the lady character though. If we are being honest.

Right now, my list for Marvel next month is 17 books and I have to cut it to 9 for the OT. Let me tell you Deadpool the Duck might not make it guys. I try to include #1's so you guys don't forget them and I also like to include final issues of arcs or new arc jumping on points.
I feel you and I can't picture anyone here buying deadpool the duck
I certainly won't be buying it but Deadpool the Duck seems like a smart move to me, in Marvel's bizarre mission to generate interest in Howard


Who else would be a good fit for a detective marvel series. Or a cop type serial. I think that is a niche that should happen outside X factor


Does it seem to anyone else that there are a *lot* of holiday specials and issues this year? Batman Annual was basically a holiday special too.

Edit: gotta wait all month for East of West and 4 Kids got dangit

Hellboy has one in January

Who else would be a good fit for a detective marvel series. Or a cop type serial. I think that is a niche that should happen outside X factor

Marvel only needs one Detective

I missed the interesting discussion on sales last thread.

I feel the entire Diamond numbers game is silly, since it ignores digital. I'm convinced digital is a big piece of the pie. Also, double shipping has certainly turned me off to a lot of Rebirth books. Well, that in combination with many of them being shit. I have no idea why I'm still putting Batman. It's bad comics. There are 3-4 legitimately good DC books I'm pulling, but double shipping keeps my list small.

Marvel is all over the place, and most of it just feels inconsequential. A silly description for comics, I know, but I struggle to get hyped for the events and reboots. Will any of this exist or even matter in a year or two? At least DC feels like it has some direction.

Image stays winning. The best.


Seriously though, Walking Dead was lucky not to get cut for not having solicit text. 4 kids lost out due to that and not having a final cover to show.


Managed to nearly catch up with the Mighty Thor and ended the Corporate Arc. The only character that bugged me was Roz.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
My pulls for December.

Black Science #26
Drifter #15
Deadly Class #25
East of West #30
The Fix #7
Glitterbomb #4
Horizon #6
Lake of Fire #5
Moonshine #3
Motor Crush #1
Revival #45
Saga #41
Seven To Eternity #4
Shutter #25
Southern Bastards #16
Surgeon X #4
Violent Love #2
The Walking Dead #161
Wayward #19
The Wicked + The Divine #24

Animosity #4

Dropped Black Hammer.


My pulls for December.

Black Science #26
Drifter #15
Deadly Class #25
East of West #30
The Fix #7
Glitterbomb #4
Horizon #6
Lake of Fire #5
Moonshine #3
Motor Crush #1
Revival #45
Saga #41
Seven To Eternity #4
Shutter #25
Southern Bastards #16
Surgeon X #4
Violent Love #2
The Walking Dead #161
Wayward #19
The Wicked + The Divine #24

Animosity #4

Dropped Black Hammer.

How's Surgeon X been?


You know what I forgot about kate.

So nvm this we can agree on. I think Kate is my most hyped book of the month

Taking out Saga as that is unfair to other comics. I would say Hawkeye or Hulk are my most hyped books.

We took a vote and we have decided that next month we will be removing Valiants section due to lack of interest.


I couldn't continue reading the op after you said to "by" a book instead of "buy". Thread needs stricter editorial control.
For this month's Marvel #1s I'll try Hawkeye and She-Hulk. I honestly haven't really looked at any previews for Hawkeye, but I'll give it a shot since you guys were positive on Thompson's other books. She-Hulk... I'm very skeptical on the premise and focus but I love Shulkie so I'll give it a fair shake. I'm curious on Nova too but I don't like Perez's art very much so I'm gonna pass on it.


Taking out Saga as that is unfair to other comics. I would say Hawkeye or Hulk are my most hyped books.

We took a vote and we have decided that next month we will be removing Valiants section due to lack of interest.
Its crazy how I can never predict what is going to happen in saga and I love that.

Hulk looks good plus the book pisses off a lot of people
they don't like she-hulk replacing hulk and using his title
so I gotta get it.
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