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COMICS! |OT| January 2013. "Read more comics"? Now that's a resolution I can keep!

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Point taken. I think this stems from Snyder's desire to make each of these stories personal to the character. It's both a strength to his writing and perhaps, as you've pointed out, a weakness. But I do like this about his work, and I think it's what makes his Batman run stand out so much - it's not just a Batman story where he fights a baddie, it strikes right at the heart of the human characters in the stories rather than the narrative signposts they're usually used as.

Maybe he does need to vary it up in his structure (although he does teach writing, so it's perhaps unsurprising that he hits beats like they're from a textbook), but I think it's a shame to condemn him for trying to make the stories have a personal impact. It's not like most other hack writers get accused of the same thing very often.

And as the article points out, many many other writers have similarly predictable tics (the Rucka one made me chuckle). It just depends as to whether you can stomach the formula or not.

To be fair, Brothers got to me before I read much Snyder, so now it's hard to scoop out of my head.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Batman Inc. is ending, so DC is dead to me as of then anyway.

2013 is the year I at least get somewhere producing a comic of my own again or die trying -- the most difficult part is choosing which one of my seven most fully fledged ideas and going all in on it. Best of luck to the rest of ComicTalentGAF in their own endeavours, even that asshole TTOB if he's off doing the very same.

At the moment I'm obsessed with over-exaggerated perspective as it really adds dimensions to comicshit, like this my fave pic of one Mister Ben Reilly:

All of Chamba's stuff just has perspective on fukken lockdown. Definitely on the lookout for some drawing exercise guides in that area. Might get a figma like one of these:

and Greg Land the shit out of it on my Galaxy Note 2 through its camera and then Sketchbook Mobile (gifted with the express intention of getting me fucking drawing again)
Batman Inc. is ending, so DC is dead to me as of then anyway.

2013 is the year I at least get somewhere producing a comic of my own again or die trying -- the most difficult part is choosing which one of my seven most fully fledged ideas and going all in on it. Best of luck to the rest of ComicTalentGAF in their own endeavours, even that asshole TTOB if he's off doing the very same.

At the moment I'm obsessed with over-exaggerated perspective as it really adds dimensions to comicshit, like this my fave pic of one Mister Ben Reilly:

All of Chamba's stuff just has perspective on fukken lockdown. Definitely on the lookout for some drawing exercise guides in that area. Might get a figma like one of these:

and Greg Land the shit out of it on my Galaxy Note 2 through its camera and then Sketchbook Mobile (gifted with the express intention of getting me fucking drawing again)

You into Corey REYYYYY Lewis? (Sharknife?) Dude is expert at that rad type kinetic shit.
Batman Inc. is ending, so DC is dead to me as of then anyway.

2013 is the year I at least get somewhere producing a comic of my own again or die trying -- the most difficult part is choosing which one of my seven most fully fledged ideas and going all in on it. Best of luck to the rest of ComicTalentGAF in their own endeavours, even that asshole TTOB if he's off doing the very same.

At the moment I'm obsessed with over-exaggerated perspective as it really adds dimensions to comicshit, like this my fave pic of one Mister Ben Reilly:

All of http://thechamba.deviantart.com/

There are some animes that do this. Always love the shit out of it.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
As much as I love future Damian as Batman, we've only seen him as such all of three times. We got almost two years worth of awesome Dick as Batman stories.

Yeah but hasn't each of those left such a great impression? 666 is still my favorite issue of Batman ever. The whole philosophy behind Damian's Batman is a great deviation on Bruce's--where Bruce prepares, Damian cheats. Also, I love Alfred in cat form.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
You into Corey REYYYYY Lewis? (Sharknife?) Dude is expert at that rad type kinetic shit.

Yeah, I have an old floppy but never plunked on the fat trades. Remember seeing some of his coloured artwork and liking that a lot more as it plays nicer with the whacky awesome perspectives. Wish I found it as easy to draw such perspective as those guys.

There are some animes that do this. Always love the shit out of it.

True dat, even crazier in fluid animation (forget the name of the animation director thats made that style his bitch on special Naruto and One Piece eps). I did a bit back in the day, far too little gains to show off for entire weeks of effort. I often feel like I'd need 10 clones of me to get anywhere :(


Yeah but hasn't each of those left such a great impression? 666 is still my favorite issue of Batman ever. The whole philosophy behind Damian's Batman is a great deviation on Bruce's--where Bruce prepares, Damian cheats. Also, I love Alfred in cat form.

Oh yeah, I'd love for a Morrison penned mini set in the 666 future. But, I absolutely loved the interaction between Dick and Damian when they were Batman and Robin. Those 16 issues by Morrison are easily my favorite run on Batman, and one of my favorites period.
Who is the best Batman to you?

I really enjoyed Flashpoint Batman as well. Basically I'm just bored of Bruce.
Original is best. Two years as a placeholder doesn't make you better than the genuine article.

Frankly I never accepted that Dick was doing anything other than playing at being Batman.


word. Damian's version of the Bat costume is just badass


(he's holding Terry McGinnis)

Oh wait, doesn't this contradict the last issue of Inc with Damian-Batman?
iirc, 666 shows a future legacy of different Batmen and Robins, but that last issue of Inc ends with Damian getting fucked up and Gotham nuked.
He was pretending to be Bruce for awhile, but Alfred set him straight. Play to your own strengths, don't be afraid to smile Dick, because the show must go on

Oh wait, doesn't this contradict the last issue of Inc with Damian-Batman?
iirc, 666 shows a future legacy of different Batmen and Robins, but that last issue of Inc ends with Damian getting fucked up and Gotham nuked.

Didn't someone say something to the effect that
that wasn't even Damian? Or were they being metaphorical?


Just double checked, and yeah
Talia says, "Damian isn't the Batman who destroys Gotham. The "third Batman" in your nightmare? I made him.

So my guess is that
it's Heretic

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Yeah, but I'm almost positive Talia contradicted that at the end of the most recent issue

Bruce said it was a vision he had but that it was a Damian who had 'sold his soul to the devil' which I took to mean he made a pact with Simon Hurt and co. Also, he said that Ra's and Talia created Damian for spare parts.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face

final splash pages from flash 15 put together

God, the art and layouts are fucking beautiful. It's a shame the writing isn't up to par. Batwoman and Flash are two comics that currently have perfect artists but the wrong writers.


Bruce said it was a vision he had but that it was a Damian who had 'sold his soul to the devil' which I took to mean he made a pact with Simon Hurt and co. Also, he said that Ra's and Talia created Damian for spare parts.

Check my post right above yours, pulled it straight from the end of issue 6.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Check my post right above yours, pulled it straight from the end of issue 6.

Yeah, I did. Good looks, brotha. I typed and submitted that before seeing your response.


Just double checked, and yeah
Talia says, "Damian isn't the Batman who destroys Gotham. The "third Batman" in your nightmare? I made him.

So my guess is that
it's Heretic

Man, I just don't know what the hell is going on
He was pretending to be Bruce for awhile, but Alfred set him straight. Play to your own strengths, don't be afraid to smile Dick, because the show must go on

That's exactly what I was talking about, though. Dick was reluctant even after putting on the mantle until Alfred sort of gives him permission to treat it as a performance... as an act. Once he did that he was able to succeed, not by becoming Batman but by making Batman become him.

But being Batman isn't an act for Bruce, it's who he is. Or rather, a part of who he is. Now I'm not one of those folk who thinks "Batman is real, Bruce Wayne is not"; but, I do believe that the billionaire playboy and the vigilante detective are polar extremes of a singular personality, and that Bruce shifts towards one or the other as needed. So it's less an act or performance, and more... an indulgence? of certain innate tendencies, emotions and desires. So in that regard I don't buy that you can separate Batman from Bruce Wayne and still have a true Batman. You just end up with something else, that calls itself Batman.

(I also don't buy that Bruce Wayne would ever stop being Batman for these reasons... can you stop being yourself?)
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