That would be hilarious. But truthfully, Disney has been pretty good about keeping the properties as separate entities thus far. What I want to know is how big of an impact the acquisition is going to have on the existing Star Wars expanded universe. Are they going to keep it intact or tear it all down and rebuild to accommodate their upcoming [potential shitfest] movies.
I have a hard time believing the EU will survive the Disney acquisition and the sequels. Maybe some sections will remain, like prequel era stuff and anything earlier, but I can't imagine Disney and everyone making the sequels fit what the EU did post-ROTJ. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to hear some announcement in early 2015 that there will be a new Star Wars canon.
To an extent that's a shame, since I loved a ton of what the EU did in the 90s (both in books and comics), but I lost interest when the prequels came and the New Jedi Order ended and the universe seemed perpetually stuck shoving the same few characters into the heart of every galactic conflict. It started getting redundant, and the creative forces were awkwardly torn between keeping the same core characters and developing new ones.
Maybe some kind of fresh start would be good... or rather
could be good, because I have virtually no faith in Disney and Abrams going in a direction I'll care about.