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COMICS! |OT| January 2014. Another year of nothing will be the same ever again. EVER.

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I literally just asked a question about this book a few posts up guys.
I have no clue who the fuck Ross Campbell is. As soon as I read Joe Keatinge in your post I tuned out. You could've been writing the path to enlightenment and superstardom but as soon as I see Joe Keatinge. Nope, not making that mistake again.
Hahah thanks guys. You know, I actually remember looking at the first trade when it come out and not being too impressed with the number of issues to price ratio, I think that put me off. Most of them have been fairly discounted now at least. Thinking about grabbing the first couple to see. As much as I love Campbell, everything has to work for a book to be worth a spot in my collection.


IDW's City Fall arc is probably the best Turtle story I've ever read.

The issue that Messi got deals with fallout from that.

Jedeye Sniv

This whole concept of a good turtles story is incredibly relative though innit? It is good compared to non-turtles books as well, that's the real question.

Although i had no idea Campbell was on it so I might well check it out, he is so damn good.


I literally just asked a question about this book a few posts up guys.

You need to stop writing in paragraphs. Or highlight the question you're asking.

I gloss over long-ish posts unless they're being quoted multiple times in which case they

might require closer scrutiny.


You need to stop writing in paragraphs. Or highlight the question you're asking.

I gloss over long-ish posts unless they're being quoted multiple times in which case they

might require closer scrutiny.


Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Stop having thoughts, DONNIE. Just shut up and say DAT __________.
I want Ross Campbell to draw some porno comix, he would rock that so hard. His people are so fleshy.

Speaking of which, what are some good sexy comics? Asking for myself.

Don't say Sex Criminals. I don't wanna read Sex Criminals. I've read some good sexy time stuff in comics and it's kind of the perfect blend of all great things in life.

Are Becky Cloonan's self-published things sexy? 'Cause the sketches she posts on Twitter are hot.


Jedeye Sniv

Speaking of which, what are some good sexy comics? Asking for myself.

Don't say Sex Criminals. I don't wanna read Sex Criminals. I've read some good sexy time stuff in comics and it's kind of the perfect blend of all great things in life.

Are Becky Cloonan's self-published things sexy? 'Cause the sketches she posts on Twitter are hot.


This is a favourite topic of mine and I've gotta say, there ain't much that I can think of from atop my head.

Do a google on Giuseppe Manuta for starters - I've no idea where/how to buy his work but it's incredible, like a dirty Jill Thompson.

The recent Howard Chaykin series Black Kiss 2 was pretty pornographic, excellent art there as well.

But tbh the crossover between comics and sexytime seems to be fairly well hidden, if anyone knows more resources I'm all ears.

I was going to read all those replies, but settled for just watching this for the time it would have taken.

Sex, by Joe Casey Maq? Maybe some Howard Chaykin stuff? I haven't read any of these though.

I'm currently reading Sex but it's more of a look into someone who is psychologically damaged than a stroke rag. Great though.
Speaking of which, what are some good sexy comics? Asking for myself.

Don't say Sex Criminals. I don't wanna read Sex Criminals. I've read some good sexy time stuff in comics and it's kind of the perfect blend of all great things in life.

Are Becky Cloonan's self-published things sexy? 'Cause the sketches she posts on Twitter are hot.


I know you dig Graham, so you've read Multiple Warheads, right?

Satellite Sam is not sex-averse, but most of it sad and depressing.

Jedeye Sniv

I know you dig Graham, so you've read Multiple Warheads, right?

Satellite Sam is not sex-averse, but most of it sad and depressing.

Ah yes, I knew there was something I was forgetting! Multiple Warheads is great and has teasing glimpses of sexiness, but that black and white prequel book he did is the real deal. Amazing filth.
Speaking of which, what are some good sexy comics? Asking for myself.

Don't say Sex Criminals. I don't wanna read Sex Criminals. I've read some good sexy time stuff in comics and it's kind of the perfect blend of all great things in life.

Are Becky Cloonan's self-published things sexy? 'Cause the sketches she posts on Twitter are hot.


Some of my favorite sexy comics are:

Girls (Horror with sexual elements)
50 Girls 50 (Only beautiful women can use wormholes in space because reasons)
Empowered (Because obv)
Black Kiss (Raunchy smut)
Sex, by Joe Casey Maq? Maybe some Howard Chaykin stuff? I haven't read any of these though.

I read the first 5 issues of Sex (why? WHY???) and hated it so much. Thanks for reminding me though, I gotta get those books out of my house.

This is a favourite topic of mine and I've gotta say, there ain't much that I can think of from atop my head.

Do a google on Giuseppe Manuta for starters - I've no idea where/how to buy his work but it's incredible, like a dirty Jill Thompson.

The recent Howard Chaykin series Black Kiss 2 was pretty pornographic, excellent art there as well.

But tbh the crossover between comics and sexytime seems to be fairly well hidden, if anyone knows more resources I'm all ears.

I'm currently reading Sex but it's more of a look into someone who is psychologically damaged than a stroke rag. Great though.

I'll look into Manuta, thanks. I've seen some Chaykin pages. They look good but I get squicky sexist vibe from a lot of his stuff.

I know you dig Graham, so you've read Multiple Warheads, right?

Satellite Sam is not sex-averse, but most of it sad and depressing.

Yeah. I love Graham and MW. There's some sexy fun.
Speaking of which, what are some good sexy comics? Asking for myself.

Don't say Sex Criminals. I don't wanna read Sex Criminals. I've read some good sexy time stuff in comics and it's kind of the perfect blend of all great things in life.

Are Becky Cloonan's self-published things sexy? 'Cause the sketches she posts on Twitter are hot.



Brandon Graham also has some really funny porn comics that are pretty great. Google and you will find some examples, or just check out his blog.
Reread Red Mass For Mars today, for the first time in ages. Jesus. I love Hickman but damn his stuff has become much more digestable in recent years haha. I really really like it though, and do think his earlier writing was a bit more unique for how dense it felt and style he used. The plot itself is fine, fairly simple, a little bit of a superman analogue with characters who clearly represent Batman and Wonder Woman, but that's really in the background, not really the focus of the work. It's really his style of writing and the majesty of the art though that gets the book over. The general moment to moment panels are fantastic, even if it doesn't make too much sense or have much meaning overall. I look forward to Secret finally finishing, I like Bodenheim a lot.

Might reread Transhuman (which I remember liking A LOT) next or The Red Wing, which I think is a good spot between Red Mass and his more recent Manhattan Projects/East OF West stuff. Still a little confusing but better. I do think East OF West is where he truly masters the art of telling his crazy scientific/world building stories and purposefully obfuscating things to make it mysterious for the reader oppose to just making it confusing to keep things mysterious, but still.


Uncanny Avengers is continually redefining epicness.
Remender and Aaron have transformed Thor into one of my favorite Marvel characters.

For you guys that dig uncanny avengers as it is today...do you say this having enjoyed the first arc? Like, at all? I absolutely hated the style of writing Hickman went for with the first arc, and also didn't think the art was great (this was a very minor thing compared to the heavy handed writing though).



The Goblin Nation Arc starts February.

But how's
Ock gonna fare since he quit The Avengers and almost every hero and anti he's teamed up with hates him? And what about Black Cat?
You should see if you can track down nighty news by Hickman

Aw, I have them all man, the whole run of his Image books, I absolutely adore them. I haven't reread any of them in quite a long while though, probably a year, so this is me dragging them back out. You're right though, I really like The Nightly News. It's kind of incredible to read that and imagine he ended up doing the Avengers and the marvel flagship event this eyar haha. I hope Feel Better Now comes out this year, I think TNN & Pax Romana really stand separate to his other stuff, it'll be interesting to see what *modern day* Hickman doing that style of book comes out like.


Speaking of which, what are some good sexy comics? Asking for myself.

Don't say Sex Criminals. I don't wanna read Sex Criminals. I've read some good sexy time stuff in comics and it's kind of the perfect blend of all great things in life.

Are Becky Cloonan's self-published things sexy? 'Cause the sketches she posts on Twitter are hot.


Sunstone YO

Have you seen her in Drinking Buddies?

I shamelessly own all her movies.
Mark Millar just described Starlight as Buzz Lightyear meets Unforgiven. Parlov only on book for six issues. Kickass, Nemesis and all that other trash all tie into Millarworld. Woah wowah wow.


Knows the Score
Mark Millar just described Starlight as Buzz Lightyear meets Unforgiven. Parlov only on book for six issues. Kickass, Nemesis and all that other trash all tie into Millarworld. Woah wowah wow.

He's been promising that his stuff will tie together for years. the speedster book for Image was supposed to be with Ashley Wood was going to form the basis of his shared universe years ago. I wonder if this new book with Fegredo reworks "Run!"?

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Mark Millar just described Starlight as Buzz Lightyear meets Unforgiven. Parlov only on book for six issues. Kickass, Nemesis and all that other trash all tie into Millarworld. Woah wowah wow.

This guy. Who the fuck buys his comics?
Another great Uncanny Avengers issue.

At least we have one avengers book that hasn't been spoiled by Deodato, Larocca or Nick Spencer.
Im telling you, if you that creative teams and swticheroo was bad, wait until they get ahold of the Star Wars license. You'll have brahs like Frank Cho and Lenil Yu drawing like a quarter of several issues and Charles Soule writing every book with Avengers in the title so that Bendis can do his speak with Star Wars. Daigobah like you've never seen it before!


This whole concept of a good turtles story is incredibly relative though innit? It is good compared to non-turtles books as well, that's the real question.

This is actually what I was wondering. I see there are quite a few trades available, and I'd be willing to give it a try if it's regarded that highly.
For you guys that dig uncanny avengers as it is today...do you say this having enjoyed the first arc? Like, at all? I absolutely hated the style of writing Hickman went for with the first arc, and also didn't think the art was great (this was a very minor thing compared to the heavy handed writing though).
You mean Remender right?
But yeah, I didn't really dig UA until the issue following the first arc. The first arc was all over the place and not really my thing.
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