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COMICS!!! |OT| January 2017 This is the Dawning of the Age of Apocalypse

Berlin Time

/// 4 hours from now
Oh right, we have the same time zone.

Final NYT list:
So I've just finished Flash By Johns book 1 and 2(posting thoughts later). I'm going to pick up book 3 probably later this week. Where do I go after that in the reading order? Is a book 4 collection announced/on amazon?
If you're in the US it looks like they're around $200 on ebay and $250 on Amazon, which seems high for a 2.5 year old used tablet, but as you say, for comics there is no real need for more speed.

UK, where its the same price in GBP. But I could order it from America, it would just take longer. Yeah, I will have to think, what to do!
It would be so bloody cool
Imagine a Winter Soldier game with you upgrading your arm etc. Tutorial in WW2 and then each mission is a period where he was out of the freezer. Working with Widow while trying to find and kill a general who went mad and is about to turn the cold war hot etc. Multiple endings where you kill cap and help Hydra, kill Cap but save the day and become the new Cap, the movie ending, staying with Cap and Widow etc.

New Cronin article.


Man all these TV costumes. I've never been much of a fan of her normal costume but it's not as boring as that. Psylocke stays best ninja.


What is some good Angela stuff to check out? I've been interested in her more since they made her Asgardian and playing her in Marvel Heroes is really making me want to look into her more. Like, I didn't know the ribbons were an actual weapon, it's pretty cool.

Was her series any good?
Wow that gratuitous Elektra ass shot. Yikes

What is some good Angela stuff to check out? I've been interested in her more since they made her Asgardian and playing her in Marvel Heroes is really making me want to look into her more. Like, I didn't know the ribbons were an actual weapon, it's pretty cool.

Was her series any good?

Yeah all of her series were good. I would start with the pre-SW series and go from there. Don't skip the SW mini, it sets up the next series


The next time there is an annual MU sub sale please mention it here, i have to read this cw2 everyone is talking about.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Secret Invasion Inhumans was fine. I like Crystal. Karnak looks dumb. I noticed Sejic did the covers.

Now moving on to X-Men Deadly Genesis.
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