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COMICS! |OT| July 2016. Everyone Loves A Hero, Everyone Loves You

She is still dating a girl. Just not the right girl.

I mean to say their resolutions and continued development are totally disposable

As another example, Northstar's marriage was a huge event, Marvel made a really big deal out of it, shortly after it happened Northstar fell off the map and hasn't been seen anywhere since I don't even know when?

Like they actually had a fucking Alpha Flight revival and he's not in it. How did that happen
Sure and here we have the first hurdle and they ran right into it.

A page or two into the first issue we get this throwaway line and from what I've read after nothing more.

So Kate is sleeping with someone else. We know this much.

I guess this is the explanation we will get.mi just want to know if they broke up badly , if they are still on speaking terms etc. I don't think it's too much to ask.

But this is a soft reboot of sorts. Mags is in Metropolis, and Kate has had to move on for whatever reason Tynion will clue us in on later. I mean, all that shit that happened with the vampires in space or whatever has to be explained away somehow. Give it time, Messi. Tynion, if anyone, has proven himself to be a writer who cares a lot about these characters, and he's shown as much about Kate with these few introductory chapters.


But this is a soft reboot of sorts. Mags is in Metropolis, and Kate has had to move on for whatever reason Tynion will clue us in on later. I mean, all that shit that happened with the vampires in space or whatever has to be explained away somehow. Give it time, Messi. Tynion, if anyone, has proven himself to be a writer who cares a lot about these characters, and he's shown as much about Kate with these few introductory chapters.

That line about the other girl feels handwavey to me.
That line about the other girl feels handwavey to me.

It doesn't to me. Kate has always had trouble holding her personal life together and keeping herself from being self-destructive. I feel like that's what Tynion is trying to convey here, that she's doing pretty well right now all things considered.

Does the guy have a twitter? Maybe we can just ask


It doesn't to me. Kate has always had trouble holding her personal life together and keeping herself from being self-destructive. I feel like that's what Tynion is trying to convey here, that she's doing pretty well right now all things considered.

Does the guy have a twitter? Maybe we can just ask

I already sent him a message. I'll let you guys know if he responds.

I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt as Iuje him and his characters but I don't trust DC and Didio for a single second when it comes to Batwoman
Bruce Timm and Brian Azzarello seem to think so.
Took me a solid minute to realize the where you were going.
Remember my batgirl thread that was started over 2 tweets and 2 cbr comments lol. People were banned over that shit.
That cover was worth it. lol

Still one of the greatest threads to come out of here.

Stuff like "sexy poses on a male character look ridiculous" kinda makes me laugh when JoJo exists.

As bad as they are about straight relationships they are much worse about LGBTQ ones.

As DC Universe Rebirth showed us, what they did to Wally was just as bad and they really do that kind of shit all the time. There was almost certainly some kind of anti-LGBT subtext with the Batwoman thing, but it's really awful across the board.

I want to believe Rebirth was Johns and DiDio coming hat in hand to say "guys, we fucked up." But it's only until they decide something else has to go for whatever reason.


semen stains the mountaintops
Took me a solid minute to realize the where you were going.

That cover was worth it. lol

Still one of the greatest threads to come out of here.

Stuff like "sexy poses on a male character look ridiculous" kinda makes me laugh when JoJo exists.


Looking good, Genji.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Enjoyed Old Man Logan #1 very much. Sorentino's art continues to be fantastic (although I miss the other colorist), and I like the premise of the book although I assume it cant last since he did join the x-men afterall. Good stuff, please dont bring back normal Logan Marvel.


Enjoyed Old Man Logan #1 very much. Sorentino's art continues to be fantastic (although I miss the other colorist), and I like the premise of the book although I assume it cant last since he did join the x-men afterall. Good stuff, please dont bring back normal Logan Marvel.

I say this every time I read an issue of that book lol.






Guys this is an essential read.

sucks about Bruno tho

The outcome of this issue is going to define Kamala's character going forward and then you have the other things that happened not involving her.

I am just gonna say right now it's the best issue of the series. And it's a tie-in lol
I'm starting to think that Civil War 2 has the best tie-ins of any Marvel event and we're only half way done.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Venom Space Knight #3 - great as usual, Flash is such a great character. I love the suicidal robot also, and they are really teasing the space panda as a monster. Fu for killing this book Marvel.


I have done the Marvel Collectors Corp since the beginning. They recently offered a Year One box. I picked it up and it arrived today. I was hoping more for comics and t-shirts and possibly a sweatshirt or something.
It is all figures and a Groot Hat.
This is what it contained.
YouTube Video Unboxing
I am willing to sell it (even though the Cap figure is pretty damn sweet) for zero profit. It was $100. If anyone is interested just DM me. I literally only opened the box to see the contents, everything else is untouched.
Just figured someone here may be interested. Truly meant no harm by sharing this other than perhaps giving someone a chance to pick it up before I go to eBay.
Feel free to spoil what happens.

Joshua Richardson, someone from Kamala's social circle, is arrested for futurecrime - in this case, he's planning to fry the grid at his school. This will result in a fire and there will be unspecified "casualties."

Turns out Captain Marvel's whole operation has gotten extremely fascist really quickly. Ms. Marvel is running a prison full of people who have been arrested for futurecrime, though it does sound like they are generally let go after some kind of window passes in which the futurecrime occurs.

Anyway Josh gets dragged off to this makeshift prison (in a warehouse), and it's a horrible scene. They tase him. They clearly have shaky legal authority. Ms. Marvel starts having second thoughts about this whole arresting people for futurecrimes thing and heads up to Alpha Flight Station to talk to Captain Marvel about it. She basically says maybe they are getting kinda fascist? Captain M basically says lol kid it's your job to make it not fascist go down there and bust heads.

So Ms. M is managing her futurecrime prison and her friends, including Zoe, Bruno and Nakia get inside and demand to see Josh. They let Zoe in to talk to him, he confesses that he was thinking about frying the electric grid, and over the course of the conversation she tells him the reason she broke up with him is she's gay. Not only that, she apparently has feelings for Nakia, who is a devout Muslim...are they really going to go there??

At the end of the issue Bruno tries to set off a bomb or something to break into the prison and it looks like it may have killed him, or at least critically wounded him. Doesn't look good for him but I guess we'll see.

Anyway Zoe coming out to Josh is handled with care and grace. I think it's really brave storytelling. And the issue of profiling and arresting people for crimes they haven't committed are more intense than they have been anywhere else in this event, including the main book.


Independant of all that, can I say this? Fuck the Civil War II tie-in trade dress. I missed on both Ms. Marvel and New Avengers in the shop because that shitty fucking huge logo that's BIGGER THAN THE ACTUAL FUCKING TITLE OF THE FUCKING BOOK and that makes it seem like they're variant covers or something. It's not even distinctive or visually interesting enough to be noticeable.

e: also Ms. Marvel #9 is shit, Civil War II has made Ms. Marvel shit, that's unforgivable. It is BAD. It's a bad comic book. I would say it's ham-handed if ham wasn't harām.


Anyone want to explain to me what the deal is with Angel? In Uncanny X-Men Archangel is basically an empty shell that Psylocke can control, and Warren has lost his wings.
But he shows up in a couple issues of All-New Wolverine with the fire wings, and I understand he's in All-New X-Men as well. Is this the same Warren at a different time, or a clone, or what?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Uncanny X-men #2 - first of all, lol Land. Second of all, this is a X-Force book, I dont know wtf they were thinking calling it Uncanny X-Men. With that out of the way, I kinda liked it. I like the villains, I like how M and Sabes fail spectacularly in their mission, I like good guy Sabes, all in all I dig whats going on in this book.

Anyone want to explain to me what the deal is with Angel? In Uncanny X-Men Archangel is basically an empty shell that Psylocke can control, and Warren has lost his wings.
But he shows up in a couple issues of All-New Wolverine with the fire wings, and I understand he's in All-New X-Men as well. Is this the same Warren at a different time, or a clone, or what?

The one in All New (and Wolverine) is young Angel from the past. The one in Uncanny is current Angel.
Anyone want to explain to me what the deal is with Angel? In Uncanny X-Men Archangel is basically an empty shell that Psylocke can control, and Warren has lost his wings.
But he shows up in a couple issues of All-New Wolverine with the fire wings, and I understand he's in All-New X-Men as well. Is this the same Warren at a different time, or a clone, or what?

The one in All-New X-Men and All-New Wolverine is one of the original five X-Men who were brought into the future by present day Beast because reasons and haven't been sent back because other reasons. That happened back at the beginning of the first volume of All-New X-Men. Most of them remain in that title, Jean Grey is the exception over on the Extraordinary team (because she's the only one that matters).


Anyone want to explain to me what the deal is with Angel? In Uncanny X-Men Archangel is basically an empty shell that Psylocke can control, and Warren has lost his wings.
But he shows up in a couple issues of All-New Wolverine with the fire wings, and I understand he's in All-New X-Men as well. Is this the same Warren at a different time, or a clone, or what?

Younger versions of the original 5 X-Men were brought to the present a few back. The one you see in hanging with Wolverine is past Angel.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Also young Angel has energy wings because he got cosmic powers in the Black Vortex All New X-Men / Guardians of the Galaxy crossover, which for god knows what reason he kept after secret wars, even if you would assume secret wars was the perfect opportunity to retcon all that crap.
Also young Angel has energy wings because he got cosmic powers in the Black Vortex All New X-Men / Guardians of the Galaxy crossover, which for god knows what reason he kept after secret wars, even if you would assume secret wars was the perfect opportunity to retcon all that crap.

I'm not a huge fan of the cosmic wings but I can't blame 'em for keeping them, Angel's default power set has always been lame as fuck


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Thanks for the info, tried to read his entry on the wiki but it got confusing fast.

I really enjoyed the first arc of this book, people give Land a lot of shit but I thought the art was fine.

The art is fine but now and then you run into the little Landness (usually the faces or the smiles) and youre like "oh yeah..."

Still, its passable at best, I wouldnt say its good. Its what I imagine someone that doesnt read comics imagining what a comic book looks like. Does that make sense? Lol


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Sandfox you need to stay here where you belong and not in places that will corrupt you.

I like comicgaf Sandfox.


Unconfirmed Member
LGBTQ relationships don't matter to the big 2

The first spell Wiccan casts in that Strange team book is gonna be Make Teddy Disappear

I've been thinking about this. The solicit said that Strange would gather Sorcerers Supreme from the past and future. I'm guessing that this Billy might be the one married to Teddy from the future that we saw for one page in that one issue of New Avengers.
Sinus congestion sucks. Like someone pinching the bridge of your nose progressively harder and harder.
Enjoyed Old Man Logan #1 very much. Sorentino's art continues to be fantastic (although I miss the other colorist), and I like the premise of the book although I assume it cant last since he did join the x-men afterall. Good stuff, please dont bring back normal Logan Marvel.
It's a great book. One of the best of ANAD as far as I'm concerned. And Illuminati (Pour one out).
Anyone want to explain to me what the deal is with Angel? In Uncanny X-Men Archangel is basically an empty shell that Psylocke can control, and Warren has lost his wings.
But he shows up in a couple issues of All-New Wolverine with the fire wings, and I understand he's in All-New X-Men as well. Is this the same Warren at a different time, or a clone, or what?

As people have said, the one in the All-News is one of the original five (O5 for short) brought from the past to the present by Beast because he's a sack of shit. Read Bendis' All-New X-Men if you want to know the full story of how they got brought back.

The one from Uncanny is...fuck it. It's incomprehensible.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Do we even know wtf happened with the uncanny one?

Last time I remember him was at the end of WATXM where he died and came back to life wuth no memories and back with angel wings, he was "pure".

Did I miss some Archangel story somewhere?


I've been thinking about this. The solicit said that Strange would gather Sorcerers Supreme from the past and future. I'm guessing that this Billy might be the one married to Teddy from the future that we saw for one page in that one issue of New Avengers.

I'm behind on New Avengers so I don't know what that version of Wiccan was like, but this is the one from Battle of the Atom.
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