Good thing too. Book has been a disaster and biggest disappointment from Marvel Now.
Eh, I'm really enjoying the current arc. I'm not sure at all it'll work for the character in the long run, though.
Good thing too. Book has been a disaster and biggest disappointment from Marvel Now.
Johns should just let someone else do JL while he does Aquaman and Shazam. That Shazam issue was better than every issue of JL since the New 52 started.
Agree with you, all the Shazam back-stories have been great but the main JL title has been a dud except for the Atlantis crossover.
Eh, I'm really enjoying the current arc. I'm not sure at all it'll work for the character in the long run, though.
Johns should just let someone else do JL while he does Aquaman and Shazam. That Shazam issue was better than every issue of JL since the New 52 started.
Yea johns shaman would be awesome.
Can't wainscot the trade to come out.
Also uncanny x-men:guess magic didn't get the memo about one travel
Instead of the rumor of Sterling Gates writing Shazam, they should give him JL and keep Johns on Shazam.
Jesus the Talon art is awful. Calvin looks like such a generic douchebag.
It's more depressing from Clint's perspective.
.Grills gets killed on his roof, Kate leaves, she takes Lucky(presumably his only friend left), and his archery skills are all fucked up. How much more can they shit on him? It's getting to Peter Parker levels
I want something good to happen to him soon.
finished rereading The Unwritten vol 1 trade to get ready for vol 3 onward. If you haven't read Unwritten yet, give it a try, it's very interesting. It's about the power of literary works merged with a backdrop of harry potter and so much more. Give it a tryyyyyyy.
So Larfleeze ended up being good? I did not pick it up, maybe I'll have to change that.
reigun said:http://i.minus.com/ibzHZ7lloGwm6V.jpg
Fuck a Mary Marvel. Sista Shazam (that's what I'm calling her) is the one true Captain Marvel sidekick.
Wait. We dont got Mary Marvel anymore? Not getting books on Wednesday is torture.
Yes, everyone should check the series out. It's consistently been one of my favorite comics ever since it began.
So, I just finished rereading vol/8 of Sandman, world's End, and there's something that's been bugging me...
At the end of the book the Eternals are having a funeral, but I don't remember anyone dying other than Orpheus. Is it something that's explained in vol.9?
finished rereading The Unwritten vol 1 trade to get ready for vol 3 onward. If you haven't read Unwritten yet, give it a try, it's very interesting. It's about the power of literary works merged with a backdrop of harry potter and so much more. Give it a tryyyyyyy.
Wait. We dont got Mary Marvel anymore? Not getting books on Wednesday is torture.
It's Larfleeze being Larfleeze. It's got a couple of hooks, but it really is going to be dependent on whether or not you find the basic concept of Larfleeze entertaining.
Wait, what is this I hear about a Sinestro Corps. ongoing? Sign me the fuck up.
All depends on the creative team. I'm not convinced any one but Johns can do Sinestro justice.
You're probably right. How many books is Johns currently writing?
I just read Uncanny Avengers 3. Does the narration get worse? It was really cheesy.
My girlfriend wants to get into some comics.
Injustice, Young Justice, and the Greg Weisman short have really made her want to check out Green Arrow. I hear Secret Origins is the way to go, but would like to hear some more opinions.
Also, she wants to read Wonder Woman and Batgirl. How's the New 52 stuff? Good starting places for her?
My girlfriend wants to get into some comics.
Injustice, Young Justice, and the Greg Weisman short have really made her want to check out Green Arrow. I hear Secret Origins is the way to go, but would like to hear some more opinions.
Also, she wants to read Wonder Woman and Batgirl. How's the New 52 stuff? Good
starting places for her?
Where does the Shazam reboot start at?
Justice League #7 I think. If you can wait it comes out in trade at the end of Sept.
My girlfriend wants to get into some comics.
Injustice, Young Justice, and the Greg Weisman short have really made her want to check out Green Arrow. I hear Secret Origins is the way to go, but would like to hear some more opinions.
Also, she wants to read Wonder Woman and Batgirl. How's the New 52 stuff? Good starting places for her?
I have JL Vol 1 and 2 and that takes it to 12. I have Vol 3 preordered but I thought that was about Aquaman and Atlantis.
The Shazam stuff was a backup story and is getting its own trade. It ran in something like issues 7-11, 14-17, and 19-20. The zero issue and issue 21 were full on Shazam issues with no JL story.
I correctly guessed thatI knew Captain America was going to end like that.:/ The cover made it easy to predict.
F*ck yeah Empowered! 'Animal Style' was probably my favorite one-shot so far, so fun seeing her kick @$$ and being smart about it.It's my pleasure! I feel kinda bad jumping in the thread just to shill for someone else's Kickstarter project (whoops, there I go again), but I love the Obscure Cities series so much that I had to pimp the project at least a bit here on NeoGAF. I'm glad at least one person is into it!
In other news, I belatedly got around to reading the new Empowered: Animal Style special and thoroughly enjoyed seeing Emp put her suprahuman studies degree to good use. Thankfully there's another Empowered special, Nine Beers with Ninjette, coming out in September to help tide us all over while waiting for Empowered Volume 8.
My girlfriend wants to get into some comics.
Injustice, Young Justice, and the Greg Weisman short have really made her want to check out Green Arrow. I hear Secret Origins is the way to go, but would like to hear some more opinions.
Also, she wants to read Wonder Woman and Batgirl. How's the New 52 stuff? Good starting places for her?
Wonder Woman: "Gods and Mortals" (if she doesn't mind something older), "JLA: A League of One," "The Hiketeia," and "The Circle." The New 52 run is also good.
Batgirl: "Year One" and "Batgirl Rising." I haven't read the New 52 run, but I've heard it's decent.
I'd recommend Batwoman, too. The new 52 version is great, and the first two volumes are out in hardcover or trade paperback.
For Green Arrow get her Year One by Andy Diggle and Jock and Longbow Hunters by Mike Grell.
New52 Wonder Woman is really good. Batgirl has an iffy first few issues but really comes into it's own and gets good after the first arc. Basically both are good.
F*ck yeah Empowered! 'Animal Style' was probably my favorite one-shot so far, so fun seeing her kick @$$ and being smart about it.