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COMICS! |OT| June 2014. Bringing you great father-son bonding moments since 1940.

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I ordered the 2nd edition Harley, waited too long on the original. Have that coming (August I guess?) and Canary this month :D. Also Capullo Batman and Nightwing if they ever show up at BBTS.
Finished The Black Mirror for a second time after kinda forgetting a lot of the plot. All I know is I really enjoyed it even more this time. Such a haunting story. Snyder knows how to write a psychopath.


Update on that speedyhen order, everything else has gone through except the Planetary omnibus, which is backordered. Out of stock understandably. I don't think many would have passed on it at that price.


I was surprised to see somebody mention a Black Science trade already. Image knows where the money is. As soon as they get enough issues finished they're shipping a trade.


I was surprised to see somebody mention a Black Science trade already. Image knows where the money is. As soon as they get enough issues finished they're shipping a trade.

DC are starting to do this with their Vertigo books. I hope it catches on for their main line.
I was surprised to see somebody mention a Black Science trade already. Image knows where the money is. As soon as they get enough issues finished they're shipping a trade.

They're pretty quick to get trades out, and the first volumes are always cheap. As for Black Science, I'm going to wait for the deluxe hardcover.
Honestly, with Johns on Superman, all the Superman books (Action/Batman Superman and Superman Wonder Woman) are in a good place.

You weren't doing that with Pak's Action Comics? Shame, shame. You've gotta get on that.

With Action Comics, I was really turned off after Morrison left and the guy after him left almost immediately due to editorial decisions. Pak does good work if his heart is in it though. I've read most of Superman/Wonder Woman but I dropped it because it wasn't doing much for me. The story was fine and the art is nice, but I guess it didn't really resonate.

Starting a new omnibus tonight-- Planetary or Fear Agent Vol 1?


I have to admit that I feel intimated by the Green Lantern legacy and history. I know everyone suggests starting with John's run, but I'm worried I'll be overwhelmed by the lore and different stories.
I have to admit that I feel intimated by the Green Lantern legacy and history. I know everyone suggests starting with John's run, but I'm worried I'll be overwhelmed by the lore and different stories.

Start with Rebirth. That's where I started and it served as a great jumping on point.


I was surprised to see somebody mention a Black Science trade already. Image knows where the money is. As soon as they get enough issues finished they're shipping a trade.

They usually get the trades out the month after the first arc ends. It's pretty cool.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
im going to start reading green lantern corps and justice league united.
For JLU, issue 0 is the first part of the story arc but it is really bad and not indicative of how fun issue 1 is.
Finished up Avengers Arena and I feel like I just binge watched a TV show. It was a solid read, I didn't even know most of these heroes and the series did a pretty good job presenting them. The only problem I had with it was some of the kids personalities clashed too hard and some became bland.


-Cammi was my favorite, I want to read more of her.

-Red Raven's death was lame and kind of obvious.

-I was spoiled on Nico's death and resurrection so that didn't have much impact.

-Darkhawk's amulet getting passed around was pretty fun.

-Some of the deaths had little to no impact ie poor Juston

Good read

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Finished The Black Mirror for a second time after kinda forgetting a lot of the plot. All I know is I really enjoyed it even more this time. Such a haunting story. Snyder knows how to write a psychopath.
To this day, Snyder's best Batman story. I much preferred the Black Mirror Joker as well.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Got some new ongoing subscriptions.

Uncanny X-Men: I realize this has a fairly poor reputation but I'm all caught up with the story and wanna see where it goes.
All New X-Men: I'm gonna be honest and say I enjoy the teen angst more than anything. It reminds me of my middle school fanfic days. The villains are so damn lame though.
Amazing X-Men: Funny.
Uncanny Avengers: Badass.

Gonna be a long couple months before the issues come in. Have a loooooot of reading to do in the meantime.


Oh man, the most recent issue of Zero was really intense. Loved the artwork aswell fit the tone perfectly. Very unique series.

Edit : What was up with the artwork in Deadpool #29. I really didn't like it. I hope they didn't change artists.


Who subscribes directly from Marvel/DC? They say it takes 6-8 weeks to get your first issue, which issue do they send? I'm assuming they send the following month instead of the month you're subbing for, or do you get each issue a month late?

Marvel's FAQ section is laughable as there is nothing there.
Who subscribes directly from Marvel/DC? They say it takes 6-8 weeks to get your first issue, which issue do they send? I'm assuming they send the following month instead of the month you're subbing for, or do you get each issue a month late?

Marvel's FAQ section is laughable as there is nothing there.

I subscribed to Uncanny X-Force and Batman for a while so I've seen both sides. I would say that your first issue will almost certainly be the one after the one you think it will be. I usually got my Marvel issues either later in the week or early the next week from when they came out. I seem to remember getting my Batman issues generally on Thursday.
Got some new ongoing subscriptions.

Uncanny X-Men: I realize this has a fairly poor reputation but I'm all caught up with the story and wanna see where it goes.
All New X-Men: I'm gonna be honest and say I enjoy the teen angst more than anything. It reminds me of my middle school fanfic days. The villains are so damn lame though.
Amazing X-Men: Funny.
Uncanny Avengers: Badass.

Gonna be a long couple months before the issues come in. Have a loooooot of reading to do in the meantime.

unanny xmen doesnt have a poor reputation! its awesome!!!! and dont read amazing xmen. save yourself.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
If you're liking Uncanny Avengers definitely check out Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remender.

Thanks for the suggestion. Read the first few issues and this is really good stuff. Not too long either, something to comfortably get through in a couple weeks.

unanny xmen doesnt have a poor reputation! its awesome!!!! and dont read amazing xmen. save yourself.

What's the problem with it? Bad characterization? Inconsistent artwork?
well the first arc of amazing xmen is okay if you like sugary sweet hugfests, but the new writers taking it over are the 2 worst writers in comics history.
The Soule/Vitti Red Lanterns is accessible despite not having read any N52 GL right? I flipped through a recent ish at the shop and I liked the art. Which is weird because when the run started I avoided it because i didn't like the art. idk.


Avengers World #5 and 6 were better than i expected but i didn't like them that much.....7s. The book does a good job of paying more attention to people who aren't in movies, but the stories being told aren't as epic as Spencer wants them to be so far, namely the bee keepers.
The Soule/Vitti Red Lanterns is accessible despite not having read any N52 GL right? I flipped through a recent ish at the shop and I liked the art. Which is weird because when the run started I avoided it because i didn't like the art. idk.

It's where I started and I have been following it fine.


I am catching up on my Free Comic Book Day comics. I didn't get the one I wanted (Street Fighter #0) but some of these aren't half bad.

FCBD 2014 - V-Wars #0


Now this is a pleasant surprise. I really enjoyed reading V-Wars #0; the art is solid and the series has the potential to be a fun read. I'm not huge fan of vampires but it's pretty neat to see humans going to extreme ends to try and eradicate them. Though it wasn't intentional, I did find a few misspellings humorous (see image below, The ARE us!!). It's not enough to sway me to buy the monthlies but I may check it out once it's in trade form.



FCBD 2014 - Avatar: The Last Airbender


There's actually three collected stories in this comic: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Itty Bitty Hellboy and Juice Squeezers. In Avatar: The Last Airbender, it's centered around Sokka and Suki taking a little side trip to an antique seashells store. It's an uplifting story that has nothing to do with the Avatar, Aang, which I was a bit disappointed in.

Itty Bitty Hellboy had a two-page spread that was cute but didn't much care for. Lastly, there was Juice Squeezers. It's about a boy who can't control his bowel movements. I'm kidding. That probably would have made for a better comic, though.



Southern Bastards 1 and 2 were really good, haven't enjoyed a Jason Aaron comic in a long time. Looking forward to #3.


Pizza Dog
Haven't posted a list in a while. Good week coming up though.

Most anticipated
Moon Knight #4
The Punisher #6
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #12
Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man #2
Black Widow #7
Magneto #5

Also picking up
Amazing X-Men #8
Captain America #21
Five Ghosts: The Haunting of Fabian Gray #12
Iron Man #27
Miracleman #7
Original Sin #3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #34

Also I've been thinking I should probably be reading Batman. I know it's not out this week but with people praising Zero Year I feel like I should go back and try to catch up. Do I need to read all the Bat-family books too? What's a good place to start without giving myself 30 issues of 8 different books to read?
Also I've been thinking I should probably be reading Batman. I know it's not out this week but with people praising Zero Year I feel like I should go back and try to catch up. Do I need to read all the Bat-family books too? What's a good place to start without giving myself 30 issues of 8 different books to read?

You can safely read just Batman by itself. I would, however, add that Batman and Robin is an excellent companion piece or solo series to read as well. Detective Comics starting at #30 is also excellent.


well the first arc of amazing xmen is okay if you like sugary sweet hugfests, but the new writers taking it over are the 2 worst writers in comics history.

Nocenti is on Amazing X-Men now?

Haven't posted a list in a while. Good week coming up though.

Most anticipated
Moon Knight #4
The Punisher #6
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #12
Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man #2
Black Widow #7
Magneto #5

Also picking up
Amazing X-Men #8
Captain America #21
Five Ghosts: The Haunting of Fabian Gray #12
Iron Man #27
Miracleman #7
Original Sin #3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #34

Also I've been thinking I should probably be reading Batman. I know it's not out this week but with people praising Zero Year I feel like I should go back and try to catch up. Do I need to read all the Bat-family books too? What's a good place to start without giving myself 30 issues of 8 different books to read?

Just read Batman and you are good to go. Fantastic book.
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