Watched Big Hero 6, mostly good movie butI will give it a generous random 7/10 mostly for Baymax cuteness.killing people's family members for drama is getting excessive, first you start him with his parents already having died while he was 3 and then you kill his brother in the first fifteen minutes. Also, baymax staying behind in the portal was a given, and a lot of the drama felt very overbearing and forced
The fuck are you talking about, its freezing cold and wet.
#2, right?Damn have you guys seen how much a first print copy of Edge of Spider Verse is going for? :O
Damn have you guys seen how much a first print copy of Edge of Spider Verse is going for? :O
Damn have you guys seen how much a first print copy of Edge of Spider Verse is going for? :O
yeah you should sell that shit
meanwhile, I've had a long hard chat with myself and I think I'm probably not going to buy a ~£200 tablet just for the sake of reading comic books
feels good to be sensible
Yeah but you can watch porn on the go as well.
Messi, our Harley issues are going to make us bank.
How much is silk going for?
How much is silk going for?
Like $10-20 for Amazing Spider-Man #4 1st printing.
I'm sure Tumblr loves SilkDisgraceful. Don't they know it was a top book on comicgaf. I suppose it didn't have the tumblr crowd behind it.
I'm sure Tumblr loves Silk
Understatement of the year.Silk comes across as perhaps a little too Mary Sue
Mark Millar is definitely an interesting case, because he's the living version of Radiohead's "Anyone Can Play Guitar" but in this case, the guitar is writing comics. His writing is fairly weak, but he generally has a compelling hook and understanding of the summer blockbuster set piece, and he ties it together with awesome artists who tell the real story. Just get out their and write, people. Anyone can be Millar with the right idea.
And yes the books are all 2 issues mini. Presumably the ones that sell well will become ongoings similar to spider gwen
the tumblr crowds behind this stuff care 95% about looks and cosplay potential versus actual content.
Speaking of, man, I just reread Red Son. That book is dumb as hell, and there's no real characterization going on via the writing--it's all pretty standard and...just there--but there's some solid integration of a ton of DCU elements and the ending is clever, despite being super negative, as with much of Millar's work. It's really odd that he was kind of/sort of Morrison's protege when he started out considering his comics are on the complete opposite side of the comics spectrum, being big, dumb, mean-spirited, and generally awful.
Imagine if Kamala Khan said "The difference between guys and girls? Girls kick butt!" And her leg stretches out and physically kicks a bad guy in the would blow up tumblr. They are the corniest fuckers on the internet.
If you ever get famous I'm taking all this shit to TMZ. I'm riding your coattails to financial security one way or another.
Please, understand.
Want to get into green lantern.
Is the absolute edition a good place to start?
Want to get into green lantern.
Is the absolute edition a good place to start?
Appropriate for Sundays:
I'm going through Year One again, and this is still one of my favorite moments. Gordon, just after being jumped by a group of GCPD co-workers/goons, confronting their leader, and his "partner", Flass. There's nothing faux-badass about the scene--it's simple and shiver-inducing and Flass will end up fucked up and naked.
Johns' Omnibus, if that's what you are referring to, is a great place to start. There are also Absolute editions but they cost more and collect less.
The Geoff Johns Omnibus is probably better than the Absolutes since you are starting out. The omnibus will have more stuff in it. I have found absolute collections are better for stories you know have resonated with you and you want a great experience reading them again. The premium price isn't worth it when you are just looking to explore.
My nigga's smug face when he talked in front of the others later
It lost Doctor Who to my surprise.
Let's make Vertigo relevant again.You know, there are enough of us here to artificially inflate the price of books we all enjoy.
Which book should we make a "thing?"
Let's make Vertigo relevant again.
i know it's under DC but let's make the brand Vertigo relevant