The outcome is crazy considering the tiny little thing that happened to cause it lol...we're talking about nightwing death right?
That and the part with Grundy @_@
The outcome is crazy considering the tiny little thing that happened to cause it lol...we're talking about nightwing death right?
Isn't that a spoiler too?
Am I taking crazy pills??
I don't typically stray from Marvel and DC, but a few titles from the other publishers kinda caught my eye. Do you guys have any opinions on the following?
- East of West - I really dug Hickman at one point, but his recent Avengers books had worn me out. I love the idea of sci-fi western though and the cover really caught my eye.
- Akaneiro - I don't know anything about the author or artist on this one, but the concept seems kinda interesting. I enjoyed American McGee's take of Alice (also helped that it was a wonderful game), so the whole Red Riding Hood mythology might work with him, too.
- Lobster Johnson: Satan Smells a Rat - Don't necessarily want opinions on this particular title, but on Hellboy in general. I always wanted to get into it since the mythology and characters appealed to me, but given how long it's been around, I suspect there's just too much by now to catch up on.
- Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard - I think I read the very first of the series awhile ago (I remember them fighting a snake in the opening parts), which I really enjoyed. Never stuck with it though. Is it still running strong? I might keep it in mind to pick up again at some point.
- The Shadow Year One - Big fan of Matt Wagner's work, so I'm pretty interested in checking this out, too. Any good?
...any insight would be appreciated! Thanks.
That and the part with Grundy @_@
- Lobster Johnson: Satan Smells a Rat - Don't necessarily want opinions on this particular title, but on Hellboy in general. I always wanted to get into it since the mythology and characters appealed to me, but given how long it's been around, I suspect there's just too much by now to catch up on.
I think it's the 3rd or 4th time in 15 combined issues now
Bendis SMH
All New X-Men 11:Ok so how many different Avengers teams are going to visit these guys?
Is Cap just salty since Cyke dropped the mike on him?
I don't know, how many Avengers teams are there?
Like it was 8-mile.
Superior Spider-Man 9
This issue is a punch to the gut for Peter Parker fans. Marvel just loves shitting on him, don't they? So, was the point ofSeems pretty cruel for PP fans.ghost Peter is to just "kill" him off again, and to make him out to be the asshole?
Any Iron Man comic recommendation? I heard Stark Resilient should be good. Any other recommendations? I have no clue what stories are great and which not because of the amounts of comics.
Superior Spider-Man 9
This issue is a punch to the gut for Peter Parker fans. Marvel just loves shitting on him, don't they? So, was the point ofSeems pretty cruel for PP fans.ghost Peter is to just "kill" him off again, and to make him out to be the asshole?
This is like trolling the fans who raged about it, it was great. Kudos Slott
What's your most anticipated Free Comic Day title brahs?
Picked up Suicide Risk on a whim today, hope it doesn't disappoint.
What's your most anticipated Free Comic Day title brahs? Mine is The Srangers from ONI Press. Love how they always launch a new title out of it, but not really a fan of Roberson.
Shit I didn't know you could order those from boring excitement pick is Marvel's Infinity. I just started catching up on Avengers and New Avengers and i like both, i'm ready for a Hickman event. DCBS lets you pick 5 FCBD books so i ordered Marvel Infinity, that DC "Superman" book, 2000 AD special, Atomic Robo and Friends, and Judge Dredd Classics
Shit I didn't know you could order those from DCBS.
The Movement is actually pretty cool. Not feeling the art at all though.
What's your most anticipated Free Comic Day title brahs? Mine is The Srangers from ONI Press. Love how they always launch a new title out of it, but not really a fan of Roberson.
I'm wondering with what happened in Superior, what's happening in the Avengers titles, the very concept of ANXM, Ultron, Infinity, etc will all lead to a Marvel Universe unraveling and either a reboot or reset at some point.
Does new Nova suck yes or no?
interesting theory. Spidey 2099 is showing up in superior this year (the real one, not the timestorm knockoff) and supposedly his arrival will tie into other time is going wrong events like ANXM, Age of Ultron, etc.
It was a really good first issue.Wow, I really liked Suicide Risk by Mike Carey. Hope the series last as long as Carey wants it.
It isn't horrible.
It's the best thing loeb has done in a while. Although I'm surprised he's leaving the book so soon.
Wow, I really liked Suicide Risk by Mike Carey. Hope the series last as long as Carey wants it.
ANXM: It was good seeingJean getting put in her place by the triplets. Fuck her, piece of shit.
That was surprisingly entertaining.
Wow, I really liked Suicide Risk by Mike Carey. Hope the series last as long as Carey wants it.
I kinda hope so becauseJean's increasing tendancy to abuse her powers has got me wondering if we've got a new villain on our hands.really acting like a perennial jackass. Age is no excuse to pull the shit she did.Jean's
Well, think about it... Hank jumped them all to the future andcompletely unpredictable.Jean was exposed to pretty much every spoiler in her history/future. That's an information-overload that's now made her psychic development
I'm sure it won't be.her last "outburst"
Don't get me wrong, theunintentional mindreading I get, especially at the beginning. But there seems to be in ongoing trend towards using her power for control.