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COMICS! |OT| May 2014. I for one welcome our new Amazon overlords.

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Really liked X-Men Legacy. Served as my introduction to Spurrier's writing. Been a fan ever since. Agree on the art though.
Uncanny X-Force has pretty much all the background you'll need.

Should I get this Omnibus? I'm enjoying Uncanny Avengers a lot and wouldn't mind some more of the background on the Apocalypse situation. Never been much of an X-reader is the thing, but I like Remender and will read it if it's a solid run.

Jedeye Sniv

Oh God this is going to be an expensive week >_< Avengers, Uncanny Avengers, Ms Marvel...

Are Deadpool and Mighty Avengers this week tied to the main Original Sin story? Or can I skip these?

If you don't read em then skip em. I get the impression that the tie-ins are just secrecy bombs for that title (like with Avengers). Pretty neat way of doing a tie in I think. Relevant if you're a reader, but not essential to the main plot of the mini.
Should I get this Omnibus? I'm enjoying Uncanny Avengers a lot and wouldn't mind some more of the background on the Apocalypse situation. Never been much of an X-reader is the thing, but I like Remender and will read it if it's a solid run.

If you want the actual Omnibus book, get that. Otherwise it's getting the Complete Collection treatment in two paperbacks, starting in August with #1-19 and other odds and ends.

Jedeye Sniv

Should I get this Omnibus? I'm enjoying Uncanny Avengers a lot and wouldn't mind some more of the background on the Apocalypse situation. Never been much of an X-reader is the thing, but I like Remender and will read it if it's a solid run.

I believe it's available in smaller, non penis crushing editions as well. Why not give a volume or two a try instead of taking a risk on something you might not like? It's both excellent, and dripping with deep x-men continuity (which I knew nothing of going in, you get it through context pretty well).


Uncanny Avengers where what when seriously where

It says right on Marvel.com... Uncanny Avengers #20?

If you don't read em then skip em. I get the impression that the tie-ins are just secrecy bombs for that title (like with Avengers). Pretty neat way of doing a tie in I think. Relevant if you're a reader, but not essential to the main plot of the mini.

Ah okay, I might pick up Deadpool but I have no more interest in MA anymore.
If you want the actual Omnibus book, get that. Otherwise it's getting the Complete Collection treatment in two paperbacks, starting in August with #1-19 and other odds and ends.

Cool, thanks.

I believe it's available in smaller, non penis crushing editions as well. Why not give a volume or two a try instead of taking a risk on something you might not like? It's both excellent, and dripping with deep x-men continuity (which I knew nothing of going in, you get it through context pretty well).

I'm not too picky, especially if I already know I like the writer, so don't mind buying into the omnibus straight away if it'll save money over buying all 7 trades. But if it's getting a Complete Collection set soon like Tetrax says than I don't mind waiting on that.


so........are these new round of Futures End 3d covers going to be worth anything like a couple of the last ones? Speculate on speculating.
so........are these new round of Futures End 3d covers going to be worth anything like a couple of the last ones? Speculate on speculating.

They will probably print enough to meet demand this time. There's only 41 compared to a full 52 for Villains' Month. If they're offering 2D versions, that will cut into sales too. I'd say they will be worth a few quid, but not crazy money. If something big happens unexpectedly in one of the books there will be a jump.


Going on a long flight and looking at picking up some digital comics to enjoy on it, so I was hoping for some recommendations! I've really only kept up to date on Batman and The Twilight Zone comics, and have Saga to read through (I read the first few issues but then got sidetracked).

Ideally it'll have one of these 2 qualities:
  1. Mecha. I love mecha, so any comic with cool mecha involved is a plus
  2. A more thinking approach. I guess something that's more about thoughts and cerebral rather than "AND THEN THIS HAPPENED BECAUSE IT'S SUPER COOL"
Going on a long flight and looking at picking up some digital comics to enjoy on it, so I was hoping for some recommendations! I've really only kept up to date on Batman and The Twilight Zone comics, and have Saga to read through (I read the first few issues but then got sidetracked).

Ideally it'll have one of these 2 qualities:
  1. Mecha. I love mecha, so any comic with cool mecha involved is a plus
  2. A more thinking approach. I guess something that's more about thoughts and cerebral rather than "AND THEN THIS HAPPENED BECAUSE IT'S SUPER COOL"

The closest thing I can think of for mecha is IDW's Transfomers. Go for Last Stand of the Wreckers for an all-in-one story, or More Than Meets The Eye for a longer series. The "Mars Attacks the Transfomers" one-shot is pretty funny if you remember the old cartoon. There is also a Voltron series by Dynamite that I really liked.

If you don't want giant robots per se, you can't go wrong with Atomic Robo. It's a laugh riot IMO.

I'm not really sure what you mean by "thinking approach" comics, but I'll give it a go and recommend Zero, The Manhattan Projects and especially Nowhere Men.


Has he read the other stuff? IMO Legion of Three Worlds is good as the ending of Johns' Legion trilogy, but it's a good idea to have read The Lightning Saga and Superman and the Legion ahead of it, otherwise it's insaaaaaanely dense.

Also helps if you liked Bart Allen back in the day. The real Bart Allen.

Actually, some of our folks who like fun comics should track down Mark Waid's Impulse run. It's better than whatever you think is good right now, fact.

I don't even know what Legion is.
FINALLY bought Sandman Overture issue 2.. I thought i was delirious from fatigue and caffeine before picking it up, and then the bizarreness inside taught me what it actually feels like to have your CNS do cartwheels. My brain.

Also, re-read unwritten 5 through 7. Still amazing. Need to buy the 8th one.

the first 2 volumes of chew still sit shamefully unread on my shelf :( forgive me.

(also I bought 3 volumes of attack on titan but it looks like manga-gaf and all-other-comics-gaf are almost totally segregated so I guess that's just a footnote)

I don't even know what to say to that, I thought you and GrandHarrier were bros.

When they get around to putting Nocenti on it, Messi will try it out.


Don't know what I'm getting today <.< I missed the comic when cap found out about his brainwashing, stupid Hastings...


Also, re-read unwritten 5 through 7. Still amazing. Need to buy the 8th one.

the first 2 volumes of chew still sit shamefully unread on my shelf :( forgive me.

(also I bought 3 volumes of attack on titan but it looks like manga-gaf and all-other-comics-gaf are almost totally segregated so I guess that's just a footnote)

I have the first two volumes of Unwritten but have yet to read them. I think I've had them for nearly a year now and it's sitting on my shelf unread. I'm also two volumes behind on Chew (finished reading volume 6 not too long ago).

As for Attack on Titan, I've been following the Japanese manga. It has lost its shock factor long ago but I read it when I can (along with Bleach/Naruto).


The other artist in Paul Dinis Zatanna (2010) is Chad Hardin. Comics are such a small community. All of my favourites are linked in some way.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Warren Ellis had this interesting business tidbit in his newsletter.

TREES #1 is out today, which is Wednesday, in comics stores. I am going to tell you a thing that I probably shouldn’t, which is this: orders came in at around 38.5K. (I don’t recall the precise number and can’t check it right this second.) Jason and I authorised Image to print 50K copies. That’s a big overprint, and it could easily blow up in our faces -- if the overprint doesn’t sell, then the print cost is taken out of our hides. On the other hand: if you go looking for it, and your store tells you it’s sold out or that they couldn’t get any, you can tell them that I told you we printed 12K extra copies.
I’m not expecting an instant sell-out like MOON KNIGHT 1-3, for several reasons, chief among them being that “traditionally” the audience for my original work has never been a Wednesday crowd -- they have always tended to trickle in over the month of sale. I mean, it’d be nice to be wrong! But right now, my victory condition is moving most of that 50K over thirty days.
Nightwing 30 was so goooood! I am super excited for Grayson now!

Now you're getting me excited bro.

so........are these new round of Futures End 3d covers going to be worth anything like a couple of the last ones? Speculate on speculating.

Nowhere near the extent of the Villains Month 3D covers; Those were heavily allocated and that increased demand on an interest level. DC is giving retailers more time to gauge interest and build orders as well as print the 3D covers this time around so the supply to demand is likely to be closer.

I don't even know what to say to that, I thought you and GrandHarrier were bros.

Messi is my brother from an Irish mother.

I don't even know what Legion is.

Excuse me, I mean was.


Good to know on Trees because I lagged and got in too late for my store's order window, so maybe I won't have to hunt around.
Batman 31 - my book of the month already. Holy shit that was amazing. Zero Year will be a legendary story for the ages. ComicGAF 2028 will be recommending it to those new readers that come in here asking for essential Batman, hell, any essential comics.
Batman 31 - my book of the month already. Holy shit that was amazing. Zero Year will be a legendary story for the ages. ComicGAF 2028 will be recommending it to those new readers that come in here asking for essential Batman, hell, any essential comics.

That is approaching Birdie level hype. Could you post this again but in all caps?


Good to know on Trees because I lagged and got in too late for my store's order window, so maybe I won't have to hunt around.
Trees definitely on my radar.
I understand it's a business thing and an overprint might be a problem, but it's a pain when customers have to plan ahead and blind purchase. Access to product shouldn't be this difficult. Another positive for digital.
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