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COMICS! |OT| May 2014. I for one welcome our new Amazon overlords.

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COMICS! |OT| June 2014. Are you a moron?


Kingdom Come


I've read very few Superman stories and this looks like a fun read. Kingdom Come takes place in an alternate future where the Justice League members has long since retired and/or have stayed in the shadows. The new generation of heroes try and carry that torch but have lacked compassion and their oversight of human lives when they're facing off with villains. Superman returns and tries to make the world right again.


It's a bit unsettling to read how Superman is portrayed here because you know something bad/worse is going to happen as the story progresses. Check out his grim expression on the cover! Now, I actually haven't finished reading the book yet (about halfway through) but I like what I'm reading so far.


SSJ4 Superman


I've accrued a lot of vacation hours at work and I'm nearing my limit. I think what I might do soon is take an afternoon off and make my way to Barnes & Noble. Grab a few graphic novels, grab some coffee from the Starbucks within, and have 3-4 hours of uninterrupted reading.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
This week:

* Aquaman, Vol 3 by Geoff Johns
* Batman, Vol 4 by Scott Snyder
* Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell by Paul Dini
* Change by Ales Kot
* Coffin Hill, Vol 1 by Caitlin Kittredge
* The Spectre, Vol 1 by John Ostrander
How is X-Men Legacy, the one with Legion and all the boss covers?

I've only read the first twelve issues but I intend to keep reading it. It was a bit too out there for me at first but it gets more grounded throughout the first arc (or maybe its strangeness just gets more comfortable). Definitely give it a shot.


Knows the Score
How is X-Men Legacy, the one with Legion and all the boss covers?

It's great. Best X-Book since X-Statix.

In other news, Alan Moore is making a digital comic thingy with his pals.



Electricomics will be a 32-page showcase with four very different original titles:

Big Nemo – set in the 1930s, Alan Moore revisits Winsor McCay’s most popular hero;

Cabaret Amygdala – modernist horror from writer Peter Hogan (Terra Obscura);

Red Horse – on the anniversary of the beginning of World War One, Garth Ennis (Preacher, The Boys) and Danish artist Peter Snejbjerg (World War X) take us back to the trenches;

Sway – a slick new time travel science fiction story from Leah Moore and John Reppion (Sherlock Holmes – The Liverpool Demon, 2000 AD).

And here's the cover for Warren Ellis' Supreme : Blue Rose 2 (Probably the final issue)

Rookie DCBS question... so I placed a "May" order, I wont get charged for that till the middle of next month? (July)
And I also just Placed an order for some of the Future End books.
"So that you don’t have to order and pay for 2 months of DC books at one time, DCBS created this microsite for the Futures End titles. Orders made through this microsite will be separate from your May 2014 preorder made at the main DCBS site. Although orders from this microsite will be assessed a separate shipping charge, we will combine these orders with your July 2014 DCBS preorders so that you don’t pay shipping twice. We will combine orders from this microsite and your July preorders approximately the first week of August"
So.. I wont get charged for this order till August ? Thanks
This week:

* Aquaman, Vol 3 by Geoff Johns
* Batman, Vol 4 by Scott Snyder
* Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell by Paul Dini
* Change by Ales Kot
* Coffin Hill, Vol 1 by Caitlin Kittredge
* The Spectre, Vol 1 by John Ostrander

Oh now this is a FANTASTIC week!


I've just caught up on all 7 issues of Zero and I love it. What is the general feeling towards it from anyone else whose read it?

I love the tone of it-the changing art, the huge twists/reveals-but I don't think I really have an understanding of what the big picture is overall in this world. What was the facility that Roman and Zero went to in their Hazmat suits?


I've just caught up on all 7 issues of Zero and I love it. What is the general feeling towards it from anyone else whose read it?

I love the tone of it-the changing art, the huge twists/reveals-but I don't think I really have an understanding of what the big picture is overall in this world. What was the facility that Roman and Zero went to in their Hazmat suits?

People here love it.

Actual spoiler
"Well, I want to die holding your hand" :(

Jedeye Sniv

How is X-Men Legacy, the one with Legion and all the boss covers?

I actually finished reading it last night, I thought it was great with some caveats. Fantastic character work with Legion, by the end I felt like I really had a handle on him. Spurrier pulls in some random-ass characters for the supporting cast, and it has a goofy, underdog charm.

That said, the art is pretty crappy all the way through (I was surprised at the end to notice that Jose Villarubia was colouring because the colour job was so pedestrian and ugly). The artist often has to draw some very abstract shit, but he just interprets it as some wavy lines, it really lets down the last 6 issues or so. Writing wise, it gets a bit tiring near the end due to David's constant first person narration, he's constantly repeating himself and it can be a bit of a struggle just to make it through at points.

That said, I'm very glad I read it, I think it'll stay with me for a while.

I rule me, indeed.

Jedeye Sniv

Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds was added to Comixology, Messi. Get on it.

Has he read the other stuff? IMO Legion of Three Worlds is good as the ending of Johns' Legion trilogy, but it's a good idea to have read The Lightning Saga and Superman and the Legion ahead of it, otherwise it's insaaaaaanely dense.

Also helps if you liked Bart Allen back in the day. The real Bart Allen.

Actually, some of our folks who like fun comics should track down Mark Waid's Impulse run. It's better than whatever you think is good right now, fact.
Has he read the other stuff? IMO Legion of Three Worlds is good as the ending of Johns' Legion trilogy, but it's a good idea to have read The Lightning Saga and Superman and the Legion ahead of it, otherwise it's insaaaaaanely dense.

Also helps if you liked Bart Allen back in the day. The real Bart Allen.

Actually, some of our folks who like fun comics should track down Mark Waid's Impulse run. It's better than whatever you think is good right now, fact.

Shhhhhhh... I kind of want Messi to go in blind.
Well, if you don't want him to like it then that's a great idea.

No book with Superboy Prime is bad.

Also, you're making me want to go back and read Lightning Saga. I have issues with it, but man, the scenes where they one up both the JLA and the JSA, (the super speed scenes) was kind of a delightful fuck yeah moment.

Jedeye Sniv

No book with Superboy Prime is bad.

Also, you're making me want to go back and read Lightning Saga. I have issues with it, but man, the scenes where they one up both the JLA and the JSA, (the super speed scenes) was kind of a delightful fuck yeah moment.

ha, I was just thinking the same thing! For a brief moment, Legion was the best thing happening at DC, Johns was on fire. That whole reintroduction trilogy was so well done.

And then they wiped it all out :(
ha, I was just thinking the same thing! For a brief moment, Legion was the best thing happening at DC, Johns was on fire. That whole reintroduction trilogy was so well done.

And then they wiped it all out :(

It was one of the first trade I ever read. I remember thinking most of the JSA were kind of dumb. But they grew on me.

Except Wildcat. He's still pretty dumb. But I like him. But he's so dumb.

I heard Legion is terrible though.

We're supposed to love loving things. I'm telling Cheska you broke the truce. You're done.


Hello ComicGAF. I may be getting a tablet soon, and I'm wondering whether anyone can offer some wisdom about the Nexus 7's viability as a comic reader. Has the recent Comixology stuff affected Android devices in any noticeable way? And what about the screen? The reason I haven't started on my Nexus 4 is because I'm not sure about the panel by panel view (wouldn't it cut off art at times?) so I don't really want to rely on that. Unless it's fine and I'm worrying for nothing.
Hello ComicGAF. I may be getting a tablet soon, and I'm wondering whether anyone can offer some wisdom about the Nexus 7's viability as a comic reader. Has the recent Comixology stuff affected Android devices in any noticeable way? And what about the screen? The reason I haven't started on my Nexus 4 is because I'm not sure about the panel by panel view (wouldn't it cut off art at times?) so I don't really want to rely on that. Unless it's fine and I'm worrying for nothing.

There hasn't been any affect on Android devices afaik. it's okay. I use the original Nexus 7 for digital comics, and part of why i still prefer reading in print. It's not the size of a full page, so sometimes i have to zoom or just use guided view, which is not exactly how comics are ideally read. But otherwise i dig it fine
Truer words have never been spoken and it's a travesty he isn't in the nu52, that I'm aware of anyway.

We've joked about it before but it'd be so easy to add him; just have him punch his way I to the universe and rant about how you can't get away from him that easily. Then have him complain about the New 52 or something.

On a serious note, Jon Lane Kent Superboy (the one currently in the Superboy comics) channels a lot of Superboy Primes angst.
We've joked about it before but it'd be so easy to add him; just have him punch his way I to the universe and rant about how you can't get away from him that easily. Then have him complain about the New 52 or something.
On a serious note, Jon Lane Kent Superboy (the one currently in the Superboy comics) channels a lot of Superboy Primes angst.

This is really what I'd like to see, just him acting like forums that hate the nu52, would be good fun.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
All right, guys. I'll bite. What's this Legion business and what's a good starting point?
The few of you guys seem to be very enthusiastic about Legion and I want to know what all the fuss is about.


Pizza Dog
Hello ComicGAF. I may be getting a tablet soon, and I'm wondering whether anyone can offer some wisdom about the Nexus 7's viability as a comic reader. Has the recent Comixology stuff affected Android devices in any noticeable way? And what about the screen? The reason I haven't started on my Nexus 4 is because I'm not sure about the panel by panel view (wouldn't it cut off art at times?) so I don't really want to rely on that. Unless it's fine and I'm worrying for nothing.

I've recently bought a Nexus 7 mainly for reading digital comics on the go, and I really enjoy it. In my own experience I haven't felt like I need to zoom in to read anything, and the screen's awesome. Comixology seems fine to use too, the recently Amazon purchase has only affected iOS devices, so bear that in mind if you're considering one of those.
All right, guys. I'll bite. What's this Legion business and what's a good starting point?
The few of you guys seem to be very enthusiastic about Legion and I want to know what all the fuss is about.

There isn't really a large fuss over it. It's mostly a few die hards who just love it.

It's a once popular but now niche of a niche DC property. The basic premise is that they are a super hero team inspired by the heroes of the 21st Century, in the 31st Century, but most specifically by Superman. They had a large roster and had long lasting, dynamic relationships, and explored social themes like same sex relationships far before most other books.

Part of their fun and charm is the fact that they are a team of heroes with (mostly) a single power. It was fun to pick a favorite or a handful of favorites. For such a large cast they were remarkably well realized in their personalities.

It's hard to suggest books for them unfortunately because they've had a couple reboots and their trades haven't been collected in the best fashion; for the 60s stuff there are the archive editions.

For more modern books I'd suggest Legion Secret Origin, a 6 issue miniseries that looks at the core founders and how they came together. Some famous trades include Great Darkness Saga, Lightning Saga, Superman and the Legion of Superheroes, Final Crisis Legion of Three Worlds, Mon-El: Man of Valor. For the regular series stuff, the easiest and best collected trades are probably the Mark Waid stuff that starts with Teenage Revolution. It's a 50 issue run that sees Supergirl join around midway through.
Yay, New Releases have updated on Comixology.

Here's my picks for today so far:
Batman #31
Avengers #30
Giant-Size Spider-Man #1
The Twilight Zone #5
Southern Bastards #2
Mega Man #37
Ms. Marvel #4
Batman: Eternal #8

Still debating whether to pick up Trees #1 and Secret Origins #2.


Oh God this is going to be an expensive week >_< Avengers, Uncanny Avengers, Ms Marvel...

Are Deadpool and Mighty Avengers this week tied to the main Original Sin story? Or can I skip these?
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