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COMICS! |OT| May 2014. I for one welcome our new Amazon overlords.

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No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
He can write a newsletter but not a comic? Hope he gets humbled.

Yeah, it's a terrible shame that he's putting the majority of his time and efforts into personal, creator-owned projects instead of corporate comics.
Oh? Lopresti is on pencils on Future's End #4? Can anyone confirm if any of the Amethyst pages are his? I adored his work on her in Sword of Sorcery.
Batman Eternal 8 was another fine addition to the weekly series. First 3 issues were an arc by Snyder and Tynion. Then the next 4 issues were one shots by each writer, showing off their piece of Gotham they are writing. Issue 8 kicks off small arcs again and this arc is my John Layman and it is off to a interesting start.


I don't know why I continue to read Bendis' Guardians- it might be the worst ongoing I've ever stuck with. This week, the issue was almost entirely splash pages where nothing actually happened.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
There's no real best book honestly, but there's lots of good stuff all around.

For Marvel I love Hawkeye and Superior Foes of Spider-Man. No prior knowledge is needed to jump in and have fun.

I'll check them both out! I've heard good things about Hawkeye in particular.

For DC, the current Batman run by Scott Snyder is almost universally praised. I really like Batwoman too, I don't really read a lot of DC ongoings so I'm sure others can recommend more.

I'll look into Batwoman as well. I already have Batman on my pull list. Trying to get every issue, which is kinda hard. Court of Owls (I just got done reading the first trade) was really, really good. I liked how the panels were integrated into the story during a specific moment.

Check out some Image stuff too, they're putting out a lot of quality books. Sex Criminals and Rat Queens are great.

Thanks for the recommendation on these two as well! I'm always up for trying non DC/Marvel stuff too. I love Manifest Destiny (and it's awesome to not have a comic that's connected to a billion other comics).


Trees definitely on my radar.
I understand it's a business thing and an overprint might be a problem, but it's a pain when customers have to plan ahead and blind purchase. Access to product shouldn't be this difficult. Another positive for digital.

Most of my collection is digital. I simply want this in print. I'm not shy about giving Image #1's a blind purchase, either.
Yeah, it's a terrible shame that he's putting the majority of his time and efforts into personal, creator-owned projects instead of corporate comics.
We are talking about a newsletter. A newsletter. A newsletter in 2014. It's not like he is the EiC of Highlights or something important like that. A man who couldn't even last as long as a virgin on Moon Knight. I'm sure Supreme Blue Rose will talk about the human condition though....


Avengers #30 was okay. Nothing much happened, but it was entertaining.

Now Uncanny Avengers #20, that was pretty damn good. At this point my favourite Marvel book. Stuff is amazing. Gonna be a looooong wait for the next issue.


We are talking about a newsletter. A newsletter. A newsletter in 2014. It's not like he is the EiC of Highlights or something important like that. A man who couldn't even last as long as a virgin on Moon Knight. I'm sure Supreme Blue Rose will talk about the human condition though....

Get mad about the thing you've never seen.
Flash 31 was interesting. I still have no clue where this Future Flash thing is headed. They kind of explained a little in this issue but im still a bit confused. Still entertaining.
Should I get this Omnibus? I'm enjoying Uncanny Avengers a lot and wouldn't mind some more of the background on the Apocalypse situation. Never been much of an X-reader is the thing, but I like Remender and will read it if it's a solid run.

I hate Omnibuses but yes you should totally read Uncanny X-Force en toto, it is phenomenal comics.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
There isn't really a large fuss over it. It's mostly a few die hards who just love it.

It's a once popular but now niche of a niche DC property. The basic premise is that they are a super hero team inspired by the heroes of the 21st Century, in the 31st Century, but most specifically by Superman. They had a large roster and had long lasting, dynamic relationships, and explored social themes like same sex relationships far before most other books.

Part of their fun and charm is the fact that they are a team of heroes with (mostly) a single power. It was fun to pick a favorite or a handful of favorites. For such a large cast they were remarkably well realized in their personalities.

It's hard to suggest books for them unfortunately because they've had a couple reboots and their trades haven't been collected in the best fashion; for the 60s stuff there are the archive editions.

For more modern books I'd suggest Legion Secret Origin, a 6 issue miniseries that looks at the core founders and how they came together. Some famous trades include Great Darkness Saga, Lightning Saga, Superman and the Legion of Superheroes, Final Crisis Legion of Three Worlds, Mon-El: Man of Valor. For the regular series stuff, the easiest and best collected trades are probably the Mark Waid stuff that starts with Teenage Revolution. It's a 50 issue run that sees Supergirl join around midway through.

Thanks! Great info. I might grab one of those TPBs sometime.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
We are talking about a newsletter. A newsletter. A newsletter in 2014. It's not like he is the EiC of Highlights or something important like that. A man who couldn't even last as long as a virgin on Moon Knight. I'm sure Supreme Blue Rose will talk about the human condition though....

I will not and cannot understand your hatred and resentment towards the man for not continuing with Moon Knight. How dare a successful writer only do a short preplanned work-for-hire stint. And then he has the balls to write a couple paragraphs a week to email his fans and tell them what he's up to?! What an asshole.
Loved Aquaman this month. The interaction with Swamp Thing in his environment was fun to see. My only experience with ST has been in JLD and that was not exactly around alot of plant life.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Read the great darkness saga and go in blind it's better that way

So does that arc hold up well over all this time? Like, as someone who isn't currently a fan of Legion, will I still enjoy it even though I don't tend to like older comics too much?

Jedeye Sniv

So does that arc hold up well over all this time? Like, as someone who isn't currently a fan of Legion, will I still enjoy it even though I don't tend to like older comics too much?

I strongly doubt it. If you're interested in the legion, do the Lightning Saga, Superman and the Legion and then Legion of Three Worlds. It's dope.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I strongly doubt it. If you're interested in the legion, do the Lightning Saga, Superman and the Legion and then Legion of Three Worlds. It's dope.

Cool cool. Thanks.
Also, in that order? Like, Lightning Saga is a decent intro into Legion?
Mark Waid or DnA's might be better . Lightning saga is more a JLA/JSA story

Agree with this. Part of the appeal of Lightning Saga is having an idea of who the characters are.

I'd suggest one of these as an intro:

Legion Secret Origin
Elseworlds: Superboys Legion
Legion of Superheroes Volume 1: Teenage Revolution


First tragedy, then farce.
I got super far behind and am powering through a May backlog.

Enjoyed the end of Forever Evil. Good set-up for down the road, but definitely had that typical GETEVERYTHINGDONESUPERFAST rushed thing that ever major crossover does in the last 10 pages. Still, less deus ex than normal. Or at least properly set up if you've read DC over the years.

Pretty disapointed in the Villians team as I feel they didn't do a whole lot with that dynamic that they could have. Felt more like LL and a bunch of tagalongs than a team book.

Not sure what to make of Doomed. Kind of wishing I had skipped Super for the next few months now.

Back to Batman Eternal.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Mark Waid or DnA's might be better . Lightning saga is more a JLA/JSA story

Agree with this. Part of the appeal of Lightning Saga is having an idea of who the characters are.

I'd suggest one of these as an intro:

Legion Secret Origin
Elseworlds: Superboys Legion
Legion of Superheroes Volume 1: Teenage Revolution

All right, cool. Thanks guys. I'll add those to the IST wishlist and hopefully pick one up soon.
I'm giving Futures End til issue 8. Issue 4 was not bad but I don't really feel it advanced anything. I'm not super excited for next weeks issue. It has a bunch of talent behind it, let's see if they can spread their wings.


I don't know why I continue to read Bendis' Guardians- it might be the worst ongoing I've ever stuck with. This week, the issue was almost entirely splash pages where nothing actually happened.

I just read it and you're right. This issue was very boring, nothing happened. Stick with the X-Men and Miles, Bendis.
Anything of note happen in Futures End this week? I dropped it after last week's meh issue.

Ha, me too. I flipped through #3 in the shop and didn't even bother buying it. This week's issue looked more interesting, but I'm not going to stick with a weekly series if every issue is going to be hit-or-miss.

Jedeye Sniv

Cool cool. Thanks.
Also, in that order? Like, Lightning Saga is a decent intro into Legion?

Agree with this. Part of the appeal of Lightning Saga is having an idea of who the characters are.

I'd suggest one of these as an intro:

Legion Secret Origin
Elseworlds: Superboys Legion
Legion of Superheroes Volume 1: Teenage Revolution

Before reading Lightning Saga I knew of the Legion but didn't know much about them. IIRC, in LS they're kinda mysterious since this was their reintroduction to the DCU, including fixing Superman's own timeline so he was actually in the future with them. The three stories are a loose trilogy and it was certainly the most excited I'd been about the characters, excited enough to read the new 52 books when they came out.


Ha, me too. I flipped through #3 in the shop and didn't even bother buying it. This week's issue looked more interesting, but I'm not going to stick with a weekly series if every issue is going to be hit-or-miss.

Those four spots in my list can be put to better use than a mediocre weekly.
So a new name, Sean Ryan is relaunching New Suicide Squad in July. This week released his setup issue, Suicide Squad 30. Nothing amazing happened in this issue. It did set up the new team a bit. It explained the politics that would be governing this new Suicide Squad. Sean Ryan's writing was clean and precise. No awkward dialog and just enough words to let the artist breath. I dig what I have read so far and with one of my favorite villains (Deathstroke) joining the group among Black Manta, Harley, Deadshot and others, I am really excited for this book.


So a new name, Sean Ryan is relaunching New Suicide Squad in July. This week released his setup issue, Suicide Squad 30. Nothing amazing happened in this issue. It did set up the new team a bit. It explained the politics that would be governing this new Suicide Squad. Sean Ryan's writing was clean and precise. No awkward dialog and just enough words to let the artist breath. I dig what I have read so far and with one of my favorite villains (Deathstroke) joining the group among Black Manta, Harley, Deadshot and others, I am really excited for this book.

When's the first issue of the new book? How was his Harley?
When's the first issue of the new book? How was his Harley?

First issue in July.

Harley was not in this issue. The 3 main characters were Amanda, Deadshot, and Manta. Amanda has lost most of her power. She is to blame by the US government for the events of FE. She is still in charge of the Suicide Squad but now the government knows about it and likes the idea and will now govern her to govern them. The missions will now be on an international scale. Deadshots role was minor but as comedic relief. He knows the system now and kinda laughs at it. Black Manta is a free man but he has no purpose in life. It seems like his desire to kill Aquaman has died. So far, he is the only member to openly volunteer for the team.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Okay, I've started my reread of Morrison's Batman. Just read the first couple issues of Batman and Son and I'm even more excited now to go back through this. This is the third time I'll have read Batman and Son now, and I've enjoyed it just as much if not more each time. So great.

Before reading Lightning Saga I knew of the Legion but didn't know much about them. IIRC, in LS they're kinda mysterious since this was their reintroduction to the DCU, including fixing Superman's own timeline so he was actually in the future with them. The three stories are a loose trilogy and it was certainly the most excited I'd been about the characters, excited enough to read the new 52 books when they came out.

All right, cool. Good to know. Thanks!
And besides having Legion in it, is the story really good on its own merits?

they're releasing a omnbus of punisher max next week. decisions and decisions.

If I had to guess, you'll probably be able to get the omnibus for quite a bit cheaper in half a year to a year. That omnibus is way overprized. $100 MSRP for a 550 page book is incredibly steep. In the past, that kind of overpriced book has ended up being one of the clearance omnibuses. Unless you're super excited about it, I'd probably hold off a bit. At the very least, I can't see that book selling out anytime soon.

Jedeye Sniv

Wow, Nightwing 30 was really, really, really stupid. Just have them talk, why do they need to kill each other at least 10 times? So many fatal blows and falls, so much blood. Comics are a medium where suspension of disbelief is at a high premium but that was about 4 pints of blood too far.

Also it loses many points for having Dick refer to himself as Bruce's son. There's only a ten year age gap at most, especially now in the new 52. That's brothers that is. The bit with Alfred was very sad though, poor bugger.

Mighty Avengers was actually good, way better than I was expecting. Ben was right, if you're enjoying Original Sin, def get this.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Those four spots in my list can be put to better use than a mediocre weekly.

This is how I feel exactly. Batman Eternal and Futures End are entirely mediocre.

Who gives a flying fuck about Firestorm. Seriously.


First legitimately great Bendis Guardians of the Galaxy today. Finally a story that seems like it's going somewhere.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
First everyone says the new Nightwing is great and then Jedeye says it sucks.

Then everyone says the latest issue of GotG is horrible and Dalek says it's great.

Stop having different opinions, guys.

Edit: Dammit, Ecoshifting! So beaten.
Edit: Dammit, Ecoshifting! So beaten.

Hey, great minds

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