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COMICS! |OT| May 2014. I for one welcome our new Amazon overlords.

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Yesterday I picked up (reluctantly on the new comixology app)...
Flash #30
Batman vs. Bane
Batman Eternal #4
He-an/Master of the Universe.
Amazing Spider-Man #1

Batman vs Bane was a waste of money, I thought. But... I couldn't resist. C'est la vie!

Batman Eternal is alright. I'm not hooked on it yet, but at the same time, I know I'm going to read the whole series.

I love MOTU still. It's just fun and well written. There were some huge changes in this issue too. I thought for sure the story was heading towards a "and everything was alright at the end of the day" type scenario but it'll be hard to walk some of this stuff back.

Amazing Spider-Man was alright. I didn't really keep up with Amazing much until Superior. I don't know how long I'll stick with it. First issue was fun though and was enjoyable enough to get me to pick up the next issue.

Flash #30 was alright, too. I have a feeling that everything happening in Flash is going to tie in to all of this Futures/Worlds End stuff or the supposed Crisis event they're seemingly planning for next year.

Over all, I was a little disappointed on the whole. Nothing bad, except Batman vs Bane, but nothing great, either.

Jedeye Sniv

Speaking of X-Men, what are the best trades I can get for them? I have House of M and Messiah Complex on my list of "to buy" trades but am always looking to add more.

I've tried over the years to get into X-Men without tons of success. I would say Morrison's New X-Men and Whedon's Astonishing X-Men are the best bet for accessible stories that have held up well. I don't think Claremont has held up well at all, and 90s X-books are almost uniformly bad. If you can read it for free Age of Apocalypse is a hilarious example of 90s. Cyclops' long hair, Wolverine's tattoos... everything is so EXTREME. And shit. Really really shit.

Current X-Books are fantastic also.
That Deadpool sketch variant is amazing.

I've never had much luck getting really into X-Men either. I loved Whedon's Astonishing though and have liked All-New X-Men so far.


That Deadpool sketch variant is amazing.

I've never had much luck getting really into X-Men either. I loved Whedon's Astonishing though and have liked All-New X-Men so far.

I was reading the old stuff in Essentials for a while. I liked it up until they got to the time around X-Force started. horrible horrible stuff.

Love the Morrison stuff. I have that in really big solid hardcovers. I'm enjoying the current stuff too. Esecially the young versions.


Not sure if it was mentioned in the old thread, but there's currently an Image comic humble bundle going on: https://www.humblebundle.com/

Will get you digital version of: East of West Vol. 1, Fatale Vol. 1, Lazarus Vol. 1, Morning Glories Vol. 1 for any prize you name

Beyond the average are: Saga Vol. 1, Revival Vol. 1, Chew Vol. 1.

Average is currently at $9.62

If you pay $15 you get Walking Dead Vol 1 and Vol 20 as well.
I don't like the figure. The B&W statue is cool.



Black Science won't be back until July :( Does anyone have any theories
on who possessed Chandra? Was it the spirit of Monkey Grant? And what about that old dude with the flash power?
I really like the design of the new Red Lantern in #30. LINK TO THE DESIGN Very Time Trapper-y. Maybe that's why it tickles me so.

The interactions between Kara and Bleez were really good too.

More than anything, though, I love how Soule manages to put humor and levity in small doses throughout the book. The part where Bleez tries to push past Kara was pretty amusing.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Black Science won't be back until July :( Does anyone have any theories
on who possessed Chandra? Was it the spirit of Monkey Grant? And what about that old dude with the flash power?

Oh yeah it was monkey grant, I will say this idk wtf is going on besides that
black sciences is chaos


The name I'm using to refer to Black Science's
monkey Grant
gas monkey
. That
funky monkey


Just finished reading Avengers World #5 and I'm reminded of how little I understand Captain Universe. What exactly is her power set? (Sometimes I get the impression that she's uber powerful.) I'm pretty sure there's been a Captain Universe before her, so is it a mantle that is passed on? Wasn't Spider-Man merged with Captain Universe at one time?

So confused.


So, it apparently helps to nag Instocktrades about their product availability. Case in point: I attempted to order the deluxe edition of The Last Unicorn from them on 4/8, only to be informed that the product was currently out of stock. After I received this e-mail, the product was changed to "Unavailable" on the I asked on 4/10 when they might have it back in stock, and they said that "maybe" they would have it in within two weeks. Three weeks later, and it was still listed as unavailable. So, I e-mailed them today explaining my interest and asked a) if they were still expecting to receive new copies, b) how soon after they receive the new copies might the page be updated to make it available for purchase.

... Within 45 minutes, they had replied back with an e-mail informing me that they did have new copies, and lo, the website was updated to allow me to make said purchase.

Moral: Just because it says "unavailable" doesn't necessarily mean it's actually unavailable. Maybe the website isn't updated!

I don't know how useful this information would be, but maybe it'll help someone.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Just finished reading Avengers World #5 and I'm reminded of how little I understand Captain Universe. What exactly is her power set? (Sometimes I get the impression that she's uber powerful.) I'm pretty sure there's been a Captain Universe before her, so is it a mantle that is passed on? Wasn't Spider-Man merged with Captain Universe at one time?

So confused.

An ungodly amount of people have been Captain Universe.

Jedeye Sniv

Just finished reading Avengers World #5 and I'm reminded of how little I understand Captain Universe. What exactly is her power set? (Sometimes I get the impression that she's uber powerful.) I'm pretty sure there's been a Captain Universe before her, so is it a mantle that is passed on? Wasn't Spider-Man merged with Captain Universe at one time?

So confused.

I'm a bit wooly on the character too, but I think she is the actual physical embodiment of the universe, so she has uber cosmic powers. But she's tethered to a human who is very mixed up and confused (I can't remember why, I think there was an issue about her in the Hickman run early on) so it interferes with how her powers work.

I did not understand at all what happened to give Manifold his groove back though. A wordless page of establishing shots didn't really do much for me there.

I thought Avengers World was much better this month than it has been previously, the AIM storyline is the most interesting one.

Also read:

New Avengers: I'm finding this story a little muddled in that I don't really know what the
DC analogues are doing other than being heroic and shit. I take it that they have some positive way of dealing with the incursions but I have no idea what it is, because it looks like they're blowing stuff up to me. I really liked the stuff with Namor and T'Challa however.

Batman Eternal: am I the only one getting pissed off with this new commissioner character? It's such bullshit.
Having someone SO openly corrupt, SO obtrusive to justice, SO fucking obnoxious - it's way too on the nose, how would this person believably be so high up in the PD? Is there no IA in Gotham at all? All the other cops seem to know he's a scumbag but aren't doing anything. WHAT THE FUCK? This is not the GCPD I know and it's super distracting.

For a weekly series that can be as decompressed as shit, it feels like they are really rushing and pushing the beats of the story through much too quickly. The situation with Gordon feels like the writers have said "
we need to have Gordon in jail
" but it doesn't feel believable or earned, even within the fictional universe.
It's obvious he's been set up, is everyone meant to be in the Roman's pocket?


I'm a bit wooly on the character too, but I think she is the actual physical embodiment of the universe, so she has uber cosmic powers. But she's tethered to a human who is very mixed up and confused (I can't remember why, I think there was an issue about her in the Hickman run early on) so it interferes with how her powers work.

She was driving a car and veered off the road to avoid something and ended up killing her daughter and ended up in a coma. She has issues with her human form because she can't deal with the trauma of killing her child.

Jedeye Sniv

Gettin real tired of these Image hiatuses

I like it. I'd rather the book comes out when it's out and have consistent art all the way through than have fill ins and rotating teams, especially when it's creator owned. A month or two off between arcs is a neat way of coping with the schedule. The way I see it, the weekly release schedule is just the tip and the book will live forever in trades, it's better that the final run is so cohesive.

lose interest? That's mad. How do you cope between seasons of a TV show. Are you reading ASOIAF? How do you maintain interest with five year waits between books? When you think about it, comics are pretty much the only 'art' medium where a regular set release schedule with no hiatus is expected. Let the people take their time to create good art, it'll be better for it.
Gettin real tired of these Image hiatuses

I've long felt the same.

I will gladly take them as long they keep the current artist on, I hate comics that bring in another artist for a issue or two.

A month delay to catch up I understand. But Saga is going to end up having like a week short of 4 months between #18 and #19.

lose interest? That's mad. How do you cope between seasons of a TV show. Are you reading ASOIAF? How do you maintain interest with five year waits between books? When you think about it, comics are pretty much the only 'art' medium where a regular set release schedule with no hiatus is expected. Let the people take their time to create good art, it'll be better for it.

TV shows typically give me an hour of content every week vs. 20 pages that can often times be read in less than 15 minutes once per month.
Tough to narrow down my top 3 for April.. I feel like one of the books I vote wont matter because I don't think very many people even read it.. I still gotta show that support tho!


This has to be one of the worst looking xmen covers I've seen yet

In other news...I'm at uncanny Xmen #223. I swear this series just keeps getting better and better. Love Storm and Wolverines solo stories.


If you look at your book of the month list and you don't see Thor God of Thunder then you are not done picking your list.

punches Thor through Earth and shatters the moon.

How the fuck can you not vote for that. Please.

Jedeye Sniv

TV shows typically give me an hour of content every week vs. 20 pages that can often times be read in less than 15 minutes once per month.

Do you judge albums based on how many tracks they have too? Art isn't necessarily about sheer quantity, is it?

It feels like this attitude devalues comics as a medium, meaning they're something that's only valuable in the present upon release as opposed to the work that will last for generations if it's quality is good enough. It's easy to get caught up in the week to week, but we have to remember that we're actually just a percentage of the total possible audience if the work is good enough to stand the test of time. Do you think it matters now that #12 of Watchmen was a couple of months late?

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I get that but man, I lose interest

You got a short attention span, dude. The breaks generally happen after an arc is complete, and you get the added bonus of having the original creators telling the stories they want to tell. No fill-ins, no bullshit, no Khoi Pham.
Do you judge albums based on how many tracks they have too? Art isn't necessarily about sheer quantity, is it?

It feels like this attitude devalues comics as a medium, meaning they're something that's only valuable in the present upon release as opposed to the work that will last for generations if it's quality is good enough. It's easy to get caught up in the week to week, but we have to remember that we're actually just a percentage of the total possible audience if the work is good enough to stand the test of time. Do you think it matters now that #12 of Watchmen was a couple of months late?

Can't really answer the first one because I'm not really into music. I think I own like four albums total. But I disagree: Comics absolutely deserve to be judged on a per issue basis. If you wanted to avoid being judged for delays then don't do a monthly book. Go straight to trade. Nor should enthusiasts not be allowed to judge a book either just because they may be a smaller overall percentage of the audience in the long run because they are often the very reason a book is able to happen in the first place. Without their support many titles wouldn't even get finished, or have the word of mouth, to become breakout hits.


I'm a bit wooly on the character too, but I think she is the actual physical embodiment of the universe, so she has uber cosmic powers. But she's tethered to a human who is very mixed up and confused (I can't remember why, I think there was an issue about her in the Hickman run early on) so it interferes with how her powers work.

I did not understand at all what happened to give Manifold his groove back though. A wordless page of establishing shots didn't really do much for me there.

I thought Avengers World was much better this month than it has been previously, the AIM storyline is the most interesting one.

Also read:

New Avengers: I'm finding this story a little muddled in that I don't really know what the
DC analogues are doing other than being heroic and shit. I take it that they have some positive way of dealing with the incursions but I have no idea what it is, because it looks like they're blowing stuff up to me. I really liked the stuff with Namor and T'Challa however.
I was actually thinking about dropping Avengers World. Of the three main titles, it's my least favorite. But after this issue, I might hang on for a bit longer. It seems to focus on individual characters more, sometimes to my liking, sometimes not. I'm not fond of Caselli's art, though.

I'm looking forward to the next issue of New Avengers, to see exactly how they interact with the Great Society.
Does the last page imply that there will be a direct confrontation between the 616 Avengers and the Great Society?
Hoping Cyclops is good I love the premise and Rucka is a great writer and I'm looking forward to seeing how Forever Evil wraps up I've been enjoying the event a lot.
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