Kirkman's Destroyer MAX is legit good. Kinda surprised.
Also has The Most Gorgeous blood color. Overall excellent art.
Could do a whole lot worse with what is essentially bulletproof grandpa punisher punching things to death.
Seven Soldiers seems like one of those things I need to read but I just haven't yet. I'm sure I'd love it.
Gonna try to read at least an issue of something every day so I can start clearing out my backlog for realsies. Animal Man has been waiting for too long.
You know something? Sleeping is the fucking best thing ever.
Seven Soldiers seems like one of those things I need to read but I just haven't yet. I'm sure I'd love it.
Gonna try to read at least an issue of something every day so I can start clearing out my backlog for realsies. Animal Man has been waiting for too long.
Yo, are we talking about Seven Soliders? 'Cause it's fucking excellent.
Also, the Klarion issues were my favorite as well, but I also liked the Manhattan Guardian stuff a whole lot.
So DCs Galactus is almost the shitty Galactus from Rise of the Silver Surfer? : D didnt expected thisSun Eaters are probably the closest. Along this line was a entity called Starbreaker who was the "adult" form of a Sun Eater (lol).
You know something? Sleeping is the fucking best thing ever.
You know something? Sleeping is the fucking best thing ever.
So DCs Galactus is almost the shitty Galactus from Rise of the Silver Surfer? : D didnt expected this
I went to bed at 1 and woke up at 6:30 on a day off.
You know something? Sleeping is the fucking best thing ever.
DC's "Galactus" was supposed to be Imperiex.
Same deal, big dude in armor, embodiment of entropy etc etc
He was pretty lame though
Who the hell is Static Shock?
Who the hell is Static Shock?
Its a great story. I love all these retellings of the Golden Age.Marvels project is an,underaged brubaker/epting book
Jaden Smith.
Never heard of him. Will looking into him now.Probably the most famous character to come out of Milestone Comics which was an attempt to diversify comics with more minorities in the 90s. They existed in a separate universe but were published by DC. They eventually got folded over into mainline continuity. He has electricity based powers and had his own cartoon as well as appearing in a couple others.
Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner spoke about Harley Quinn and Power Girl #1. Conner related that bringing Power Girl into several Harley Quinn issues made them want to do “more of this”. The whole story chronology takes place in the space between two panels in a previous issue. The artwork is by Stephane Roux and Palmiotti said the two protagonists are going to be “destroying everything in their sight” in this issue. In #2, out on July 15th, Conner said “Harley can take a bullet”, based on the cover. Palmiotti said that at some time in the past, “Power Girl has made a big impression on a planet” that will appear in #2.
Regarding Starfire’s arrival with Issue #1 on June 10th, Conner commented on what a great job Emanuela Lupacchino has been doing. Starfire wants to be a “regular human being” and wants to go somewhere warm and sunny so goes to Key West, Conner said, where a lot of crazy things go on. “An orange girl wouldn’t stand out very much there”, Conner joked. She surprises the locals and doesn’t try to “hide her identity”. Palmiotti said the comic is perfect for new readers of Starfire, and if you know about her already, you’ll get “an extra giggle here and there” with references. He said the tone will be somewhat like Powergirl from “a few years back”, Palmiotti hinted. It’s a somewhat all-ages comic, he said, but don’t “give it to a 4 year old”. It’s “all ages except for when it’s not”, they joked. In Issue #2, Starfire deals with fighting a hurricane, and “she’s not good at it”. The cover shows her being attacked by a parrot. Palmiotti joked that she eats the parrot but then rescinded that as untrue, to laughter.
Bombshells also got some love. Marguerite Bennett she’s been “sitting on this” since last September and asked for a round of applause for her restraint. Bennett is excited that we get to “explore this world through all these different genres”. Every one of the 10 page units is going to settle on a genre with an “alternate history of WWII”. It’s an “incredibly fun world”, she said, with interior art by Marguerite Sauvage. She said that to give us an idea of the tone of the book and how “lively” it is, the first page opens with a black and white film cell appearance with graininess and a film roll spinning. We see a “damaged image” of a family walking at night going to the movies. A gangster pops out “with a tommy gun” to attack them. A figure “jumps down” and it’s Batwoman who saves Bruce Wayne’s parents, she said. The “whole conceit of the story is that heroines came first, that there were no women who were derivative of their male counterparts”, Bennett explained.
Jaden Smith.
Bombshell actually sounds really good.
Morrison Animal Man, right?
Of course brehsMorrison's run?
Dude, read it.Of course brehs
I was like five or six issues in before stopping, big mistake
The cover is misleading, in Klarion's first appearance he and Etrigan don't fight at all, they team up to fight the Elders from Klarion's village. Later appearances are a bit more antagonistic.
Is there a reason why comixology doesnt' download comics while my ipad is in standby/sleepy mode?
Is there a reason why comixology doesnt' download comics while my ipad is in standby/sleepy mode?
i turned on background app refresh, maybe that will help...
Jaden Smith.
Oh, god. Now I'm afraid that Will only agreed to do Suicide Squad if they would cast Jaden in a live action Static Shock movie.
It's really annoying
Got a few variant covers this month, notably:
Just love this comic!
That one on the beach is awesome.
Wow, these prices for Alex Ross art![]()
So I read 5 pages of Life and Times of Martha Washington yesterday. Woooo comics!
I also went to the aquarium yesterday and it was THE BEST.
What did you do with Kipp.