I don't own that
you're lewd![]()
Joker did something to her suit which made her hallucinate and see weird visions or somethin I think. I don't remember.
I see.This is correct. Also her death of the family issues were OK. Probably the best she wrote the entire run. But they are only OK. The rest is awful. John Layman wrote a great issue in the middle though.
"Geoff Johns Justice League" is not a thing I want, though. I read it. It was bad.It's a trick. Forever Evil isn't terrible and i don't think i regret buying it, but it only delivers as a transition to Johns' next chapter of Justice League, as a story in itself it's a disappointment. A couple cool moments wrapped up in a dud of a story.
Got a new dog.
I'm rewatching Farscape now, and it's soooooo good. On the Looney Toons episode and by god that's the stuff.
I abandoned Farscape on Netflix after two episodes, always meant to go back to it but it's impossible with all the movies i go to instead. How does one pass up Zombeaver?
Also, Warriors got this, sorry Team Messi :/
mid way through the avengers run they put a #1 one the cover and I picked it up as the start of a new arc and I was like.
Bii also gave me infinity codes and I had no idea what the hell was happening.
This is going to be a complex answer but I need help with DC books. I've been reading Multiversity along with this in depth guide that breaks down each issue and explains everything ( pretty genius). That being said there's obviously a lot of connection to PAST DC universe stuff like the Monitors, etc and a lot of references to Final Crisis.
I've read Morrisons Batman run, most of the big Batman stories, Geoff Johns Green Lantern run, Final Crisis and basically everything from Flashpoint to now. Also All Star Superman, Kingdom Come, Red Son.
The multiverse stuff and Morrison stories are what I want to crack but it's so dense. I tried reading the original Crisis but either its dated or its impenetrable but I couldn't make too much sense of it as an isolated work from the first few issues.
It seems I need to read that, countdown, Infinite Crisis, 52 and then finally Final Crisis to make sense of everything?
Someone avatar quote me
What are the Monitors exactly? Are these DCs Watchers? And what is the Anti-Monitor then?
What are the Monitors exactly? Are these DCs Watchers? And what is the Anti-Monitor then?
Got a new dog.
This is going to be a complex answer but I need help with DC books. I've been reading Multiversity along with this in depth guide that breaks down each issue and explains everything ( pretty genius). That being said there's obviously a lot of connection to PAST DC universe stuff like the Monitors, etc and a lot of references to Final Crisis.
I've read Morrisons Batman run, most of the big Batman stories, Geoff Johns Green Lantern run, Final Crisis and basically everything from Flashpoint to now. Also All Star Superman, Kingdom Come, Red Son.
The multiverse stuff and Morrison stories are what I want to crack but it's so dense. I tried reading the original Crisis but either its dated or its impenetrable but I couldn't make too much sense of it as an isolated work from the first few issues.
It seems I need to read that, countdown, Infinite Crisis, 52 and then finally Final Crisis to make sense of everything?
For Multiversity all you really need are Seven Soldiers of Victory (in particular the Mr Miracle story), and Final Crisis. Starting on post 241 or so of this month's thread ElNarez and I broke down Multiversity and it's themes, give those posts a glance, they may help out as well.
I like them quite a bit. The Frankenstein and zatanna stories were my favoriteI have been so tempted to read the two Seven Soldiers trades. I'm sure I know the answer already, but how good are they?
I have been so tempted to read the two Seven Soldiers trades. I'm sure I know the answer already, but how good are they?
I like them quite a bit. The Frankenstein and zatanna stories were my favorite
I mean I understand it's Japan and Comics, but, lol... That's not how the human body works. She's like 70% leg.
So do people really not like Cullen Bunn's Moon Knight? 'Cause I've been enjoying it and think it's pretty fantastic. I love seeing Moon Knight getting involved with supernatural stuff again.
Chun Li would be mad jellyI mean I understand it's Japan and Comics, but, lol... That's not how the human body works. She's like 70% leg.
Isn't Witch a gendered term. Shouldn't it be Klarion the Warlock Boy.
Shouldn't it be shut up don't question Jack Kirby
Isn't Witch a gendered term. Shouldn't it be Klarion the Warlock Boy.
Isn't Witch a gendered term. Shouldn't it be Klarion the Warlock Boy.
How was the recent Klarion book? Do they not publish it any more or did it end?
The Monitors are an analogue of sorts. IIrc, originally there was just one Monitor who recruited heroes and villains to help fight the Anti Monitor, his counterpart from the anti-matter universe.
Then, I think post Infinite Crisis, the Monitor concept was brought back but the Monitors became a race that occupied the Orrery of Worlds, from which they observed the 52 universes of the DC multiverse with a single monitor assigned to each world. Let's ignore Countdown to Final Crisis. Sort of. Nix Utoan was the monitor of Earth-51 but was expelled from the Orrerry of Worlds at the start of Final Crisis because he'd been snoozing on the job. Essentially.
Dax Novu was the first monitor, although it's unclear as to whether he's a reincarnation of the original Monitor or just the first created after that point. After venturing across the Bleed (the space between universes in the DCU) he became corrupted and terrified of the Monitor's ultimate foe and built a robot in the shape of Superman, the greatest hero, that operated on pure thought to help combat the foe. Dax Novu sealed himself inside the tomb that the foe would emerge from with a doomsday clock counting down to when the foe would rise and the Thought Robot would become active. TLDR: Dax Novu was part of a self fulfilling prophecy as his corruption and insanity due to the Bleed led him to become Mandrakk, a multiversal vampire.
At the end of Final Crisis Nix Utoan, having proven himself to be pretty good and of more use than the rest of the Monitors, assembled an army of Supermen from across the Multiverse and used their solar-based powers to vaporize Mandrakk. The Monitors then cut themselves off from the Multiverse, realizing their very interference with matter was getting in the way of stories being told and Nix Utoan was left as the Super Judge, the Last Monitor.
At this point Anti Monitor was sort of still alive but had been used in Sinestro Corps War and as the BLack Lantern Battery in Blackest Night so...yeah.
In DCYou (yeah....) Nix Utoan seems to be the only Monitor and Anti Monitor is still his analogue, somewhat, in that the Anti Monitor still consumes universes and moves on to the next one...but much like how the Monitors have a name it seems the Anti Monitor's name was Mobius, owned of the Mobius Chair occupied by Metron, and he may well be an Old God.
They are similar but not exactly the same. There have also been a few incarnations but more or less they are supposed to be the Guardians of their universe and supposed to keep the various universes from intermingling in such a way as to cause multiversal problems. They are capable of more direct interaction than the Watchers typically are. The original Monitor, for example, worked to recruit people to fight off the Anti-Monitor.
The Anti-Monitor is the Monitor from the Anti-Matter Universe. He is the opposite of the Monitor, thus evil.
I hope the next page was Etrigan laughing at him cuz no one does that to my homeboy.
Ask specific questions about the multiverse though and I'll try to answer though darkseid did a nice write up.
Also don't read countdown.
Just for m curiosity - Is there a beeing similar to Galactus?
It's so beautiful I had to own a page.
I like them quite a bit. The Frankenstein and zatanna stories were my favorite
First two volumes of Avengers and volume one of New Avengers down.
Yeah, reading this in trade is far, far easier. I tried to follow along when it started and the gap between issues was TOO LONG dammit. It's much better this way. I haven't really been following the reading order too closely but I can follow along fine.
Epting's work on New Avengers is just beautiful. Ditto Opena's opening arc on Avengers. Those issues of building Hickman's ORIGINAL CHARACTERS DO NOT TOUCH were extremely rough but otherwise, really good so far.