I ain't sleeping on her. She is the best Spider character in some time. Easily better than Gwen and Jess for me.
Agreed. She's a lot better than Spider-Gwen in my opinion.
I ain't sleeping on her. She is the best Spider character in some time. Easily better than Gwen and Jess for me.
I liked that one, the Legion one, and a couple of others. The quality difference between the various two shots was wiiiiide.Convergence: Blue Beetle was actually really good. Turns out it was written by Lobdell.Seems he can actually do decent work when he isn't phoning it in. I really appreciated how this particular "fight" worked out; The Legionnaires don't really have any intention on breaking Legion code (no killing) and this book handles that well. The solution that a rather well written Ted Kord comes up with is rather cute (disguise the city with illusions created by the Legionnaires to make it seem like it was "destroyed" to satisfy Telos' demand.).
Agreed. She's a lot better than Spider-Gwen in my opinion.
I liked that one, the Legion one, and a couple of others. The quality difference between the various two shots was wiiiiide.
The video store I work at and have come to since forever ago is finally closing down next month. Even though it was bound to happen eventually, I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty bummed, dudes. Think I'm gonna finish the second half of Superior Foes and listen to old Talkradars to un-bum myself
I wonder how much lead time Ribic got. His work must take quite a while. Composition wise, hes one of the very besthttp://www.bleedingcool.com/2015/05/31/secret-wars-4-slips-two-weeks-takes-other-crossover-series-with-it/
Secret Wars #4 gets delayed 2 weeks, Secret Wars #5 slips six weeks too and because of that...
Slipping one week
Squadron Sinister #1
Hail Hydra #1
Master of Kung Fu #2
Siege #1 and #2
Years Of Future Past #3
Age Of Apocalypse #2 and #3
Civil War #1
Slipping two weeks
A-Force #2
Future Imperfect #2
Years Of Future Past #2
Inhuman: Attilan Rising #3
Old Man Logan #3
Thors #2
Civil War #2
Guardians Of Knowhere #2
Hail Hydra #2
Renew Your Vows #4
Slipping three weeks
A-Force #3 and #4
Renew Your Vows #2
Future Imperfect #3
Marvel Zombies #2
Secret Wars #6 (2nd September)
Star Lord And Kitty Pryde #2
Slipping four weeks
Star Lord And Kitty Pryde #1
Guardians Of Knowhere #1
Weirdworld #2 and #3
Slipping five weeks
Renew Your Vows #3
Slipping six weeks
Secret Wars #5 (12th August)
Arkham Knight trophy/achievement names are all comic arcs. Pretty cool.
Arkham Knight trophy/achievement names are all comic arcs. Pretty cool.
Not looking for fear of spoilers but... awesome.
Caught up on SG.
I do seem to recall someone commenting that part of the reason Ultimate Spider Man sold so well was because it was available in places like walmart. Reading a book like SG, i can't imagine its sales potential being realized solely via availability in comic shops and direct sales. Title should be able to do very well with children too.
Or with an adult swim show.
Sorry to hear that man. Never nice to lose a job, especially a long term one. I know them feels. Don't let it get you down.
Thanks bros, it's not the job part that's rly bothering me (I have another one that's my main source of income) but it's a trip bc I've come here since video stores were actually popularMine closed when I was 20 bro and I was destroyed. I'm sorry to hear that.
Not quite true! There's another in town (further away tho) that I found fairly recently, they get smaller titles and foreign films we don't get sometimes but they have a way smaller collection of old shit, so ehSerpentine pls
Just remember you had the last video store in human history, and think of the good times and the late fees
Thanks bros, it's not the job part that's rly bothering me (I have another one that's my main source of income) but it's a trip bc I've come here since video stores were actually popular
Marvel still be like,
That's not Emma in the background of the new poster? Because I don't think Saturnyne is popular/recognizable enough to make it on to a poster like this.
But hey, there's Kamala and New Drew, where's Silk though?
Oh sweet, they added Devil Dinosaur!
God damn, that suuuuucks. No closure, just one day it's gone. Fuck. Though that's kinda how I expected this place to go out but apparently nahI feel your pain bro. There was an arcade at our local mall that's been around since my parents were kids. There was a Time Crisis 2 machine in there since the early 2000s. When I was young, we used to hang around at the mall cuz that was fuck else to do in this town, and I would play that shit like every week. Graduallyu stop going to the mall at all, but every time I was in the area(and the gym I work out at is close by so), I would stop by and play a quick game of Time Crisis 2. Had all the top scores on the cabinet, same initials. It was a little constant in my life.
One day about a year ago, I walked in there and the machine was gone. I looked around the whole fuckin' arcade wondering if they moved it again, cuz it happens from time to time. Nope, it was just...gone. So bummed fam, it was like a part of my childhood just died lmao.
Came back a month later and the entire arcade was gone. Completely walled up, a blank space. Like it had never been there at all.
I don't think Adult Swim would do it, being on a Warner-owned channel and all.
Maybe Netflix, since they already do Marvel stuff and have an adult cartoon on air already (I don't remember what it's called, something about a horse). I've been watching Bravest Warriors today and something like that but with Marvel characters would be awesome.
People might miss Young Justice, but I miss the DC Nation shorts even more. So good.
Oh sweet, they added Devil Dinosaur!
And Cosmo!
Clearly going to be in Phase 4.
Oh sweet, they added Devil Dinosaur!
And Cosmo!
Odinson and no Thor either.
Oh, sorry. Adult swim-like show. Like regular show, adventure time and the like.(i dont watch tv)
Haha. I too have noticed a trendTim's love for animals and animal related superheroes, right here, friends.
kind of loved this issue
kind of loved this issue
Tim's love for animals and animal related superheroes, right here, friends.
That still gets me. Comic inspired by the TV show inspired by the comic.
Straight up a...
... Street Fighter the Movie The Game situation.
Gimme a team up book that's Lockheed, Lockjaw, Devil Dinosaur, Cosmo, and hmm... Beta Ray Bill. They could make it weekly and charge $5 and I'd buy it.
I'm still waiting for DC to give me a Secret Society of Super Simians book starring Detective Chimp, Grodd, Djuba, Congorilla, Solovar, and the Ultra-Humanite.
Did you read that recent Guardians Team Up issue that had all the superhero animals fighting all the supervillain animals?
Did someone just call Beta Ray Bill an animal
i need help, recently i just got into ready comics. been reading the walking dead ones and must say i have enjoyed them more then the show. I also read Batman Earth one and loved both volumes and I realized there is no word about a third volume being released? Earth 2 is a totally different story line right?
Im just trying to figure out what other Batman comics to read, i saw the darkest night ones and those caught my eye. Any other suggestions?
i need help, recently i just got into ready comics. been reading the walking dead ones and must say i have enjoyed them more then the show. I also read Batman Earth one and loved both volumes and I realized there is no word about a third volume being released? Earth 2 is a totally different story line right?
Im just trying to figure out what other Batman comics to read, i saw the darkest night ones and those caught my eye. Any other suggestions?
Would buy a modern Legion of Superpets miniseries.
I did not, what issue is it? This is what happens when 99.9% of my Marvel reading is done on Unlimited.
Not at all, I just love Beta Ray Bill, so why wouldn't I want him on a team of other characters I love?
There will be a third volume. Johns + Frank have both said that they have ideas for roughly six volumes or so plotted and would like to do more if time + circumstances permit.
As for other Batman stories...ohhh man. First off, Earth One is a series that is devoted to re imaginings of popular characters, rather than something that's part of the ongoing stories. You could reach Snyder + Capullo's Batman, Batman Long Halloween and Dark Victory by Loeb + Sale and just experiment...Batman's been through a lot. If you want to go on a crazy ride then look up Batman Grant Morrison reading order for probably the longest and most densely plotted Batman run ever.
Don't read dense as impenetrable though.
Caught up on SG.
I do seem to recall someone commenting that part of the reason Ultimate Spider Man sold so well was because it was available in places like walmart. Reading a book like SG, i can't imagine its sales potential being realized solely via availability in comic shops and direct sales. Title should be able to do very well with children too.
Or with an adult swim show.