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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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I do, but I get way less hours than I'd like.
Hopefully in a couple weeks I'll have a full time job...

However, right at this moment I'm doing a few hours worth of volunteer work for the guy running for congress in my district. He's lucky I don't have any Halloween plans. haha
You're in SoCal right? I bet it's super tough to find a job there since it's so congested :(
I've mastered my office job to the point where I can post while I do my daily tasks... and even then I'm rarely in the top 10 every month. I'm not fully convinced that Messi and Kipp even sleep, let alone work.
I need to get an office job. Giving up puppy and kitten kisses for the love of GAF.

Jobs? I thought some you have some kind of money tree. I mean, wasn't it Zombine who drop a grand at comic con? Jesus.

Anyways, I work 5 days a week like most people. I have to eat too and pay the bills....
Zombine be dropping g's up in this bitch.
What kind of person would I be if I didn't deliver.

I work 40-50 hours a week. Y'all have no excuses.

Ommmmg cute hat!!!

Also, it must be the time zone difference that makes it so you're at work, while we're all sleeping haha


good to know. yeah i'll definitely get around to it. read batman vol. 2 and it was flames. so good.

except for this one issue with some random girl. da fuck was that all about? it felt like DC's anti-bullying campaign.

Harper is cool. You will learn more about her as you read more.
Putting the poor binding aside, the extra material in Powers Definitive 1 is great.

Real talk, how many of you guys have jobs? It always amazes me how many posts some of you manage haha.

9 to 5 here, but most of my work is at a computer. So I can squeeze in some GAF posting.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
You're in SoCal right? I bet it's super tough to find a job there since it's so congested :(

Yeah, it's no fun. And, I mean, I could have gotten a better near-minimum wage part-time job a long time ago since I've been getting lousy hours at this one, but ever since I graduated, I couldn't handle the idea of quitting this retail job just to get another retail job.
And to be fair, even though the hours have been bad, when I do work, I enjoy working at the store I work at, so I've never been in a huge rush to leave.

But aaanyways, hopefully that will all be behind me and I'll have a shiny, new job in a couple weeks. The only bad news is that I'll be posting slightly less if that happens. :p


I would say most of it is pretty good, though everyone has their preferences.

I don't think anyone who liked the book would object to the first two runs: Delano and Ennis. Delano's is a bit dated with the politics, but he sets everything up. Ennis makes the book and the character his from the first storyline which is probably the classic Hellblazer story with the classic Constantine moment. I actually prefer the stuff later on when Dillon comes on board because he lets Ennis open up tonally beyond the horror stuff. Kit shows up here and I don't think Ennis has really topped her as far as his female characters are concerned.

I also like Azzarello's quite a bit (though it's definitely the most controversial but I will say that it's one of the few Azz comics I like) because he embraces the fact that no one really ever got the voice of John Constantine as pitch perfectly as Ennis did by making John a kind of background trickster figure for his run. Azz is the only American other than the two Jason Aaron issues who wrote the book iirc and it's an odd run partly because of that, but it mostly works.

And (being me) I also liked the Milligan run that ended the book. The guys on the Hellblazer forums hate it but w/e, fuck 'em imo. It's Milligan writing himself basically, an old man who's scared he's past his prime and kind of a bullshitter. Makes a quite funny little scene when he confronts Shade, who's a kind of surrogate for a younger Milligan.

Other than that you got Ellis (I don't like Ellis but if you do this short run might be for you) and Mike Carey (ditto). Never got around to reading Diggle or Jenkins (or Mina, but everyone seems to hate that one)

I believe the Garth Ennis stuff is most highly regarded. I think people like Jamie Delano's stuff too though, so starting from the beginning would work. But if you want to go right to the best stuff, then probably start with Ennis.

Reception to the pilot was mixed. I haven't watched it myself yet.

You can't go wrong by starting from the beginning, with Jamie Delano's run. I can't help you beyond that, though I heard Garth Ennis' run was good as well.

Awesome, thanks guys! Good to hear as this is definitely one I've been wanting to pick up.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Aww man. I'm gonna be going to sleep soon and I think I'm going to miss the 10,000th post.
Enjoy the celebrations without me, folks.


Man guys, I'm getting tempted. Talk me up or talk me down: sitting here, trying to decide if I want to grab essentially all of Exiles (IE I have the first trade and thought it was okay, so I'd be grabbing trades 2 and 3 and then the Ultimate Collections for the rest), then the first Hellblazer trade and the second Powers Definitive Collection. It's mildly irresponsible but within my means to do so. Is it worth it?!


There are no trick or treaters in my new neighborhood :(

We've had less than usual but it's also been raining. We have, however had the same round of teenagers come by to get multiple rounds. I also had one kid "correct" me on th pronounciation of Ryu from Street Fighter (which is what he was in costume as).
You guys really help me get through my usually quite boring days at work. While I don't post very much, I read this thread just about every day in my downtime at work (which lately has been most of the work day. I think on Wednesday I finished everything I had to do in the first 40 minutes. Yeaah that was a long day.) But yeah, you all (ok, maybe mostly just Messi) post enough that I can come check this thread out every hour or so and be amused for a good while.



They seem to hate everything that's NOT Delano. I've seen Ennis de-cried as the "start of long tumble downhill", no bullshit.

Yeah, I believe it. A congregation of Bad Opinions. My mate John would say they're a bunch of wankers, I think.

Anyways, it's kind of mind boggling that Messi alone is like 1/10 of this thread


I'm amazed you don't have a gazillion posts. With current cell-phone technology, you have no excuse not to be on GAF at least 15 hours every day.

Hahah, dude, I'm routinely wrestling 160lbs+ Mastiffs and trying to save my face from fractious cats. Here's a funny story: We were drawing blood on this semi-aggressive cat the other day. As I'm commenting on how I have a soft spot for black cats because I have one of my own, the cat on the table proceeded to hiss and bite my boob. NO JOKE!

Back to comics, what is this I hear (on iFanboy) about the Constantine show totally recasting some people and changing the direction they went with in the pilot?


Hahah, dude, I'm routinely wrestling 160+ Mastiffs and trying to save my face from fractious cats. Here's a funny story: We were drawing blood on this semi-aggressive cat the other day. As I'm commenting on how I have a soft spot for black cats because I have one of my own, the cat on the table proceeded to hiss and bite my boob. NO JOKE!

Back to comics, what is this I hear (on iFanboy) about the Constantine show totally recasting some people and changing the direction they went with in the pilot?

Boob biting is an undervalued trait when looking for a pet.


had like over a hundred kids at the door. my new hood is insane. just shut it down about 20m ago.

Elsa's unanimously DO want to build snowmans, and Cap didn't recognize me as Hawkguy. probably how it is in the 616 anyway.


Hahah, dude, I'm routinely wrestling 160+ Mastiffs and trying to save my face from fractious cats. Here's a funny story: We were drawing blood on this semi-aggressive cat the other day. As I'm commenting on how I have a soft spot for black cats because I have one of my own, the cat on the table proceeded to hiss and bite my boob. NO JOKE!

Back to comics, what is this I hear (on iFanboy) about the Constantine show totally recasting some people and changing the direction they went with in the pilot?

That's a lot of Mastiffs! ;)

Yeah, I heard they axed the main girl's character from the show entirely... I'm interested to check out the next episode at least.
Not a single kid knocked on my door. Now what do I do with all the candy?

I've had a busy week so I haven't even started reading my comics :(


Man guys, I'm getting tempted. Talk me up or talk me down: sitting here, trying to decide if I want to grab essentially all of Exiles (IE I have the first trade and thought it was okay, so I'd be grabbing trades 2 and 3 and then the Ultimate Collections for the rest), then the first Hellblazer trade and the second Powers Definitive Collection. It's mildly irresponsible but within my means to do so. Is it worth it?!

Reorganized this into a slightly weirder but makes me feel a bit better Exiles up through the third Ultimate Collection, up through the third Powers Definitive (which apparently finishes "Volume 1"), and the first 2 of the new printing Hellblazer trades. Does this sound good to you guys? I kind of like the sampler approach here, but I don't know. Again, talk me up or down, you got a half hour or so before I end up making a decision.


My roommate bought a bunch of candy and then left for the weekend so I just turned the porch lights off so I can play Shadow of Mordor and eat it all myself in peace.


My roommate bought a bunch of candy and then left for the weekend so I just turned the porch lights off so I can play Shadow of Mordor and eat it all myself in peace.

i love the sound effects for when a war chief enters the area, they nailed that.


That's a lot of Mastiffs! ;)

Yeah, I heard they axed the main girl's character from the show entirely... I'm interested to check out the next episode at least.

Ahaha, shit. I meant 160 lbs. One of my doctors specializes in large/giant sized dogs, so we see a ton of mastiffs and great danes.

I liked the guy who played Constatine, but was kind of unimpressed with the rest of the cast, so not too bummed about the recast.

The Flash has been outstanding though.


This game is so good... I've never played more than a hour of an Arkham game or Assassin's Creed, so it feels like my first genuinely next-gen experience and I'm loving it.
Bada ba ba baaa!


Ahaha, shit. I meant 160 lbs. One of my doctors specializes in large/giant sized dogs, so we see a ton of mastiffs and great danes.

I liked the guy who played Constatine, but was kind of unimpressed with the rest of the cast, so not too bummed about the recast.

The Flash has been outstanding though.

Did you know the guy who plays Constantine also played Edward Kenway in Assassin's Creed Black Flag.
Did you know the guy who plays Constantine also played Edward Kenway in Assassin's Creed Black Flag.

Did you know that I wasn't even planning to buy Black Flag, but I broke down because pirates?

I have very little interest in whatever the fuck the new one is that comes out in a couple weeks.


SERIOUSLY!? He's been my favorite second to Ezio.

Yeah go on YouTube and watch the trailer for Constantine again and you will hear it in his voice.

Did you know that I wasn't even planning to buy Black Flag, but I broke down because pirates?

I have very little interest in whatever the fuck the new one is that comes out in a couple weeks.

I buy them all I am horribly addicted.
I tried to marathon the Fatal Frame games this week but I didn't even make it through the third night on the first game. Those games are full of nope.
I ended up taking my little brother trick or treating. No scary movies, no scary games, no lustful gazing at slutty costumes downtown... just fucking around with a flashlight in the dark among a bunch of school children.
Ahaha, shit. I meant 160 lbs. One of my doctors specializes in large/giant sized dogs, so we see a ton of mastiffs and great danes.

I liked the guy who played Constatine, but was kind of unimpressed with the rest of the cast, so not too bummed about the recast.

The Flash has been outstanding though.

Flash has been amazing! Constantine, not so much. The Dresden Files tv show was a better Constantine show than this.


Reorganized this into a slightly weirder but makes me feel a bit better Exiles up through the third Ultimate Collection, up through the third Powers Definitive (which apparently finishes "Volume 1"), and the first 2 of the new printing Hellblazer trades. Does this sound good to you guys? I kind of like the sampler approach here, but I don't know. Again, talk me up or down, you got a half hour or so before I end up making a decision.

And it has been done, and hopefully now I'll be able to seal away my horrific lust for buying stuff for the rest of the year at least. Bleh.
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