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Coming to Xbox Game Pass in February: Bluey: The Videogame, Tales of Arise, Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun, and More

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
Just finished Return to Grace, very short 2 hour on rails walking simulator with little puzzles that you can choose to solve themselves.
Nice voice acting for the Ai personalities.
With all the talk about Artificial Intelligence lately, it's an interesting take for the future, Kind of like the old DUNE series without all the War.
I liked it. Short, neat story.


Happy to see Boltgun come to GP. Had it on my Steam wish list for months but never got round to buying it. Now I don’t have to!

Mr Hyde

Oh shit, Tales of Arise! Too bad I have FF7 Rebirth now in February but if it's still on GP when I'm done with it I'm subbing for a couple of months to play through it.

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
Just played an hour of Boltgun.
This is old school run and gun fun. I'm going to finish this one it has easier modes if it gets too hard later on.
The gibs, so many gibs.
Quite a change from all the story based walking sims I've been playing lately.

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
Finished Boltgun.
Enjoyed most of it. I had the same complaints as all the other really old FPS games. I have a key, I know I past that door somewhere in this giant maze of a level. Where the hell is it?
Happened way too many times in Boltgun, But other than that, run, point, shoot. Enjoy.

Started Kona 2 Broom optical. Back to the slow walking sim games.
I need to start Baldurs Gate 3 I bought it months ago, but can't bring myself to dive into a heavy thick RPG right now.

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
Finished Kona 2. Almost 15 hours to get to the finish.
I played in detective mode which basically means I did not have to shoot any animals. I was forced several times to kill the ghosts (Brume).
I had to go online to look up one part of the game after getting stuck in the mine, which I thought was unfair. It delt with swimming and it was not in context that it could be done at that point in the game. Unfair situation. imho.
Anyway. Going by the achievements it seems I'm one of the 3% of players that could stand to finish.
There was a tremendous amount of back and forth in the mine and the open world part with the sled dogs was a crap shoot finding meteorite pieces. Had to sled all over waiting for the geiger counter to make a sound. I eventually just used the map edges looking for places that might have a way to walk into.

I'm rating the game a C-.
I almost quit during the back-and-forth frustration in the mine.
I liked the setting of frozen Canada.
Graphics were ok, very repetitive almost tiled reused assets.
Music was also on repeat.

If you're someone that can stand roaming abandoned lonely places (like I can) It might be up your alley.
It had several large areas to explore, A too big mansion, a too big open world split into 2 too big areas, and a lake to boat in.
I think the game being too big was my biggest complaint. It needed to be cut in half, with more story to find in each area.
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