Conan the Barbarian (2011) |OT| The days of high adventure return to the big screen!

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Rachel Nichols - its a body double :(

Probably the only reason I wanted to see this movie was to see those fantastic mammaries on her, but she did an interview with Crave online and she refuses to do on-screen nudity.


Going to check this out this weekend, HAVE to support a movie that actually goes for the hard R and looks fun.


I saw it this afternoon with another huge REH geek. It had some structural problems, and the shaky cam is out of control sometimes, but Momoa makes a very good Conan.

My favorite Conan moment is really just a throw away bit, involving him killing someone. But after he hacks him to the ground, he kneels down, give a killing thrust, and then twists his blade in the guy while savagely smiling.

That's the Conan I know. Not a hero, not even a very nice guy.

I'd like to see better acting and dialogue all around, and I didn't particularly enjoy one of the big CGI sequences that seemed thrown in just for a big CGI sequence, but it was considerably more Conan-like than the '82 movie.

An acceptable amount of random wench boob, too.


Oh man, I'm getting hyped. I knew he'd be a more true Conan than Arnold, and that's all I need to know to see the movie.


Spike Spiegel said:
.Oh, and the scene involving
the finger up the nose
got my audience gasping and at least one person retching like they were going to throw up. It was awesome.

Haha same with the theater I was in. It was quite brutal.

Momoa alone makes this movie worth a watch. Couldn't have asked for a better Conan.

Escape Goat

PersonaX said:
I hope it does well at box-office, Momoa seems like a cool guy.

with an expected 11 million opening weekend and a budget of 90 million...

Lets hope foreign audiences love barbarians.
jett said:
Seems Conan was la bomba with a 4.1 million gross on Friday for an estimated 11 million weekend.
I had a feeling that was going to happen when the matinee of Apes I saw had roughly the same number of patrons as the evening Conan showing I attended. Most people at the theater that night were older women buying tickets to The Help.



Teh Hamburglar said:
with an expected 11 million opening weekend and a budget of 90 million...

Lets hope foreign audiences love barbarians.

Studios generally speaking don't give a shit about foreign box office. If it's not successful here, it won't get a sequel.
Snaku said:
Studios generally speaking don't give a shit about foreign box office. If it's not successful here, it won't get a sequel.

foreign money doesn't count?
i hope johnny depp doesn't find that out.
bangai-o said:
no. I am only going by the Dark Horse comics. so no.

Never read the comics, but in the short stories he basically blunders from one occupation to the next, a petty jewel thief, pirate and mercenary one minute, to the attempted rape of the frost giants daughter the next.

He mellows a bit in his old age when he becomes king...which he becomes through regicide.


Snaku said:
Studios generally speaking don't give a shit about foreign box office. If it's not successful here, it won't get a sequel.

Bullshit. Avatar didn't make 1.9 billion in the US alone.


Snaku said:
Studios generally speaking don't give a shit about foreign box office. If it's not successful here, it won't get a sequel.

You don't know what you're talking about.
Robocops theme is legendary. The conan soundtrack is his magnum opus though. Wheel of pain, anvil of crom, riders of doom, battle of the mounds, the orgy....fucking hell, how can one film have so much incredible music.


Was just talking about this in the Conan/Captain thread. It's certainly not a great movie, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. No substance or wow factor, just tons of gore and decent action.

I wish they just went with another one of Conan's stories than the reboot.


GameFan Alumnus
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
People wanting a sequel shouldn't get their hopes up. Conan did 3.7 million on friday.
It's pretty telling when GAF, which should be the primary demo for this movie, has less than a page of opinions on it midway through the weekend.


Was awful. I saw the original Conan again the night before and figured it must be a sign from the gods to see the new one.


The beginning of the movie was ok with Conan's dad but the latter scenes just felt poorly paced and flat. I don't know much about the Conan universe but really liked Arnold's films. This new dude couldn't match up and there was no chemistry between any of the characters.

Yeah, its good that it was 'R' and had gore but the action scenes weren't shot very well and the blood started to look comical after a while.


The nose part and the head being smashed on the steps and exploding like a crushed grape were the best. The head especially in 3D.
Enjoyed it. The movie was pretty fun. The score was meh and sounded like Tyler Bates had Braveheart and Lord of the Rings on loop. The score was also buried in the sound mix. Lots of fun, violence, and no real dicking around with character development beyond Conan, which was fine. That said there was nothing super memorable about it. Say what you want about the 1982 one, but it had some fairly memorable parts and dialogue. It's funny though, a lot of the 1982 films overall arc so to speak is followed in this movie. Jason was fine, but I think they forced him to be a little too super stoic. You can tell he has a fun side to him and I wish they let it show threw a little. Oh saw this in in 2D. Both my wife and I were hard pressed to see what would have been a wow moment in 3D. Sea battle was pretty fun and was a harkening back to real boats on a big studio lot.

My wife makes a good point that the
big bads death
was pretty lame and to quote her "could have used a Mortal Kombat fatality type death."

Good to see Bob Sapp getting work!


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Enjoyed it. The movie was pretty fun. The score was meh and sounded like Tyler Bates had Braveheart and Lord of the Rings on loop. The score was also buried in the sound mix. Lots of fun, violence, and no real dicking around with character development beyond Conan, which was fine. That said there was nothing super memorable about it. Say what you want about the 1982 one, but it had some fairly memorable parts and dialogue. It's funny though, a lot of the 1982 films overall arc so to speak is followed in this movie. Jason was fine, but I think they forced him to be a little too super stoic. You can tell he has a fun side to him and I wish they let it show threw a little. Oh saw this in in 2D. Both my wife and I were hard pressed to see what would have been a wow moment in 3D. Sea battle was pretty fun and was a harkening back to real boats on a big studio lot.

My wife makes a good point that the
big bads death
was pretty lame and to quote her "could have used a Mortal Kombat fatality type death."

Good to see Bob Sapp getting work!

While "Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women" is a more memorable line, "I live, I love, I slay, and I am content." IS Conan.
Morn said:
While "Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women" is a more memorable line, "I live, I love, I slay, and I am content." IS Conan.
That was a good line, but the read of it lacked any passion making it hard to remember. Though knowing the books help, but that shouldn't be essential.


HBO/Cinemax should do a Conan series with Jason Momoa. Maybe just adapt each of the stories. The movie is an original story that references some of the REH stories, so it would fit together.
Morn said:
HBO/Cinemax should do a Conan series with Jason Momoa. Maybe just adapt each of the stories. The movie is an original story that references some of the REH stories, so it would fit together.
I was thinking about this earlier today as well. Lionsgate may not be able to make a sequel after such a poor showing at the box office; but, with adult-themed series like Spartacus and Game of Thrones hitting it big on the cable networks, a Conan series starring Jason Momoa and spun off from the film could be worth looking into.


bill0527 said:
Rachel Nichols - its a body double :(

Probably the only reason I wanted to see this movie was to see those fantastic mammaries on her, but she did an interview with Crave online and she refuses to do on-screen nudity.

Teh Hamburglar said:
This paves the way for Megan Fox to become Red Sonja.



I watched it yesterday in 3D. It's more like comics than Arnold movies were, it haven't got the filosophical terms that the other was, specially if we compare it to some of the 00's color ones. It's an orgy of blood, eroticism, violence and so it's pretty good Comic adaptation. I prefered the beginning of the Arnold one that was awoseme and Jorge Sanz made a good job, but the egg part and the fight I don't want to spoil of this one is awesome. The end could be better but sad all the haters.
I hope one day all can watch Arnold as Conan The King.
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