Conan the Barbarian (2011) |OT| The days of high adventure return to the big screen!

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bill0527 said:
Rachel Nichols - its a body double :(

Probably the only reason I wanted to see this movie was to see those fantastic mammaries on her, but she did an interview with Crave online and she refuses to do on-screen nudity.

Damn :(

Hopefully this movie will lead to more roles for them (.)(.)


Sylver said:
I watched it yesterday in 3D. It's more like comics than Arnold movies were, it haven't got the filosophical terms that the other was, specially if we compare it to some of the 00's color ones. It's an orgy of blood, eroticism, violence and so it's pretty good Comic adaptation. I prefered the beginning of the Arnold one that was awoseme and Jorge Sanz made a good job, but the egg part and the fight I don't want to spoil of this one is awesome. The end could be better but sad all the haters.
I hope one day all can watch Arnold as Conan The King.

I never again want to see Arnold play the dumb oaf version of Conan that he did. Robert E Howard was spinning in his grave when Millius turned Conan into an idiot.
Morn said:
I never again want to see Arnold play the dumb oaf version of Conan that he did. Robert E Howard was spinning in his grave when Millius turned Conan into an idiot.

Then he must have been spinning in joy, because that movie was better than any of his work he ever made.


jett said:
You don't know what you're talking about.

To name a few off the top of my head.

The Golden Compass
Tron Legacy
Prince of Persia
The Last Airbender

All underperformed domestically. All made more overseas. And all won't get sequels.


Snaku said:
To name a few off the top of my head.

The Golden Compass
Tron Legacy
Prince of Persia
The Last Airbender

All underperformed domestically. All made more overseas. And all won't get sequels.
Didn't Disney announce a sequel to Tron Legacy?


george_us said:
Didn't Disney announce a sequel to Tron Legacy?

Nothing concrete. Original writers were working on a script, then dropped out. Now David DiGilio is working on one, but Disney hasn't given anything the green light. It might happen if they can cut the budget way down, and if the cartoon generates enough toy sales.
Snaku said:
To name a few off the top of my head.

The Golden Compass
Tron Legacy
Prince of Persia
The Last Airbender

All underperformed domestically. All made more overseas. And all won't get sequels.

Weren't all of those movies savaged critically? Didn't that have an effect of poisoning the well?


Saw it last night. 8 people at a 9pm Saturday showing (Cinema was packed for other movies). Going to be a horrible bomb.

The movie was alright. I agree the end was pretty bad. The start was so unintentionally hilarious I nearly pissed myself laughing.
The whole Conan's mom wanting him cut out to see before she died, and then him being raised up in the middle of a battle bit, then kid Conan killing those guys, returning with their heads and spitting out the egg (which you could see coming a mile away). Comedy gold.



Death by sacrifice: 1

Death by womb stabbing: 1

Death by molten metal to the face: 1

Death by Wolverine-style hand claw: 2

Death by living in a village that has been pillaged: 36

Death by forest sneak attack gone terribly wrong: 4

Death by head smashed on ground: 1

Death by human catapult: 1

Death by attempted ship hijacking gone terribly wrong: 11

Death by serpent: 4

Death by sword in battle: 32

Death by arrow in battle: 11

Death by being turned into dirt: 5

Death by impalement: 1

Death by lava river: 1

Death by gutting: 1

Death by beheading: 1

Grand Total of Deaths: 113

Length of 'Conan the Barbarian' in Minutes: 112

Average D.P.M. (Deaths Per Minute): 1.009


Striek said:
Saw it last night. 8 people at a 9pm Saturday showing (Cinema was packed for other movies). Going to be a horrible bomb.

The movie was alright. I agree the end was pretty bad. The start was so unintentionally hilarious I nearly pissed myself laughing.
The whole Conan's mom wanting him cut out to see before she died, and then him being raised up in the middle of a battle bit, then kid Conan killing those guys, returning with their heads and spitting out the egg (which you could see coming a mile away). Comedy gold.

Conan was born on a battlefield in the original stories.


Snaku said:
To name a few off the top of my head.

The Golden Compass
Tron Legacy
Prince of Persia
The Last Airbender

All underperformed domestically. All made more overseas. And all won't get sequels.

No, you don't know what you're talking about. The tide is shifting in exactly the opposite direction; domestic numbers are less important now.

A) The sequel to Tron: Legacy is in the works (whether it happens is another story, but it's not like Disney's trying to drop it).

B) You telling me there isn't going to be another Pirates? Pirates 4 budget: $250m. Pirates 4 domestic take: $239m. Looks like a flop to me...
Morn said:
Conan was born on a battlefield in the original stories.
Oh yeah my 5 month pregnant wife loved that part. I had forgotten about it form the stories and I didn't know it was going to be in the movie.

Oh did anyone else think the sound mix was terrible? The score was totally buried in the sound effect (not that the score was good, just it's sloppy sound mixing).


Morn said:
Conan was born on a battlefield in the original stories.
I'm going to be honest, my knowledge of Conan is derived entirely from the movies. That was simply incredibly humurous, unintentionally so. They could've had a battlefield birth and simply gone a different direction with it.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Oh yeah my 5 month pregnant wife loved that part. I had forgotten about it form the stories and I didn't know it was going to be in the movie.

Oh did anyone else think the sound mix was terrible? The score was totally buried in the sound effect (not that the score was good, just it's sloppy sound mixing).

When I saw that I was like "Oh shit, they're really doing it." And then his dad was a blacksmith.

Cool that they got Ron Pearlman as his dad, since he's voiced Conan twice.


RedStep said:
B) You telling me there isn't going to be another Pirates? Pirates 4 budget: $250m. Pirates 4 domestic take: $239m. Looks like a flop to me...

Yeah, let's turn towards an established mega franchise that brings in shit tons of cash through merchandising as well as the worldwide box office, and the highest grossing film of ALL TIME to counter my point. There are literally dozens and dozens of films I can point to to prove my point. Take Waterworld for example. Widely regarded as one of the biggest box office flops of all time. It made $88 million domestic with a budget of $175 million. But it's foreign grosses doubled its domestic total bringing it to $264 million worldwide.

So where's Waterworld 2: Waterworld Harder?


Snaku said:
Yeah, let's turn towards an established mega franchise that brings in shit tons of cash through merchandising as well as the worldwide box office, and the highest grossing film of ALL TIME to counter my point. There are literally dozens and dozens of films I can point to to prove my point. Take Waterworld for example. Widely regarded as one of the biggest box office flops of all time. It made $88 million domestic with a budget of $175 million. But it's foreign grosses doubled its domestic total bringing it to $264 million worldwide.

So where's Waterworld 2: Waterworld Harder?

Kevin Costner doesn't make sequels.
In its defense, at ~$80M Conan had about half the budget of nearly every movie mentioned by Snaku (even GINO, which cost upwards of $130M in 1998). NOT that that really means anything, as all those movies will have made more domestically than Conan when all is said and done. But, it wasn't that expensive.


Snaku said:
Yeah, let's turn towards an established mega franchise that brings in shit tons of cash through merchandising as well as the worldwide box office, and the highest grossing film of ALL TIME to counter my point. There are literally dozens and dozens of films I can point to to prove my point. Take Waterworld for example. Widely regarded as one of the biggest box office flops of all time. It made $88 million domestic with a budget of $175 million. But it's foreign grosses doubled its domestic total bringing it to $264 million worldwide.

So where's Waterworld 2: Waterworld Harder?
Dude, your point was dead. wrong. Studios don't give a shit about WW gross? Wrong. Movies that don't break even domestically don't get sequels? Wrong.

Your entire followup argument is based in the idea that every successful movie gets a sequel (therefore anything without a sequel is a failure), which is just as wrong. Just drop it.
I enjoyed it. Bombing is unfortunate (and maybe premature, it might do alright with its relatively low budget depending on overseas). There were some flaws, but I felt that Momoa was good in the role, and there was enought to keep me entertained. In fact, the biggest flaw was there was way too much going on, too much location changing, too many scenes, too many quick cuts during combat.


RedStep said:
Dude, your point was dead. wrong. Studios don't give a shit about WW gross? Wrong. Movies that don't break even domestically don't get sequels? Wrong.

Your entire followup argument is based in the idea that every successful movie gets a sequel (therefore anything without a sequel is a failure), which is just as wrong. Just drop it.

You can't just say not-uh, and win an argument. The films I chose were specific examples where a sequel or franchise was planned, but did not see fruition due to weak domestic numbers. I can cite more, but since you have no interest in an actual discussion beyond "You don't know what you're talking about" or "You're wrong" I don't see the point.


Saw it today. Unfortunately only in 3D, but was still somewhat enjoyable. I will purchase on BluRay when available. More of a case for me to not even like critics a majority of the time as they are idiots. It DOES have some flaws, but still told a pretty good tale. Anyone with an inkling of admiration for middle/high fantasy should see it.


Just got back from seeing this from some friends, was pretty damn awesome. Only things I didn't like is
Zym not turning into badass demon lord of darkness
. I also didn't like Rachel Nichol's character all that much and the movie needed more sorcery shit. Still though, I thought Stephen Lang and Rose McGowan stole the show despite Mamoa being pretty damn awesome.

Oh yeah, kid Conan was straight ballin'.
Conan the Barbarian went the way of past August fantasy/ancient action movies and flopped hard. Joining the ranks of Kull the Conqueror and The Last Legion and earning less interest than even The 13th Warrior, Conan reaped an estimated $3.7 million on around 4,500 screens at 3,015 locations. It's a far cry from the 1982 Conan, let alone The Beastmaster. The Conan remake's director, Marcus Nispel, was also responsible for the similar dud Pathfinder. With roughly 2,100 locations, 3D was 62 percent of Conan's take.



Saw it last night with the wife since she is obsessed with Momoa after GOT.

I thought it was a pretty good time, shame about the bombing. Jason Momoa was born to play Conan imo; I hope they get to make more films but I doubt that will happen now.
Weenerz said:
It made $3.7 million for the weekend? LOL
No, it made that on Friday; its weekend take is estimated to be around $11M for 4th place. Every new movie opening this weekend severely underperformed.

It's also an entertaining movie, more than the RT score would have you believe.
I watched it yesterday. I usually love these kind of movies where humans slay beasts and each other. But damn this movie sucked. The acting felt sterile. I was hoping it would be like Arnold´s Conan. But it was so bad. Even though i had low expectations, the movie was below these expectations. I did not think it was possible. I almost fell asleep 4 times during the movie. It´s so sad. There was no monsters to slay :(

Violater said:
Kid Conan would have made a better movie IMO

That was the best part of the movie.
Yikes was going to see this eventually but by the time I get together with my gf for the next movie outing this will likely be out of theaters. It's already only playing twice today at one of the bigger theaters in the area.
BattleMonkey said:
Yikes was going to see this eventually but by the time I get together with my gf for the next movie outing this will likely be out of theaters. It's already only playing twice today at one of the bigger theaters in the area.

Definitely go. So worth it in terms of nonstop fun action films.


krypt0nian said:
Definitely go. So worth it in terms of nonstop fun action films.

It's the Expendables of 2011.

Before going you need to ask yourself:

Do you like blood & gore?
Do you like tits?

If yes to either, see it.


Snaku said:
You can't just say not-uh, and win an argument. The films I chose were specific examples where a sequel or franchise was planned, but did not see fruition due to weak domestic numbers. I can cite more, but since you have no interest in an actual discussion beyond "You don't know what you're talking about" or "You're wrong" I don't see the point.

You came in and made a definitive blanket statement, but you don't want someone to say "you're wrong"? There is no one statement that can be applied to all studios (and be accurate), but I think it's safe to say that none of them "don't give a shit" about WW gross.

GI Joe: $150m on a $175m budget. Sequel
The Expendables: $100m on an $80m budget. Sequel
Resident Evil: $40m on a $33m budget. Sequel
Resident Evil: Apocalypse: $51m on a $45m budget. Sequel
Resident Evil: Extinction: $50m on an unknown budget (but higher than $45m, I'd imagine). Sequel
Resident Evil: Afterlife: $60m on a $60m budget. Sequel
Ghost Rider: $115m on a $110m budget. Sequel
Clash of the Titans: $162m on a $125m budget. Sequel
Die Hard with a Vengeance: $100m on a $90m budget. Sequel
Garfield: $75m on a $50m budget. Sequel

Also, Independence Day: $300m on a $75m budget. No sequel.

The Economist - Bigger Abroad

The true worth of a film is no longer decided by the crowd that assembles in the Kodak Theatre—or, indeed, by any American. It is decided by youngsters in countries such as Russia, China and Brazil.

NY Times - Hollywood Presses its Global Agenda

“The idea of opening a film internationally ahead of the U.S. only three-four years ago would have been unthinkable,” said Sanford Panitch, president of Fox International Productions. “I think this is really just the reality of the international marketplace becoming as a whole more important than the U.S. box office for event films.”

Anyway, I hope that makes my point a little more clear.


Also add to that list On Stranger Tides, which couldn't even make its budget back domestically, but has already had a sequel greenlight by Disney since it crossed 1 billion worldwide.


RedStep said:
GI Joe: $150m on a $175m budget. Sequel
The Expendables: $100m on an $80m budget. Sequel
Resident Evil: $40m on a $33m budget. Sequel
Resident Evil: Apocalypse: $51m on a $45m budget. Sequel
Resident Evil: Extinction: $50m on an unknown budget (but higher than $45m, I'd imagine). Sequel
Resident Evil: Afterlife: $60m on a $60m budget. Sequel
Ghost Rider: $115m on a $110m budget. Sequel
Clash of the Titans: $162m on a $125m budget. Sequel
Die Hard with a Vengeance: $100m on a $90m budget. Sequel
Garfield: $75m on a $50m budget. Sequel

So you're pretty much saying the US is no longer on the hook for shitty movies getting sequels.

We're free!
Morn said:
It's the Expendables of 2011.

Before going you need to ask yourself:

Do you like blood & gore?
Do you like tits?

If yes to either, see it.

So it's just as disappointing as The Expendables? I don't think so

This movie was WAY better than Expendables


Morn said:
HBO/Cinemax should do a Conan series with Jason Momoa. Maybe just adapt each of the stories. The movie is an original story that references some of the REH stories, so it would fit together.

That'd be so awesome. There should even be a definate audience for it, with Game of Thrones paving the way and showing that fantasy can be done in a series format without looking like something done on a shoestring budget.


RedStep said:
You came in and made a definitive blanket statement, but you don't want someone to say "you're wrong"? There is no one statement that can be applied to all studios (and be accurate), but I think it's safe to say that none of them "don't give a shit" about WW gross.

GI Joe: $150m on a $175m budget. Sequel
The Expendables: $100m on an $80m budget. Sequel
Resident Evil: $40m on a $33m budget. Sequel
Resident Evil: Apocalypse: $51m on a $45m budget. Sequel
Resident Evil: Extinction: $50m on an unknown budget (but higher than $45m, I'd imagine). Sequel
Resident Evil: Afterlife: $60m on a $60m budget. Sequel
Ghost Rider: $115m on a $110m budget. Sequel
Clash of the Titans: $162m on a $125m budget. Sequel
Die Hard with a Vengeance: $100m on a $90m budget. Sequel
Garfield: $75m on a $50m budget. Sequel

Also, Independence Day: $300m on a $75m budget. No sequel.

The Economist - Bigger Abroad

NY Times - Hollywood Presses its Global Agenda

Anyway, I hope that makes my point a little more clear.

I thought I heard that Will Smith said there was a sequel in the works for ID4...

Edit -

Old interview so things may have fallen through but...


I had some hope for this movie after seeing Momoa's performance in Game of Thrones. Ok, when i first heard about this movie i expected a shitfest. Pitt, i really wanted to see a good Conan movie, true to the novels.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Just saw it.

The Good:
+ Momoa made a good Conan, was definitely truer to the spirit of the Howard stories then the Milius version. Though the Milius version was a *far* better movie.
+ Rated R. Decent amounts of blood and boobies.

The Bad:
- The story was bland and uninvolving.
- The villains were stupid, didn't feel threatening or imposing at all.
- The fight choreography was awful. It feels like the director just told them to go out there and make it up instead of actually planning out the fights.
- Shakey. Fucking. Camera.
- Terrible 3d conversion.
- Shit score.

The WTF:
? Morgan Freeman? What?
Morn said:
Conan was born on a battlefield in the original stories.


Then depict it like a scene out of Bravehart, not a scene out of Caddieshack.

The scene with Conan's mother, regardless of what is in the original series, couldn't have been more corny if one of the Waynan brothers had scripted it.

It was just bad.

On a scale of 1-10 I'd give the movie a 5 (give the original a 6.5).

+ Momoa's combat scenes (he's a natural with a blade)
+ Momoa's depiction
+ didn't appear that they skimped on the budget (hello PRIEST)

- villains were small (thanks for reminding me of this)
- openning scene with Conan's mom
- Ron Pearlman (god he looked rediculous)
- actress cast as Tamara... (they had no screen chemistry at all)
- Rose McGowan...thought she seemed very small in the role
- Conan's dark buddy. He seemed like bad comic relief more than anything.

I wanted so much to like this movie. I'm a Mamoa rough guy fan.

But DAMN they dropped the ball.

It's not a "bad" movie per say. What it is is just another RIDDICK movie that didn't live up to expectations because of one thing or another.

Lastly, I wish they had cast Mamoa with a bunch of unknown british actors. The casting for a lot of the roles in this film just seemed wrong (god, even the guy playing the thief was cast poorly).
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