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Confused: PSP region locked or not?

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Guess I'll probably import a system now. I don't care about watching movies or listening to music on the PSP. I have two palm devices for that. :)

Although I get the feeling the price is going to be insane for importers at launch...there's definitely going to be a shortage if only 200,000 units are being shipped initially.


I'll probably pick up a UK charger when it comes out over here.

Iapetus - the radio lead is detachable, and the AC adapter runs from 100-250v 50/60Hz, so just pick up a spare radio lead from Maplin and you are done.


I think Sony's asking for trouble by keeping movies locked out. It just doesn't seem practical enough when people are traveling to Japan and Europe and see some UMD they want to buy, only to have them not work.
How many people is this really a problem for? =P
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