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Congrats to GAF - Our collections are famous!


The dude that posted the thread in your second link has the greatest avatar known to man...



I got a bit of it translated, but it's all really bad engrish.

This is US plays the forum (www.forums.gaming-age.com) on "the game to collect/the environment to paste in the audiences from the storm" to play own game environment which the family pastes, how does everybody have a look US to play a family dozen game... ...

Plays family BuddyChrist83:
He said <Metroid Prime> in, did not lend his brothers

Many are wondering why some own the same console multiple times - gonna try the other link, which is 5 pages.


Gah, the other forum is even worse.

Looked I annoyed talk during sleep chaotically, the Italian chaotic sentiment confuses... ... The wound self-respect arranges in order ~ Your IP waits for me to crawl oh 2004-6-22 11:19 Tiantn angel Strongest, is biggest, the deepest god dives moves Integral 0 round paste 336 cashes 14 deposits 0 to register 2003-8-22 comes on-line from the Shanghai condition [ 8th building ] Unexpectedly in the family also has the street machine, US plays the family to be frantic well. In history strongest, on is biggest, the space &#22825;&#19979;&#26080;&#25932; - - god dives moves! ! ! 2004-6-22 11:29 The soldier does not leave can the angel Oxygen deficit fish Integral 0 round paste 803 cashes 140 deposits 209 to register 2004-5-25 comes to be off-line [ 9th building ] from the Qinghai-Tibet Plain condition Oh... I now the goal is XBOX....

here's something better..

Only can say too rich, I envy the limit! !

and also this picture.



if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!

"I'll be breaking into these homes later...."


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
bobbyconover said:
Aw man! I was hoping the cow part was just the result of another horribly botched Babelfish translation. :\

I assume by cow he means greedy? Thats not a very nice thing to say...or is it? Maybe being a cow is a good thing? For all I know he was talking about the cow on the Katamari Damacy box. ;)


Party Pooper
it's truly bizzare to see my living room on a forum in another language...

and the second site didnt even mention my name...


I'm no Kitsunator, but here goes:
-updated as I translate on the fly...
-NOTE: NOT an exact translation - it IS on the fly.
-PSS I'm on dialup, and the post is (56k GOOD LORD MAKE IT STOP)


This is a US forum <forums.gaming-age.com>'s gamers' collection pictures showing off their great collections, everyone MUST SEE how they play their games:

<Do I really need to translate this?>
BuddyChrist83: Metroid Prime's not here, it's with my brother.
Bebpo: My GBA stuff is in teh desk
Robertsan21: '10 Million PS1s', it's only a small part of the collection - too many games
iapetus: Uses a projector to play games

What's the point of having 2 PS2s???

At this point I've only got 1 GC, 1 controller and 1 Pikmin game - adds up to 1034 yuan...

Demon Meat Person:
These kind of large collectors overseas are rare nonetheless~~~
Ooh a Tekki controller, and that's a Virtual Boy, now that's for the (rich) nobles...

I Have A Decayed Tooth:
Dunno. They must own a videogame shop, I remained in the model shop playing Tank Wars for a time <Doesn't sound right.>

The Edition of The Jade Tree In The Wind:
I really admire their organisation skills, if I had that much stuff in my place, it'd be as bad as a pigsty.

The E Group Slapstick Guy:
To the poster above, my guess is that he was going to post his collection online anyway, hence the cleanup. All gamers know: Whoever has so much time or heart to clean up? <OH SNAP!>

Flying Wings With No Hatred:
The rich...
Wah kow, pawning all that stuff in their collections will be enough to clear my debt...
I've no idea when I'll ever get one of these (collections)...

Miss Startled Rabbit:
Hmm, if they're real gamers, these must be gifts of two, or three times.
Or, it could be there aren't that many consoles in the first place, all these PS and XBOXes are from friends coming over to play...

I Am Doomed, Yes I Am:
My opinion is that he (they) borrowed systems, took the pictures, and returned them
If not the case they're really very rich
Anyway as my hobby I'd really rather be exercising <Double snap!>

Insert comment here. ;)


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
heavy liquid said:
Awesome! Is that Chief Wiggum in the car chasing the cats?


Yeah...it is. Very odd indeed.


they think you're all really rich

and one guy said it's not possible that you own all those systems
some of your friends must have brought 'em over.


GG-Duo said:
they think you're all really rich

and one guy said it's not possible that you own all those systems
some of your friends must have brought 'em over.

Western decadence is evil! Look upon the foreign devil as he pours his money away like water as you plot to destroy them for the people!


Party Pooper
nvm. you changed the translation to 'virtual boy'


just goes to show no matter where you're from, people will still ask "why 2 ps2s?", and the obvious answer, TO PLAY IMPORT GAMES


atomsk: I was wondering what that 'red 3D thing on a triangle table' is while waiting for my dialup to load the images up GOOD LORD MAKE-

bobbyconover: Obviously your collection is very awe-inspiring, and despite your later comment of picking up lots of games for bargains, these fellows didn't really read that...

Literal translation:
Gamer bobbyconover:
This guy's a big cow!!! I'll bow to you forever!!!

Fanboiz translation:
OMGWTF!! This collection's SO AWESOME!! You're THE COLLECTOR GOD!!!


Same notes apply.

Thread title : Look at US Gamers' Collections!

(1st post) paulj:
This is a US gaming forum's (forums.gaming-age.com) 'Gaming collection/setup' thread where gamers show their setups, everyone come and see how US gamers play their games...

Disclaimer: For images that don't show up, right-click and open them in a new window...

Poster buddychrist83: He says <Metroid Prime>'s not here, lent it to his bro

Poster Bebpo: The GBA's stuff not here, since it's all in the drawer...

Poster robertsan21: His '10 Million PS Ltd Edition' PS, he says that lots of games aren't in picture and stashed away...

Poster iapetus: Uses a projector to play games

Poster bobbyconover: <In Bold and Large Red> This guy's a big cow!! I bow to him foreva!! <...>

No extra text, all the collection images, paulj didn't update after 22/6 9:39, so obviously all the other stuff wasn't (copy/paste link) there.

[Other posters]:
These guys have too much money... o_o

Da Zi:
It's like looking into a mirror... o_o (x4)

It's like X2 for these guys, a JPN system and a US system...

o_o a lot; are US arcade machines on heavy discounts?
<implied meaning: Are console games/arcade machines far cheaper than in China, or are US gamers haggling kings?>

Free Seed:
omg (x3)... Are there any of these rich guys here in China? US gamers are so different, I can only dream of acquiring such collections...

Compared to my place, it's like a hamlet vs a megalopolis...

Look as my heart flutters and wavers, my vision goes blurry... it really really hurts...

There are even arcade machines... these US gamers are HARDCORE. <right!>

Not A Soldier:
I'm only aiming for a Xbox, and maybe a Sony colour TV...

Looking at all that, I can compare only my TV, but one of them (iapetus) uses a projector o_o

Silver + Gold Star:
That place's heaven! I want it too! It's like they drew money with their hands! <uh...>

Dunno lor, they beat the local shops by hundred times...

Thousand Year Vegetable:
My big dream is that one day this gamer will house each and every one of console/arcade games made from China, and all inter-related stuff as well...

Long way off.
When will us gamers have that kind of gaming setup?

Americans use their money to buy stuff.
And use Chinese reminbi to turn to American dollars to buy more stuff... it's too far a gap o_o

OMG, there's no contest! Crap, I can only match the monitor... 17 inch...
It's basically wayyy more than just two systems! o_o Can't stand it o_o

They've got so much money...
I feel like burning their places down o_o <BAD IDEA>

Tiger Eye
These (collections) will be ours (China's) in 200 years time! <WHAT>

This... is really a stake in your heart.

5555555555, Just woke up and saw this thread, my mouth's droolingggg...

Other than the posters, I can't beat them... :love


Party Pooper
Pachael said:
o_o a lot; are these guys haggling kings? <doesn't sound right>

v. hag·gled, hag·gling, hag·gles
v. intr.
To bargain, as over the price of something

sounds about right to me


Whose place is this... so strong... I'm speechless.

That's nothing, anybody with (lots of) money are like that...

(quotes 'That's nothing, anybody with (lots of) money are like that...')
Not really, even if you have that much money you can collect so much cool stuff. To be those kind of 'collectors', you really need the heart and knowhow to know ways of collection. As everyone who buys originals knows, to collect such a wealth of loved but unpopular games is such a painstaking task. It's not as if you've got money this (collection) will easily be achieved.

I respect these folks a lot, I'd be really happy to even play at their places for a week~~ :drool

There's even an arcade machine at home... US gamers are so hardcore.

Soldier not leaving
This side, Z side(?), my heart hurts.

Oh gods, you can really open up a (videogame) shop like that.

I believe at least one of these guys or others brought their stuff together for the pictures...

If I knew English I'd borrow the lot from them... ;)

This is the wide gulf that appears between US and China people!!!

Whoa... is THIS the wide gulf?

Why do Americans own so much-
That's because they tyrannise the Chinese people
<belgurdo +1 for predicting that! ;p>

I think some (of them) are from Hong Kong...

To outsiders this really isn't impossible. I'm now in New Zealand.
Every week I cut grass for two days and earn 500-700 reminbi (the equiv. of).
Games here are 500 reminbi, so in two days I can earn a game.

What does this prove? Other than this you can buy more?

Cow. Just this word.
<Possibly, just possibly, 'Cow' is referred to rich people in China. I believe this is false but I can't quite see how that's the case...>

This is so my dream, when will it ever be fulfilled?

Can open up a gaming shop, that's too much, I surrender, how much is all that again?!

Other than the number of discs I cannot compete...

Village Rain
Why have two of each (console)?
Gimme one of them.... :drool

So much money... it's a gamer's paradise
I'm sooo envious.

US gamers live in 'an abyss of suffering', it looks like those who have nothing have a long, long road ahead of them...

Looks like a videogame museum, there are even arcade machines... :cries What's the pre-requisite for this?

Haaa, that's something to think about, how much Yen <huh?> was spent?
Playing one game seriously >>> Collecting thousands of games

[quotes zario's post, just above this one]
Not really, since it's impossible to collect in bunches. So these (games) are all played seriously, so when you see that it's a lot. That's becuase the boxes are bigger. So most other gamers' collections look like the tip of an iceberg. <...>

The gap's there for all to see... hoho

Who told them to be so cheap-o, even if we had money there's no where we can buy cheap stuff. <ebay?>

They're too strong, if I were them it'd be great...

I can only say that they have lots of money... I'm so jealous!!!

(End of thread)


atomsk said:
v. hag·gled, hag·gling, hag·gles
v. intr.
To bargain, as over the price of something

sounds about right to me

I agree about the haggling kings.
What I wasn't too sure was the translation which was literally 'some weight haggle'.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
It feels like we are tricking these Chinese people, now they think Americans are Gaming Gods. When in reality most Americans just by licensed crap.

I like that forum, everyone seems so nice and polite. Except for the odd cow comment. Hehe


Pachael said:
I agree about the haggling kings.
What I wasn't too sure was the translation which was literally 'some weight haggle'.

*fires up deduction skills*

Maybe they mean "big hagglers" or "tons of haggling?"


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I hope one day there is a language converter than would allow people that speak other languages to see posts on the forums in their native language. I just think it would be cool if someone could type out their message in Chinese there and I could read it in English here. Of course there would be so many problems with a system like that having messages that actually make sense...but I think it would be a great way to learn about gamers in other cultures.


The problem with creating the perfect translator is because the languages themselves are not well-defined unlike programming languages. So your dream won't happen.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
NotMSRP said:
The problem with creating the perfect translator is because the languages themselves are not well-defined unlike programming languages. So your dream won't happen.

Yeah, I know. Maybe one day we will have headsets that can translate languages, that would be a step in the right direction. Translated Xbox Live gameplay!!


belgurdo said:
*fires up deduction skills*

Maybe they mean "big hagglers" or "tons of haggling?"

I apologise, I've read the sentence wrongly, it's been re-edited to:

o_o a lot; are US arcade machines on heavy discounts/short-priced?
<implied meaning: Are console games/arcade machines far cheaper than in China, or are US gamers able to buy them cheaply?>

Either way the meaning's more or less the same.
I'm surprised my picture is up there... I only took a shot of the consoles on the shelf and not all my random games like everyone else lol.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
All gamers know: Whoever has so much time or heart to clean up? <OH SNAP!>

what an awesome quote...

someone should contact people on that forum and setup a GA games goodwill donation thing.


Pachael said:
Tiger Eye
These (collections) will be ours (China's) in 200 years time! <WHAT>
hahhah, awesome!

You heard it here folks, China to dominate the world in 2204. Leave instructions and warnings to your bloodline now.


levious said:
someone should contact people on that forum and setup a GA games goodwill donation thing.
If not for the geography of it all, I would've given the poor kid my Virtual Boy in an instant after reading that.

Poor guys, they can come hang out at my place and play. :(


They can consider themselves lucky that DCharlie didn't post in that thread..... they would be all dead, piled up one on top of the other.
Hellraizah said:
They can consider themselves lucky that DCharlie didn't post in that thread..... they would be all dead, piled up one on top of the other.

Seriously. They're calling me a cow, that dude has like whole rooms dedicated to specific genres!

Thanks a bunch for the translations by the way, Pachael! I'm surprised so many of them think we're rich. Really, owning a lot of games doesn't take a ton of money if they're practically the only material goods you spend money on. Case in point, I drive a '75 Oldsmobile station wagon.

Poster bobbyconover: <In Bold and Large Red> This guy's a big cow!! I bow to him foreva!! <...>

What's a guy gotta do to get a custom tag around here? ;o


Don't know about you guys, but I found reading their posts a bit heartwarming.

Geeks/Otaku/Whatever we're all pretty much the same.
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