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Conor Mcgregor mentions Rocky III "dancing monkeys"; says meant circus-like celeb gym


Not Wario
“As soon as we come off vacation, we’re going to cook that little yellow chump … Once I kick the midget ass, I don’t want you all to jump on my dick. So you all better get on the bandwagon now ... Once I stomp the midget, I’ll make that mother fucker make me a sushi roll and cook me some rice … we’re going to cook him with some cats and dogs.”

If you support Conor or you support Floyd in this fight you are supporting a racist. They are both shit bags.


Is it too much to hope they ko each other hard at the same time?
I agree there is too many people minimizing or contextualizing his words. It's the same shit you see like when people were defending the cop not pulling the dog off the black guy that was already handcuffed.

After typing this up I did a search to see if Mayweather's comments ever had a thread made about them.

They did


And yes there is people minimizing and handwaving the racist shit he said too.

Edit: Also lol at posts saying Pacquiao would kick his ass.

That's my point though. Even there, people are acknowledging and for the most part saying, "yeah but I am cool with it." Hey, that's on them.

I don't see people trying to say that "That wasn't racist...well, what Floyd REALLY meant when he said 'yellow' and 'sushi' was..."


Rapid Response Threadmaker
That's my point though. Even there, people are acknowledging and for the most part saying, "yeah but I am cool with it." Hey, that's on them.

I don't see people trying to say that "That wasn't racist...well, what Floyd REALLY meant when he said 'yellow' and 'sushi' was..."
I'll agree that's not really happening. The minimizing is definitely. Could just be because of how overt the racism was in what he was saying, but then again we have someone defending the monkey line >_>. The boy line is whistling old time white supremacy that still occurs now.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
It's quite something when I'm cheering for Mayweather in this fight.
My feelings exactly. If Mayweather doesn't beat the everliving shit out of him. I will despise him more than I do now, thought not nearly as much as despise that racist POS McGregor.

Did not know about Mayweather's racist comments so I hope they both knock each other out because both are racist.


Not Wario
That Mayweather thread was from 2010, for what it's worth. America, and GAF, feel completely different these days; I don't know if folks would be as forgiving now.
damn this thread is a dumpster fire.

Conor is going to get destroyed but I do love his energy and wit.

I'd be marginally disappointed in him if he meant what we think he meant here. But I don't put much stock in these types of people anyway. This promo tour is like a fuckin circus of clownery to get ever more attention. I'm not sure anything we're seeing is real.


Connor just said live that he is half black from the bellybutton down and danced for his "beautiful black female fans."

Not racist confirmed.



Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
So it's basically a racist scumbag vs a wife-beating scumbag. The only outcome that works here is if the ref knocks both of them out.

What if the refs also a scumbag?
Of course not.

Just watched the video "was that the one with the dancing monkeys in the gym". Hmm, not great, that is quite specific. I await his explanation but I'll be very dissapointed if he meant it like that. Very dissapointed.

Whoa whoa whoa wwhhhhhoa.


Hold up.


You been spending all your time in this thread, making the cases you're making, and you hadn't even watched the fuckin' video in question until just now?

Jesus Christ.
My feelings exactly. If Mayweather doesn't beat the everliving shit out of him. I will despise him more than I do now, thought not nearly as much as despise that racist POS McGregor.

Did not know about Mayweather's racist comments so I hope they both knock each other out because both are racist.

So you care that Mayweather said some racists things before to amp some stupid fight but don't care that he literally beat a woman ?

Or did you not know about that either ?
This thread must be a portal to the Twilight Zone. I just need to see someone hand waive Manny Pacquiao's homophobia to confirm it.


So it's basically a racist scumbag vs a wife-beating scumbag. The only outcome that works here is if the ref knocks both of them out.

The world will be better off if they fuck instead of fight in the ring.

I wanna see the faces of both sides supporters when this happens. On second thought, nah, I don't need memories of tribal sheeps ingrained in my mind.


These guys are both basically the same person. They're probably friends in actuality. 2 shitgeads making a boatload :lol
These guys are both basically the same person. They're probably friends in actuality. 2 shitgeads making a boatload :lol

You really think they are? Lol I wonder that myself actually. I mean without each other agreeing they wouldn't be getting that payday and spotlight, for that reason alone.


You really think they are? Lol I wonder that myself actually. I mean without each other agreeing they wouldn't be getting that payday and spotlight, for that reason alone.
Unless Conor pulls off the miracle, I bet these guys will be BFFs when this is all over.
No where in that post did that poster say anything about Mayweather beating women.

Pull it together.

He said he wanted to see Mayweather beat the crap out of McGregor because he was a racist THEN edited his post saying "oh oops, didn't realize Mayweather is a racist too"

Totally ignoring that Mayweather beat the crap out of a woman before when he wanted Mayweather to beat the crap out of Mayweather

Come on man

People keep acting like that never happened in this thread when they try to put Mayweather above McGregor and say they want Mayweather to beat up McGregor because he's racist. Some of you stay ignorant
He said he wanted to see Mayweather beat the crap out of McGregor because he was a racist THEN edited his post saying "oh oops, didn't realize Mayweather is a racist too"

Totally ignoring that Mayweather beat the crap out of a woman before when he wanted Mayweather to beat the crap out of Mayweather

Come on man

People keep acting like that never happened in this thread when they try to put Mayweather above McGregor. Some of you stay ignorant

He didn't say anything about that though. You're assuming he doesn't care when he didn't mention it either way.
He didn't say anything about that though. You're assuming he doesn't care when he didn't mention it either way.

That means he was ignorant to that fact.

He said he despises McGregor more than Mayweather because he's racist.

So he either was ignorant to say that without knowing Mayweather beats women or he puts racist remarks over beating women


Neo Member
Well done guys on believing everything you read with 0 proof.

When McGregor refers to a scene involving a celebrity gym, and dancing, why would you assume with the black boxers... boxing, instead of the actual scene of Rocky in a "celebrity" gym, involving people... dancing.


Trying to play the narrative here, I see. But go believe a random website that jumbled up a quick edit on their instagram page. That's smart.

People are so quick to jump against him without bothering to see if there's any substance behind it.


Neo Member
Know how I know you didn't read any of the thread before you hit the 17th page with the 4th version of this specific non-gotcha "gotcha?"

Know how I know, Eternity?

Ask me how I know

Once again, did you watch the interview and what he said? Precise keywords: Rocky 3. Dancing monkeys. Celebrity gym. Why in God's name are you assuming that it's the scene with the black boxers? That's racist in itself.

There's a scene that fits the bill. It's not the one in Apollo's gym.


Well done guys on believing everything you read with 0 proof.

When McGregor refers to a scene involving a celebrity gym, and dancing, why would you assume with the black boxers... boxing, instead of the actual scene of Rocky in a "celebrity" gym, involving people... dancing.


Trying to play the narrative here, I see. But go believe a random website that jumbled up a quick edit on their instagram page. That's smart.

People are so quick to jump against him without bothering to see if there's any substance behind it.
Top kek

This would definitely be a good argument for both sides if one didn't read the thread beforehand. Gj


Neo Member
See, if you had read any of this thread, you would know the answer to this question.

You would know the argument you were going to make had already been made at least four times before.

But you seem to not know any of this.


Fantastic evidence of Conor calling black people monkeys. Oh wait.

Go find any ounce of evidence that proves it.


Neo Member
I mean, you could just read the 17 pages you skipped straight past to pinch your latest loaf.

You could do that.

I've read every page. I have seen nothing showing Conor calling black people monkeys. I've seen you latching onto it as if he did from page 3. Show me.

Do you? Cut to the chase.
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