I don't think that looks the way they think ti does
Yea this could be pictures out of a LoliCon or something
I don't think that looks the way they think ti does
Safe spaces in college is such an absurd, bizarre idea. This manages to be even more absurd and bizarre.
This country of yours is doomed, isn't it?
I am not sure if it was Obama, the Internet or something else altogether but a lot of white men have completely lost it in the last year.
The notion of safe spaces in colleges is mostly a concept spouted by conservative media to demonize higher education. It's taken a very tiny number of incidents and made a major talking point out of itSafe spaces in college is such an absurd, bizarre idea. This manages to be even more absurd and bizarre.
This country of yours is doomed, isn't it?
Safe spaces in college is such an absurd, bizarre idea. This manages to be even more absurd and bizarre.
This country of yours is doomed, isn't it?
The notion of safe spaces in colleges is mostly a concept spouted by conservative media to demonize higher education. It's taken a very tiny number of incidents and made a major talking point out of it
I'll say this I've never seen a safe space sign in the three different Universities I've been to in my college career. Doesn't mean they don't exist but it's not a widespread thing. But even if it was, who do they think they are to attack people that would want such a thing? The alt right are downright vile people and I can't blame some for wanting a break from those kind of garbage people.
The first college I went to was an art school, and it didn't need safe space signs, because if you go to art school and bring toxic ideas with you, you're gonna have a bad time.
"This is not going to go the way you think"
A pitfall of projecting your fears and insecurities onto others is that in order to keep convincing yourself they are the ones doing what you do, you must continually escalate your rhetoric until you become a ridiculous parody of yourself.
”There are young conservatives out there, and there have been for decades. But I just feel they haven't been plugged in correctly. They haven't been cultivated, they haven't been properly equipped or trained," Kirk said.
Those libtards would really be super triggered if you donated all your money to the ACLU, but, like, ironically
I'll say this I've never seen a safe space sign in the three different Universities I've been to in my college career. Doesn't mean they don't exist but it's not a widespread thing. But even if it was, who do they think they are to attack people that would want such a thing? The alt right are downright vile people and I can't blame some for wanting a break from those kind of garbage people.
I don't even know what purpose safe spaces as imagined by conservative whackjobs would be fulfilling exactly.
Safe spaces in college is such an absurd, bizarre idea. This manages to be even more absurd and bizarre.
This country of yours is doomed, isn't it?
Found on twitter
I don't even know what purpose safe spaces as imagined by conservative whackjobs would be fulfilling exactly.
Seriously lol, this looks more left than right. Kinda missed the point if they're trying to protestThere is zero chance that this idea wasn't devised by a person with an Adult Baby fetish.
tfw your narrative got away from you so hard you have to issue a statement to remind people to take you seriously.
I don't think this is gonna go the way they want it to.
I mean, take the pictures out of context and... well, they're the one that look weird as fuck.
tfw your narrative got away from you so hard you have to issue a statement to remind people to take you seriously.
and just think, whenever future employers google their names, these pictures are going to come up.
Found on twitter
tfw your narrative got away from you so hard you have to issue a statement to remind people to take you seriously.
tfw your narrative got away from you so hard you have to issue a statement to remind people to take you seriously.
Found on twitter