Gordon Shumway
My head..
City planning departments keep records on what businesses offer what services. Moreover, you could go to court if you felt the business was the only business that offered a desired service. If you were harmed by the lack of service to a certain degree, you would win the case and the business would be required to provide you with that service. Not that hard really.
And yes, I get what implementing such a law would entail. There would be an upside though. If white businesses closed their doors to blacks, for example, more black owned businesses would pop up to fill the demand. Same with businesses that refused LGBT people.
You haven't answered my question.
We have had a time in history when ALL of what you have stated was happening.
Its called Segregation.
So you want that again? Because acting like the Country is forward enough to remove discrimination protections across the country is naive. We are seeing the same exact stuff with LGBT individuals still. Since the many states dont have protections like they do for race and religion. And you want to to remove those protections also?
City planning departments keep records on what businesses offer what services. Moreover, you could go to court if you felt the business was the only business that offered a desired service. If you were harmed by the lack of service to a certain degree, you would win the case and the business would be required to provide you with that service. Not that hard really.
And yes, I get what implementing such a law would entail. There would be an upside though. If white businesses closed their doors to blacks, for example, more black owned businesses would pop up to fill the demand. Same with businesses that refused LGBT people.
Its not hard.
You just have to give up your 14th amendment protections and then pay a lawyer so you can sue the business and hope another business will open so you can use a service.
Well yeah, many would argue that the black communities were stronger in cities when they were forced to look out for themselves due to housing and economic segregation.I'm glad that GameGuru can always find an upside to discrimination
City planning departments keep records on what businesses offer what services. Moreover, you could go to court if you felt the business was the only business that offered a desired service. If you were harmed by the lack of service to a certain degree, you would win the case and the business would be required to provide you with that service. Not that hard really.
And yes, I get what implementing such a law would entail. There would be an upside though. If white businesses closed their doors to blacks, for example, more black owned businesses would pop up to fill the demand. Same with businesses that refused LGBT people.
You have to have a lawyer to go to court? That's news to me.
No it wouldn't. There are specific laws regarding that. And if I wrote the new law legalizing discrimination myself, I would exempt banks and other highly essential institutions.Legitimizing Jim crow laws would mean it would be legal for banks and land/building owners to refuse business/ loans and leases to whomever they don't like.
I think I could do okay, personally. Other people... eh... Also, in these cases, judges should provide some leniency for the fact that the people bringing these cases aren't going to know much about law. All that should be required should be a map showing where the nearest business is that provides the same service.You expect to win most court battles without a lawyer?
I don't understand what you guy's problem is with that? My whole point about being against private pools is that they are allowed to segregate. Therefore, the city should outlaw them through zoning, and construct its own pools where everyone can attend. Private ownership exists to serve who the owner wants it to serve. Public ownership exists to serve the the public. It's not that hard a concept to understand in my view.Edit: Oh its you, the "there should be no private community pools person' but apparently "YES TO SEGREGATION"
Until you're the baker.Yeah, let's have people jump through crazy hoops, deal with the courts and all that entails, just to not be discriminated against by something like a Bakery.
That just sounds like an idea only an asshole would express.
You expect to win most court battles without a lawyer?
Edit: Oh its you, the "there should be no private community pools person' but apparently "YES TO SEGREGATION"
No it wouldn't. There are specific laws regarding that. And if I wrote the new law legalizing discrimination myself, I would exempt banks and other highly essential institutions.
I think I could do okay, personally. Other people... eh... Also, in these cases, judges should provide some leniency for the fact that the people bringing these cases aren't going to know much about law. All that should be required should be a map showing where the nearest business is that provides the same service.
Until you're the baker.
The point of both would seem to be that the way people look at things doesn't matter to your personal standing with God. As that second passage continues, it does that say essentially that if another Christian perceives it as giving the OK to something sinful, you shouldn't encourage them to do that thing. However, that is only increasing the importance of your personal declaration in your relationship to others as opposed to the actions in themselves, and it also has nothing to do with the relational dynamics with unbelievers.Matthew 22:5 Then the Pharisees went and plotted how to entangle him in his words. 16 And they sent their disciples to him, along with the Herodians, saying, “Teacher, we know that you are true and teach the way of God truthfully, and you do not care about anyone's opinion, for you are not swayed by appearances. 17 Tell us, then, what you think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?” 18 But Jesus, aware of their malice, said, “Why put me to the test, you hypocrites? 19 Show me the coin for the tax.” And they brought him a denarius. 20 And Jesus said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” 21 They said, “Caesar's.” Then he said to them, “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.” 22 When they heard it, they marveled. And they left him and went away.
1 Corinthians 8:8 Now concerning food offered to idols: we know that “all of us possess knowledge.” This “knowledge” puffs up, but love builds up. 2 If anyone imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know. 3 But if anyone loves God, he is known by God.
4 Therefore, as to the eating of food offered to idols, we know that “an idol has no real existence,” and that “there is no God but one.” 5 For although there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth—as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”— 6 yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist.
So if a catholic gay couple wanted to get married in a church because of religious reasons, the church wants to ban them because of religious reasons, who would be in their rights?
I mean, your church doesn't want to perform same sex marriage, more power to you, no-one's ever suggested otherwise I don't think
Businesses? Fuck off though
Nope. Churches shouldn't get a pass either.
As someone raised Catholic and who went to Catholic schools for 13 years (now atheist), I don't remember anywhere in the bible that says not to serve gay people. But I must have missed something so where in any Christian religion does it say one cannot serve gay people?
And the other thing I know about Catholicism is that when my wife and I got married (she is Catholic) they Church made it very clear the state marriage license meant nothing to them. The Church only recognizes their own certificate. Not sure why any other religion should be any different. The governments licenses should mean nothing to you if you are a Christian, it has nothing to do with your God, so you should have no problem distributing them. There is no moral conundrum.
I think I could do okay, personally. Other people... eh... Also, in these cases, judges should provide some leniency for the fact that the people bringing these cases aren't going to know much about law. All that should be required should be a map showing where the nearest business is that provides the same service.
I mean, your church doesn't want to perform same sex marriage, more power to you, no-one's ever suggested otherwise I don't think
No. Running a pool is easily within the government's ability to achieve. There's no need to privatize it. In fact, most pools wouldn't work privately- that's why they have the shitty HOA (historically created as a means of discrimination) pseudo-government levy a fee upon the residents to pay for them. The city government should be running these pools.It makes perfect sense. You can open any business you want, and discriminate against anyone you choose, as long as it isn't a pool, because the one inalienable right people have is to play Marco Polo wherever they want.
I already wrote about this in a previous thread, but I would say that this right of private individuals to discriminate is important if we want to maintain a clear distinction between public and private ownership.Why do you feel the right to discriminate is more important than the right to not be discriminated against? I mean, in either case someone's freedom is being curtailed, right? Why not require businesses to make the petition to the court to discriminate based on a certain class?
I actually admire people who rise to defend societal norms. It shows they have an understanding of why they believe a certain thing. It's always good to exercise that "muscle" in my opinion. To challenge yourself. I invite you to participate.WHY DO PEOPLE STILL ARGUE WITH GAMEGURU.
There's also nothing in there about proper etiquette on a plane or whether cloning is ethical. Because it was written 2000 years ago by a few people of different but similar religious doctrines and different but similar cultural statuses specific to their region and thrown together like an essay the day before that essay is due. Why we have to base our nation's laws on a scroll written by some religious nut locked in his hut in the middle of the desert in a country that doesn't even exist anymore I don't know.
You can't make a sensible post on an Internet forum or manage to hold yourself to a consistent viewpoint on social liberties. You would get your ass handed to you in court.
I know, so that brings me to the point that these people have to prove their religion is against serving gay people. And Christians cannot do that. There is nothing in the Bible that says do not treat gay people with the respect your government has bestowed upon them. I'm certain the Bible actually shows the opposite considering how Jesus treated the fringes of society in it.
This is just a pastime for me. You'd be surprised what I can do when I actually get bothered enough to research shit.
Nope. Churches shouldn't get a pass either.
You characterized the process as "easy". I can't think of any way in which I would call having to go to court and research legal arguments just to ensure service at a business as "easy". At the very least it takes time, time that plenty of people can't afford
Well if the court option is too hard (personally I'd be thrilled to take someone to court, but that's me...) you could vest the power in a commission or board- similar to a Board of Zoning Appeals or Planning Commission. That would take care of most low level cases before they went to court.
I think it's probably a pretty bad idea for society to get into the habit of springing Biblical trivia pop-quizzes on people who assert they have a religious duty and then deciding whether or not their interpretation of their own religion is true enough to justify protection.
See also: Whether Sikhs have a real duty to wear Kirpans, whether Muslim women have a true duty to ear a headscarf, whether Christians must refuse to participate in war, whether anti-usury prohibitions in a variety of religions apply in the modern world, whether Jewish inmates must be server kosher meals, a wide variety of religious duties with respect to cutting or not cutting hair or beards, etc.
I know, so that brings me to the point that these people have to prove their religion is against serving gay people. And Christians cannot do that. There is nothing in the Bible that says do not treat gay people with the respect your government has bestowed upon them. I'm certain the Bible actually shows the opposite considering how Jesus treated the fringes of society in it.
Nope. Churches shouldn't get a pass either.
But a county clerk doesn't want to issue marriage licenses because of their "beliefs"? Find a new line of work.
If they want businesses to be like religious institutions in terms of ground for discrimination, fine. But make that a two way street. No more tax exemptions for religious institutions. Lets see how long that lasts.
See. This is the problem I have. Why should businesses be any different? And before any body brings it up (again), I'm black, and would be willing to have the same standard applied to black people.
In my opinion, if you're not the only business offering a particular service in an area, you should be able to serve who you like. The idea you can't control who enters your business strikes me as very un-American.
But the constitution was built in such a way that at religous organizations have that right.I disagree with this as well to be honest.
Somebodies religious beliefs don't excuse any kind of prejudice to anybody in my opinion.