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Consoles screenshots thread (PS4/Xbone/WiiU) [Up: Thread rules in OP]

dr guildo





For all the crap Ryse takes it's simply one of the best looking games on consoles. And the variety in locations is great too. The motion blur, post processing, DOF, AA it uses(SMAA), lighting, the way fire illuminates around in the world, etc., is simply astonishing.
Looks like I'm going to have to force myself through KZ:SF's campaign. That's not to say that it in particular is exceptionally awful, but more that I can't even remember the last FPS campaign that didn't put me into a coma.


I wish they would allow for an option to hide the HUD in screenshots without having to go to options and disable it. Just press the share button and bam HUDless screenshot.


Ryse and Killzone are so far ahead of any other launch titles graphically speaking, major props to the tech wizards at Guerilla and Crytek


Ryse looks incredible, I still really want to try that game eventually when I get my Xbox One.

And Killzone: SF looks pretty damn good in single player. I think they toned down some of the stuff for multiplayer (I assume to keep framerate up) because aside from the character models the textures are pretty mediocre unlike the single player campaign that has mostly high resolution assets.


Ryse looks fantastic too, especially the foliage but KZ is just incredible. Really can't wait to see what these new consoles will be putting out in the coming years!
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