For anyone that has the game i would love to see a Wii U screenshot of that exact same place and weather just for comparison.... anyone??????
Wonderful 101 is the best game on the system so far
Why all the different resolutions? WW seems blurry in your screen.
To be fair this thread barely has Ryse in it, only 2 people have posted Ryse pics in this whole thread: me and nbnt, so posting Ryse more makes sense due to lack of Ryse to begin with. Now that I beaten Ryse I'll have more games posted soon, more X1 games definitely.Glad to see a few new game pics here and there. Seems all we get is Killzone, Ryse and Mario every page.
Makes no sense to post heavily motion-blurred screens, like those Ryse shots.
Stop it, please.
Half my screens had motion blur to show off how good it is while the other half don't so there's plenty of screens without motion blur.Makes no sense to post heavily motion-blurred screens, like those Ryse shots.
Stop it, please.
Not got that far yet, any idea of location because that does look good and I like to compare.
Gamepad screen from off tv play.
No, because his WW pic isn't even full/true 480p. If you look at his previous post, he again has 2 different resolutions, and all of them look blurry.
Get this one if you want 1080p@60FPS.but neither can capture
at 1080P and 60 frames per second to my knowledge at least.
Facebook, though both suffer from heavy compression so screens never look like they did on your TV/monitor.For the ones that take screenshots using the Share button of the PS4, what services post them in better quality, twitter or facebook?
Graphically speaking Ryse is doing a lot more than Killzone SF, but KZ SF has much better IQ because of the resolution difference
Well TBF the game does have a lot going on screen when it comes to a.i. like Killzone:I don't think it is doing a lot more at all...
I'm with you. Halo art style with killzone image quality and halo game play. Simply amazingThose Killzone screens are getting me pumped for Halo 5. I can only imagine how good Halo will look on the Xbone.
While I posted many without them, for you here's some close ups without those effects:I agree, it spoils the details of all the scenes.
The shader/texture work is indeed fantastic, but they need to bump up the poly count in their next games... Even at a glance you can spot how some stuff are low poly and it breaks the illusion.The mad details, the number of different materials, never seen before even on PC, it's unique and truly next gen
No doubt there. A basic soldier has more fine details than Ryse main characters.
The shader/texture work is indeed fantastic, but they need to bump up the poly count in their next games... Even at a glance you can spot how some stuff are low poly and it breaks the illusion.
I disagree. The extra polycount Ryse characters have show it's pretty face a lot better in motion when going to one game to another: armor pieces move more freely from the models and they hold up better poly wise too, maintaining the rounded look even at close ups.
While I posted many without them, for you here's some close ups without those effects:
No doubt there. A basic soldier has more fine details than Ryse main characters.
In terms of texture detail though, I would say KZ matches it quite handily.
For anyone that has the game i would love to see a Wii U screenshot of that exact same place and weather just for comparison.... anyone??????
If by three times less polys, You mean more details, than i agree.
Nah, textures are not on pair with C3, You'll see in comparison thread when Dictator will get unbanned in a week.
Some material shaders for details on characters are quite amazing in KZ:SF though, i definitely agree.
If by three times less polys, You mean more details, than i agree.
Of course you are never going to admit anything is on par to anything in a Crytek game unless it is another Crytek game.
Its hard to admit anything but that, because its a fact.
Of course you are never going to admit anything is on par to anything in a Crytek game unless it is another Crytek game. I have seen both...I think crysis 3 looks fantastic, but in many ways saddled by previous gen hardware even on PC. Ryse actually looks better to me in many ways. Lighting and texture detail definitely impress me more in KZ than in C3.
Pics above: Facial detail in KZ is fantastic...facial animation is often unnatural and cartoony. Guerrilla really need to step it up there.