According to the Bible. Hell will break loose on the world. Kicked off by God (the son of the Father, the Son of Man aka Jesus Christ), himself. He will be riding a great white horse as one of the 4 Horsemen, and 7 Angles will bring it (fire and brimstone) on Satan's kingdom established on earth. The Bible is scary, but life-saving at the same time. God, the Father, did it before when he released the Flood.
I seen Constatine today, too. And, I wonder why Gaberial (the Arch Angel, God the Father's right-hand man before Jesus Christ was created) always fall out of God's grace in movies human-beings make?
I want to see a movie about the war in heaven. When I meet God, I want him to tell/show me the story.
The Bible calls Heaven God's throne, and the earth his foot-stool. Heaven on Earth is what we have or will have after the 4 Horsemen and the 7 Angles letting loose. Has it already happened? God has been here since the start.