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Cool Sega toys found

Hrm, tonight is just not my posting night, posted this wrong twice....

I was out shopping tonight and stumbled upon these:







That zombie roadster is just fantastic. You think that little flying guy & his headless buddy "Carl" from HotD 2 carpool around in that thing?

I know I would.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Dave Long said:
These have been available for over six months.

yeah, it was awhile ago that I picked these up, and it was thanks to some topic on the old board, but I think recently they shipped more of them.

And damn you for making me think there was a second series of cars.


shitting in the alley outside your window
These have been available for about 4 months now. I was able to find everyone of them at walmart but it required a LOT of digging.


Sorry for the bump, just wanted to note that these are currently on sale at Target for 80 cents a car, saving you a cool 9 cents per (!).

I picked up one of each minus the Shinobi Esprit, which I'm going to have to head elsewhere for to complete the set.
I got them at Target tonight too. Took some searching, but I managed to find most of the set. The Space Channel 5 and House of the Dead III ones are most common.

Still can't find Shinobi.

These are great. They remind me of those awesome Mega Man cars I bought years back.


Tag of Excellence
I love the car choices they gave to each of the game.

SMB has the super sleek futuristic car, WITH FUCKING MONKEYS ON IT.

Space Channel 5 has a minivan of sorts with the back filled with DJ equipment, or something along those lines.

The House of the Dead is a very fitting retro, similar a bit to the gravedigger.

The JSRF car looks like a current Japanese car model outfitted with sleek designs.

The Shinobi one is similar to the JSRF choice although a bit more bold with the words.
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