Ah good it's been a quiet afternoon
More Shadow Cabinet resignations coming after 4pm.
Ah good it's been a quiet afternoon
More Shadow Cabinet resignations coming after 4pm.
These guys are just using sacking of Benn and Remain losing as an opportunity. It's so obvious but I guess these guys need to play dirty politics when we need it the least.
Petition for his resignation
Except they didn't do that, the prison population went up under Labour, they created new offences, walked back on softening their drugs policy, and created things like ASBOs and Imprisonment For Public Protection which allows prisoners to be detained pretty much forever.
And what, specifically, are the negative effects of immigration and what should (toughly, always toughly) be done about them?
Do you think their fears about immigration are justified? If so, what is your evidence that immigration is the cause of all their ills? If not, do you think we should indulge those sentiments even though they're baseless? And what would you suggest be done instead?
EDIT: I'm not asking this to be a dick, but because I hear a lot of people saying "voters are anti-immigration" etc, but with no followup about what that actually means or what is to be done about it. Does it mean invest massively into deprived areas so immigration is no longer a scapegoat? Does it mean try and convince voters that immigration is not the root problem? Does it mean go along with xenophobia to try and win popularity? No-one seems to have specifics. Meanwhile the last couple of decades of racist dogwhistling from both Labour and the Tories have brought us to this point, a Labour leader who actively nixed plans to use immigration as a scapegoat is being knifed by his own party, I as a minority am confronted by growing racist abuse, and all anyone wants to talk about are the "very serious concerns" about immigration
Someone said corbyn is principled. I couldnt stop laughing. The guy couldnt wait to leave europe, sabotaged the remain campaign and generally looked like a wet fish trying to convince people into something he did not believe in.
Nothing principled about that. God give me milliband over this guy
Every criticism of Corbyn seems to manifest from their own slanted idea of the actual reality. Utterly ridiculous and untrue. He didn't want to share a platform with Conservatives because he genuinely doesn't like them, his contempt is visible. Thank fuck he did what he did.
Glad they're leaving. Sick of these Tory lite neo libs. Not an ounce of integrity among them. THEY fucked the party from the start by trying to fuck him over, the leader selected by the damn people they're supposed to be representing.
I'm not sure what you're trying to imply here, so if you have something to say then say it straight.Tell me, how much campaigning have you done for the Labour party?
I'm not sure what you're trying to imply here, so if you have something to say then say it straight.
I disagree.That your understanding of the situation is not based upon reality.
Glad they're leaving. Sick of these Tory lite neo libs. Not an ounce of integrity among them. THEY fucked the party from the start by trying to fuck him over, the leader selected by the damn people they're supposed to be representing.
I disagree.
However next time just cut the snark.
Glad they're leaving. Sick of these Tory lite neo libs. Not an ounce of integrity among them. THEY fucked the party from the start by trying to fuck him over, the leader selected by the damn people they're supposed to be representing.
I disagree.
However next time just cut the snark.
Corbyn is a shit leader, and that's from someone who used to support him. He's weak and placid.
Labour and Conservatives both a mess. This will give rise to UKIP.
They may get 2 MPs next time.
Not sure if this was posted:
Backbench ‏(@Backbench_UK)
Iain McNicol, Labours general secretary, has received legal advice that he should not put Corbyn on the ballot paper unless the PLP does so
It's now in double digits:
George Eaton ‏(@georgeeaton)
Charlie Falconer becomes tenth shadow cabinet departure today.
They're really think labour members who overwhelmingly support Corbyn would just accept that? Absolute nonsense.
What will they do if they dont like any of the candidates? Not vote?
From that tweet it looks like there is no legal way he gets on the ballot without the 35 MP backing. That's endgame for JC.
That would be extraordinary. Who do these people even represent if the only way they can win is by leaving off the people's choice?
The last so called tory lite leader the labour party had, well he led them to a general election victory.
Canadian political parties have been criticized for their parties being too tightly knit with MPs walking in lock-step with their leadership with Party Unity.
Westminster however, you guys are the opposite, you have in-fighting within each major parties to the point that those parties put their inner-politicking interests before the good of the country
after seeing the total disaster of this Brexit, I will take my Canadian disciplined MPs who walk in lock-step with their party and then the mess at Westminster
I rather have stability with less democracy than seing total in-fighting in a party ruining the entire country.
Totally agree. Those Blair-ite fucker can crawl back under the rocks they came from.Glad they're leaving. Sick of these Tory lite neo libs. Not an ounce of integrity among them. THEY fucked the party from the start by trying to fuck him over, the leader selected by the damn people they're supposed to be representing.
Glad they're leaving. Sick of these Tory lite neo libs. Not an ounce of integrity among them. THEY fucked the party from the start by trying to fuck him over, the leader selected by the damn people they're supposed to be representing.
and given how it all worked out do you think the voters required to get back in are going to trust The Blair Tribute Band version of Labour?
I like Corbyn but i don't think he can attract the votes but i honestly don't see Blairites being able to do it either -because- of the Blair association.
If Corbyn isn't the answer, than neither is this. I got into this with a friend who is part of the party and we fundamentally disagreed and i was somewhat dismayed at the "well, the last time we did -this- so let's do -that- again!" mindset :/
I want Labour to be something different.
That's 9 gone now right? How many more to go?
Nah. Working class folks will vote for blair in a blink of an eye even right now. Those northern cities who are worried about immigration are not going to vote for a clown like corbyn who dismisses people's concerns as simply racist
new labour's pivot was to remain socially liberal while becoming economically conservative.
to get back their working class base, on many issues, they'll need to do the opposite.