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Could Donkey Konga work on the Nintendo DS?


Donkey Konga seems like it would be perfectly suited for the Nintendo DS.
It had the touch screen for Kongas and the Mic for picking up the clapping.
And I'm sure you can fit, at 4MB a song, at least 15 licensed tracks on a DS cart.

I had this idea myself. I'm not sure if I posted though, but they could even expand the game a bit. A few simple guitar chords to pluck, buttons on a horn. Mainly what we see in Jam with the Band, but not limited to simple button presses.


Yeah, it would work, complete with wireless multiplayer.

It would work, but it'd probably suck.

What makes you think it would suck.
I did a mock play through just now and it seems like it would work quite well.


I've said this before. The Touchscreen doesn't support more than one point of pressure at any one time, making this game, at least, difficult to pull off.


lockii said:
I've said this before. The Touchscreen doesn't support more than one point of pressure at any one time, making this game, at least, difficult to pull off.

It doesn't? Do any touch screens?
Thats stupid, if true. Seems touch screen technology should be beyond that.
how would you hold it. Pointless on the DS. clap? button hitting?

Only musically genres that can work are REZ/SC5/Gitarro/Britney Dance Beat/Parappa types

any peripheral dependent games will suck


You could easily play that in your lap.
And I'm sure, like the console version, it would come with mini games to play on the go.
lockii said:
I've said this before. The Touchscreen doesn't support more than one point of pressure at any one time, making this game, at least, difficult to pull off.

So why not just tap in the middle? :p

Though that point does ruin my own idea.


DarthWufei said:
So why not just tap in the middle? :p

Though that point does ruin my own idea.

Thats a good idea.
Third tap point for pink... requires a new mockup I dont feel like making, though.
olimario said:
It doesn't? Do any touch screens?
Thats stupid, if true. Seems touch screen technology should be beyond that.

its true. Not stupid. How else can the screen detect where the input is coming from (text recognition.. input options..etc). If both screens are touchable.. then you can DK DS.
I dunno, it seems to me that a big part of the appeal of Donkey Konga is you have an actual set of Konga drums to play the game with.

I mean you could have Duck Hunt or other light gun shooters on the DS too, but it's more fun with an actual light gun.


oh...I dont think that would work thogh, as I dont think tocuh screens are sensitive enough to be used with a wide object. like a finger. I could be wrong though. Actually I probably AM wrong.
joshschw said:
oh...I dont think that would work thogh, as I dont think tocuh screens are sensitive enough to be used with a wide object. like a finger. I could be wrong though. Actually I probably AM wrong.

Spidreman DS isn't used with a stylus but rather your finger
they only reason they show it off using the stylus is for the sake a presentation, and maybe prefernce. the stylus is nothing more than a plastic nub, you can "set off" the touch sensor with anything that can apply pressure to it, but only the center point of the pressure would be "activated". eg, the pad of your finger, the point on the stylus, the center of an orange, whatever you touch the screen with.


Hey... that's not a bad idea. Maybe you could get rid of the two-drum notes and clap and replace it with a bass drum on L or R, so you can hold the DS in either hand and tap with the other.
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