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Countries you'd never travel to

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Anywhere in the ME... except Dubai!








A couple more at: http://www.arrakeen.ch/dubai/dubaijan03.html


Himuro said:
I'm sorry if I offended you for being Texas, but not every Texas is like Bush. I didn't think my grammar was that apparent either, I hope you don't think I'm a homosexual rights hater because of these 2 reasons. :(

I'm glad I'm not a Texas. I don't think I could stand the idea of having Texans in me
I may make it a thing to just not leave the UK ... ever. Get to know and love this place a little more.

Having said that, I want to see America and Japan. I'd like to visit Prague, and other European places. If I thought it necessary, I'd check our foreign office website. Anywhere where there's a warning to UK citizens, I'd heed it.
What a worthless thread...Every country has many beautiful things to see and experience...Most people are human like you and me, want to live in peace and feed their kids....I wonder what people in the 1940's thought of Germany and Japan? Go out, visit all the places you can visit and experience the different cultures and what they have to offer...I would go to Baghdad tomorrow if I could...


cities always look good in far-away/high-up pics. Take San Francisco, a pristine city from above, yet you go into the streets, and its a toilet.
Do The Mario said:
I was expecting a few Australia’s

“I don’t want to killed by a giant spider with snakes for legs”

pfft, Steve Irwin has shown us ignorant North American masses that stalking lethal animals, poking them with sticks to the point of extreme agitation, while talking nonchalantly to a videocamera is easy and safe to do.

I'm kind of surprised - but happy - no one's mentioned my homeland, Canada. About the only places in the world I'd avoid are those currently engaging in war. I'd really love to see South America (especially the world's most dangerous road), and parts of Asia.


demon said:
To those who say the middle east, you'd never visit Dubai?

I said the Middle East and I've been to both Dubai and Kuwait. I'd also happily go to Oman or Quatar. I meant the BAD Middle East :p
Eric-GCA said:
cities always look good in far-away/high-up pics. Take San Francisco, a pristine city from above, yet you go into the streets, and its a toilet.

True enough, but Dubai might be an exception to this rule. When you can afford to erect a city in the middle of nowhere, build a canal next to it, using stones larger than those used in the pyramids, create one of the world's most expensive hotels, build oen of the world's top amusement parks, pave a 16 lane highway, etc. things are bound to be a bit more pristine than the average city. I'd fucking love to visit it.


USA and Israel. I'm boycotting them both for years.

And please this

GaimeGuy said:

is wrong. Boycotting USA doesn't mean I hate all Americans (just these stupid rednecks US is full with) and boycotting Israel doesn't mean I'm antisemitic.

edit: Actually I have more, but these are the first two names I can think now.


demon said:
To those who say the middle east, you'd never visit Dubai?


Heck, I'd live in Dubai. They hire outlanders, and pay them quite well, pay the lodging/car, and it's tax free!

About the topic, too many to lists. Many are because I wouldn't visit it for fear of security, others because they simply don't interest me?
Tommie Hu$tle said:
Besides the fact that it is the largest source of diamonds, and rare metals I don't know.
I'm not going to dig up diamonds myself. That's what the children are for. They've got the small hands for it ya know? :)
Jeffahn said:
Why South Africa?


If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say the high crime rate is the reason for not going there.

GaimeGuy said:

After a complete peace agreement with the Palestinians and a retreat from most occupied territories, all will be forgiven. :)

GaimeGuy said:
Oh and Instigator, I hope you don't use any pentium processors, AIM, or ICQ, since they were all invented in Israel.

Agricultural products is the bulk of Israeli imports sold here.

But if we can extend the boycott to things the country invented, I have no problem doing away with Christianity while we're at it. :D

Did Israel also invent the wheel by any chance? That's a tough one to avoid and they must be getting mad royalties on that one. :lol

aoi tsuki

Do The Mario said:
I was expecting a few Australia’s

“I don’t want to killed by a giant spider with snakes for legs”
i'd visit Australia for the women (and beer). i've met a couple of interesting women online from there who'd do painfully enjoyable things to me upon arrival. Come to think of it, i think i'd visit any country for the women and beer, except the US.


Bali is part of Indonesia btw.

And I come from Malaysia; the best reason to travel there is the food and the rainforest/cave tours. Also cheap shit abounds there, but there're other places for that.

As a general rule of thumb, I wouldn't travel to a place where my race is considered kill on sight... I'm not sure if there are places like that tho... maybe in the middle of the amazon...

as well as conflict countries... countries that have just finished a conflict, or have mounting tensions... no thanks.

also won't go to a country where the facilities would be too shit... so that rules out alot of places.

But I'll tell you where I would go if I could afford it... Dubai! If you're gonna be materialistic, then be materialistic in the right way... I mean... this is a place that creates beauty out of dust...
Amused_To_Death said:
What a worthless thread...Every country has many beautiful things to see and experience...Most people are human like you and me, want to live in peace and feed their kids....I wonder what people in the 1940's thought of Germany and Japan? Go out, visit all the places you can visit and experience the different cultures and what they have to offer...I would go to Baghdad tomorrow if I could...

Going to Germany and Japan in that era was not a good idea. And if WWII had not been decisive, it probably would not have been a good idea to go there for a while longer.

I understand what you're trying to achieve, but cut the PC crap, really. As long as Iraq remains lawless, you will not travel there, no matter how much you may want to. This has nothing to do about the people and not respecting them as human beings, you just want to protect yourself if you have any sense. That is an entirely legitimate reason. And if Iraq was just a desert wasteland with no history whatsoever, you'd probably have no reason to travel there no matter the political situation.

Though it doesn't qualify as a country, I would love to go to Antartica, but most people wouldn't because of the permanent winter. Short of a global weather shift, Antartica will get the cold shoulder from most would-be tourists. People have different reasons for wanting or not wanting to travel abroad.

Are some people refusing to visit some places out of (latent) racism? Of course, but no need to make a public service announcement stating the obvious. :)

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Instigator said:
Though it doesn't qualify as a country, I would love to go to Antartica, but most people wouldn't because of the permanent winter. Short of a global weather shift, Antartica will get the cold shoulder from most would-be tourists. People have different reasons for wanting or not wanting to travel abroad.

That’s the way it should stay, it’s an almost pristine environment why would we want to commercialize it? Not being a country it wouldn’t profit from ecotourism and who would regulate it? The environment would just be exploited for no reason.


Looking for Pants
6.8 said:
Heck, I'd live in Dubai. They hire outlanders, and pay them quite well, pay the lodging/car, and it's tax free!

About the topic, too many to lists. Many are because I wouldn't visit it for fear of security, others because they simply don't interest me?
Heck, I lived in Dubai, but I've been back in Texas for 6 years where I love it!


Tommie Hu$tle said:
Yeah that's true, Peoria, IL is the only place in America where a terrorist attack could improve the ecomony.

I'm from Singapore and I visted Peoria a few years back. Very peaceful but boring place. All I remembered about the place was that it had quite a huge Toy R Us and I managed to snag a few Genesis games at really really low prices.
Do The Mario said:
That’s the way it should stay, it’s an almost pristine environment why would we want to commercialize it? Not being a country it wouldn’t profit from ecotourism and who would regulate it? The environment would just be exploited for no reason.

Maybe, but can I still want to go? I'd also want some tiger cubs and whatever babies from endangered species.
Instigator said:
No need to bring up small and obscure foreign lands, try to stick more to more well-known countries.

India: Looks nice, but too hot and too crowded for me.
Israel: I already boycott products from Israel so...
Mexico: Looks too corrupt and dangerous, save from a few isolated tourist spots.

why would anyone want to go to a fucking country like Israel!?
dont you know its full of ugly men that smells bad!

no thanks i want to travel to countries that have something to offer like:

USA: Miami, hot damn chicks + everyone has silicon tits, Californina Los angeles, same there.
if you can get in to the right clubs:) wich i can.

Sweden: Blonde hot girls, dont think they get any hotter and hornier than that!

Italy: Shopping+ hot chicks if you can get access to the right clubs:)

New Z: nice place to chill, go fly fishing and just enjoy the nature life

Austrailia: surfers paradise!

Alaska: in summer, live in a log cabin out in the wild life and just enjoy the nature life

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
robertsan21 said:
why would anyone want to go to a fucking country like Israel!?
dont you know its full of ugly men that smells bad!

I am interested to know what the women of this country look and smell like.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
AeroGod said:

So this is the end of our story, and everyone is dead from aids They took from me my best friend, my only true friend, my only bright star (he died of aiiiiaaaiiiids)

My father (AIDS!)
My sister (AIDS!)
My uncle and my cousin and her best friend (AIDS AIDS AIDS!) *crowd bopping*
catfish said:
I am interested to know what the women of this country look and smell like.

yeah they have beard and hair on their backs, and i am sure they dont shave their private parts so stay away! stay far far away!


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Supposedly, India and some southeast asian countries are gaining a reputation for high quality, low cost medical care, to the point where people are taking vacations there just so they can get various medical procedures (from vital to cosmetic) done more cheaply than with insurance here. Even with the costs of the flight and the medical procedure itself, they have plenty leftover to spend some time vacationing afterward.


Strap on your hooker ...
Looking at those pics of Dubai, and thinking about many other foreign countries' cityscapes, the US totally sucks in terms of architecture. Our buildings don't have a fraction of the identity and individuality the ones in other countries do. I would think our cities would jump at the chance to have easily identifiable buildings that make a given city's skyline more recognizable, but nope. Pretty much all we get is variations on rectangles.
DarthWoo said:
Supposedly, India and some southeast asian countries are gaining a reputation for high quality, low cost medical care, to the point where people are taking vacations there just so they can get various medical procedures (from vital to cosmetic) done more cheaply than with insurance here. Even with the costs of the flight and the medical procedure itself, they have plenty leftover to spend some time vacationing afterward.

Avid CBS watcher and 60 Minutes fan, I see. :)


Instigator said:
If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say the high crime rate is the reason for not going there.

The crime rate appears high due to tha fact that it's a 1st world police force and judicial system operating in within largely 3rd world population. Most people in many other countries never even report crime because they know that nothing will ever come of it due to corruption and lack of resources. You may be unpleasantly surprised when you visit some of the other countries listed here for this reason. The actual crime rate in SA varies from region to region, so you can avoid most of it just by knowing wherer to go. I wouldn't go so far as to say the rate is low, but tourism is a very important industry and the authorities do not want to put it at risk.










Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Sokar said:
That's made in China.
In that case, you can boycott America while sitting in a Barcalounger playing your Xbox, wearing your Nikes, and sporting an Eli Manning jersey.

There has been talk of having the next World Cup in South Africa. Africa has never staged a final and they're trying to move it around to the different continents now. North Africa also wants it but the security concerns are too much to overcome up there.
robertsan21 said:
yeah they have beard and hair on their backs, and i am sure they dont shave their private parts so stay away! stay far far away!

Dude, it's not like the majority of us are interested in having sexual relations with these guys, so I don't see how it's a problem...for us :)

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
GaimeGuy said:
Oh and Instigator, I hope you don't use any pentium processors, AIM, or ICQ, since they were all invented in Israel.

i was about to say.. so much technology and medicine comes from israel that its really hard to boycott all their products.

catfish said:
I am interested to know what the women of this country look and smell like.

israeli women are pretty damn hot.. and many have some rather nice (i.e. large) breasts... well, at least the ones ive met. :)

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
catfish said:
I don't have to want to go to texas dude. From here, it looks like a shit dump full of intolerant retards. If you don't like my opinion of it, you should elect a better representative for it.

everywhere but Austin. its quite the liberal city in fact.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Brian Fellows said:
But how would I see Peoria Pirates games and the 5 hot chicks who attend Bradley? :D

I stayed a weekend in Peoria during highschool for all-state orchestra, and I got pushed up four seats because of boredom-induced suicides. The place is a hell hole.
Zaptruder said:
Bali is part of Indonesia btw.
Heck, Indonesia's the FIRST place I'd go. My boyfriend's from and is there. :) :) :) And they have GREAT food (eventhough I wouldn't want to know how it got there...)
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