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If a bunch of Iraqi soldiers turned up and killed everyone on a US military base, would this be labelled a terrorist action?
Also, if they sent a missile at the white house and nailed George bush, would this be labelled terrorist?
When would Iraqs soldiers not be labelled terrorists if they got on to american soil?
This post was inspired by Penn and tellers bullshit episode on big brother. It had this guy hammering home the point "WE ARE AT WAR" over and over again from the NSA. but I have a feeling he would call them terrorists. which wouldn't really be true given that it is war.
Also, is the WAR against IRAQ? Did george bush actually declare war on iraq? Or did he just declare it on terror in general. Because the best way to wipe out an emotion is probably through medication, not the bombs. When does a war actually finish? Does the president of the winning side need to declare the war over? Does he have a responsibility to do that?
Also, if they sent a missile at the white house and nailed George bush, would this be labelled terrorist?
When would Iraqs soldiers not be labelled terrorists if they got on to american soil?
This post was inspired by Penn and tellers bullshit episode on big brother. It had this guy hammering home the point "WE ARE AT WAR" over and over again from the NSA. but I have a feeling he would call them terrorists. which wouldn't really be true given that it is war.
Also, is the WAR against IRAQ? Did george bush actually declare war on iraq? Or did he just declare it on terror in general. Because the best way to wipe out an emotion is probably through medication, not the bombs. When does a war actually finish? Does the president of the winning side need to declare the war over? Does he have a responsibility to do that?