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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Gold Member
Anyone have comments about the former Pfizer CSO warning about taking this shot? Is that disinfo?

Yes it is.

What's True
Until 2011, Michael Yeadon worked in a drug discovery research unit within Pfizer and was a vice president and chief scientist of that specific division, which focused on allergy and respiratory medical research. His views on COVID-19, lockdowns, and vaccination have elevated his position on some corners of the internet, despite a scientific rationale for those claims that has since been proven to be unambiguously incorrect.

What's False
Yeadon's title was not "chief scientist of Pfizer," "chief scientific officer of Pfizer," or "vice president of Pfizer." The division he ran had nothing to do with vaccines or infectious disease and at the time of its closure in 2011, was focused on developing compounds that targeted asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


Gold Member
Gotta love his wikipedia page too! So funny.

And since you love Reuters:

A baseless quote has been widely attributed to a Nobel Prize winner to claim people will die from antibody-dependent enhancement after receiving a COVID-19 jab. There is no evidence to back up this claim, nor was Reuters able to find any instance where the laureate made this comment.

The claim, made in a post that has been screenshot and shared on social media platforms, says French virologist Luc Montagnier “has confirmed that there is no chance of survival for people who have received any form of the vaccine”.


False. Reuters was unable to find any instance of Montagnier saying the cited quote. His actual comment about ADE is inaccurate and does not reflect real-world evidence.

As for Robert Malone,

Inadequate support: COVID-19 vaccines haven’t shown signs of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) in animal studies or vaccinated people. On the contrary, evidence indicates that vaccination reduces the risk of infection and the severity of the disease.

Misrepresents source: Fully vaccinated people who become infected tend to carry a lower viral load compared to unvaccinated people. The video misinterpreted an article by NBC News reporting on new data that is specifically about the Delta variant only. When infected with this variant, vaccinated people might have viral levels similar to unvaccinated people, but not higher as the video claimed.
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Why do you think the 1st ammendment exists? It's a counter-response to attempts by the ruling class to control information.... I swear, has nobody read history further back than 5 years?
Twitter and Facebook already control the flow of information through algorithms that provide whatever content will keep users engaged; irrespective of whether it is true or false. And once you have "sampled" a given theory, you will start getting more and more of it, and you will be connected with people that believe that theory, and shielded from information that could disprove it. That's pretty much the definition of propaganda.

We've created a propaganda machine that the despots of the last century could only dream of. And we're setting it loose on our population with no real understanding of the possible consequences.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Appeals to authority? :messenger_tears_of_joy:

From the inventors.... hahahaha epic counter-argument. I could understand your post if I appealed to my local physician...

But Nobel Laureate vaccine inventors? I'm very pro-vaccine. I'm very pro-coronavirus vaccine. Please, get it!

We need a control group for the long-term affects, since Former President skipped that part of the rollout via executive order, and I'm volunteering.
None of the people you listed worked on the COVID vaccine. None are Nobel Laureate vaccine inventors. No-one invented mRNA.
Again there are many highly credentialed immunologists, virologists, epidemiologists etc at the CDC - do you listen to them?


Man, i can't wait for the personalized robots and big data tools to become of mainstream use to filtrate bullshit spreaders, like, do you think every person that come across wild "facts" as the ones made by Singular7 take the time to really track them down to the source? It's a shit show for people that spend time on Twiter and Facebook, but you are not even safe in messaging apps as some people even spread "news" through there as copy pastas.
Can't recall the amount of times i've had to repeat my elders to not trust any of the shit they get through whatsapp or whatever.

Picard Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN
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This is the impossible task of fighting misinformation. Someone posts some factoid with some truth to it but fundamentally misleading. We go over the science and probabilities and all that to explain why it's wrong. The goalpost is moved and we go back and forth for a few rounds of that, until eventually when they feel they're cornered they never reply back and someone else comes along with a new set of claims and the cycle starts over. Eventually, when enough time has passed some of the claims we already went over pop up again like they haven't been debunked already. It never ends.


"I googled it" is no longer valid .... the front page is "fact checks", but in their own words in these articles, you can at least see what they said.

Pfizer Chief Science Officer:

HIV discoverer Luc Montagnier:

Dr. Zelenko warning (he treated 6000 covid patients directly in Israel so far):

Robert Malone, inventor of MRNA tech:

Like most media today (think Fox news) journalism has become "defending my preexisting views" and attacking anyone who disagrees.

Like your responses probably, just ad hominem, and no actual discussion :)

Now... you can argue "these guys who created this tech and invented various other vaccines, don't know what they are talking about, because of science reason X, Y or Z"
Thanks for posting these, however this doesn't seem to help your position, the links you posted are critical towards these folks, maybe except Robert Malone, but even with him there is controversy about the invention of mrna vaccine, that distinction goes to Katalin Kariko and Derrick Rossi.
Not claiming they're wrong I'm not qualified to make any claims, but have to admit these are just a small amount of people making hypothesis, not proven yet.


Lil’ Gobbie
"I googled it" is no longer valid .... the front page is "fact checks", but in their own words in these articles, you can at least see what they said.

Pfizer Chief Science Officer:

HIV discoverer Luc Montagnier:

Dr. Zelenko warning (he treated 6000 covid patients directly in Israel so far):

Robert Malone, inventor of MRNA tech:

Like most media today (think Fox news) journalism has become "defending my preexisting views" and attacking anyone who disagrees.

Like your responses probably, just ad hominem, and no actual discussion :)

Now... you can argue "these guys who created this tech and invented various other vaccines, don't know what they are talking about, because of science reason X, Y or Z"

it's probably good to read the links that you post

the Pfizer ceo says it causes infertility in women which is obviously wrong

Montagnier is a well known loon that champions homeopathy

Robert Malone's criticism is actually fairly reasonable - he doesn't like the expedited process of the mRNA vaccines and thinks the side effects are being downplayed to promote vaccination rates. he thinks only the high risk people should be vaccinated. fair.
he does seem a bit like the paranoid type however and got himself banned from social media for saying Pfizer made a deal with the Israelis not to disclose any of the adverse effects for 10 years or some shit, which obviously isn't true as we have seen.
iirc I think he took one of the mRNA shots after he contracted the virus to avoid getting "long covid", developed long covid and blamed it on the shot...


Curious, and feel free to educate me.

If you or someone has a problem with the MRNA vaccine, why not just take the J&J vaccine?
  • March 2021: "The best vaccine is what is available to you, no need to wait for a specific one"
  • April 2021: "Some areas in some countries don't accept certain types of vaccines" or "Health officials conclude anxiety was the cause of the vaccine symptoms" or "symptoms not related to the vaccine"
  • May 2021: nothing noteworthy here
  • June and July 2021: On June 11th, CDC Finally admits myocarditis is a potential risk from the vaccine despite officials in the previous months claiming that it was just "anxiety" or symptoms unrelated to the vaccine.

    So imagine how much we will learn by December 2021 / January 2022?

  • Along with all these:

  • No liability for vaccine manufacturers. Got injured? You're out of luck!
  • NEVER forget the Swine Flu vaccine disaster of 1976, and they stopped distribution of it after a couple of problems which by today's standards, they probably wouldn't have stopped distribution of it.
  • CDC reports 99.5% survival rate (covid, not the vaccine), even for the elderly.
  • Inconsistencies with data collection (even CNN has criticized the CDC for their lousy data: https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/28/health/breakthrough-cases-cdc-analysis/index.html), so that's saying something when even CNN had to write this. (The press was just caught manufacturing cases of both Florida and Texas.
  • Apparently, as of August 2021, it doesn't prevent infection or the spread of infection. Can still get sick (albeit a bit lesser?) What the heck is the point of a vaccine passport then, aside from segregation? Even without the vaccine your chances of survival is incredibly high already.
  • Fact checkers have a $2 billion dollar stake in the vaccine manufacturers company. (Conflict of interest)
  • Pfizer board member is also CEO of Reuters (fact checking site). Of course they won't talk shit about themselves, so there's definitely bias in the "Fact checking" articles.
  • Robert Malone being silenced and discredited despite contributing to mRNA in the past, warnings being ignored
  • Peter McCullough and a whole lotta other scientists being silenced.
10,000+ experts telling them the vaccine is safe and necessary = durrrrr no way!
4 discredited conspiracy theorists say don’t take it = Yeah!

Totally not predictable
It's not necessary for me personally. No amount of expertise could convince me otherwise.


It's not necessary for me personally. No amount of expertise could convince me otherwise.
So don’t take the vax. If you die tomorrow nobody cares about you via the internets. Maybe some long distance boyfriend or girlfriend if you have that. You won’t be missed by the majority of us.

I like to come to this thread and read facts and data.

Don’t care about who does and does not support the vaccine.
So don’t take the vax. If you die tomorrow nobody cares about you via the internets. Maybe some long distance boyfriend or girlfriend if you have that. You won’t be missed by the majority of us.
If only this were the official stance of the global government, I'd be very happy.
What the heck is the point of a vaccine passport then, aside from segregation?
You know, given the tone of this divide, that certainly seems to be the case. It's already an either/or proposition from many, and gradually more-so from those in power making these decisions. There is a real hostile vibe to things from my perspective, and increasingly there is pressure/measures being introduced that will make *not* getting vaccinated the same as choosing not to live at all. This is entirely out of proportion to the threat which leads me to the conclusion that there are ulterior motives.


I'm not the one advocating for mass censorship.
Neither am i , do you even know what are big data tools and what would imply to have mainstream adoption of them? of course not.

The problem with social networks today is that the ability to control the information is only on the platform holders , users have no way of dealing with the amount of information exposed to them or what is exposed to them. With big data tools available to the user end, people would be able to control what is exposed to them, fact check public information, track news life cycle, etc.
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You know, given the tone of this divide, that certainly seems to be the case. It's already an either/or proposition from many, and gradually more-so from those in power making these decisions. There is a real hostile vibe to things from my perspective, and increasingly there is pressure/measures being introduced that will make *not* getting vaccinated the same as choosing not to live at all. This is entirely out of proportion to the threat which leads me to the conclusion that there are ulterior motives.
Yep, the Covidians are extremely vicious in their tone. At the same time they claim they care about human lives. It's a weird kind of pathology indeed.
Neither am i , do you even know what are big data tools and what would imply to have mainstream adoption of them? of course not.

The problem with social networks today is that the ability to control the information is only on the platform holders , users have no way of dealing with the amount of information exposed to them or what is exposed to them. With big data tools available to the user end, people would be able to control what is exposed to them, fact check public information, track news life cycle, etc.
So you're mad because you think misinformed people aren't reading "the truth" and "the real facts" but you want the ability to filter out anything you disagree with.

Got it.


None of which is an argument for not taking the vaccine, which only has benefits and no known risks.
Which vaccine is this that has "no known risks"?

My understanding was that there were a couple of different risks associated with some of the vaccines.
So much so that certain vaccines are only given to certain age groups to mitigate the risks.

Wasn't the use of Astra Zeneca halted for people under 40 due to risks and wasn't Pfizer halted for younger people due to some potential heart problems? Or am I misremembering?

Maybe your arguments would be more effective if you didn't say things like "no known risks" when that's not actually true?


So you're mad because you think misinformed people aren't reading "the truth" and "the real facts" but you want the ability to filter out anything you disagree with.

Got it.
Go back and read the posts, why should i teach you reading comprehension.
I'm sure you fact check everything that you read online back to the source like everyone else does on the internet, right? Yeah, i love spending my time fact checking wild claims on the internet too, is a blast. It's not like it would take all day or anything.
Go back and read the posts, why should i teach you reading comprehension.
I'm sure you fact check everything that you read online back to the source like everyone else does on the internet, right? Yeah, i love spending my time fact checking wild claims on the internet too, is a blast. It's not like it would take all day or anything.
Lazy too? Tsk tsk.


So don’t take the vax. If you die tomorrow nobody cares about you via the internets. Maybe some long distance boyfriend or girlfriend if you have that. You won’t be missed by the majority of us.
Don't really understand why people talk about Covid as if it's a death sentence.

When I was vaccinated one of the conditions for getting the vaccine was that I hadn't previously had Covid. This was early on so maybe things are different now (I think you only get one dose if you previously had covid). Meaning that having coivd itself is seen as equivalent to a least one dose in terms of protection.

If the poster you are replying to is under 60 then the chances of them dying from covid are actually very, very, small.
You talk as if the choices are get vaccinated or die. It's simply not the case at all.

I got vaccinated because I wanted to travel (EU citizen here) and we can travel freely with the EU digital covid certificate.
I can eat indoors, go to pubs, no need to wear a mask at football stadiums.

However, if someone isn't really interested in any of that stuff and doesn't want to be vaccinated the risk of catching covid seems bigger but the risk of actually dying is really quite small.

Just seems weird to see all this "don't blame me when you die" stuff whenever someone is not willing to be vaccinated.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
What percentage of hospitals are currently overrun in America? How many hospitals by me are currently overrun?

I guarantee you do not know or give a fuck about the answer to this question, not has it ever crossed your mind.

Literally anywhere Covid is surging, which is most of the country right now, is stretched thinner than they should be caring for all the additional patients. Cumulatively all these people are putting an undeniably terrible strain on the healthcare system. It's a terrible cost that we all have to pay and it's costing us good healthcare professionals in the long term.

Whether or not YOUR local hospital has a bed free for you is not really the point. These nurses and doctors who have suffered enough handling three times their normal patient load do not need one more idiot patient to care for, one more call to answer. Every Covid patient in an ICU is making care worse for everyone else in the ICU. And almost every one of them is unnecessary, every one is an own-goal on some stupid point they were trying to prove, everyone a cautionary tale to the others out there that think it can't happen to them.

PS: Where are the people who believe they shame the undeserving?
Stop throwing yourself a pity party just because someone told you about yourself. You haven't had one real rebuttal to anything I've said, you know it's all true, you just don't want to hear it.
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Snake Oil Salesman
I guarantee you do not know or give a fuck about the answer to this question, not has it ever crossed your mind.

Literally anywhere Covid is surging, which is most of the country right now, is stretched thinner than they should be caring for all the additional patients. Cumulatively all these people are putting an undeniably terrible strain on the healthcare system. It's a terrible cost that we all have to pay and it's costing us good healthcare professionals in the long term.

Whether or not YOUR local hospital has a bed free for you is not really the point. These nurses and doctors who have suffered enough handling three times their normal patient load do not need one more idiot patient to care for, one more call to answer. Every Covid patient in an ICU is making care worse for everyone else in the ICU. And almost every one of them is unnecessary, every one is an own-goal on some stupid point they were trying to prove, everyone a cautionary tale to the others out there that think it can't happen to them.

Stop throwing yourself a pity party just because someone told you about yourself. You haven't had one real rebuttal to anything I've said, you know it's all true, you just don't want to hear it.

We keep talking past each other, which is fruitless. Cest la vie.
Already debunked, try again.

Posted before:

mRNA technology and mRNA vaccine technology is different. Robert Malone created mRNA technology which then Katalin Kariko used the technology Robert Malone made to create mRNA vaccine technology with the help of Robert Malone himself. Even in Katalin's research paper she credited Robert Malone for greatly helping her. So I don't know where the "minor" part is coming from.

This isn't debunked and it is true. No one ever made the claim he is the creator of mRNA vaccine technology. This is an example of people moving goal posts.

He created mRNA technology in the 1980s and Katalin Kariko created mRNA vaccine technology in the 1990s. It isnt hard to understand.
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Don't really understand why people talk about Covid as if it's a death sentence.


Science is great.
Vaccines are great.

Covid doesn't really kill many people. 99.7% survival.

So why are we collectively running around like we're on fire?

We shouldn't be arguing about who takes a medical procedure or not, vaccine passports (WTF! .. truly ... why? I need papers to prove I'm vaccinated to go to a bar? In the black death maybe ... but 99.7%?) or not.

If 99.7% is enough, we need to stop driving, eating MCD, using alcohol, paragliding, rollerblading, boating with clouds, etc. 1:107 chance of dying while driving..... hello.

I'm convinced this is the Big Gulp NYC policy run amok.

Cases ran rampant for a year, a true psycho-freakout for a year, and collective 2020 death is DOWN statistically. Easiest "pandemic" ever. Again: cases ran rampant.

The real doom? The economic effects of this freak-out. Prepare yourself LOL
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Science is great.
Vaccines are great.

Covid doesn't really kill many people. 99.7% survival.

So why are we collectively running around like we're on fire?

We shouldn't be arguing about who takes a medical procedure or not, vaccine passports (WTF! .. truly ... why? I need papers to prove I'm vaccinated to go to a bar? In the black death maybe ... but 99.7%?) or not.

If 99.7% is enough, we need to stop driving, eating MCD, using alcohol, paragliding, rollerblading, boating with clouds, etc. 1:107 chance of dying while driving..... hello.

I'm convinced this is the Big Gulp NYC policy run amok.

Cases ran rampant for a year, a true psycho-freakout for a year, and collective 2020 death is DOWN statistically. Easiest "pandemic" ever. Again: cases ran rampant.

The real doom? The economic effects of this freak-out. Prepare yourself LOL
I think you're underestimating the systemic risk of a health care that runs as efficient as possible. The percentage might seem small but frequency of each wave and the type of care required seem to overwhelm the system.


Rodent Whores
Can you show us any data on how many hospitals are currently overrun with patients? Preferably relative to percentages over the last 18 months?
Don't change the subject until you've properly acknowledged the response to your former point.


345K is a lot bigger than 40K.

He's not accusing you of not wanting to fight COVID. He's using the hypothetical to demonstrate to you how extremely flawed your comparison is because we're not fighting the flu in the past the way we're fighting COVID now.

Do you have a response to this?
I'm just a skeptic asking questions, not like you NPCs. Now here's a survival rate pulled from Facebook and fearmongering about societal economies I've never had any control over anyway.



Just seems weird to see all this "don't blame me when you die" stuff whenever someone is not willing to be vaccinated.
How is any of this weird? From all over the world you get testimonies of young people being admitted into the ICU - people in their 20s and 30s.
Yes, the risk of being hospitalised is lower but high infection rate = more infections = more hospital admissions.
Let me use some math:
1 million old people contaminated x 10% hospitalisation rate = 100 000 hospitalisations
10 million young people contaminated x 1% hospitalisation rate = 100 000 hospitalisations

The end result is the same, you just need a larger sample and Delta takes care of that.

Young people can develop severe illness as a result of Covid.
Young people can die to Covid.
Vaccines practically prevent severe illnesses in young people.
Get vaccinated.
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Count of Concision
Question: why has the whole "Delta is as contagious as chickenpox!" thing been unquestioningly adopted when it was based on a very limited data set under very specific conditions? Has anyone else done any real studies on the R0 of Delta? I find it slightly incredulous that it jumped from an R0 of like 1.7-2.0 to 6.5-7.0.

Yes, and I'm telling you the cost of that was about 5 million deaths.

Did I miss something? COVID has killed about 4.4 million people worldwide. How did it kill 5M in India alone?

Also, there are a lot of alarming (and possibly alarmist) post/tweets/videos on the last few pages about the ravages of Delta, how it's killing younger people etc. When can we expect this to be aggregated and reflected in official CDC or state data? Would be nice to see a breakdown of the number of new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths broken down by age bracket to accurately gauge the impact. But clearly presented data seems to be impossible to find these months, in the US at least.
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