It is very clear to me that you cannot directly compare the avoidable causes of death mentioned with COVID-19. But it shows very well how many selfish people suddenly become "compassionate" as soon as it affects their own lives or as soon as they feel can somehow morally superior without having to do anything for it. This is not meant to be an excuse for anti-vaxxers, because there are indeed a lot of idiots. But just because there are a lot of idiots doesn't mean that everyone is one when they don't agree with you.
Where are you getting the impression that anyone in this thread is attempting to feel morally superior to anyone other than the anti-vaxxers?
There are valid reasons to not take the vaccine. There are valid concerns when it comes to some of the messaging used by governments around the vaccines. There are valid arguments around the transparency of pharmaceutical companies (especially in a country like the USA with its third world healthcare system).
There are no valid reasons to mistrust the data that exists about the vaccine's efficiency and safety.
There are no valid arguments for being anti-vax. We should all happily feel superior to these cheese grinders - as much as we do towards flat earthers, or Q Anon conspiracy nuts. They are all cut from the same stupid cloth - and if someone rolls up here trying to defend them, I think we should all lambast them thoroughly for it.
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