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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


You people are fucking ridiculous, just so you know. It’s called being a fucking professional. I work with them. I am one. The ones who aren’t pure trash don’t treat people like shit based on whether they are vaccinated or not. Anyone who does should be immediately stripped of their license. And anyone making even mild excuses for it is an scumbag. We also don’t treat smokers with lung cancer like anything less than human beings, in case you were wondering.

Why are you equating ordinary, run of the mill healthcare… with an acute pandemic where medical staff are constantly rushed off their feet, stressed to high heaven, and at their wit’s end?

Why compare business as usual with what’s happening now?
You people are fucking ridiculous, just so you know. It’s called being a fucking professional. I work with them. I am one. The ones who aren’t pure trash don’t treat people like shit based on whether they are vaccinated or not. Anyone who does should be immediately stripped of their license. And anyone making even mild excuses for it is an scumbag. We also don’t treat smokers with lung cancer like anything less than human beings, in case you were wondering.
I never said they deserve to be treated like sub-humans. I said they won't receive the same level of care because staff and resources can't handle it and more people are dying and suffering because of that. They caused this based on their own ignorance and pride. I understand why the medical staff is frustrated with this, they are the ones who have to pull double shifts, take on more patients and watch more of them die when they could have done something to prevent it in the first place.


Why are you equating ordinary, run of the mill healthcare… with an acute pandemic where medical staff are constantly rushed off their feet, stressed to high heaven, and at their wit’s end?

Why compare business as usual with what’s happening now?
The foundation of society rests on the idea that individuals may reasonably differ in their moral and political beliefs but are no less deserving of dignity and respect. That's how we are able to work together without descending into civil war, and I think this principle is more not less important in a medical emergency.

Since we depend on people collectively working together to reduce the spread of the virus, we need to get everyone on the same side. Stigmatising those who have not yet taken the vaccine risks creating an us vs. them culture that only feeds into vaccine skepticism ("they are trying to take our rights away"), and makes vaccine skeptics less likely to listen. We can already see the effects of this kind of political polarisation in the US, and it isn't pretty.
You people are fucking ridiculous, just so you know. It’s called being a fucking professional. I work with them. I am one. The ones who aren’t pure trash don’t treat people like shit based on whether they are vaccinated or not. Anyone who does should be immediately stripped of their license. And anyone making even mild excuses for it is an scumbag. We also don’t treat smokers with lung cancer like anything less than human beings, in case you were wondering.
Yep. Roughly 50% of total deaths and probably even more hospital admissions are entirely preventable and only exist due to lifestyle choices. Should doctors let them die out of spite?
Why are you equating ordinary, run of the mill healthcare… with an acute pandemic where medical staff are constantly rushed off their feet, stressed to high heaven, and at their wit’s end?

Why compare business as usual with what’s happening now?
I’m sure it’s ok to make the same excuse when cops abuse suspects during crime waves. They’re just stressed, so it’s understandable.
There is without question an agenda being pushed by the mass media. Its purpose is both alarmism and also steering people towards certain beliefs/practices (namely, vaccination and the merits thereof). Anyone who doesn’t see this is literally blind. Story after story about infants in ICU or dying from COVID, pediatric ICU units filling up, hospitalizations among 30-40 year olds spiking (where is the data supporting all this? Certainly not available in any easily accessible format), endless stories of companies implementing vaccine mandates along with an utter lack of opposing viewpoints - as if there are no cogent philosophical and legal arguments to be made against them. It is a complete and utter joke, nakedly tendentious, and an affront to anyone with a modicum of intelligence and discernment. Its purpose is not to inform or educate, but to herd people to one opinion. It also gives the false impression to those who are opposed to vax mandates that they are in an extreme minority when in fact they are in the majority (50-70+% of people do not support vax mandates, even if they support vaccinations). This, again, is intentional, as people are less likely to “resist” if they feel they hold an extreme minority position. It’s all just terribly transparent. In my entire life I’ve never seen such a blatant, consolidated effort across all media outlets to push one agenda, one message. We are reaping the fruits of both the media consolidation of the 90’s and aughts as well as the lack of education and intellectual sophistication among the general populace which has been festering for decades now. We are living in truly frightening times.
Don't really want to go into this too deeply cause this shit stresses me out enough at clinic.

I think pediatric ICUs filling up are generally overblown by the media. With that said, there is a shortage of peds ICU beds in Texas due to staffing requirements. It is routinely stated that ICU incidents are up; for non-covid peds as well, due to life returned to its normal pace, or even hyper-paced by people who felt they were "missing out".

The average age of admission to the covid ward at one of my local hospitals is 43, and my state's hospitalizations spiked 20% last week, which now numbers in the 500s, and state cases are now 100% delta, whereas a month ago it was in the tens%. This age discrepancy is because the older generations, even those who voted for the former president have been able to get vaccinated for covid for longer, are more likely to believe it's real, and have seen people they know die. An acquaintance in Missouri says the average age of admission in her hospital to the covid ward is 34.

I think anyone and everyone has a valid argument about not letting their workplace mandate vaccine. It's another step further down the lines in our plutocratic nation that masquerades as a republic with democratic features; of which we are neither anymore. They're mandating it because they've seen how covid affects their profit margins and their production lines.

Going back to peds, it's pretty easy to pull information from the AAP.

Hospitalizations (23 states and NYC reported)*​

  • Among states reporting, children ranged from 1.5%-3.5% of their total cumulated hospitalizations, and 0.1%-1.9% of all their child COVID-19 cases resulted in hospitalization

Mortality (43 states, NYC, PR and GU reported)*​

  • Among states reporting, children were 0.00%-0.26% of all COVID-19 deaths, and 7 states reported zero child deaths
  • In states reporting, 0.00%-0.03% of all child COVID-19 cases resulted in death
We can see from this information that there is a hospital burden that is not always insignificant, but a mortality rate that is statistically and comprehensibly low. This information shows that media could be going for ratings with parents concerned about their children going back to in person school, or the hospitalization issues could be highlighting the hidden abuse that we, as healthcare workers, are suffering on behalf of patients who have gone after us on a nearly daily basis, the burnout it is producing, and people leaving the field as a result. I answered a covid survey by the CDC today, and one of the questions was "How have your healthcare experiences been in the last two years compared to before". You can imagine what I thought about.
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I’m sure it’s ok to make the same excuse when cops abuse suspects during crime waves. They’re just stressed, so it’s understandable.

Do you hear yourself?

You have spent a long time in this thread berating the rest of us for being unsympathetic to the plight of anti-vaxxers, and yet here you are - absolutely uninterested in the hell medical staff are going through trying to treat people in overwhelmed hospitals in these unprecedented times.

You literally have more time, sympathy and patience for anti-vax people than you do for healthcare workers.

The proof is in your litany of past posts, and your complete indifference to the stress those poor bastards are under.
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Why are you equating ordinary, run of the mill healthcare… with an acute pandemic where medical staff are constantly rushed off their feet, stressed to high heaven, and at their wit’s end?

Why compare business as usual with what’s happening now?
Because he has no actual argument and is desperate to paint anti vax morons as innocent victims.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
You think that's bad. There's an agenda to get people to take painkillers when they have a headache as well. And wear sunblock so they don't get melanoma. And check their bodies for lumps as an early warning sign against other types of cancer. And purchase toothpaste with fluoride in to help keep their teeth healthy. And wear seatbelts in case they get into a car crash. And make sure they have adequate insurance on their house in case it burns down.

No matter where you look in the mainstream media, politics, government organisations, or business, there's a seemingly non-stop attempt to get us all to do things to keep us safe. The agenda never ends... and this vaccine is just the latest in a long line of stuff they're trying to force down our necks, because it might make our lives and other people's lives better. They're trying to tell us what to do all of the time. Pushing these messages constantly down our throats.

The absolute cunts.
You should see the blatant stuff they used to use. Check out this shit.


Imagine the kind of utopian government we could have had if people had the balls to stand up and fight back against this propoganda.
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One of the green rats
The media is definitely pushing child hospitalizations. It’s mainly cnn , msnbc, and their affiliates (*gasp*) usually with a conservative governer attached to the article. I’ve seen the exact same headline posted as new news for over three weeks now. They are really going after desantis.

All you have to do is click through the pages to see it

Do you hear yourself?

You have spent a long time in this thread berating the rest of us for being unsympathetic to the plight of anti-vaxxers, and yet here you are - absolutely uninterested in the hell medical staff are going through trying to treat people in overwhelmed hospitals.

You literally have more time, sympathy and patience for anti-vax people than you do healthcare workers.

The proof is in your litany of past posts, and your complete indifference to the stress those poor bastards are under.
I am one of these “poor bastards”. Of course I’m sympathetic. However we are professionals. We care for every kind of asshole there is. Prisoners. Drug addicts. Drunk drivers who just killed someone. All the way down to your run-of-the-mill asshole who just won’t keep their oxygen on. Of course it’s reasonable to assume that sometimes people will let the job get to them. They won’t provide a professional level of care. It will happen.

There is still no excuse for it. Zero. And it would be just as awful to purposefully provide substandard care to any of those other less than ideal patients as it would be to single out unvaccinated patients. The fact you’re here trying to get people to feel empathy at the idea healthcare providers who abuse their patients (which is how this discussion started) is frankly sickening.


I am one of these “poor bastards”. Of course I’m sympathetic. However we are professionals. We care for every kind of asshole there is. Prisoners. Drug addicts. Drunk drivers who just killed someone. All the way down to your run-of-the-mill asshole who just won’t keep their oxygen on. Of course it’s reasonable to assume that sometimes people will let the job get to them. They won’t provide a professional level of care. It will happen.

There is still no excuse for it. Zero. And it would be just as awful to purposefully provide substandard care to any of those other less than ideal patients as it would be to single out unvaccinated patients. The fact you’re here trying to get people to feel empathy at the idea healthcare providers who abuse their patients (which is how this discussion started) is frankly sickening.

I frankly don’t believe for one second you’ve been anywhere near an emergency room or covid ward, full to bursting with sick people.

And what I find ‘frankly sickening’ is your complete inability to find empathy with people on the frontline of treating this pandemic, while lavishing it on deluded anti-vaxxers, who are the direct cause of the stress and frustration.


Lil’ Gobbie
Whether done on purpose or not, medical malpractice is like the 3rd leading cause of death in the US, which is kind of crazy.

Nurses and doctors succumb to stress too. It definitely has to impact their performance.
it's a systematic problem for sure. nobody wants it to be this way

when you are literally sacrificing your physical and mental health to help people that try to hold everyone accountable for their problems and bad decisions except themselves, and then when you give everything you have to help them and they quickly turn around in a fit of frustration and denial to call you a murderer (see HERE) or try to blame you for neglect (see zefah) when really it's the entire system that has failed them. these people are losing their grip and the media they consume has become their reality

of course medical professionals should be held accountable for neglect, but at some point you need to hold yourself accountable for your poor decisions.

I’m sure it’s ok to make the same excuse when cops abuse suspects during crime waves. They’re just stressed, so it’s understandable.

I think this is actually a pretty apt analogy. we expect them to carry all of of society's problems, act extraordinary consistent and impartially at all times but at the same time they are poorly trained, underpaid, and underappreciated while putting their lives on the line for peanuts . then people act shock when there are systemic failures and the most narrow minded among us are always the quickest to point the finger and place blame when the issue is much deeper than "racist cops"
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I frankly don’t believe for one second you’ve been anywhere near an emergency room or covid ward, full to bursting with sick people.

And what I find ‘frankly sickening’ is your complete inability to find empathy with people on the frontline of treating this pandemic, while lavishing it on deluded anti-vaxxers, who are the direct cause of the stress and frustration.
Why would I care what you believe? You’re the psycho advocating people to empathize with healthcare providers that abuse their patients.
it's a systematic problem for sure. nobody wants it to be this way

when you are literally sacrificing your physical and mental health to help people that try to hold everyone accountable for their problems and bad decisions except themselves, and then when you give everything you have to help them and they quickly turn around in a fit of frustration and denial to call you a murderer (see HERE) or try to blame you for neglect (see zefah) when really it's the entire system that has failed them. these people are losing their grip and the media they consume has become their reality

of course medical professionals should be held accountable for neglect, but at some point you need to hold yourself accountable for your poor decisions.

I think this is actually a pretty apt analogy. we expect them to carry all of of society's problems, act extraordinary consistent and impartially at all times but at the same time they are poorly trained, underpaid, and underappreciated while putting their lives on the line for peanuts . then people act shock when there are systemic failures and the most narrow minded among us are always the quickest to point the finger and place blame when the issue is much deeper than "racist cops"
I think it’s a perfect analogy as well and while you may feel sympathy for police when they go off the rails, I don't remember many people speaking up for empathizing with Derek Chauvin over the past year and the few that did were tarred as racists. And I actually don’t think there should be a lot of empathy for the guy. I also don’t think healthcare providers who mistreat their patients are worthy of it.

So forgive me if I don’t have much patience for anyone advocating for empathy when it comes to abusing patients in the fucking hospital. The fact we have fools in here getting to this level of depravity really speaks to just how low people will go.
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Why would I care what you believe? You’re the psycho advocating people to empathize with healthcare providers that abuse their patients.

Not a single person in this discussion has advocated for, or approved of, medical staff abusing their patients.
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Lil’ Gobbie
I think it’s a perfect analogy as well and while you may feel sympathy for police when they go off the rails, I don't remember many people speaking up for empathizing with Derek Chauvin over the past year and the few that did were tarred as racists. And I actually don’t think there should be a lot of empathy for the guy. I also don’t think healthcare providers who mistreat their patients are worthy of it.

So forgive me if I don’t have much patience for anyone advocating for empathy when it comes to abusing patients in the fucking hospital. The fact we have fools in here getting to this level of depravity really speaks to just how low people will go.
Derek chauvin is not exactly who I had in mind :messenger_unamused:


I think it’s a perfect analogy as well and while you may feel sympathy for police when they go off the rails, I don't remember many people speaking up for empathizing with Derek Chauvin over the past year and the few that did were tarred as racists. And I actually don’t think there should be a lot of empathy for the guy. I also don’t think healthcare providers who mistreat their patients are worthy of it.

So forgive me if I don’t have much patience for anyone advocating for empathy when it comes to abusing patients in the fucking hospital. The fact we have fools in here getting to this level of depravity really speaks to just how low people will go.
Won’t someone please consider the feelings of anti vaxxers!? The same group of people who labeled doctors and nurses “the enemy” after covid hit and their lives mildly changed. Booohoooooo.


A update on my dad, still not doing ok.

Still in the hospital, and it is due to the Astra Zeneca vaccine, and, having a good immune system. Lungs are still filled with fluid from a reaction of the spike proteins, but the heart sack has cleared up, and has no new fluid build up.

But, the levels of drainage needed has plauteud, so, it is heading in the right direction.

What we are told is that the vaccine caused a major reaction from his immune system, a cytoxic shock, so it is his immunal response from the vaccine that caused his problems.

The positive is that the heart sack has cleared up, and the lung sack is producing less liquid to drain. But, it is still touch and go.. :eek:

This month is the crayfish premiere season here in Sweden, where you have a huge nice crayfish party, this is this years picture from it, it is not fun, but we tried to enjoy.

Made plates for three people that are not there.

My dad is old, but it really feels to not have him here, and like I said earlier, it would suck if it was a vaccine that did him in. Not a single sick day in his life, born in 1941.
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They refuse the vaccine and then run to the hospital once they get sick begging for care that is already stretched so thin. It's like refusing not to wear a seat belt and then beg the hospital staff to treat your wounds. Unvaccinated people are filling up the hospitals out of spite and ignorance and expect the same level of care when resources and staff are on thin ice.
Trust me, you don't want to be hospitalized right now if you are unvaccinated. That alone should be motivation for you to get vaccinated LOL. Or fucking lie if you have to get admitted... With how overworked everyone is right now and how the morale just seems to keep reaching new lows, Nobody is going to give a fuck about you when they have way too many patients to take care of. We try our very best not to hold resentment, but after what we've been through the last 2 years its been very hard

This is what I’m talking about. Try expressing this sentiment publicly as a healthcare worker and see how long it takes you to get fired.
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You've pretty much sanctioned medical staff not caring about patients who may have been anti-vax (and calling them "mouthbreathers" how very "othering" and "us vs. them" of you). But hey, I'm not surprised coming from you.

Yeah, nah. You’ve got no evidence because it doesn’t exist.

But you and your friends feel free to keep calling me a psycho for

*checks notes*

feeling empathy towards overstretched medical staff and not anti-vaxxers 😂


Yeah, nah. You’ve got no evidence because it doesn’t exist.

But you and your friends feel free to keep calling me a psycho for

*checks notes*

feeling empathy towards overstretched medical staff and not anti-vaxxers 😂
It's your "selective" empathy that makes that word meaningless coming from you. But again, no self-reflecting skills present within you. Your so-called "empathy" is as meaningless as your insights.

Person sick and dying.... *spits on them* (may have been anti-vax after all)
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A update on my dad, still not doing ok.

Still in the hospital, and it is due to the Astra Zeneca vaccine, and, having a good immune system. Lungs are still filled with fluid from a reaction of the spike proteins, but the heart sack has cleared up, and has no new fluid build up.

But, the levels of drainage needed has plauteud, so, it is heading in the right direction.

What we are told is that the vaccine caused a major reaction from his immune system, a cytoxic shock, so it is his immunal response from the vaccine that caused his problems.

The positive is that the heart sack has cleared up, and the lung sack is producing less liquid to drain. But, it is still touch and go.. :eek:

This month is the crayfish premiere season here in Sweden, where you have a huge nice crayfish party, this is this years picture from it, it is not fun, but we tried to enjoy.



Made plates for three people that are not there.

My dad is old, but it really feels to not have him here, and like I said earlier, it would suck if it was a vaccine that did him in. Not a single sick day in his life, born in 1941.
Hope he pulls through , he can get the same reaction from COVID, read about these since the start ..

Basically, COVID , let’s your good immune system go haywire.
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If this thread reflects the reality then Western civilization needs a peaceful divorce. We can worry about China later.

Never seen so many psychos in one place.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
You've pretty much sanctioned medical staff not caring about patients who may have been anti-vax (and calling them "mouthbreathers" how very "othering" and "us vs. them" of you). But hey, I'm not surprised coming from you.
Caring about or caring for? There are tons of amazing doctors who don't give two shits about their patients. As long as they are doing their job of treating their illness they don't have to empathize or care, probably best if they don't.


Lil’ Gobbie
I never said they deserve to be treated like sub-humans. I said they won't receive the same level of care because staff and resources can't handle it and more people are dying and suffering because of that. They caused this based on their own ignorance and pride. I understand why the medical staff is frustrated with this, they are the ones who have to pull double shifts, take on more patients and watch more of them die when they could have done something to prevent it in the first place.
not only that, but they had the foresight to ask you very nicely to get vaccinated, free of charge, to prevent exactly this from happening 🤦‍♂️
not only that, but they had the foresight to ask you very nicely to get vaccinated, free of charge, to prevent exactly this from happening 🤦‍♂️
We asked fat people to stop eating, smokers to stop smoking, and diabetics to take their insulin. We ask blood pressure patients to watch their salt, addicts to get treatment, and everyone to get their cancer screenings. People don’t listen all the time. The reason most people end up in the hospital is because they don’t listen to medical advice. To pretend that covid vaccination is somehow different than all these other behaviors is just nonsensical. That’s why you have morons in here twisting themselves into pretzels to make some kind of distinction between covid and all the other health consequences of foolish behavior.


Rodent Whores
We asked fat people to stop eating, smokers to stop smoking, and diabetics to take their insulin. We ask blood pressure patients to watch their salt, addicts to get treatment, and everyone to get their cancer screenings. People don’t listen all the time. The reason most people end up in the hospital is because they don’t listen to medical advice. To pretend that covid vaccination is somehow different than all these other behaviors is just nonsensical. That’s why you have morons in here twisting themselves into pretzels to make some kind of distinction between covid and all the other health consequences of foolish behavior.
False equivalence. The general sentiment and philosophy is indeed similar but the effort and benefit are on completely different scales, quantitatively and temporally.

Living a healthy lifestyle, eating right, overcoming an addiction, constantly taking insulin shots or getting regular checkups takes a up vastly more time and effort than getting 1 or 2 shots in the arm, even if it were to come down to yearly booster shots.

The consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle and those kinds of irresponsible life choices kills you slowly, and for the most part only kills yourself.

The consequences of not being vaccinated are far more widespread. It not only potentially kills you more quickly, but it is contagious and spreads to other people around you. It doesn't just kill you. It kills others and brings with it a lot of collateral damage due to how quickly it acts. This is what makes a fat person and a smoker (who smokes alone) only a danger to themselves, while an unvaccinated person is a danger to both themselves and everyone else. The danger only compounds exponentially the more people decide not to vaccinate.

Personal responsibility is important, and not all foolish behaviors are created equal. All these irresponsible choices are foolish yes, but none of them have as many fast acting and widespread consequences as refusing a vaccination during a global pandemic.
This is what I’m talking about. Try expressing this sentiment publicly as a healthcare worker and see how long it takes you to get fired.
Good thing I'm not a nurse. You are still dodging what I said though. I said they don’t deserve to be treated like sub-humans but they will still receive inferior care because the hospitals are over capacity. That is a fact and now other patients are being denied regular care and eletive surgeries because of the waves of unvaccinated people being sent to the hospitals. What about those people? They deserved the elective surgeries to make their lives more comfortable with their medical conditions too, they suffer as well.


We asked fat people to stop eating, smokers to stop smoking, and diabetics to take their insulin. We ask blood pressure patients to watch their salt, addicts to get treatment, and everyone to get their cancer screenings. People don’t listen all the time. The reason most people end up in the hospital is because they don’t listen to medical advice. To pretend that covid vaccination is somehow different than all these other behaviors is just nonsensical. That’s why you have morons in here twisting themselves into pretzels to make some kind of distinction between covid and all the other health consequences of foolish behavior.
Your responses get dumber and dumber. Being fat doesn’t infect and murder the people around you.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
We asked fat people to stop eating, smokers to stop smoking, and diabetics to take their insulin. We ask blood pressure patients to watch their salt, addicts to get treatment, and everyone to get their cancer screenings. People don’t listen all the time. The reason most people end up in the hospital is because they don’t listen to medical advice. To pretend that covid vaccination is somehow different than all these other behaviors is just nonsensical. That’s why you have morons in here twisting themselves into pretzels to make some kind of distinction between covid and all the other health consequences of foolish behavior.
You won't be considered for a lot of treatments if you aren't willing to make those changes. Lung transplant - not unless you quit smoking. Want bariatric surgery, lose some weight first. Want an insulin pump, you have to consistently take your blood glucose level 4 times a day before they will consider you.


Lil’ Gobbie
Health care in the US is designed around exploiting people for their chronic illnesses, so those things are accounted for and no amount of chronic illnesses can overburden the system. you could even argue that no real effort is being made to dissuade people from living how they want because there are just no financial Incentives for anyone to do so, so you don't see any top down efforts like you might in Europe. However when something like this happens it puts the entire system/its profits into jeopardy which is why we are seeing a concerted effort for preventative health measures (ie getting everyone vaccinated for free). once there are profits to be made from exploiting sars cov 2 without putting the entire system or politicians social standings at stake - nobody is going to give a fuck about you anymore, you'll just make them rich like they get rich from people neglecting their health now. a bit cynical maybe due to the times we are in, but it's the sad state of our system as I see it

just because I have to spell it out for people who like to gleefully misconstrue what I'm saying - obviously I don't want it to be like this.
You won't be considered for a lot of treatments if you aren't willing to make those changes. Lung transplant - not unless you quit smoking. Want bariatric surgery, lose some weight first. Want an insulin pump, you have to consistently take your blood glucose level 4 times a day before they will consider you.
But when you come in for critical (aka lifesaving) care, you’ll get it without hesitation. Which is what we are generally talking about with covid patients.
Good thing I'm not a nurse. You are still dodging what I said though. I said they don’t deserve to be treated like sub-humans but they will still receive inferior care because the hospitals are over capacity. That is a fact and now other patients are being denied regular care and eletive surgeries because of the waves of unvaccinated people being sent to the hospitals. What about those people? They deserved the elective surgeries to make their lives more comfortable with their medical conditions too, they suffer as well.
How many of those elective surgeries are necessary as a result of poor lifestyle decisions? Do we get to put them at the back of the line because they aren’t following doctor’s recommendations? Of course not. The medical system will do what it can. You related it to an unrestrained driver coming in after a car accident. Tell me how you think staff act differently when an unrestrained driver comes into the hospital from a restrained driver.

False equivalence. The general sentiment and philosophy is indeed similar but the effort and benefit are on completely different scales, quantitatively and temporally.

Living a healthy lifestyle, eating right, overcoming an addiction, constantly taking insulin shots or getting regular checkups takes a up vastly more time and effort than getting 1 or 2 shots in the arm, even if it were to come down to yearly booster shots.

The consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle and those kinds of irresponsible life choices kills you slowly, and for the most part only kills yourself.

The consequences of not being vaccinated are far more widespread. It not only potentially kills you more quickly, but it is contagious and spreads to other people around you. It doesn't just kill you. It kills others and brings with it a lot of collateral damage due to how quickly it acts. This is what makes a fat person and a smoker (who smokes alone) only a danger to themselves, while an unvaccinated person is a danger to both themselves and everyone else. The danger only compounds exponentially the more people decide not to vaccinate.

Personal responsibility is important, and not all foolish behaviors are created equal. All these irresponsible choices are foolish yes, but none of them have as many fast acting and widespread consequences as refusing a vaccination during a global pandemic.
we aren’t talking about whether or not one is worse than the other. The conversation, to catch you up, is about whether people who are unvaccinated deserve to be treated poorly at hospitals. Whether we should empathize with healthcare professionals who treat patients differently based on their vaccination status.
Your responses get dumber and dumber. Being fat doesn’t infect and murder the people around you.
I find it very entertaining that someone with the argumentative style and vocabulary of an eight year old child has the self confidence to call people stupid in 90% of their posts.
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Rodent Whores
we aren’t talking about whether or not one is worse than the other.
Yes we are. I'm addressing your key point here:

To pretend that covid vaccination is somehow different than all these other behaviors is just nonsensical. That’s why you have morons in here twisting themselves into pretzels to make some kind of distinction between covid and all the other health consequences of foolish behavior.
The conversation, to catch you up, is about whether people who are unvaccinated deserve to be treated poorly at hospitals. Whether we should empathize with healthcare professionals who treat patients differently based on their vaccination status.
I saw the previous conversation, and I don't think unvaccinated people deserve to be treated poorly either. That point is separate from whether or not "making a distinction between covid and all the other health consequences" is "nonsensical".
Your responses get dumber and dumber. Being fat doesn’t infect and murder the people around you.
What are some things that murder the people around us?

If we're mandating health, we must *mandate* health. Fast food should be outlawed, no more coke/pepsi/etc., sugar/HFC and all derivatives must be banned, we should all wear monitors that track our exercise weekly, and on and on. /s

It makes no sense to to issue collective dictates in one case for the sake of human well-being, while simultaneously ignoring industry and its production that is not only incredibly harmful but also profits greatly upon the addiction and suffering (and ultimately deaths) of many of the members of the human family.

And while you may argue that people are only harming themselves with the examples listed, I would strongly disagree. Parents in poor health are less than optimum parents - as just a singular example - and many unnecessarily sick people are raising the next generation of humanity, not only as less than optimally functioning beings, but as beings who are setting poor examples of health for the future of humanity, examples that will be followed to the detriment of us all.

No, if we're going to regulate human health and well-being, we must regulate it. smh
Yes we are. I'm addressing your key point here:

I saw the previous conversation, and I don't think unvaccinated people deserve to be treated poorly either. That point is separate from whether or not "making a distinction between covid and all the other health consequences" is "nonsensical".
Making a distinction with regards to how healthcare professionals should view and treat these two patient populations. And fundamentally, there is no difference on an individual basis. The societal consequences of these various bad choices is a separate discussion from how we deal with people on a personal basis.

Further, if we are going to try and determine which is having a more negative impact on society broadly, covid or obesity… it’s not close. Obesity by a mile. Obesity causes increase diseases such as heart disease (#1 killer) cancer (#2 killer), diabetes, etc. obesity is responsible for injuries, psychologically issues, simple logistical issues. Obesity’s impact on American society is so great it’s difficult to overstate it.

Is obesity a more challenging problem to tackle than covid? Sure it is. But in the consequences of obesity are far more reaching and intractable as well. So if we are going to cast all these aspersions at people who are stressing the healthcare system and society generally with their selfish choices, we should not stop with covid.
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But when you come in for critical (aka lifesaving) care, you’ll get it without hesitation. Which is what we are generally talking about with covid patients.

You related it to an unrestrained driver coming in after a car accident. Tell me how you think staff act differently when an unrestrained driver comes into the hospital from a restrained driver.
I said they won't get that same care because the unvaccinated are overrunning the hospitals, same with other patients who come in not related to covid. Do you pay attention to what I am posting? This has been communicated to us since the pandemic started AKA the whole reason we even had the first lockdown to relieve medical staff from COVID patients.

I made the relation of not using seat belts to unvaccinated people in general. They are refusing to take something to save their lives and themselves thousands of dollars and when they finally get hurt, they rush to the hospital because of poor life decisions.


But when you come in for critical (aka lifesaving) care, you’ll get it without hesitation. Which is what we are generally talking about with covid patients.

How many of those elective surgeries are necessary as a result of poor lifestyle decisions? Do we get to put them at the back of the line because they aren’t following doctor’s recommendations? Of course not. The medical system will do what it can. You related it to an unrestrained driver coming in after a car accident. Tell me how you think staff act differently when an unrestrained driver comes into the hospital from a restrained driver.

we aren’t talking about whether or not one is worse than the other. The conversation, to catch you up, is about whether people who are unvaccinated deserve to be treated poorly at hospitals. Whether we should empathize with healthcare professionals who treat patients differently based on their vaccination status.

I find it very entertaining that someone with the argumentative style and vocabulary of an eight year old child has the self confidence to call people stupid in 90% of their posts.
Awwww that’s cute.
What are some things that murder the people around us?

If we're mandating health, we must *mandate* health. Fast food should be outlawed, no more coke/pepsi/etc., sugar/HFC and all derivatives must be banned, we should all wear monitors that track our exercise weekly, and on and on. /s

It makes no sense to to issue collective dictates in one case for the sake of human well-being, while simultaneously ignoring industry and its production that is not only incredibly harmful but also profits greatly upon the addiction and suffering (and ultimately deaths) of many of the members of the human family.

And while you may argue that people are only harming themselves with the examples listed, I would strongly disagree. Parents in poor health are less than optimum parents - as just a singular example - and many unnecessarily sick people are raising the next generation of humanity, not only as less than optimally functioning beings, but as beings who are setting poor examples of health for the future of humanity, examples that will be followed to the detriment of us all.

No, if we're going to regulate human health and well-being, we must regulate it. smh
Good god, do you guys all go to one specific site to get your horrendous analogies from?
I said they won't get that same care because the unvaccinated are overrunning the hospitals, same with other patients who come in not related to covid. Do you pay attention to what I am posting? This has been communicated to us since the pandemic started AKA the whole reason we even had the first lockdown to relieve medical staff from COVID patients.

I made the relation of not using seat belts to unvaccinated people in general. They are refusing to take something to save their lives and themselves thousands of dollars and when they finally get hurt, they rush to the hospital because of poor life decisions.
Dude that is like 80% of people in the hospital on any given day.
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Yea and those people don't overrun hospitals that compromise surgeries and treatments for other patients.
They are contributing to it now though. It’s not like hospitals are just full of covid. They have all the normal patients as well. The COPD patient who still smokes and doesn’t take his inhalers. The diabetic who won’t take his insulin and eats too much sugar. The CHF patient who hasn’t been taking their lasix. The dialysis patient who decided not to show up for 3 weeks. They’re all there too. Right along side the ODs and drunk drivers and people who fell off ladders they shouldn’t have been on.

So if we didn’t have to deal with the typical patients, the 80% I referred to that generally make poor health decisions, our hospitals would have plenty of room for these covid patients. My point is simply that drawing a distinction between poor health decisions as it relates to hospital census is pointless. We don’t get to throw unvaccinated covid patients into a special basket from all the normal patients that keep our hospitals full.
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