“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Heckled by morons*
Heckled by morons*
That was a harsh way to put it, but seeing scenes like this one can understand where he's coming from.This is what I’m talking about. Try expressing this sentiment publicly as a healthcare worker and see how long it takes you to get fired.
Every town hall meeting I have seen has been filled with morons. Quite entertaining to watch actually.Heckled by morons*
its like an episode of parks and rec
That was a harsh way to put it, but seeing scenes like this one can understand where he's coming from.
I actually went to one here locally a few years ago.Every town hall meeting I have seen has been filled with morons. Quite entertaining to watch actually.
If you don't mind me asking, how been your experience as a health care professionals during the pandemic?That’s the job. We have had addicts OD, they get out of the hospital and they come back a week later in cardiac arrest from another OD. We have frequent flyer diabetics who don’t manage their sugar despite losing limbs. We have repeat COPD patients, on oxygen, who come in with their nasal cannula stained brown from cigarette smoke (smoking while wearing O2 is insanely dangerous). It goes on and on.
These unvaccinated covid patients are no worse than any of those people.
There is a clear difference though that you seem to be intentionally missing. Someone avoiding a vaccination does not have an addiction or a medical condition.That’s the job. We have had addicts OD, they get out of the hospital and they come back a week later in cardiac arrest from another OD. We have frequent flyer diabetics who don’t manage their sugar despite losing limbs. We have repeat COPD patients, on oxygen, who come in with their nasal cannula stained brown from cigarette smoke (smoking while wearing O2 is insanely dangerous). It goes on and on.
These unvaccinated covid patients are no worse than any of those people.
We were exceptionally busy from the beginning of November until the end of January. It was challenging during that time. Beyond that, it has been a consistent stream of patients, but manageable. I’ve worked in critical care for six years, so while the volume has been higher at times, I have seen all this before. Intubations, ECMO, CRRT. Because I was already comfortable with all that, the only issues I’ve personally had is managing to stress of the increase in numbers. Honestly it was scarier at the beginning when we all thought we were going to die because covid was supposed to be deadly like SARS.If you don't mind me asking, how been your experience as a health care professionals during the pandemic?
Because the difference is irrelevant, in my opinion. You think diabetics who refuse to modify their diets aren’t ignorant and stubborn? Imagine when they throw a fit because they want a real soda instead of the diet. Huge segments of the population are ignorant and stubborn. That’s not exclusive to unvaccinated people.There is a clear difference though that you seem to be intentionally missing. Someone avoiding a vaccination does not have an addiction or a medical condition.
They are just being ignorant and stubborn. Their situation is easily resolved for free. Those other examples are not.
That was a harsh way to put it, but seeing scenes like this one can understand where he's coming from.
Of course they are being ignorant and stubborn. But once again refusing to take a vaccination is not the same as having diabetes or having an addiction. Intentional ignorance is not a medical condition.Because the difference is irrelevant, in my opinion. You think diabetics who refuse to modify their diets aren’t ignorant and stubborn?
We were exceptionally busy from the beginning of November until the end of January. It was challenging during that time. Beyond that, it has been a consistent stream of patients, but manageable. I’ve worked in critical care for six years, so while the volume has been higher at times, I have seen all this before. Intubations, ECMO, CRRT. Because I was already comfortable with all that, the only issues I’ve personally had is managing to stress of the increase in numbers. Honestly it was scarier at the beginning when we all thought we were going to die because covid was supposed to be deadly like SARS.
Thank you both for the input, what I get from this is you both care about the people.and he knows that. he's coping to the situation in his own way just like we all are. and I get what he's saying, as a health care worker you are literally and figuratively breaking your back for people who care little about their own health, so this is no different. where the line is crossed for me however is when children can't get a bed in a pediatric icu because of something that was wholly preventable. just wish people had more shame ಠ︵ಠ but ultimately I don't blame them. nobody does anything against their own interests on purpose
No but you can choose to get vaccinated and follow basic precautions to protect yourself and others.You cannot choose to partake or not partake in the virus
Fully vaccinated people in UK no longer need to self-isolate if they're told to by the app
Covid: Self-isolation ends for double-jabbed and under-18s
Rules change in England and Northern Ireland for contacts of people who test positive for
I was going to say this but I already knew people would have a terrible rebuttal so what's the point?That’s the job. We have had addicts OD, they get out of the hospital and they come back a week later in cardiac arrest from another OD. We have frequent flyer diabetics who don’t manage their sugar despite losing limbs. We have repeat COPD patients, on oxygen, who come in with their nasal cannula stained brown from cigarette smoke (smoking while wearing O2 is insanely dangerous). It goes on and on.
These unvaccinated covid patients are no worse than any of those people.
To be fair, I think a vast majority of us haven’t been self isolating anyway! The pingdemic reached absolutely farcical proportions. But this pretty much marks the official end of anyone without a serious medical condition isolating in the U.K.
Do you think the UK will have a lockdown again during the winter?
I was watching the Premiership games at the weekend and it's awesome that they have full crowds now but you have to wonder if there will be something coming down the line.
They put a whole bunch of Americans in camps back then as well, you advocating we start doing that as well?You should see the blatant stuff they used to use. Check out this shit.
Imagine the kind of utopian government we could have had if people had the balls to stand up and fight back against this propoganda.
No, they are, at their core, all people making poor choices which end up leading to hospitalization. You are making excuses for people with disease refusing to manage their disease properly. It’s not like type 2 diabetes just drops out of the sky. It’s the result of years of poor eating habits. It’s not like drug addicts just woke up one day fiending for heroin. Fat people didn’t wake up fat with all the health consequences associated with a BMI over 35.Of course they are being ignorant and stubborn. But once again refusing to take a vaccination is not the same as having diabetes or having an addiction. Intentional ignorance is not a medical condition.
People who are refusing to vaccinate are not suffering from a addiction or a medical illness. So they do not fall into the same category as any of the people that you listed regardless of what your "opinion" is on the matter. A person who has diabetes has to radically alter their lifestyle and the same goes for anyone else who has a legitimate medical condition or severe addiction of some kind. Meanwhile someone who is stubbornly refusing to take his vaccination can go to their local grocery store or drug store right now and take the vaccination for free and without hassle.
They are just fundamentally different situations regardless of whether or not you choose to acknowledge it.
Who knows , WHO at least is warning that a vaccine evading strain is a possibility..Do you think the UK will have a lockdown again during the winter?
I was watching the Premiership games at the weekend and it's awesome that they have full crowds now but you have to wonder if there will be something coming down the line.
Who knows , WHO at least is warning that a vaccine evading strain is a possibility..
None have a time machine , and COVID is still not completely known by science, also not how long vaccines protect for all ages .
Do you think the UK will have a lockdown again during the winter?
I was watching the Premiership games at the weekend and it's awesome that they have full crowds now but you have to wonder if there will be something coming down the line.
Governments say lots of things .. sometimes to much ..the government have made quite a deal about the roadmap being irreversible so will be interesting to see their messaging on any sign we go back to start of the journey
Fully vaccinated people in UK no longer need to self-isolate if they're told to by the app
Covid: Self-isolation ends for double-jabbed and under-18s
Rules change in England and Northern Ireland for contacts of people who test positive for
Stuffing your body with fast food is a choice. It affects you and only you in a physical sense.
You cannot choose to partake or not partake in the virus, and you can't choose who you spread it to once you have it either unless you're very lucky.
They are not the same.
“We were taking all the vitamins and HCQ…”
Thoughts and prayers
Would be nice if all countries reported similarly to the UK
A bit surprised why cfr is lower on unvaccinated under 50 than on vaccinated under 50. On the other hand, over 50 it's working as expected.
The first one is a fucking pacifier. Which is fitting actually.
PSA: Based on the above, the IFR for Delta for those under 50 years of age who are unvaccinated is 0.0325%. Which means that 1 of every 3076 people who catch it will die (and bear in mind that the rate likely sharply increases as one approaches 50 - so for, say, 30-40 year olds, the IFR is likely far less than even this already absurdly low number). CALL THE COPS! MANDATE VACCINES! ABROGATE ALL RIGHTS FORTHWITH! CUE COMPLETELY INCONGRUENT OVERREACTIONS!!!!!11
Yes, the clear, concise manner of presentation shames the data the US CDC/NIH ae putting out, which at this point appear to be intentially obfuscatory. What do "inclusion" and "exclusion" mean in this context? Does "inclusion" mean that they are including folks who then went on to the next "category" (e.g., presented to emergency care and then ended up staying overnight as an inpatient) whereas "exclusion" refers to only those who ONLY fell into one of these particular categories (e.g. presented to emergency care but didn't stay overnight)?
PSA: Based on the above, the IFR for Delta for those under 50 years of age who are unvaccinated is 0.0325%. Which means that 1 of every 3076 people who catch it will die (and bear in mind that the rate likely sharply increases as one approaches 50 - so for, say, 30-40 year olds, the IFR is likely far less than even this already absurdly low number). CALL THE COPS! MANDATE VACCINES! ABROGATE ALL RIGHTS FORTHWITH! CUE COMPLETELY INCONGRUENT OVERREACTIONS!!!!!11
have you told your local epidemiologists that younger people are less likely to die of Covid? it seems like you've stumbled on something revelatory and it would be a shame to confine it to just this forum
Check the footnotes on the report. It's explained there.
If you read the table you'll understand why those numbers are worrisome. And that's not the conclusion you should take from it on the under 50 group. The revelatory aspect is that vaccinated, under 50, infected died at an higher rate than unvaccinated, under 50, infected.
Not exactly that worrisome the opposite really. They are two very different populations - the good news is that the death rate in the unvaccinated is so low.If you read the table you'll understand why those numbers are worrisome. And that's not the conclusion you should take from it on the under 50 group. The revelatory aspect is that vaccinated, under 50, infected died at an higher rate than unvaccinated, under 50, infected.
That's the CFR (for emergency care visits), not the IFR, though. If for example only the vaccinated with pre-existing conditions will be likely to require emergency care – while "healthy" unvaccinated people under 50 are much more vulnerable to hospitalisation– then the population of vaccinated individuals in emergency care may be much "sicker" and more likely to die. When you compare two populations, you need to make sure their characteristics are the same.Would be nice if all countries reported similarly to the UK
A bit surprised why cfr is lower on unvaccinated under 50 than on vaccinated under 50. On the other hand, over 50 it's working as expected.
It’s great you were here to instill the proper amount of worry in him then. What a public servant. Just fostering worry in unworried people. Give yourself a pat on the back.I wasn’t replying to someone who found the numbers “worrisome” so keep up with the conversation