Check my ass for a fart with your name on itcheck
for all the vaccine and where this leads news
Check my ass for a fart with your name on itcheck
for all the vaccine and where this leads news
This right here is insanity:
...but it's an insanity borne out of a fucking horrible vaccine roll out. Only 17% of New Zealanders are fully vaccinated, well over a year into vaccines being available for procurement. It's also borne out of an idiotic, scientifically ignorant, wishful thinking filled strategy of retaining zero covid.
Everyone loves to jizz over Jacinda, because she does an awful lot of things well. This is something she's done appallingly - much like her Australian counterparts.
for all the vaccine and where this leads news
It can't be that hard to vaccinate a 4m population. it's certainly cheaper than locking the entire country.
People can hate on Alex Jones all they want, deservedly so sometimes. But the guy is absolutely hilarious.
This isn't meant to be political; it just happens to involve a politician. This touches on a lot of things in the context of the pandemic, censorship, who actually has credibility, and what is the best way to figure it out.
The problem with be enforcement. A mandate is nothing without actual teeth behind it.Our city here in TX is going back to the indoor mask mandate. Its at odd with the governor but city council doing it anyway.
Here's a good video about your chances of getting long COVID even if you are vaccinated, using currently available studies.
Greg Abbott has covid. That poor virus.
But the question was: can the vaccinated develop long covid? And not, if I get covid while vaccinated what are my chances of developing long covid? But yeah, a bit irrelevant now with delta.What in the world happened to Dr. Campbell? The crazy leaps of logic he is taking in this video are quite something to behold.
From January 20, 2021 to April 28, 2021 36 (2.6%) of 1,497 observed fully vaccinated healthcare workers tested positive for COVID and 7 (~19%) of those reported persistent symptoms at 6 weeks out in the Israel study he is looking at. So around 20% got "long COVID," which basically matches the general population estimates, yet he strangely decides to twist all of that and instead divide by 1,497 to get a figure of around 0.47%. It makes zero sense to do this, especially when comparing against the widely cited figure that does not use the entire population as the denominator but only those who were infected, because that is the only thing that makes sense.
Furthermore, this is a period of 14 weeks. You can't just take that and declare a percentage of likelihood, especially in light of what happened very soon afterwards in Israel with the Delta variant that we know infects the vaccinated at a vastly higher rate, nevermind any concerns of waning immunity over time.
This is a very strange and extremely misleading video.
Whoa, this story writes itselfGreg Abbott has covid. That poor virus.
Whoa, this story writes itself
Or “Ghoulish Clowns Unsubtly Wish Suffering upon Vaccinated Man”"Fully Vaccinated Texas Man Tests Positive for COVID After Daily Testing and Precautions" ?
“Vaccine proven to work. Idiots remain unconvinced.”"Fully Vaccinated Texas Man Tests Positive for COVID After Daily Testing and Precautions" ?
How would this be anything other than biowarfare/bioterrorism if it were proven?
"My sense is that we are underestimating the risk of a really big war in the world today, and that could happen soon,” he says. “It’s almost like all the ingredients are in place. You’ve got a flashpoint in Taiwan. You’ve got two very heavily armed superpowers. You’ve got commitments that are clearly incompatible and you’ve got domestic pressures that increase the probability of escalation. “I’m trying to remind people that the ways in which people got killed prematurely in the 20th century were predominantly through war and totalitarianism. We still have a totalitarian regime and it’s actually even more powerful in economic and technological terms than the Soviet Union was. This is the kind of thing that I think Doom is trying to tell people. “Just because you’re fascinated by an apocalyptic climate disaster doesn’t mean that’s the disaster you’re going to get.” (Niall Campbell Ferguson, British-American historian and the Milbank Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University)
“Vaccine proven to work. Idiots remain unconvinced.”
All it is missing is a glory hole so you can safely fuck your neighbor.Aussie concentration camp looking quite cozy
Victorian quarantine hub | Victorian Government
Protecting the community from COVID-19 with a purpose-built quarantine facility.www.vic.gov.au
Then may it be spread far and wideI got my 20 year supply of ivermectin ready. Starting to use it as a prophylaxis starting tommorow. If i dont post the day after, I will be dead.
Study supporting the efficacy of Ivermectin.
Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19 - PMC
After COVID-19 emerged on U.S shores, providers began reviewing the emerging basic science, translational, and clinical data to identify potentially effective treatment options. In addition, a multitude of both novel and repurposed therapeutic ...www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
While we are at it, make one for STD's too, "show me your fuck ID"It will be fun when you scan your vaccine ID and it says you need to upgrade your covid vaccination status to qualify for these services.
Maybe we could even have one for voting… sorry, I’m talking crazy.While we are at it, make one for STD's too, "show me your fuck ID"
I think that would be pretty cool, honestly.
You already need one for voting...Maybe we could even have one for voting… sorry, I’m talking crazy.
The cardinal also repeated a conspiracy theory that falsely claims vaccines could used to implant microchips. "There is a certain movement to insist that now everyone must be vaccinated against the coronavirus COVID-19, and even that a kind of microchip needs to be placed under the skin of every person, so that at any moment, he or she can be controlled regarding health and regarding other matters, which we can only imagine as a possible object of control by the state," he said.
That data from countries other than the United States that I've already shared multiple times in this thread. In the face of those data, the reports coming out of the United States are beyond incredulous, especially when so many seem to go out of their way to use data going all the way back to December or January to get their desired number, not to mention how our CDC changed their tracking methodology of breakthrough cases back in May, which really muddied the waters.
It's fine. Surely the US will catch up on this point as well, just like they did on the idea that the vaccinated don't transmit the disease.
Officials in the Biden administration responsible for communicating with the public have repeatedly said this has become a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Such words may not ring true to people who got their coronavirus shots and still became sick.
People should expect to roll up their sleeves again. Boosters are coming. The Biden administration is finalizing plans to authorize boosters for people who are eight months past their last shot.
No one knows how many breakthrough cases there are, nor their degree of severity. While some breakthrough cases will be asymptomatic or only mildly symptomatic, others could flatten a person for days with flu-like symptoms but still fall short of requiring advanced medical treatment.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stopped documenting mild to moderate cases May 1, focusing instead on hospitalizations and deaths. An internal CDC document first published July 29 by The Washington Post offered a national estimate of 35,000 breakthrough infections a week but did not provide documentation for the estimate.
In recent weeks, federal officials have backed away from their earlier assurances that almost all hospitalizations from the coronavirus are among unvaccinated people. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky has twice been asked this month by reporters if she stood by an earlier statement that 97 percent of people hospitalized by the virus are unvaccinated, and both times she acknowledged the data was out of date. Her agency has yet to produce new estimates.
When the first clinical trial data on the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines were published nearly a year ago, they showed stunning levels of vaccine efficacy against symptomatic illness — about 95 percent. But effectiveness, when measured in clinical trials, may be influenced by highly controlled conditions and may not have captured asymptomatic or mild cases.
It turns out the vaccines may provide somewhat less protection against mild to moderate sickness than many vaccinated people presumed when they first got their shots. During the initial months of vaccinations, many news reports, including in The Post, focused on the rarity of breakthrough infections. But the data on breakthroughs was sketchy, and it is likely that people with mild cases did not get tested for the coronavirus and instead assumed they had a cold.
seems normal
I got my 20 year supply of ivermectin ready. Starting to use it as a prophylaxis starting tommorow. If i dont post the day after, I will be dead.
Study supporting the efficacy of Ivermectin.
Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19 - PMC
After COVID-19 emerged on U.S shores, providers began reviewing the emerging basic science, translational, and clinical data to identify potentially effective treatment options. In addition, a multitude of both novel and repurposed therapeutic ...www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
It's not gonna be proven because it is ludicrous bullshit.How would this be anything other than biowarfare/bioterrorism if it were proven?
Tokyo Medical Association came out in support of its use a few days ago in light of the recent spike in cases over there. Other docs in Japan with positive experiences speaking up about it publicly now too.
20 yrs supply lol. I tried it myself for a few weeks after I started having some strange symptoms after being around some vaxxed people. No sides at all.
I got like 500 12mg tablets for $25 USD, but i had to pay for DHL which was $90 usd. I will use the recommended dosage of the first day, the third day and every 2 weeks after that for the prophylaxis effect.
if you are that concerned, why not take the vaccineI got like 500 12mg tablets for $25 USD, but i had to pay for DHL which was $90 usd. I will use the recommended dosage of the first day, the third day and every 2 weeks after that for the prophylaxis effect.
Why go the natural route when you can pump your body full of chemicals?if you are that concerned, why not take the vaccine![]()
No amount of social engineering will make me get the heckin jabberino![]()
Amid new virus surge, Florida skeptics reconsider vaccines
A surge in coronavirus infections and hospitalizations that's pounding Florida is scaring some skeptics into rethinking their opposition to the vaccines.apnews.com
Anti vaxxers talk with such confidence and yet are so incredibly clueless and stupid. Is there a psychological term for this?