There are no moving goal posts from the position of science, medicine, and history. The reaction to the pandemic changes as new information is revealed and circumstances (like the delta or observed efficacy of the vaccines over time) arise. Myself and others have pointed out within this thread that scientists are not infallible, and that's why science is a process - it isn't a one and done thing - especially in the very midst of a still developing pandemic. Beyond that, you detractors of science and fact never offer any opposing data of merit because you can't, only conjecture and opinion.
It's becoming a tiring exercise of discussing things from that respect because one cannot pierce conspiratorial, non-fact based thinking. Because unless the facts, as a whole or cherry picked, fit some facet of whatever today's anti-science narrative is you'll reject it. It's like trying to discuss the felling of The World Trade Center with "truthers" all over again. Only this time, the longer some of the population keep rejecting the truth, denying vaccines, and rejecting the same basic practices civilizations have used throughout history to combat plagues, the more people keep dying every day.
Speaking of moving goal posts: when it was observed that the unvaccinated became over 90% of those hospitalized (predicted), and therefore began overwhelming healthcare systems again (also predicted), during the most recent (predicted) outbreak, your lot doubled down on statistics regarding what we already knew: that younger and healthier people die less from COVID-19. Of course. As if because of that known data point we should ignore our increasingly overwhelmed healthcare systems and abandon masks and social distancing and the very real potential of a worse variant arising and stop vaccinating and never vaccinate kids or never approve the vaccines by the FDA and take some new, unproven antiparasitic drug instead (or whatever nonsense keeps worming its way into the global conversation from the uninformed and misinformed). It's all so stupid, and made sad by the fact that if everyone who could have gotten the vaccine would have gotten it, and everyone had always wore masks and social distanced and not attended super spreaders, we'd be coasting down the other side of this mountain. Even with delta.
Ah well. That's all I have to say on that. I am exhausted with trying to get the unwilling to accept basic truths. Meanwhile the hospital my office is in is considering trying to apply for more ICU beds and had to reopen a lab they'd closed earlier in the year for testing and treatment. All because of the new influx of anti-vaxx, anti-science patients are overwhelming us again.