Australia holy shit. They are fucked
Ok this is a bit too much.
First of all Gladys is not the Premiere of Australia. She is the Premiere of NSW a state of Australia.
I am in Melbourne, Victoria.
Yes we are in a lockdown
Yes we cannot go more than 5 kms from our homes at this stage
Yes we cannot go more than 2 hours of exercise outside
We are allowed to go to the shops, buy food necessities. Shopping seems pretty much business as usual
Yes we are asked to check in with an App. As much as some dont like this, I actually like it since they will notify me if someone with Covid was in that location when I was there. That's in main purpose to contact trace.
We are allowed to travel more than 5km for work or medical appointments ( I did so yesterday. Was a normal drive out west with a little less traffic.)
Melbourne has a little different approach where they are locking down hard to prevent spread and hopefully get on top of it. NSW is locking down specific suburbs in Sydney and outer regions to hope minimize spread. 2 differnet approaches. The rest of the states have barely had any lockdown, which makes up probably 50-60% of the country.
This quarantine center:
Is for International travelers landing in Australia. All International travelers must quarantine for 14 days. Currently they quarantine in hotels. Which are not fit for purpose.
This is something that a lot of the public have been requesting for including all people in my circles. We are on this Zero covid model and every time Covid has come into our Island country, it was due to a leak from an international traveler passing it on to someone who worked at one of the Quarantine Hotels or in close contact. This center is to better handle the international traveler situation.
He is right that we have been in lockdown for 200 days. But that is only in my state Victoria. That's 20%-30% of the country. To be fair it has not been 2300 days running. Its been in segmented lockdowns. We come out of lockdown and then something happens. The most recent reason for our lockdown was because 2 removalists travelled from Sydney to Melbourne with Covid and spread it some apartments not far from my home. It spread quick and fast and we were almost on top of it and then bang the Vic Premiere locked us down again.
Don't get me wrong though, I am absolutely fed up with this strategy, I'm sick of the lockdowns and I do care more for all the people who are either taking their lives due to loneliness, school pressure, family issues, work related or business issues. Its fucken ridiculous and the government needs to checked and checked hard. It has become a totalitarian authoritarian governance under the guise of emergency public health issue but yea its the craziest time toi live. They say we need to reach 80% vaccination before lockdowns can be eased, which I just dont see happening. The understanding of this Virus, Vaccine and medical treatments are changing daily. We are at 27% or something like that. It will take another 12-18 months to vax the whole population and is it even an achievable outcome to hit 80%. The single pronged approach is wrong in my opinion and they need to start investigating outpatient treatments alongside vaccination. Especially when booster shots are now the talk of the town due to waning protection, which then increases everyone's risk to adverse reaction also.
So as much as I am in disgust with my government, its not as bad as that video makes it out to be. Its somewhere in the middle.