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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]

No. I mentioned news agencies not "left twitter." I don't care about random nobodies. I care about misinformation being spread by both parties, including the news. Like they did with Rogan. Total lies.
If people with millions of followers are irrelevant then I guess Nicky Minaj is just a ‘random nobody’ then and who gives a shit what she says. The news react to public outrage not what is actually right. People care what Rogan said and care less about what Nicky Minaj said.

Plenty of truth was told about Rogan. He has a massive audience and has ‘experts’ on to spread this misinformation and should be held to a higher standard than Nicky Minaj who is a fucking moron.


Neighbours from Hell
If people with millions of followers are irrelevant then I guess Nicky Minaj is just a ‘random nobody’ then and who gives a shit what she says. The news react to public outrage not what is actually right. People care what Rogan said and care less about what Nicky Minaj said.

Plenty of truth was told about Rogan. He has a massive audience and has ‘experts’ on to spread this misinformation and should be held to a higher standard than Nicky Minaj who is a fucking moron.
That is not "truth" that is an opinion. However, their headlines were objectively misleading and some flat out false. I think news agencies should be held to a higher standard. Of actually reporting stories accurately, and not purposely trying to mislead their audience to discredit someone they feel threatened by.

I'm going to call out our news agencies every time they misstep, because they are as responsible for spreading misinformation as anyone. And they have no business claiming the high ground over anyone in that regard.

Many of them mocked and demonized anyone who dared bring up the lab leak hypothesis for a year, when they knew damn well it was a possibility. But they don't care about objective truth or reason. They want to push their agendas or generate clicks.


No. I mentioned news agencies not "left twitter." I don't care about random nobodies. I care about misinformation being spread by both parties, including the news. Like they did with Rogan. Total lies.
Does NBC News count? How about Variety? E! count too? How about Huffpo? Your argument is stupid. The news destroys idiots regardless of what party you think they’re affiliated with. It’s almost like the news understands how misinformation about the virus is inherently awful. But please continue to cry about the unfair treatment Joe got from the press for being an idiot.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Huh… where are the Washington post, cbs, nbc, NPR, and all the rest‘s freak out articles about how She’s a danger to the public.

Thats right, she’s not a bald male fighting commentator, so they don’t care.
Talk about an overreaction. Jesus.

Put your Joe Rogan fandom back in your pants lol
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That is not "truth" that is an opinion. However, their headlines were objectively misleading and some flat out false. I think news agencies should be held to a higher standard. Of actually reporting stories accurately, and not purposely trying to mislead their audience to discredit someone they feel threatened by.

I'm going to call out our news agencies every time they misstep, because they are as responsible for spreading misinformation as anyone. And they have no business claiming the high ground over anyone in that regard.

Many of them mocked and demonized anyone who dared bring up the lab leak hypothesis for a year, when they knew damn well it was a possibility. But they don't care about objective truth or reason. They want to push their agendas or generate clicks.

The news agencies aren't the ones misstepping its the people giving out unsolicited and misleading "medical advice". Especially Rogan whos opinion apparently is very valuable to some people who follow him.

Nicki Minaj is an rapper and entertainer, Joe Rogan has had actual "experts" parrot their nonsense as if they are giving actual medical advices on his podcast. There IS a difference and regardless of whether or not the news media points it out that matters.

Thats not to say she doesn't have influence, she does and is misusing it in a massive way here. You shouldn't be taking medical advice from either one of them honestly but there is a big difference between the audience they have and the value of their opinion on these things.

Joe Rogan deserves to be discredited. Because people take his approach as if it's informed in any way, and they listen to these bad actors he invites on, and influence their decisions with it. Nicki Minaj was never "credited" to begin with, she never has had the reputation of her opinion of medical things actually mattering.


Does NBC News count? How about Variety? E! count too? How about Huffpo? Your argument is stupid. The news destroys idiots regardless of what party you think they’re affiliated with. It’s almost like the news understands how misinformation about the virus is inherently awful. But please continue to cry about the unfair treatment Joe got from the press for being an idiot.
You can pretend that the media is "fair" in its assessment of people during the pandemic regardless of their political affiliation but that's been proven time and time again to be false.

Also you were mentioning multiple times how Rogan was taking horse paste to treat covid which he wasn't so you were no better than those same news outlets who had ulterior motives versus actually educating yourself with facts before running to gaf to get your horse jokes in.

Also I'm 100% in support of the vaccine and not for ivermectin so don't come at me with your dumb one liner insults.


Neighbours from Hell
The news agencies aren't the ones misstepping its the people giving out unsolicited and misleading "medical advice". Especially Rogan whos opinion apparently is very valuable to some people who follow him.

Nicki Minaj is an rapper and entertainer, Joe Rogan has had actual "experts" parrot their nonsense as if they are giving actual medical advices on his podcast. There IS a difference and regardless of whether or not the news media points it out that matters.

Thats not to say she doesn't have influence, she does and is misusing it in a massive way here. You shouldn't be taking medical advice from either one of them honestly but there is a big difference between the audience they have and the value of their opinion on these things.

Joe Rogan deserves to be discredited. Because people take his approach as if it's informed in any way, and they listen to these bad actors he invites on, and influence their decisions with it. Nicki Minaj was never "credited" to begin with, she never has had the reputation of her opinion of medical things actually mattering.
The news agencies cause harm in their own way. By spreading misinformation they cause people to not trust them, so when they do have sound medical advice to share, people don't listen. They're as much to blame for COVID spikes as anyone. And the unvaccinated.

Rogan's only advice has been to get healthy and lose weight.

What nonsense are you referring to specifically? What bad actors are you referring to?


Gold Member

Marion Gruber, director of the FDA’s Office of Vaccines Research and Review, and her deputy director, Phil Krause, set to leave in October and November, published a viewpoint in The Lancet on Monday along with other experts worldwide, arguing that the COVID-19 vaccines remain effective in preventing severe disease, including against the highly transmissible and dominant delta variant.

"Careful and public scrutiny of the evolving data will be needed to assure that decisions about boosting are informed by reliable science more than by politics," authors wrote, adding in part: "Widespread boosting should be undertaken only if there is clear evidence that it is appropriate."

Gruber, Krause and other authors urged caution over drawing conclusions about vaccine efficacy from preliminary observational studies possibly affected by "confounding and selective reporting" to inform the country’s booster shot rollout. Vaccine supply should instead be allocated to unvaccinated populations to best reduce the risk of serious illness and emerging variants, they said.

My theory is that Pfizer's lobbyists slipped some envelops full of money to the White House to get them to make that booster statement earlier.


Neighbours from Hell
Bullshit. He specifically mentioned the treatments that he was getting. Unless that was fake news too?
"Take Ivermectin, it provably cures COVID" has never once been uttered on his show. Ever. Nor has "the vaccine doesn't work, stay away from it." Ever.

What you can debate is does Rogan talking about certain topics cause people who listen to take things the wrong way, and make bad decisions on their own, but that is not the same thing as "misinformation."

The doctor and Bret Weinstein cited small studies done, and the doctor said he uses Ivermectin on his patients. The studies were real. So that isn't "misinformation." Now, the relevance of those studies can be questioned, but again, that's not the same thing as misinformation. Nor were those studies ever claimed to be flawless or the gold standard. Misinformation would be making up studies that don't exist or lying about the statistical data of studies. This is different. Calling that misinformation is in itself misinformation. It may sound semantical or be a fine line, but if we want to be accurate, we need to be completely factual and nitpick, or else truth will be impossible to find, and in time it will snowball into even greater misinformation.

I will call out misinformation anywhere I see it. And will continue to nitpick, because that's what is needed right now in a world where everyone lies and pushes their agendas all the time.

This is akin to a celebrity being caught smoking cigarettes around their kid and headlines being "John Doe celebrity tells their kid that smoking is ok." For all we know this celebrity has told their kid that smoking is awful and not to do it and they can't stop because they're addicted, but they're sending a bad message to their kid by smoking. However, those two are not the same things. An accurate headline would be "Celebrity sends bad example, smoking in front of kid." This is the type of accuracy we need today in the world of misinformation. Not interjections of people's personal reads of certain topics or feelings of implications. Report facts. That's it. That's the media's job. Interjecting is what opinion pieces are for. Do that shit there, not in their damn news reports. And right now they're not doing it on so many levels.


Lil’ Gobbie
I don't really see a problem with what Joe Rogan said. a doctor gave him ivermectin, along with a hundred thousand other Americans who were treated in US hospitals. people are conflating being prescribed off label use of ivermectin and consuming horse paste from a feed store...


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion

Every story like this pisses me off and depresses me in equal measure. I always know that there are deaths in the world that could be prevented, but the stories like this shine a spotlight on a particular case which makes it impossible to ignore. This guy might not have had to die and that is just fucking frustrating. And what is worse is that the fucking morons that he might have convinced to join his ignorance and stupidity will not heed his death as a warning. They will continue on being stupid as fuck until tragedy befalls them and so on.

Turns out that stupidity is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. To the shock of literally no one in the world.

"Take Ivermectin, it provably cures COVID" has never once been uttered on his show. Ever. Nor has "the vaccine doesn't work, stay away from it." Ever.

What you can debate is does Rogan talking about certain topics cause people who listen to take things the wrong way, and make bad decisions on their own, but that is not the same thing as "misinformation."

The doctor and Bret Weinstein cited small studies done, and the doctor said he uses Ivermectin on his patients. The studies were real. So that isn't "misinformation." Now, the relevance of those studies can be questioned, but again, that's not the same thing as misinformation. Nor were those studies ever claimed to be flawless or the gold standard. Misinformation would be making up studies that don't exist or lying about the statistical data of studies. This is different. Calling that misinformation is in itself misinformation. It may sound semantical or be a fine line, but if we want to be accurate, we need to be completely factual and nitpick, or else truth will be impossible to find, and in time it will snowball into even greater misinformation.

I will call out misinformation anywhere I see it. And will continue to nitpick, because that's what is needed right now in a world where everyone lies and pushes their agendas all the time.

This is akin to a celebrity being caught smoking cigarettes around their kid and headlines being "John Doe celebrity tells their kid that smoking is ok." For all we know this celebrity has told their kid that smoking is awful and not to do it and they can't stop because they're addicted, but they're sending a bad message to their kid by smoking. However, those two are not the same things. An accurate headline would be "Celebrity sends bad example, smoking in front of kid." This is the type of accuracy we need today in the world of misinformation. Not interjections of people's personal reads of certain topics or feelings of implications. Report facts. That's it. That's the media's job. Interjecting is what opinion pieces are for. Do that shit there, not in their damn news reports. And right now they're not doing it on so many levels.
I'm not going to get into a prolonged debate about this. You either see the damage that Rogan has done and continues to do or you don't. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground I guess. The dude is walking ignorance and dangerous stupidity in my view, but others see him as some kind of beacon of honest and innocent truth.

If you choose to believe a fucking Anti-Parasitic works on a virus because your celebrity and talking head of choice says so then go for it.

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Neighbours from Hell
Every story like this pisses me off and depresses me in equal measure. I always know that there are deaths in the world that could be prevented, but the stories like this shine a spotlight on a particular case which makes it impossible to ignore. This guy might not have had to die and that is just fucking frustrating. And what is worse is that the fucking morons that he might have convinced to join his ignorance and stupidity will not heed his death as a warning. They will continue on being stupid as fuck until tragedy befalls them and so on.

Turns out that stupidity is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. To the shock of literally no one in the world.


I'm not going to get into a prolonged debate about this. You either see the damage that Rogan has done and continues to do or you don't. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground I guess. The dude is walking ignorance and dangerous stupidity in my view, but others see him as some kind of beacon of honest and innocent truth.

If you choose to believe a fucking Anti-Parasitic works on a virus then go for it.
I don’t see him as a danger or a beacon of truth. I see him as a dude who does a podcast. Nothing more nothing less. He’s an entertainer to me.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I don’t see him as a danger or a beacon of truth. I see him as a dude who does a podcast. Nothing more nothing less. He’s an entertainer to me.
To you. But others may not be as intelligent in their choices. And that is what I am trying to get at. This whole ivermectin horse paste bullshit did not just rise out of nowhere. It didn't just pop into existence without outside influence. Influential people like Rogan spreading the word of their unproven treatments is what lead to this cascade of stupidity. It the Hydro-whatever bullshit from Trump all over again. This is stubborn and ignorant people who are butthurt about the state of the world trying to find LITERALLY ANY OTHER SOLUTION to a problem they have than the solution that has been handed to them by people they believe to be untrustworthy.

This is team sports stupidity taken to the absolute extreme and it is time for the intelligent adults of the world to step up to these morons and say

Grow the fuck up, take off the tinfoil hat, stop listening to people on the internet, and go to your local doctor. It could literally save your life and the lives of those around you. You dense fucking idiot.
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Neighbours from Hell
To you. But others may not be as intelligent in their choices. And that is what I am trying to get at. This whole ivermectin horse paste bullshit did not just rise out of nowhere. It didn't just pop into existence without outside influence. Influential people like Rogan spreading the word of their unproven treatments is what lead to this cascade of stupidity. It the Hydro-whatever bullshit from Trump all over again. This is stubborn and ignorant people who are butthurt about the state of the world trying to find LITERALLY ANY OTHER SOLUTION to a problem they have than the solution that has been handed to them by people they believe to be untrustworthy.

This is team sports stupidity taken to the absolute extreme and it is time for the intelligent adults of the world to step up to these morons and say
And where do you think Rogan and Weinstein got it? It wasn't planted into their brains via inception. Ivermectin wouldn't be a thing if small anecdotal studies didn't show promise and doctors didn't start believing in it and using it. If that didn't happen, it would've never reached Rogan or Weinstein. If you want to trace something back, trace it back to its source.

And I understand your point, I always have. And my response to that has always been of course there will be. I say the same thing to these people, I'm not going to rip the people they got this stuff from unless they're professionals whose advice they're expected to listen to.

Not too long ago, a family member of mine took some pills a friend sold them on and when they took it they had a really bad reaction to it. When I looked it up, it's some bullshit weight loss pill that was unproven and had bad side effects. My response was to call this family member and tear them a new asshole for putting their health in jeopardy and being so fucking stupid. I didn't call the friend who sold them on it and yell at them. My philosophy in life consistently has always been personal responsibility.

If a friend of mine took ivermectin and got really sick from COVID, I'd call them and tell them they're fucking dumbasses. And if they told me "b..but I heard Joe Rogan say.." I'd call them a dumbass again. And if he died from it I'd be devastated and hurt, but I'd still blame the friend for dying like a dumbass and no one else but the friend.


Gold Member
It mostly impacts the unvaccinated people, but the impact on vaccinated people is still significant, and that is due in part due to the high number of unvaccinated people.

The odds of getting delta COVID while vaccinated are still low, but not low enough. It's still high enough to cause major problems.

If the 1 in 5000 stat is accurate, that's not a significant risk.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
And where do you think Rogan and Weinstein got it? It wasn't planted into their brains via inception. Ivermectin wouldn't be a thing if small anecdotal studies didn't show promise and doctors didn't start believing in it and using it. If that didn't happen, it would've never reached Rogan or Weinstein. If you want to trace something back, trace it back to its source.

And I understand your point, I always have. And my response to that has always been of course there will be. I say the same thing to these people, I'm not going to rip the people they got this stuff from unless they're professionals whose advice they're expected to listen to.

Not too long ago, a family member of mine took some pills a friend sold them on and when they took it they had a really bad reaction to it. When I looked it up, it's some bullshit weight loss pill that was unproven and had bad side effects. My response was to call this family member and tear them a new asshole for putting their health in jeopardy and being so fucking stupid. I didn't call the friend who sold them on it and yell at them. My philosophy in life consistently has always been personal responsibility.

If a friend of mine took ivermectin and got really sick from COVID, I'd call them and tell them they're fucking dumbasses. And if they told me "b..but I heard Joe Rogan say.." I'd call them a dumbass again. And if he died from it I'd be devastated and hurt, but I'd still blame the friend for dying like a dumbass and no one else but the friend.
I think we are close enough together where we are in the same area, but not in the same neighborhood. And I have too much respect for you to try to nitpick over the small stuff. I think we both agree that nobody should self medicate based on the advice of talking heads and that people need to listen to their doctors first and foremost. We just seem to differ on the blame that should fall on people like Rogan for repeating conspiracy theories and treatments.

I'm okay with leaving it there. I don't want to burn a bridge that I consider to be valuable. I enjoy your opinions and input because we seem to agree more often than not these days.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Huh… where are the Washington post, cbs, nbc, NPR, and all the rest‘s freak out articles about how She’s a danger to the public.

Thats right, she’s not a bald male fighting commentator, so they don’t care.

Did you even bother looking? Quick google search turns these and many others up:

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Howard Stern destroying poor stupid Joe Rogan.

I think a lot of it is just people telling joe what he needs to do and him just going along with it, though he’s smart enough to know what is best for him. I like joe a lot but he’s a self admitted idiot and people shouldn’t look to him for medical advise, nor should they expect to get the same kind of treatment he gets
They won't, and if they do the headlines will be favorable. There will be no "she's a danger" headlines, I can guarantee it.

In 48 hours, she'll issue an apology and say a top health expert reached out to her to educate her and that'll be the end of it.
They came out and she responded

She called her an Uncle Tom LMAO!

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Rogan recovers from covid in like a day and people call him stupid. It's straight out of The Onion.

You have to wonder how different all of this Rogan coverage would have been if he'd got a bad dose of the virus, instead of barely being touched by it. Can't help but think the narrative would be a little different if he'd ended up being one of those 'fit and healthy' people who wound up on a ventilator.


I don't really see a problem with what Joe Rogan said. a doctor gave him ivermectin, along with a hundred thousand other Americans who were treated in US hospitals. people are conflating being prescribed off label use of ivermectin and consuming horse paste from a feed store...
The problem isn't with JR taking Ivermectin. The problem is with people who simply cannot ever accept that they are sometimes wrong about things.

I had shared this link before on this same thread.
Indian State Will Offer Ivermectin To Entire Adult Population — Even As WHO Warns Against Its Use As Covid-19 Treatment (forbes.com)

In May we had lots of stories about India basically spiraling out of control.
Then claims that the government will dose everyone with two very specific drugs.
Then a massive drop off in cases and deaths for some reason.
Then a few articles saying "we don't know how India got this under control but it was definitely nothing to do with those drugs!"
Clearly though somebody somewhere thought that the best way to get India's cases back down was to go with these two specific treatments.
So what's the story with that?

If we can step outside the USA-centric bubble for a moment and observe that you have a strange situation.
Consider someone living in India when Covid was running wild. The perspective is that the government is going to give everyone a treatment program that will help. Then consider someone living in the USA. The perspective is "OMG these crazy idiots think that anti-parasite medicine will work! Hahahaha! What morons."

So Joe Rogan gets covid and his doctor gives him a prescription for certain drugs and he gets better. It's problematic right?

I think people need to hold their hands up and admit that for whatever reason other countries in the world have believed, for some reason, that Ivermectin might be the solution here. Does it have to be MY solution? No. I got vaccinated. Can it be someone else's solution? It seems like it might be and if a doctor is willing to write a prescription and the Indian government is willing to give the entire nation a dose AND there are a number of studies underway examining the possible use of ivermectin then maybe, just maybe, there is something in all that.

Problem is that this would lead to a lot of extremely stubborn people on the internet having to admit that they were wrong and we all know that this will not happen without heavy resistance.

Joe Rogan is not a doctor so maybe people shouldn't take his word as absolute truth. People should also remember that doctors don't always get it right. Ever heard of a patient going to get a second opinion?


You have to wonder how different all of this Rogan coverage would have been if he'd got a bad dose of the virus, instead of barely being touched by it. Can't help but think the narrative would be a little different if he'd ended up being one of those 'fit and healthy' people who wound up on a ventilator.
That's not how it went though. What happened is what happened.

Statistically, you'd have to imagine that Rogan's chances of simply having a mild dose were were extremely high to begin with.

Shit, didn't Trump and Boris both have Covid and some point. I wonder what kind of treatment these kind of VIPs would have been given? No expense was spared, I am sure.

Problem is that you have people going around acting like Covid is basically a death sentence and that Ivermectin is for crazy people and cannot possibly work. Then you've got this big bumbling moron coming in and check it out folks he got covid and took whatever his doctor gave him and he's doing great.

This was inevitable, really. It's why people really should be more willing to hold fire and wait and see how things go. Instead folk jump in with both feet and then double down until it's no longer feasible and then just pretend like they were never on the wrong side of the argument. I bet you see that here, right? A poster has their points rebutted so they just let the thread run for a couple of pages and come back with the same points all over again.

A realistic handling of the Rogan situation is to admit that he was almost certainly going to be fine all along because the vast majority of people below a certain age are. Now he probably only needs one vaccine dose! Then admit that we don't really know if his medical treatment worked or not because, again, his odds were really really good to begin with. Then just accept that his doctor thought these drugs were a good solution for a reason but also warn people against trying to obtain these drugs through other methods.

Something we could potentially worry about now is whether or not we are putting pressure on doctors to not prescribe a drug that might actually help patients. Or are we now putting pressure on doctors to prescribe a drug that won't work? Might be time for a bit more transparency and honesty when it comes to Ivermectin and drop the "horse medicine" bullshit.
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22 MILLION TWITTER FOLLOWERS and Twitter didn't flag the account for misinformation or suspend the dunce.

Jesus Christ she is stupid as fuck... Celebrities will spew any sort of bullshit without thinking on this goddamn platform won't they?

Also her cousin probably has an STD... "i swear babe it was the vaccine". complete and utter nonsense


The people who have had the shot seem to be scared to death of people who haven't. Not sure why. They've had the shot. They're good. Not too sure why they're so terrified.
Pretty much my attitude since two weeks after my 2nd dose.
Guy next to me in line at the supermarket with no mask on? Don't care, I'm vaxxed.
Some stranger on my flight coughing away? Guess who's vaxxed? Me!

Personally, I don't mind either way about vaccine mandates etc anymore. What's the point in worrying about it?
I do think people probably SHOULD get vaccinated but it's everyone's own choice so whatever.



My theory is that Pfizer's lobbyists slipped some envelops full of money to the White House to get them to make that booster statement earlier.
Maybe but I feel like the push back on boosters is more along the lines of the WHO chief’s stance that everyone else in the world should get vaccinated before we get boosters. The others won’t be as honest as he is about it.


Jesus Christ she is stupid as fuck... Celebrities will spew any sort of bullshit without thinking on this goddamn platform won't they?

Also her cousin probably has an STD... "i swear babe it was the vaccine". complete and utter nonsense
She is no different than the partisan radio hosts that tell their listeners lies about covid and or the vaccine.

She will have convinced an untold number of people that the vaccine is dangerous and they will convince a number more. There will be a lot of deaths linked to this one ignorant tweet.


Is COVID the biggest example of The Boy who Cried Wolf ever? Decades of lying click-bait media, lying with no consequence politicians, algorithmically outrage inducing social media, Snowden, Iraq War, "Masks are not needed oh wait nevermind we were just tricking you into not buying them initially", only 2 weeks of lockdown...


If the elitest fuck faces stopped treating the public as plebian pawns that need to be tricked with miss-information to achieve their desired outcome, maybe people would have faith in the institutions.

And regarding institutions, the fact that most people don't even have a regular doctor that they see every year probably is a MAJOR contributing factor in all of this. Yeah maybe you don't trust some weasel like Fauci but most people would trust their doctor they have been seeing for 20 years... if they had one.
I think the vast majority of people know that politicians, the media and corporations are not trustworthy.
Anyone who doesn't believe that should read a history book.

Of course, some of these groups will naturally learn and over time they will get better at hiding their lies and other dodgy bullshit.

Most people probably have a blind-spot when they find people in positions of authority telling them what they want to hear. Or, even better, when they are being fed stories that make them feel smarter, better and superior to others.

Pretty much this is exactly how people fall down Youtube rabbit holes or, in extreme cases, fall in with cults etc.
Then they can't really dig themselves out of those holes because people would rather ridicule than help.

Should have been easy enough to say "yup, Ivermectin has been used for a long time in humans and MIGHT have some anti-viral properties but we don't know for sure yet so DON'T TAKE IT UNLESS PRESCRIBED BY A DOCTOR".

Instead we've got a worrying number of people acting like people have just randomly decided to start taking a random medicine that is totally only given to horses and has never ever been used for anything else. LOL. Horse Paste.

People should be careful that they don't become more like the thing they hate the most. They should.



According to a banner being held by a couple of participants, it said they were a part of an organization called Police on Guard — and that the group is made up of “active and retired police officers who have assembled for truth and justice for all members.”
The exact breakdown of what emergency services the workers are employed with, as well as those who are active or retired, wasn’t available.


This thread has become just toxic man. The same +/- 5 people either patronizing and making fun of deaths, or hurling insults at others. The funny thing is, for a few of these people, they are so high on their horse I’m sure they don’t remember what it’s like to not be a pompous and arrogant asshole.


The problem isn't with JR taking Ivermectin. The problem is with people who simply cannot ever accept that they are sometimes wrong about things.

I had shared this link before on this same thread.
Indian State Will Offer Ivermectin To Entire Adult Population — Even As WHO Warns Against Its Use As Covid-19 Treatment (forbes.com)

In May we had lots of stories about India basically spiraling out of control.
Then claims that the government will dose everyone with two very specific drugs.
Then a massive drop off in cases and deaths for some reason.
Then a few articles saying "we don't know how India got this under control but it was definitely nothing to do with those drugs!"
Clearly though somebody somewhere thought that the best way to get India's cases back down was to go with these two specific treatments.
So what's the story with that?

If we can step outside the USA-centric bubble for a moment and observe that you have a strange situation.
Consider someone living in India when Covid was running wild. The perspective is that the government is going to give everyone a treatment program that will help. Then consider someone living in the USA. The perspective is "OMG these crazy idiots think that anti-parasite medicine will work! Hahahaha! What morons."

So Joe Rogan gets covid and his doctor gives him a prescription for certain drugs and he gets better. It's problematic right?

I think people need to hold their hands up and admit that for whatever reason other countries in the world have believed, for some reason, that Ivermectin might be the solution here. Does it have to be MY solution? No. I got vaccinated. Can it be someone else's solution? It seems like it might be and if a doctor is willing to write a prescription and the Indian government is willing to give the entire nation a dose AND there are a number of studies underway examining the possible use of ivermectin then maybe, just maybe, there is something in all that.

Problem is that this would lead to a lot of extremely stubborn people on the internet having to admit that they were wrong and we all know that this will not happen without heavy resistance.

Joe Rogan is not a doctor so maybe people shouldn't take his word as absolute truth. People should also remember that doctors don't always get it right. Ever heard of a patient going to get a second opinion?
What turned India around wasn’t horse paste. It was the fact that their government stopped selling all of their vaccine doses to other countries for a profit and started administering it to their own people. Nothing halts deaths and hospitalizations like the vaccine does.


What turned India around wasn’t horse paste. It was the fact that their government stopped selling all of their vaccine doses to other countries for a profit and started administering it to their own people. Nothing halts deaths and hospitalizations like the vaccine does.

I reckon 3 to 5 weeks between vaccine doses. Population of 1.4 billion.
Was India's rollout really that fast?
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