"We didn't break any rules because we were exempted from the rules."
That is an accurate breakdown of that statement yes."We didn't break any rules because we were exempted from the rules."
I guess the point is are we stupid enough to tolerate this?That is an accurate breakdown of that statement yes.
I can't tell if you are being serious or not. We already have ample evidence from across the country in regards to how well schools are being handled at the moment. And you think places should just be given blanket exemptions for the foreseeable future? That is completely ridiculous.I guess the point is are we stupid enough to tolerate this?
Don't you think gyms, schools and restaurants are taking "additional safety modifications"? Where is their exemption?
You guys are too much loljust a continuation of rules for thee (unwashed peasant masses) and not for me (rich elites)
How many examples of "rules for thee but not for me" do you need to see to believe it then? There are so many examples it's ridiculous at this point.I can't tell if you are being serious or not. We already have ample evidence from across the country in regards to how well schools are being handled at the moment. And you think places should just be given blanket exemptions for the foreseeable future? That is completely ridiculous.
The Emmy's was a once a year event. You are talking about blanket exemptions for places that are used every single day and have already been shown to be breeding grounds for covid outbreaks.
You guys are too much lol
Im not saying that argument cannot be made, but using the Emmy's as an example for why schools should receive exemptions as well is just plain ridiculous. Apples and oranges doesn't even begin to describe that.How many examples of "rules for thee but not for me" do you need to see to believe it then? There are so many examples it's ridiculous at this point.
If a gym requires everyone visiting to be proven fully vaccinated and have them have a confirmed negative test 48 hours before working out, and all the staff are fully vaccinated or testing negative twice per week, then I think yeah they should get an exemption from the mask rule.I guess the point is are we stupid enough to tolerate this?
Don't you think gyms, schools and restaurants are taking "additional safety modifications"? Where is their exemption?
If it's just a once a year event then why were all vaccinated workers and media still required to wear masks? It amazes me anyone can defend that or pretend it's based on science.I can't tell if you are being serious or not. We already have ample evidence from across the country in regards to how well schools are being handled at the moment. And you think places should just be given blanket exemptions for the foreseeable future? That is completely ridiculous.
The Emmy's was a once a year event. You are talking about blanket exemptions for places that are used every single day and have already been shown to be breeding grounds for covid outbreaks.
You guys are too much lol
Then they go on to list all the crazy shit they're forcing on students that you and a lot of others here probably support.Campus environments, where the populace skews younger and the vaccination rate is 90-plus percent, are ideal places to ease into the post-pandemic reality: They are extremely safe from the threats of mass death and crowded hospitals. University authorities would be well-advised to treat the diminishing threat of COVID-19 as an opportunity to lift restrictions, ease up on masking, and let students enjoy the social and educational experiences they're paying for.
Instead, something close to the opposite is happening: Far from returning to normal at an accelerated rate, many colleges are implementing some of the most authoritarian mitigation efforts out of anywhere in the country.
Just to be clear I'm not for "blanket exemptions". I'm against blanket mandates in the first place. My original complaint was about how it's bullshit that politically connected people get special exemptions and not normal people like gym owners. So I'm saying it's double bullshit: the mandates are bullshit, and the exemptions for celebrities/politicians are bullshit.If a gym requires everyone visiting to be proven fully vaccinated and have them have a confirmed negative test 48 hours before working out, and all the staff are fully vaccinated or testing negative twice per week, then I think yeah they should get an exemption from the mask rule.
I thought this kind of checking papers, mandated vaccination, was what everyone was up in arms about though, now you are ok with it, it's the masks that are the problem?
It was just explained to you why the Emmys got their exemption and the hoops that they had to jump through. If all of the schools and universities across the country along with any gym owners want to do the exact same thing then I am all for them being exempted. Those mandates are the only reason why our hospitals haven't been completely overrun and even then in some places they are still being overrun. Imagine how bad it would be if there was no mandates.If it's just a once a year event then why were all vaccinated workers and media still required to wear masks? It amazes me anyone can defend that or pretend it's based on science.
And students are being held to a different standard. Kids on college campuses that require vaccination are still being forced to wear masks outside, not allowing them to eat in the cafeteria or leave campus and telling them to stick to small social circles. Good article about it today in Reason:
College Campuses Have the Craziest COVID-19 Restrictions of All
Last week, Brown University implemented strict new COVID-19 mitigation protocols following 82 confirmed positive (including asymptomatic) cases amongreason.com
Then they go on to list all the crazy shit they're forcing on students that you and a lot of others here support.
Just to be clear I'm not for "blanket exemptions". I'm against blanket mandates in the first place. My original complaint was about how it's bullshit that politically connected people get special exemptions and not normal people like gym owners. So I'm saying it's double bullshit: the mandates are bullshit, and the exemptions for celebrities/politicians are bullshit.
I don't have to imagine it because I live in a red state where there are no restrictions. We get to do whatever we want, it's great. I just feel bad for the people in blue states/other countries that want to get back to normal.It was just explained to you why the Emmys got their exemption and the hoops that they had to jump through. If all of the schools and universities across the country along with any gym owners want to do the exact same thing then I am all for them being exempted. Those mandates are the only reason why our hospitals haven't been completely overrun and even then in some places they are still being overrun. Imagine how bad it would be if there was no mandates.
Use your brain.
BREAKING: Senior ABC News Reporter Reveals Top Bosses Spikes News Important to Voters: ‘Our Bosses Don’t See an Upside’; Network Refuses to Acknowledge Trump’s successes: ‘We Also Don’t Give Him Credit for What Things He Does Do’ | Project Veritas
A senior political reporter for ABC News covering the presidential campaign told a Project Veritas undercover journalist his network is unable both to provide relevant news to Americans and function as a commercial enterprise, and the commercial imperative wins in the end.www.projectveritas.com
Which state?I don't have to imagine it because I live in a red state where there are no restrictions. We get to do whatever we want, it's great. I just feel bad for the people in blue states/other countries that want to get back to normal.
I live in a blue state and things are pretty much back to normal but with some social distancing and masking on a voluntary level.I don't have to imagine it because I live in a red state where there are no restrictions. We get to do whatever we want, it's great. I just feel bad for the people in blue states/other countries that want to get back to normal.
I live in Texas' hat, aka - Oklahoma. A state run by pragmatic geniuses where nothing bad ever happens....Which state?
Getting carded (ID) to gain access to a 21 and over bar or night club.
Getting carded (vaccination status + ID) to gain access to the same night club.
Both actions amount to getting your "papers checked". Is one reasonable and another unreasonable? How are they different and how are they alike?
What on earth does it being 2021 have to due with a lack of consideration for your fellow man?I can't get behind this kind of compassion for them. It's 2021. They're just vaccines - nothing special, nothing dangerous, nothing dramatic or sensational. They're overwhelming our healthcare apparatuses and causing suffering and death over something as benign as a vaccine. They are holding us back from returning to a normal world. And all the while they are forcefully hateful against anyone who hasn't fallen into the same illogical conspiracy theory-fueled nightmare of anti-science. We're all sheep, they're lions. We're all stupid, but they know The Truth. Etc. It's so fucking pathetic and yet at the same time sad to watch.
They are making it Political? EVERYONE is making it political, you do NOT get to act superior here, when you and others wish to enforce Political mandates, when you wish these people to lose privileges despite the very fact you claim the vaccinated are safe (they are safer, but not safe)It's also not the rest of our problem that they're making a virus and disease political, creating a division that didn't exist prior, or that they're allowing themselves to fall into the trap of unconvincing grifters over medical technology that is over a century old. This is all on them, full stop, 100 percent. It is not the duty of the rational to drag them along. They actively shut out valid scientific information and the reality right in front of their eyes over some kind of fucked up tribalism that is literally getting themselves, their elderly, and now more than ever their children killed.
Right there is the crux of this problem, you refuse to see their rationality (again not the crazies or intention misinformation spreaders) but the average Joe and Jane who are anti-vax for a wide plethora of reasons, because "you're on the right side of history"...you and those like you are "rational"So no. No. Stop trying to offload the blame onto the rational. This is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated, spilled over into affecting the sensible and it is all 100% their fault.
Why would imploring people show empathy for their fellow human require examples? Simply asking my fellow Gaf brethren to see that if you want this Country to heal (let alone the world) that labeling doesn't solve shit.the problem with "Inspire, educate and most importantly he was empathy and reasoning" is the Goldilocks syndrome, that no matter how inspiring, educational or "nice" you want to be it'll never be good enough...that's what happens in this thread, when biases are not confirmed people run away...at least this is my experience in this thread for those that come in with anti-vax analogies, anecdotes or arguments
your post needs actual examples, and actual solutions, because each interaction is ad hoc with its own context and peculiarities so while I'm sure it was cathartic to type all this it's not very helpful for anyone
on the measles vaccine, you can look up Andrew Wakefield who is very much the example of that anti-vaccine movement rather than those celebrities
Again, giving up on over two thirds of the nation huh? How laughableWe’ve reached the point where anyone reachable on this has been reached.
Yeah...no, numbers aren't remotely on your side here lolThe only people left are either firm anti-vaxxers, or the poor bastards who are locked up in their homes because they’re immunosuppressed and can’t take the vaccine.
Yeah I' DO have sympathy for them genius, I am PRO-FREAKING VAX!!!How about some sympathy for them instead of the anti-vaxxers who are keeping them locked up?
I have been Funky, I have been, (my family FYI) I had a great chat and I might have reached a few (hint not attacking them or threatening their freedoms helpsHow about telling anti-vaxxers to work with their fellow man and have empathy for all of those who cannot take the vaccine?
When has a Governing body stopped their overreach after a crisis was over, Why don't you ask many of those in Australia how they feel about their freedoms huh?Why are you - and so many like you - more concerned with some nebulous idea of your American ‘freedoms’ while totally ignoring the actual and real plight of your fellow citizens?
A conversation goes a lot further then condescending smugness FunkyHow about you tell you anti-vax friends to grow up, have some empathy, and get the jab?
Love the stupid Trump diss FYINah, it’s not a trust issue, same as ‘I’m not racist, I have black friends’ doesn’t work. People know the stigma of being anti-vaccine so they intentionally hide behind ‘just asking questions’. Same as people that were not willing to admit they voted for Trump.
Regarding US government - how does that work? You don’t pay taxes? You don’t send your kids to school? You make no use of government services? After all everything the government does is suspicious by definition.
True, the neat thing about the United States is that we are more like fifty countries combined with a big daddy government to enforce the universal rules, you just described a red state, you'll find that kind of "freedom" in many states FYI, try Cali or NY for a different viewThere are places all over the country completely open with numbers triple or more what they were during lockdowns last year. I went to Disneyland in *California* this July and nobody had a mask on or was required to distance, etc. The idea we’re in for permanent lockdowns and muh freedoms is gone forever is just nonsense.
See aboveSome states respond to the numbers and are implementing better controls, others are just ignoring them to their own peril. But this would make that all almost a moot point: if everyone who could get vaccinated got the goddamn vaccine already
Im more than willing to educate and help people after they've swallowed their pride and got vaccinated for the good of their fellow Americans.
It's so easy to just label those you disagree with right, so here's the thing, why should I or anyone else in this thread swallow your so called sympathy when you or others post another sad death tweet, article etc when you look at these things in such a sad judgmental lightThe typical camp of anti-vax are these buckets (one or a combo of them):
- Lazy. I'll get around to it. The vax is free, available everywhere including walk up appointments at a drug store, yet somehow cant find time to do it Very few I would
- It doesn't work Misinformation
- It has side effects It can (albeit vey few cases) again Misinformation
- Covid wont affect me True, many have felt this way, my uncle included
- I dont want my freedoms taken away. A valid concern It's my life. Part of the whole "freedom" thing So I'm willing to risk getting it, nothing serious, and I live as normal with no mask or vaccine Yup personal freedom is a bitch huh
- If it does seriously affect me or I die. Oh well. I'm not here anyway. ??? Not here long I assume So it's now up to you to gimme a hand helping my spouse and kids How do you figure that, a gofundme is charity not enforced?
- I'm a short term thinker. LABELS So no mask or vaccine. LABELS Don't care about long term liberties which may open up if everyone gets vaxxed and covid cases drop like a rock, so gov can open things up in full or get rid of policies. LABELS LABELS LABELS I'm a live for today guy and cant comprehend the correlation when cities opening things up when covid cases drop. Personal freedom is a bitch huh
Big difference between a private establishment and a Government mandate...If a gym requires everyone visiting to be proven fully vaccinated and have them have a confirmed negative test 48 hours before working out, and all the staff are fully vaccinated or testing negative twice per week, then I think yeah they should get an exemption from the mask rule.
I thought this kind of checking papers, mandated vaccination, was what everyone was up in arms about though, now you are ok with it, it's the masks that are the problem?
When has a Governing body stopped their overreach after a crisis was over, Why don't you ask many of those in Australia how they feel about their freedoms huh?
And those red states are suffering the most right now with infection rates and death. Sure sounds great!I don't have to imagine it because I live in a red state where there are no restrictions. We get to do whatever we want, it's great. I just feel bad for the people in blue states/other countries that want to get back to normal.
Firstly I must apologize for the lateness of my reply, was out of state for a while and was simply too busy to access my laptop lol
What on earth does it being 2021 have to due with a lack of consideration for your fellow man?
Agreed they are vaccines, just as the vaccines before that were demonized (as in ALL of them, not just the Covid ones) again the majority of these "anti-vaxxers" are not anti-vax in general, they are Anti-vax against a seemingly untested, Government pushed Vaccine that was given blanket immunity if something DID go wrong...IT IS A TRUST ISSUE!
You are holding the world back just as much by labeling "them" (you are clearly grouping all those whom are anti-vax regardless of reason together) rather then working with them, you can't act sympathetic or hang your head in sorrow at the "tragedy" of all the new deaths when you mock them or even laugh at their demise in this very thread with your nose in the air.
Yeah the sheep, Lions thing is more about blindly following Governing bodies that have continuously shown they
A Don't follow their own rules
B. Are clearly pushing for more power with every new "policy"
They are making it Political? EVERYONE is making it political, you do NOT get to act superior here, when you and others wish to enforce Political mandates, when you wish these people to lose privileges despite the very fact you claim the vaccinated are safe (they are safer, but not safe)
There is a clear problem here, we will never reach blanket immunity...that's simply not possible. You can bribe them, threaten them, scare them and there will ALWAYS be those that hold out from getting vaxxed, but as the old adage says "you can catch more flies with honey then with vinegar", being snide and condescending does nothing to change minds. Why do you think so many hardcore anti-vax advocates changed their minds on the Hospital bed? Because they saw the error of their ways, you can change minds, it isn't easy but it is doable but attacking each other won't solve anything, the Anti-vax crew ARE holding us back, but you won't work with them, instead you blame them for all the woes when the righteous "vaxxers" are just as guilty as being obnoxious and judgmental...again it is simply creating a class war.
Right there is the crux of this problem, you refuse to see their rationality (again not the crazies or intention misinformation spreaders) but the average Joe and Jane who are anti-vax for a wide plethora of reasons, because "you're on the right side of history"...you and those like you are "rational"
You are just as guilty and have made the divide even more severe...
Why would imploring people show empathy for their fellow human require examples? Simply asking my fellow Gaf brethren to see that if you want this Country to heal (let alone the world) that labeling doesn't solve shit.
The Science is on YOUR side (mine too FYI), we KNOW the vaccines work, and though they don't grant blanket immunity, they do give a very high level of protection...That's not the issue here, it's the demonization of anyone who even "questions" the vaccine/mask/other BS being spewed by governing bodies...
look at areas of Austrailia, look at the overreach and insane measurements they have taken. When people brought up the "removal and lockdown" of those who had the virus, they were shot down with "yeah but it's like a hotel room" ignoring the whole lockdown aspect in the first place.
Again ignore those that have gone off the deep end and are foaming at the mouth, you can't reason with a blind idealist, but do you truly think well over two thirds of the Country are crazies? no they are MISINFORMED! Not saying they're guiltless in this, but attacking them only makes it easier to mislead them in the long run.
The following (see examples lol) is a channel on Youtube commonly shared on Facebook pages
Only issue...shit almost never works, and they can even be dangerous
The point being selling mis-information is VERY easy to do, when it offers a simple easy explanation, and that's just a chunk of those who are anti-vax, they are feeding their mis-trust from people who are deliberately lying to them.
Again, giving up on over two thirds of the nation huh? How laughable
Yeah...no, numbers aren't remotely on your side here lol
Yeah I' DO have sympathy for them genius, I am PRO-FREAKING VAX!!!
I still have questions and concerns about THIS vax, but I have ALWAYS been pro vax in general.
I have been Funky, I have been, (my family FYI) I had a great chat and I might have reached a few (hint not attacking them or threatening their freedoms helps)
When has a Governing body stopped their overreach after a crisis was over, Why don't you ask many of those in Australia how they feel about their freedoms huh?
A conversation goes a lot further then condescending smugness Funky
Love the stupid Trump diss FYI
Not a trust issue?
People like you treat any concern or hesitancy as "anti vax" completely ignoring what led up to here.
Let's focus this time on the Republicans who are distrustful of you and others...
What led up to this distrust?
An extended quarantine for many
Loss of freedoms we took for granted
Many lost their way of living thanks to government restrictions and closures
They have been demeaned and mocked by the media (and the "tolerant" on the left)
they just witnessed their President slur them and pass an unconstitutional (in their eyes) mandate
Now tell meCyberpunkd , just what kind of trust are you expecting here?
and that's just one of those types of "anti-vaxers" there are also, holistic, religious, paranoid, and those trashed for simply asking questions...to name a few
The real problem is that you, and many others group them all together with the "horse paste" wackos...but yeah "trust" isn't an issue
You think that is an excuse for what many see (myself included) as mass Government overreach (not US only FYI)?
True, the neat thing about the United States is that we are more like fifty countries combined with a big daddy government to enforce the universal rules, you just described a red state, you'll find that kind of "freedom" in many states FYI, try Cali or NY for a different view
See above
"I am more than willing to have a conversation with them after they shut up and do what I say first"
How kind of you lol
It's so easy to just label those you disagree with right, so here's the thing, why should I or anyone else in this thread swallow your so called sympathy when you or others post another sad death tweet, article etc when you look at these things in such a sad judgmental light
Big difference between a private establishment and a Government mandate...
A business can technically also have a sign that says "no children" most don't as it would cost them customers lol hell the Wholefoods my wife went into the other day had a Mask bouncer
Again Gaf, I agree it's frustrating, but the right thing is often not easy...you won't win hearts and minds through hate and mockery or condescension, many WILL listen if you just try to talk to them...You show tweets like the many lives that were lost memorial, but mock a huge number of those who have lost them...
It's not like getting a shot locks you up in prison restricting your freedom. I got the shots and went along my merry way rest of the day. Ate, slept, log into work from home, take a dump every once in a while. What freedoms are being taken away?
And thats the right decision. I skimmed the wiki and this is the key thing that stood out (and nicely convenient right there in plain view).The case Jacobson V Massachusetts was brought to my attention concerning vaccine mandates and their constitutionality. Seems that it IS constitutional.
The Civil War comes to mind.When has a Governing body stopped their overreach after a crisis was over
Did he really? What's the quote?they just witnessed their President slur them
The top story..what does this have to do with Covid?
Yeah, but how many are out of state people? My state is mostly red, but for the last 6 months I’ve seen tons and tons of out of state plates. More people than I ever saw in my life. The mass exodus from blue states is realAnd those red states are suffering the most right now with infection rates and death. Sure sounds great!
(I’m also in a mostly red state)
Yeah, but how many are out of state people? My state is mostly red, but for the last 6 months I’ve seen tons and tons of out of state plates. More people than I ever saw in my life. The mass exodus from blue states is real
Zucht v. King tooThe case Jacobson V Massachusetts was brought to my attention concerning vaccine mandates and their constitutionality. Seems that it IS constitutional.
Okay. How about I ask my friends and family out there?
Bully?…Oh, actually I already have.
HmmmThey all know that what’s going on in Australia right now is exactly what happened in the U.K last year. And they also know that the UK is completely free of restrictions or lockdowns now due to our vaccine program.
There’s been no overreach in the U.K. There won’t be in Australia either.
I don't use social media you condescending goof, I read news, as in different sources of news...CNN, Fox, Bloomberg, BBC etcFuck me... Do you even bother looking at what’s actually going on in the real world, instead of just what you read on social media?
Award for dumbest post thus farNothing wrong with labels. Act stubborn, get labeled stubborn.
Yeah it sucked to put it quite mildly, and no shit Sherlock...again I AM PRO VAX!When no vaccines were around yet (2020), lots of people died. Mostly old people. 2021 rolls around and vaccine shots are everywhere. You can even do a walk up at a drug store to get it. You dont need to fill an application to get an appointment like in March or April when it was rolling out to the masses. Its free and take minutes. The only way it is easier is if the government knocked on your door and did it in your living room.
Assuming that's a typo lolWhich people seem to take up all the hospital beds due to covid issues? Unvaxxed people. I dont see any articles saying hospitals are jammed due to vaxxed people still getting sick, the vaccine doesnt work and they are hogging all the beds.
Did Skippy, but I don't have a religious belief holding me back, I haven't been misinformed by social media, or distrust the government or "big pharma" I certainly have dealt with the same judgmental pricks though...despite my pro-vax stance.So man up and get a shot. It doesn't even hurt if that's what you're afraid of.
People saying they dont want to get the shot because it was made and released fast compared to other drugs. Good point. It was fast. Hey, what we have to go on is:
- Covid is making people sick and dying fast - YUP, no disagreement
- Drug companies made it - Which many people already don't trust...part of the problem
- Government approved it and is administering it asap - The second part and far less trusted than "big pharma" FYI
- Anti-vax people claiming the drugs are too risky and don't do it. Misinformation is a problem true Or they suck and have side effects etc.... (They can, but in VERY limited amounts)
I AM PRO VACCINATION!!!You're going to believe the people who have zero medical expertise, and going against government health department approvals?
Fuck that, what a stupid calous thing to say!I get it. Scare tactics and people acting like big shots being macho man they dont need a shot. Guess what? You probably will live. Bu dont come crying when you or someone you know is unvaxxed due to stubborness and kicks the bucket.
DUH, I am well aware of this as I am...you get itIt's not like getting a shot locks you up in prison restricting your freedom. I got the shots and went along my merry way rest of the day. Ate, slept, log into work from home, take a dump every once in a while. What freedoms are being taken away?
Yeah wrong, (assuming you're referring to States here)Literally the only freedom they’re having taken away is the ability to not do what they’re being asked to.
It’s like children being mad they’ve been told to come in from play time because it’s dark, and the perverts have come out.
Plenty of wealthy Southerners including those that aided the North had their land/wealth confiscated and that's not even touching the hornets nest that was "reconstruction" in the freed south that spelled horrid conditions for many Africans ( the birth of "black codes)The Civil War comes to mind.
SLUR Def 3Did he really? What's the quote?
Why would imploring people show empathy for their fellow human require examples? Simply asking my fellow Gaf brethren to see that if you want this Country to heal (let alone the world) that labeling doesn't solve shit.
The Science is on YOUR side (mine too FYI), we KNOW the vaccines work, and though they don't grant blanket immunity, they do give a very high level of protection...That's not the issue here, it's the demonization of anyone who even "questions" the vaccine/mask/other BS being spewed by governing bodies...
look at areas of Austrailia, look at the overreach and insane measurements they have taken. When people brought up the "removal and lockdown" of those who had the virus, they were shot down with "yeah but it's like a hotel room" ignoring the whole lockdown aspect in the first place.
Again ignore those that have gone off the deep end and are foaming at the mouth, you can't reason with a blind idealist, but do you truly think well over two thirds of the Country are crazies? no they are MISINFORMED! Not saying they're guiltless in this, but attacking them only makes it easier to mislead them in the long run.
The following (see examples lol) is a channel on Youtube commonly shared on Facebook pages
Only issue...shit almost never works, and they can even be dangerous
The point being selling mis-information is VERY easy to do, when it offers a simple easy explanation, and that's just a chunk of those who are anti-vax, they are feeding their mis-trust from people who are deliberately lying to them.
The top story..
Why they don't want is usually is a massive overestimation of their own capabilities. Like how they 'want to do more research' without even looking up what mRNA stands for as if the insight into this insanely complicated biological science will appear to them in a flash. Or faith in their immune system which will just brush of this disease that killed tons of people exactly as healthy as they are.You will never change their minds if you can't at the minimum hear them out and see WHY they don't want the vaccine.
Congratulations on living through your first worldwide pandemic! You and I are lucky indeed it killed ‘only’ 4mln people.You think that is an excuse for what many see (myself included) as mass Government overreach (not US only FYI)?
Every topic in life will have people who agree and disagree based on personal experience and what they hear.Why they don't want is usually is a massive overestimation of their own capabilities. Like how they 'want to do more research' without even looking up what mRNA stands for as if the insight into this insanely complicated biological science will appear to them in a flash. Or faith in their immune system which will just brush of this disease that killed tons of people exactly as healthy as they are.
And trying to change their mind will at some point involve pointing out these shortcomings and that always gets a hostile response, leading to further retreat into refusal.
That's not a rebuttal to my answer.Plenty of wealthy Southerners including those that aided the North had their land/wealth confiscated and that's not even touching the hornets nest that was "reconstruction" in the freed south that spelled horrid conditions for many Africans ( the birth of "black codes)
SLUR Def 3
to cast aspersions on; calumniate; disparage; depreciate:The candidate was viciously slurred by his opponent.
"What makes it incredibly more frustrating is that we have the tools to combat Covid-19, and a distinct minority of Americans, supported by a distinct minority of elected officials, are keeping us from turning the corner. These pandemic politics, as I refer to, are making people sick, causing unvaccinated people to die."
"We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin. And your refusal has cost all of us."
"We cannot let unvaccinated do this progress — undo it. Turn it back. So tonight I’m announcing additional steps to strengthen our economic recovery."
Well said, that is indeed part of the problem, and then hubris mixed with naivety or ignorance plus a healthy dose of whatWhy they don't want is usually is a massive overestimation of their own capabilities. Like how they 'want to do more research' without even looking up what mRNA stands for as if the insight into this insanely complicated biological science will appear to them in a flash. Or faith in their immune system which will just brush of this disease that killed tons of people exactly as healthy as they are.
And trying to change their mind will at some point involve pointing out these shortcomings and that always gets a hostile response, leading to further retreat into refusal.
A true shame, it really is...Congratulations on living through your first worldwide pandemic! You and I are lucky indeed it killed ‘only’ 4mln people.
Nope, not even close, but screw you for your generalizationYou seem to treat the situation as another ‘just a flu bro, but a bit worse’ situation. It isn’t.
Yeah I'll disagree there, politics and class division is a HUGE reason we are currently in this mess here in the states, and both sides of our government and our addiction to cancel culture/social media are part of the reason as well.Was the government response great? No. Would it have been much, much worse if the government stuck to yours ‘let’s not overreach’? Surely.
Got me there lol (can't believe I spaced that) a point to you good sirThat's not a rebuttal to my answer.
President Lincoln suspended habeas corpus due to the emergency of the Civil War. You asked, "When has a Governing body stopped their overreach after a crisis was over?", so I ask you - is habeas corpus still suspended?
Nope, by definition lumping all of those who haven't been vaccinated (including the auto immune BTW...that's what grouping does) is indeed a slur against them, you can't place the current economic, social and political issues squarely on their shoulders.Those aren't slurs. Those are facts. Facts don't care about feelings.
If you're in charge, what would you do differently to achieve the goal of more vaccinations and less death, and why should I believe you that it would work?Any life lost is a tragedy, and we have lost so many, I repeat I am ACTUALLY on YOUR side in the sense I want to see more vaccinations and less death, but our ways to achieve the means to get there couldn't be more different.
Then you're misunderstanding those words, because that's not what he's doing. He's not including people who want to take the vaccine but can't.Nope, by definition lumping all of those who haven't been vaccinated (including the auto immune BTW...that's what grouping does) is indeed a slur against them, you can't place the current economic, social and political issues squarely on their shoulders.
Grocery stores also card people when they buy alcohol. When’s the last time you heard the “muh freedumb” people whining like babies about that? Don’t expect consistency from anti-vaxxer dumbshits.Getting carded (ID) to gain access to a 21 and over bar or night club.
Getting carded (vaccination status + ID) to gain access to the same night club.
Both actions amount to getting your "papers checked". Is one reasonable and another unreasonable? How are they different and how are they alike?