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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Did you just say the BLM protests went on without any heavy handed policing?

I did.

In this city it went off without a hitch. I believe the organizers got a fine and that was it.

Zero arrests. 265 yesterday.

Compare the tone of the msm reporting and the actions of the police between the two. Hell, a few weeks ago the cops fired tear gas and rubber bullets at civilians for the first time in this countries history for protesting lockdowns. Someone also posted here a few weeks ago, a video showing the difference in the media coverage between the two types of protests too. Its fucking blatant


You only wish this were a COVID thing, because it lends some kind of context to your rage, which you are fucking addicted to just like everybody else in this insane media drenched society of retards.
Every winter in the UK we get stories about how we are running out of beds. And it's true that beds are chronically scarce, here. So it was nice to find this graph to put the 2020 winter into perspective.



Gold Member

amish GIF


Isn’t that the case for majority of things? You can have a glass of wine and drive, you can’t drink the whole bottle. Nobody is asking ‘it starts with one glass, where does it end?’. It’s obvious majority of measures are proportionate with a line drawn somewhere, not simple yes/no.
Why are you butting in here at all?

I was asking another poster where their own line in the sand was. Nothing to do with it being a simple "yes/no". Fuck all to do with you.

If you're going to stick your oar in then maybe at least try to understand the conversation taking place.

Oh, and at some point somebody DID sit down and ask how much alcohol was too much and where to set the limit.

Yet another on this thread who should stick to the shallow end.


Still do not understand the religious element of the anti-vaxxers.

Either your God is all powerful, guiding everything - in which case he made the vaccine, so take it - or your god isn’t all powerful, or he doesn’t exist. Which is it?

Unless of course ‘religious exemption’ is just a massive excuse…
Seems to be more of an American thing?

I'm not sure in other countries that anti-vaxxers are so obviously driven by religion and political alignment.

The USA really seems to have the most extreme behaviour on either end of the vaccine debate.

Same with masks really. The US seems to have more people who want to freak out either because places require masks or freak out because others aren't wearing them. People need to calm down.


We’ll mock people who are too selfish to get a vaccine that would help those who can’t get one. As I asked the other guy - who hasn’t answered - where’s your sympathy for the poor people who are locked at home because they can’t get the vaccine, but would be able to move more freely if everyone else did?
And I'll dismiss clowns like you and hold no value in your opinion because you aren't as empathetic and caring as you think you are.


And I'll dismiss clowns like you and hold no value in your opinion because you aren't as empathetic and caring as you think you are.

Nicely dodged. Instead of attempting an answer to the question, you resort to insults. Because you really just don’t give a shit about the many, many people who cannot get the vaccine, and are having their lives destroyed by anti-vaxxers. They don’t matter. You’re empathy is for the anti-vaxxers, and not the immunocompromised. At least develop the guts to be honest.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Any argument anti-vaxxers in America have falls apart when you look at other countries like ours.
I can't wait to be able to go to a packed movie theater, go play mini golf, go shopping at the mall, go to the gym, hang out at the pool, go to a packed restaurant, try out an escape room, go on vacation, visit a packed tourist spot, go bowling, stay at a capacity hotel - all without wearing a mask.
Except those are all things I have done the last couple of months with my wife and kids here in the good ol' US of A. The argument falls apart as soon as you log-off the internet and go outside.


Still do not understand the religious element of the anti-vaxxers.

Either your God is all powerful, guiding everything - in which case he made the vaccine, so take it - or your god isn’t all powerful, or he doesn’t exist. Which is it?

Unless of course ‘religious exemption’ is just a massive excuse…
Isn't it obvious that the vaccine was made by the devil? Everyone knows "pfizer" is ancient hebrew for "fallen angel".



I can’t remember exactly when last year but a lot of our dearly departed “just the flu” bros mocked me for saying this was going to get ugly as we passed something like 100k deaths. “No big deal the flu does that every year” kind of arguments (it doesn’t), as if the death toll wasn’t going to keep going up.

I wish they were right
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With their restrictions only coming recently and being last minute are chaotic the Alberta covid cases are still accellerating. Passed 2,020 cases Friday after expanding testing took effect. 911 in hospital. ICU was down 7 to 215, possibly due to HCW shortages.

Good news though. Vaccination passports worked for increasing uptake since the announcement.
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I did.

In this city it went off without a hitch. I believe the organizers got a fine and that was it.

Zero arrests. 265 yesterday.

Compare the tone of the msm reporting and the actions of the police between the two. Hell, a few weeks ago the cops fired tear gas and rubber bullets at civilians for the first time in this countries history for protesting lockdowns. Someone also posted here a few weeks ago, a video showing the difference in the media coverage between the two types of protests too. Its fucking blatant

Were the protests for BLM in your region violent?

Because its pretty clear this one was a lot more volatile.

These anti lockdown protestors are speaking against the interest of American citizens and they arent being reasonable about it either.


Gold Member
Regarding the low Swedish deaths, it is misleading to cherry pick certain months. Googling it, Sweden's monthly covid death tracking can fluctuate a lot. Not susprisng since they have a low population so any spike can really spike up any chart,

However, it does seem true their overall death rate from covid is still lower than EU and US.

So despite a much more lax covid policy of lockdowns and masks etc... they must be doing something right if they got low death rates, yet doing hardly anything about it compared to other countries.

Looking at Google stats, the two metro areas of Stockholm and Gothenburg combine for 33% of the country's urban density which is a lot. That would be like NY and LA metro areas combining for 110 million people. Or Toronto and Vancouver metros combining for 12 million.

So youd think any virus would spread fast in Sweden. Yet covid effect is still low over there. And the vax rates in Sweden trend to the low side compared to other richer countries.
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Swedish deaths jumped by nearly 1000% in four days, as there is no corresponding rise in cases it may well be some administrative lag being cleared up or a serious rise in cases among people who don't get tested.


Gold Member
I dont know anything about Sweden or Scandinavia, aside from the mainstream stuff like like lots of taxes, social services, rich, safe etc.... And Norway or Finland has that trillion dollar government investment trust fund for its people!

But I'm actually curious as to why with covid Sweden (and other Scandinavian countries too????) are lax with covid policy, since you'd think a government that is big into social services would also clamp down with safety protocols for the sake of society too(?).

Being lax with covid safety measures seems something more atune to stubborn redneck kinds of towns in the US.
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Swedish deaths jumped by nearly 1000% in four days, as there is no corresponding rise in cases it may well be some administrative lag being cleared up or a serious rise in cases among people who don't get tested.
If you do not live in Sweden it can be confusing. The reporting system has been having issues so they have this last week back-reported fatalities going back a month. Since this probably happens in other countries as well from time to time there is no point in comparing short period data with other countries.


I dont know anything about Sweden or Scandinavia, aside from the mainstream stuff like like lots of taxes, social services, rich, safe etc.... And Norway or Finland has that trillion dollar government investment trust fund for its people!

But I'm actually curious as to why with covid Sweden (and other Scandinavian countries too????) are lax with covid policy, since you'd think a government that is big into social services would also clamp down with safety protocols for the sake of society too(?).

Being lax with covid safety measures seems something more atune to stubborn redneck kinds of towns in the US.
Scandinavian countries value personal freedom more than other countries expect I guess. But if you check pretty much any rankings for health and happiness you will find these countries high. The mortality rate is very low as well and the agencies for public health are very good and has a lot of trust.

It is probably why a more cautious approach was used in Sweden where they did not want to disrupt services such as school since they know it has a huge benefit to health later in life. Sweden has never been afraid of cases, those were expected and the reasoning was that this was going to happen regardless. Of course no one here would even dream there would be vaccines within a year, so all measures that was taken where supposed to be able to be used for several years. If they expect a vaccine quicker in a future pandemic there might be other precautions taken.


Gold Member

Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, maintained his support for people under age 65 who have been vaccinated against coronavirus to get a booster shot even after the FDA would not approve it.

the dark knight joker GIF by hero0fwar


Empathy is one those factors that will influence how each region approaches the death rate with their pandemic response.
A comparison among similarly equipped regions.

BC is one of the provinces that kept things fairly open. Restrictions strictly as supported to keep case numbers for hospitals manageable. Not covid rates zero.
Even though low on this scale BC death rate is possibly way too high for some nations to accept.

Looked for comparisons between Norway and Sweden pandemic responses, but the English ones that turned up were all pretty biased so won't share them. From what I recall of glancing at the restrictions in Sweden at their most severe they were about the same as BC. Norway looked like they went stricter, like the Eastern provinces of Canada.
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"The psychological pressures of the long level 4 lockdown are growing, and the financial pressures on businesses and jobs. Families are separated, there's people who don't have income coming in... there are lot of people who are just on the edge at the moment.

"I always listen to the epidemiologists... but they're looking at it through one lens... there are other implications of staying at level 4. With nearly 80 percent of Aucklanders ... with at least one vaccination... with alert level 3 still being very restrictive, and capable of constraining spread, it's time to move back."

Goff said Aucklanders were finding this lockdown much harder that the level 4 lockdown last year.

"The problem is there's a degree of uncertainty about when the job will be finished, and I don't think anybody thinks that you can stay indefinitely at level 4. Level 3 still has still got the constraints in place that can prevent the spread of the disease.

"Yes there is a degree of risk, but there's also a risk in the real pressure on people and losing the social licence and mandate to continue to get people to complying with lockdown - Aucklanders by and large have done really well so far, but there'll be a limit to their endurance of that."

Level 3 would allow the construction industry to restart, people could widen their bubble slightly, and retail and hospitality could operate with contactless click and collect-type operations.
I get that people are lying about the vaccine to one extent or the other saying it's completely ineffectual or it's completely preventing covid.
But why are people lying about the virus itself what benefit does it serve them to say it's not dangerous, or I won't have any effect if you get it?
Also why are people believing such blatantly false things about the virus I guess I don't understand like where is their sense of self-preservation if I'm in the car an I forgot to put my seatbelt on I'll put it on within a block or two from pulling out, so I'm not taking that risk.
I just don't understand how people can risk their lives to not get a vaccine or not have to wear a mask it just seems like such a huge gamble it's not worth it. That I just don't understand.


Gold Member
I get that people are lying about the vaccine to one extent or the other saying it's completely ineffectual or it's completely preventing covid.
But why are people lying about the virus itself what benefit does it serve them to say it's not dangerous, or I won't have any effect if you get it?
Also why are people believing such blatantly false things about the virus I guess I don't understand like where is their sense of self-preservation if I'm in the car an I forgot to put my seatbelt on I'll put it on within a block or two from pulling out, so I'm not taking that risk.
I just don't understand how people can risk their lives to not get a vaccine or not have to wear a mask it just seems like such a huge gamble it's not worth it. That I just don't understand.
The typical camp of anti-vax are these buckets (one or a combo of them):

- Lazy. I'll get around to it. The vax is free, available everywhere including walk up appointments at a drug store, yet somehow cant find time to do it
- It doesn't work
- It has side effects
- Covid wont affect me
- I dont want my freedoms taken away. It's my life. So I'm willing to risk getting it, nothing serious, and I live as normal with no mask or vaccine
- If it does seriously affect me or I die. Oh well. I'm not here anyway. So it's now up to you to gimme a hand helping my spouse and kids
- I'm a short term thinker. So no mask or vaccine. Don't care about long term liberties which may open up if everyone gets vaxxed and covid cases drop like a rock, so gov can open things up in full or get rid of policies. I'm a live for today guy and cant comprehend the correlation when cities opening things up when covid cases drop
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Here’s the problem with the analogy: they are the experts, not you. It’s fine if you can’t grasp it, they can.

Imagine a similar situation: you get on a plane. Are you going to interrogate the pilot on how to fly the plane? Is there a certain level of certainty you need to have in order to trust the pilot with piloting the plane safely to its destination?
Same with social media - you would never trust a cook to fly a plane, why are you trusting unqualified individuals voicing opinion on biology, virology, epidemiology, public health?


The typical camp of anti-vax are these buckets (one or a combo of them):

- Lazy. I'll get around to it. The vax is free, available everywhere including walk up appointments at a drug store, yet somehow cant find time to do it
- It doesn't work
- It has side effects
- Covid wont affect me
- I dont want my freedoms taken away. It's my life. So I'm willing to risk getting it, nothing serious, and I live as normal with no mask or vaccine
- If it does seriously affect me or I die. Oh well. I'm not here anyway. So it's now up to you to gimme a hand helping my spouse and kids
- I'm a short term thinker. So no mask or vaccine. Don't care about long term liberties which may open up if everyone gets vaxxed and covid cases drop like a rock, so gov can open things up in full or get rid of policies. I'm a live for today guy and cant comprehend the correlation when cities opening things up when covid cases drop

You missed one:

- God will protect me / it’s all part of god’s plan for me.


Nicely dodged. Instead of attempting an answer to the question, you resort to insults. Because you really just don’t give a shit about the many, many people who cannot get the vaccine, and are having their lives destroyed by anti-vaxxers. They don’t matter. You’re empathy is for the anti-vaxxers, and not the immunocompromised. At least develop the guts to be honest.
I wasn't attempting to dodge or have any type of meaningful debate or conversation. Merely pointing out you and others are clowns.


I wasn't attempting to dodge or have any type of meaningful debate or conversation. Merely pointing out you and others are clowns.

...yes. That's exactly what I would expect from someone so clearly anti-vax, and unable to make a decent argument.

Do you fancy commenting on my question regarding the immunocompromised, and how they are being badly affected by anti-vaxxers?

Or do you just want to continue to make random insults, like a child sitting in its own dirty diaper?
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