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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Antivaxxer = someone that believes that vaccinating groups, with more chance of injury than benefit, is a waste of vaccine when it could be put to better use in unvaxxed vulnerable groups elsewhere...

You are literally deranged šŸ˜‚

ā€¦yes, mate. Youā€™re the one cherry picking your data from one study, without looking at anything elseā€¦ and Iā€™m the deranged one. Do you get that you have to research multiple sources before forming an opinion?


Rodent Whores
I really do question the sanity and motivations of people that spend their time looking for anti mask/anti vax social media posts in the hopes of dunking on literal dead people.
A lot of these don't have to have to be searched for at all. A lot of those posts are from people who are sick of their friends/family/coworkers being asshats, and then showing the rest of the world what eventually happens to dangerously irresponsible people. It's in their faces everyday.


Rodent Whores
Boy that's a toughie of a question now isn't it...
As the states would still hold power over there citizens when it comes to lockdowns/etc
And as I actually think the rollout of the vaccine has been pretty decent (as many have said you can get it readily everywhere)

So as in federal power...
I would protect the elderly, ensuring that they and the sick are top priority after the tragedy we first saw in Italy and than here in NY etc (full scrubs on all employees and ensure they have the means to vaccinate all that are willing.
I would encourage similar to Japan a healthy workout regimen that anyone can participate in and offer incentives for healthy living (perhaps a tax incentive on fruits vegetables and proteins)
I would create a bill that would ensure F95 masks were available nationwide and offer a tax incentive to private business' to ensure they had a healthy stock
I would look into manufacturing stateside for toiletries and disinfectant to help wade off gouging etc should demand spike again.
I would be very specific that this is a time of unity and not division and regardless of race, creed, or religion those that need or want vaccine can get it
I would request the CDC and Fauci be more careful with their wording, make it clear that this is a illness we STILL don't know everything about, make it clear that there may be mutations etc to the American people, but also reassure them we are always watching these mutations and working on them and potential cures/vaccines as well
I would never step on the rights of a private business owners rights, but instead offer tax incentives to those who encourage their employess' and have a high vaccination count.
I would run government sanctioned ads featuring survivors who shared the same concerns and worries as many of those still holding out, make it clear the more vaccinated the sooner certain states can drop the masks, the sooner we can return to normal and not fall on blame anywhere except where it's due and that's the lab in china
Lastly (at least for now lol this is a doozy of a question) I would viscously go after those that are purposely spreading lies and mis-information online, not asking questions or disagreeing with policy (that shit happens all the time) but those talking about "microchips in the vaccine" kind of crap
Aside from using the tax system as your tool of choice instead of a simple mandate, I don't see a significant difference than what we're already doing now. I don't have any reason to think that your tax proposal will be accepted any better than what we have now, or that it would even be effective at getting more people vaccinated, since the anti-vaxxers will still cry "discrimination" and question your motives.

You underestimate how hard it is to run a country of 300 million people where half of them don't trust you from the start.
I know what Biden read and in the grand scheme I agree with you, but again I am looking at this from the so called "anti vaxer" mentality and he grouped the non vaccinated...They will use that for further division...I mean shit lol they are as we speak...

Then you acknowledge that what Biden did wasn't an actual slur, and is only perceived to be a slur because a bunch of anti-vaxxer snowflakes got their feelings hurt. Like I said in my previous reply to you - facts don't care about feelings. Being mad about feelings demonstrates that the mad ones are the unreasonable ones, not Biden.

That answers my question from a few weeks ago wondering what happens when Alberta losses control of their covid situation and would the military would be going in.
Alberta's right on the cusp of triage today @ 87% of expanded surge capacity, 90% begins. Waited to the very last second to ask for help.


ā€œAww, itā€™s so...average,ā€ she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Not enough facepalms in the world.

"I'm going to purposefully infect myself with COVID in the present so that....I'm protected from getting COVID in the future"?

What kind of fucked up smoothbrain logic is that?
As we have seen there are ample amounts of idiots that are willing to believe anything as long as it doesn't involve them getting a free vaccine.

Eating horse paste, paying $200 for fake vaccination cards, going to jail, poisoning themselves, dying, etc etc. Just add "infecting yourself on purpose" to the ever growing list of dumbass things these people are willing to do to avoid getting free and safe vaccine at their local pharmacy.
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There seems to be more research that shows that hybrid immunity (vaccine after covid recovery) is significantly beneficial. But even besides that, just because you get covid doesn't mean that you get all the antibodies needed for 6 months to a year, there's so much variance. Despite any of this and more questions, you should get the vaccine as a rule of thumb.
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Gold Member

That answers my question from a few weeks ago wondering what happens when Alberta losses control of their covid situation and would the military would be going in.
Alberta's right on the cusp of triage today @ 87% of expanded surge capacity, 90% begins. Waited to the very last second to ask for help.

I dont know the whole situation there, but those prairie provinces from the beginning acted like the US states who preferred an "I live for today and personal freedom" mantra during covid. We're in the spacious prairies, kick ass cowboys, and no dopey virus will pin us down. We'll just beat it by living as normal.

My politics in every website saying I'm middle of the road libertarianish, but in many topics I totally skew right.

But for covid shots, even I did it.

There's a time to stand up for rights, freedoms, oppression and a Sheriff of Nottingham trying to tax everyone 80% for greed. And a time to man up and do it.

Just because the government is nagging people to do it doesn't mean it's evil oppression olympics. But some people interpret government protocols to be twisted or bribe infested so they purposely do the opposite.
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Because as grown adults theyā€™ll likely thank you, especially if they are moderately sexually active. Thereā€™s an age limit on when insurance covers the vax because they expect that youā€™ll be dealing with hpv in some type of way. Its best to get it before HS. I wish my parents would have done it (it wasnā€™t an option back then).


Infections with HPV types that cause most HPV cancers and genital warts have dropped 88% among teen girls and 81% among young adult women.

Among vaccinated women, the percentage of cervical precancers caused by the HPV types most often linked to cervical cancer have dropped by 40 percent.
Questiom was why closer to 12. My kids are 7, 9 and 11. Pediatrician now wants to vaxx them all against HPV. Why should I wait?


Of course things are 'hunky dorey' in Melbourne. The protests are just a few fucking bell ends :messenger_tears_of_joy: Exactly the same as it was here in London last year.
Wait...you responded to me, after telling me you wouldn't?
The Mask Love GIF

(okay now to the replies)
In regards to everything being fine, again tell that to the private business owner who lost everything, it's wonderful that you and yours were compliant, but clearly everything isn't "roses and sunshines" if nearly 3000 folks protested and a select few jerkoffs hurt law enforcement (seriously fuck those people) and more protests are expected
but hey its always bellends, dimwits and idiots...never your fellow people with different ideas on the matter...(makes it easier to put that nose in the air huh)
The vast, vast majority in Victoria are just obeying the lockdown rules until the vaccine program brings them out of it again.
Again not so black and white...
You, and others like you, are desperate to forward this narrative that governments are overreaching with their powers and that 'the people just won't stand for it!' when it's clearly absolute horseshit. You can't stop a very small minority acting like a right bunch of cunts... but that's all they are.
Because they are against your narrative? and acting like cunts...I'll give you those that got violent, but the majority of the protests are angry Australians
Everybody else is sensible, and realises that we're in a pandemic and that things will get better again once vaccinations are high enough.
Except the tens of thousands out of work and desperate...how entitled of you
But, you know, I only have the evidence of an entire country of people here in the UK to back up what I'm saying, so what do I know, eh?
See above
And just to clarify... you know... in case you weren't too sure of my position:
Yeah no...it's becoming quite clear
King Of The Hill No GIF

At this late stage in the pandemic, where we have access to more data about covid and the vaccines from reliable sources than we could ever need, anyone who does not have a decent medical reason for not getting the vaccine is a fucking dimwit. Not EVIL... just a fucking dimwit. A selfish dimwit.
over (just in the states) 150 million dimwits...damn that's a lot of dumb, thank god they have the "sensible" such as you to save them from themselves...
I think because every case is literally the same exact same shit. they all parrot the same garbage anti vaxx memes on facebook before they get covid, say they are doing okay and make a call out for the prayer warriors, then someone from their family updates about their passing, start a go fund me, and say how good of a person they were if you look past their posts about Michelle obama being a gorrila and God only creating 2 genders,
What a gross generalization
come on 12gob you're better than that...
it's actually quite tiring how predictably stupid these people are, but I think people are starting to see the pattern and self preservation is kicking in. Like you said, there is a lighter side to all this, and people are bringing in receipts to show that the sub has led people to go out and get vaccinated so that they are not the subject of mockery after succumbing to the virus
Unless you too believe that out of over 150 million people they are all crazy right wing, sexist and transphobic rednecks/hicks/racists (numbers don't support this FYI)
Oh yeah bulling people to comply, never backfired before now has it...
The Rock Reaction GIF by WWE

Aside from using the tax system as your tool of choice instead of a simple mandate, I don't see a significant difference than what we're already doing now. I don't have any reason to think that your tax proposal will be accepted any better than what we have now, or that it would even be effective at getting more people vaccinated, since the anti-vaxxers will still cry "discrimination" and question your motives.
Simple mandate?
What kind of power do you think the President of the States holds Renta?
Tenth amendment protects the States from federal overreach (time will tell if the vaccine mandate is unconstitutional, via Supreme Court)
There is a reason why numerous states have said they won't comply with the order...a Nation wide mandate that affects everyone wouldn't allow that (not US)
Each State acts as it's own tiny country, with the federal Government overseeing the country and crimes/rules that have a farther reach.
Each state asked for a lockdown of different lengths and handles the "freedoms" of it's citizens differently, why do you think the numbers vary by state?
My "tax proposal" was a tax incentive, similar to how the government offers for electric vehicles etc, AKA a tax break for healthy living (lower taxes on un-manufactured food) and tax breaks for business' that encourage vaccination (how is up to them)

Also while we're on the subject
The US has one of the highest numbers of vaccinated ( by Biden's words over 175 million) actually now at 183 million
Meanwhile the UK is at 93 (66%)
India is at 211.5 mill at only (15%)
China (supposedly) is at 2 bill (55%)
just as an example, so seems like the US is on track (or better) to me more or less with the rest of the free world
You underestimate how hard it is to run a country of 300 million people where half of them don't trust you from the start.
Yeah I mentioned the division, but Biden didn't help shit via his actions thus far, there is a reason he is shouted at everywhere he goes in public (even the first responders...that one surprised me)
Then you acknowledge that what Biden did wasn't an actual slur, and is only perceived to be a slur because a bunch of anti-vaxxer snowflakes got their feelings hurt. Like I said in my previous reply to you - facts don't care about feelings. Being mad about feelings demonstrates that the mad ones are the unreasonable ones, not Biden.
Nope I sure don't lol I said "most of what you're saying" as in I agree that he didn't intend to include them, but he still did. He blamed the unvaccinated, again a better speech than most from him, but still scolded those holding out rather than reaching out to them.
I dont know the whole situation there, but those prairie provinces from the beginning acted like the US states who preferred an "I live for today and personal freedom" mantra during covid. We're in the spacious prairies, kick ass cowboys, and no dopey virus will pin us down. We'll just beat it by living as normal.

My politics in every website saying I'm middle of the road libertarianish, but in many topics I totally skew right.

But for covid shots, even I did it.
Good for you (I'm in the same boat politically FYI) it's the right thing to do
There's a time to stand up for rights, freedoms, oppression and a Sheriff of Nottingham trying to tax everyone 80% for greed. And a time to man up and do it.
Nope sorry, going to disagree there

Benjamin Franklin has been mis-quoted alot lately, but he said

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Now obviously a pandemic is more than a "little safety", but the point stands of what I said before, there is a reason so many in the US in particular have fought this thing, they see their liberties' at risk the same I might point out that those on the left freaked out during the whole Patriot Act garbage...the Government has proven time and again they will cross that line in the sand if given the opportunity.
Just because the government is nagging people to do it doesn't mean it's evil oppression olympics. But some people interpret government protocols to be twisted or bribe infested so they purposely do the opposite.
Agreed, but the Government isn't "nagging them", they are forcing them to via an potentially unconstitutional mandate.

Again I agree that more need to be vaccinated and put this crap to bed, but by attacking and slurring those who mostly just are misinformed or have trust issues...We push them further into a divide, I don't want a new variant that's even worse...maybe it goes after the youth or worse the children in mass this time (this variant was already worse with children) we nip it in the bud by coming together working side by side...not sowing division.


Rodent Whores
Simple mandate?
Yup. Pretty simple. It's not even forcing you to get a shot as a condition of citizenship or existing. It's requiring to get a shot to reduce societal harm if one wishes to participate in society. It also gives you an option to forgo the shot for regular testing. Pretty simple.

What kind of power do you think the President of the States holds Renta?
The kind that's enumerated in the Constitution of the USA. What kind do you think the position holds?

Tenth amendment protects the States from federal overreach (time will tell if the vaccine mandate is unconstitutional, via Supreme Court)
There is a reason why numerous states have said they won't comply with the order...a Nation wide mandate that affects everyone wouldn't allow that (not US)
Each State acts as it's own tiny country, with the federal Government overseeing the country and crimes/rules that have a farther reach.
It is constitutional.

Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court upheld the authority of states to enforce compulsory vaccination laws. The Court's decision articulated the view that individual liberty is not absolute and is subject to the police power of the state.

Each state asked for a lockdown of different lengths and handles the "freedoms" of it's citizens differently, why do you think the numbers vary by state?
Because of the reasons you stated and also because of other epidemiological factors like population density, demographics, and weather.

My "tax proposal" was a tax incentive, similar to how the government offers for electric vehicles etc, AKA a tax break for healthy living (lower taxes on un-manufactured food) and tax breaks for business' that encourage vaccination (how is up to them)
Sure, but you haven't proposed anything that would be a more effective alternative than what we have now.

Yeah I mentioned the division, but Biden didn't help shit via his actions thus far, there is a reason he is shouted at everywhere he goes in public (even the first responders...that one surprised me)
You still haven't made your case why this is Biden's fault to justify the claim that he "didn't help shit via his actions thus far". Every president gets shit on from the other side and shouted at in public. Trump did. Obama did. Bush did.

Nope I sure don't lol I said "most of what you're saying" as in I agree that he didn't intend to include them, but he still did. He blamed the unvaccinated, again a better speech than most from him, but still scolded those holding out rather than reaching out to them.
You acknowledged it was a slur because their feelings got hurt, not because it was an actual slur. These are facts that he said. There was lots of outreach. We've had 9 months of outreach. It's obvious the outreach wasn't working anymore, so it's time to move on from the carrot to the stick.


Rodent Whores
Nope sorry, going to disagree there

Benjamin Franklin has been mis-quoted alot lately, but he said

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Now obviously a pandemic is more than a "little safety", but the point stands of what I said before, there is a reason so many in the US in particular have fought this thing, they see their liberties' at risk the same I might point out that those on the left freaked out during the whole Patriot Act garbage...the Government has proven time and again they will cross that line in the sand if given the opportunity.
Yeah he sure has been misquoted a lot! Franklin was talking about a tax dispute in that quote.

Very few people who quote these words, however, have any idea where they come from or what Franklin was really saying when he wrote them. That's not altogether surprising, since they are far more often quoted than explained, and the context in which they arose was a political battle of limited resonance to modern readers. Many of Franklin's biographers don't quote them at all, and no text I have found attempts seriously to explain them in context.

So to start matters, Franklin was writing not as a subject being asked to cede his liberty to government, but in his capacity as a legislator being asked to renounce his power to tax lands notionally under his jurisdiction. In other words, the ā€œessential libertyā€ to which Franklin referred was thus not what we would think of today as civil liberties but, rather, the right of self-governance of a legislature in the interests of collective security. What's more the ā€œpurchase [of] a little temporary safetyā€ of which Franklin complains was not the ceding of power to a government Leviathan in exchange for some promise of protection from external threat; for in Franklinā€™s letter, the word ā€œpurchaseā€ does not appear to have been a metaphor. The governor was accusing the Assembly of stalling on appropriating money for frontier defense by insisting on including the Penn lands in its taxes--and thus triggering his intervention. And the Penn family later offered cash to fund defense of the frontier--as long as the Assembly would acknowledge that it lacked the power to tax the familyā€™s lands. Franklin was thus complaining of the choice facing the legislature between being able to make funds available for frontier defense and maintaining its right of self-governance--and he was criticizing the governor for suggesting it should be willing to give up the latter to ensure the former.

In short, Franklin was not describing some tension between government power and individual liberty. He was describing, rather, effective self-government in the service of security as the very liberty it would be contemptible to trade. Notwithstanding the way the quotation has come down to us, Franklin saw the liberty and security interests of Pennsylvanians as aligned.

Indeed, sensible government ā€” including the government that Benjamin Franklin helped build ā€” necessarily involves constant trade-offs of liberty and safety. The Fourth Amendment bars unreasonable searches and seizures, and requires probable cause for warrants. But that means that it allows reasonable searches and seizures, and allows warrants (even to search your houses and papers) when there is probable cause. If we wanted maximum liberty, we could ban all searches and seizures, period. But we realize that the consequence would be an unacceptable loss of safety (you couldnā€™t search someoneā€™s home for a dead body, or for a murder weapon), and indeed a loss of liberty, in the sense that criminals undermine our liberty, too. So we trade off some nonessential liberty (at least Franklin would likely have viewed it as nonessential) in order to get a considerable amount of long-term safety, which may even include a different sort of liberty.

The list could go on. Franklin famously argued for enforcing libel law, as a means of reasonably restraining liberty in order to protect reputation (and perhaps to prevent violence). The jury is seen as a protector of liberty, but itā€™s part of a criminal justice system that necessarily threatens to take away peopleā€™s life, liberty, or property in order to make society safe from criminals (always with the risk that this action will inadvertently punish the innocent, or can be corrupted into doing so). Franklin was a prominent supporter of the U.S. Constitution, but it clearly gave the federal government a great deal of power that would or could be used to restrain liberty in some measure: the power to regulate, the power to tax, the power to raise armies, and more.

So to sum up: All the logical work (if not all the rhetorical work) in ā€œThose who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safetyā€ is being done by the decision about what aspects of liberty are essential, and how much safety is at stake. The slogan might work as a reminder not to make foolish tradeoffs, but the real difficulty is in deciding which tradeoffs are wise and which are foolish. Once we figure that out, we donā€™t need the slogan to remind us; before we figure it out, the slogan doesnā€™t really help us.

All responsible governance is a tradeoff between liberty, safety, and other things that we as a society have agreed are important to us. Ensuring that as many people get vaccinated with as little abridgement of liberty as possible is something that is, of course, important, and that's what is currently being done well enough.

Benjamin Franklin also said this:

On the Death of His Son 2
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette, December 30, 1736.

Understanding ā€™tis a current Report, that my Son Francis, who died lately of the Small Pox, had it by Inoculation; and being desired to satisfy the Publick in that Particular; inasmuch as some People are, by that Report (joinā€™d with others of the like kind, and perhaps equally groundless) deterā€™d from having that Operation performā€™d on their Children, I do hereby sincerely declare, that he was not inoculated, but receivā€™d the Distemper in the common Way of Infection: And I suppose the Report could only arise from its being my known Opinion, that Inoculation was a safe and beneficial Practice; and from my having said among my Acquaintance, that I intended to have my Child inoculated, as soon as he should have recovered sufficient Strength from a Flux with which he had been long afflicted.

It must have been hard to admit ā€” Franklin had long advocated inoculation as a ā€œsafe and beneficial practiceā€ ā€” that his own son had gone unprotected.

ā€œI intended to have my Child inoculated,ā€ he explained, ā€œas soon as he should have recovered sufficient Strength from a Flux [diarrhea] with which he had been long afflicted.ā€
More than five decades later, in his autobiography published posthumously, he said he had ā€œlong regretted bitterly, and still regretā€ that he had chosen to wait.

The younger Franklin, always a lover of science and invention, probably didnā€™t appreciate having to play a part in publishing anti-inoculation views. So later, when he had his own newspaper in Philadelphia, he became one of Americaā€™s ā€œforemost inoculation evangelists,ā€ Coss wrote.

When another smallpox outbreak hit Boston in 1730, he carefully recounted how well those who had chosen inoculation fared ā€” only four died out of ā€œhundredsā€ inoculated, he wrote ā€” versus those who caught it naturally, in which case the death rate was nearly 30 percent.


Many ā€œWhelpsā€! Handle It!
Back on the "vaccine mandates aren't legal" nonsense again huh? I can't recall ever hearing that a vaccine mandate was ever ruled unlawful, going back over a century of cases, but every week some dude pops in and is like "they're unconstitutional". The current Supreme Court has even ruled in their favor this very year. Where do these people get their fake news from? It's wild.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

Joe describes getting vaccinated as "taking one for the team." :messenger_expressionless:

Thinks vaccine passports will pave the way for China-style social credit scoreā€¦describes it as tracking whether you pay your credit cards, loans, and taxes on time. Thatā€™s your regular credit score, Joe.


Lilā€™ Gobbie
I love Joe, but when Dr Rhonda Patrick and Sam Harris are trying to tell you that you are way off base about something, probably listen to them. joe regressing back to younger conspiracy theory days unfortunately

Sam Harris calls out both joe and Weinstein recently on their bullshit

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Many ā€œWhelpsā€! Handle It!
I love Joe, but when Dr Rhonda Patrick and Sam Harris are trying to tell you that you are way off base about something, probably listen to them. joe regressing back to younger conspiracy theory days unfortunately

Sam Harris calls out both joe and Weinstein recently on their bullshit

Yes he is hilarious but this anti vaxx shit is really unfortunate.


Rodent Whores
I love Joe, but when Dr Rhonda Patrick and Sam Harris are trying to tell you that you are way off base about something, probably listen to them. joe regressing back to younger conspiracy theory days unfortunately

Sam Harris calls out both joe and Weinstein recently on their bullshit

The disappointment in Harris' voice when he says, "Mongolia. We're behind Mongolia..." is palpable.
Questiom was why closer to 12. My kids are 7, 9 and 11. Pediatrician now wants to vaxx them all against HPV. Why should I wait?

Oh okay, thereā€™s no reason to wait till then. I just said that because people donā€™t really find it necessary to get, but it is really really worth it so people should think on it if they are leaning no.
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Rodent Whores
A clear and concise article about how being vaccinated helps contain the spread of the virus.

In the aftermath of the Provincetown announcement, many who had gotten their shots were confused about what the news meant for them, especially when headlines seemed to imply that vaccinated individuals are as likely to contract and transmit COVID-19 as the unvaccinated. But this framing missed the single most important factor in spreading the coronavirus: To spread the coronavirus, you have to have the coronavirus. And vaccinated people are far less likely to have the coronavirusā€”period. If this was mentioned at all, it was treated as an afterthought.

Despite concern about waning immunity, vaccines provide the best protection against infection. And if someone isnā€™t infected, they canā€™t spread the coronavirus. Itā€™s truly that simple. Additionally, for those instances of a vaccinated person getting a breakthrough case, yes, they can be as infectious as an unvaccinated person. But they are likely contagious for a shorter period of time when compared with the unvaccinated, and they may harbor less infectious virus overall.

Thatā€™s why getting more people their shots is crucial for controlling the spread of the coronavirus: Every vaccinated person helps limit the virusā€™s ability to hide, replicate, and propagate.

Among the unvaccinated, the virus travels unhindered on a highway with multiple off-ramps and refueling stations. In the vaccinated, it gets lost in a maze of dead-end streets and cul-de-sacs. Every so often, it pieces together an escape route, but in most scenarios, it finds itself cut off, and its journey ends. It can go no further.

Craig Spencer is an emergency-medicine physician and director of global health in emergency medicine at New York Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center.


Jesus Christ. I think this one rises right to the top of the fucking pile, doesnā€™t it?


An actual nurse with her mother almost dead from Covid, gets fatal Covid, but is still anti-vax prior to her death. Unbelievable.

But hey, sheā€™s ā€˜in heaven and going to have dinner with Jesusā€™ so I guess everythingā€™s okay.

Two things are killing thousands of Americans right now: social media and religion.
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The disappointment in Harris' voice when he says, "Mongolia. We're behind Mongolia..." is palpable.
LOL I heard this too, you mean the anti-mongolian bigotry surely?

Mongolia is like the most sparsely populated country in the world, half the population live in the capital and it's probably pretty easy to get them to comply in exchange for some yak milk, ghenghis khan action figures or some shit. How they managed to vaccinate the nomadic tribes is another story though...


Numbers in France continue to go down, which is good since we are at 14 days + since the kids went back to school.

Government is talking about possibly easing up on the vaccination pass which would be a stupid idea if you ask me - people learned to live with it, just keep at it, why pondering to anti-vaccine idiots? I am constantly asked for my pass, takes me 5 seconds to show them the QR code. Especially since right now pass can be obtained by a PCR test, so you donā€™t even need to be vaccinated to begin with.
I'm at the point now that I really don't care if the unvaccinated get sick I just want them to stop taxing the health care system and stopping scheduled surgeries etc to happen. If you get sick because you are careless stay home and fight it yourself, if you die that's on you but stay out of the general population.


Video: Swedish State Epidemiologist Anders Tegnell: Sweden won the argument on Covid (9/23/21)

00:00 - 01:21- Introduction
01:21 - 03:55 - Was Swedish policy a success?
03:55 - 05:30 - On the vaccine
05:30 - 08:47 - Swedenā€™s relaxing of restrictions
08:47 - 09:51 - Were you wrong?
09:51 - 13:48 - The Swedish experience
13:48 - 15:10 - How divided are people over Covid policy?
15:10 - 17:56 - ā€˜Were there moments when you thought, have I got this right?ā€™
17:56 - 19:46 - Worries about future epidemics
19:46 - 20:31 - ā€˜Iā€™ve had two pandemics. Thatā€™s probably at least one too many.ā€™
20:31 - 21:16 - Final thoughts

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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Video: Swedish State Epidemiologist Anders Tegnell: Sweden won the argument on Covid (9/23/21)


Interesting video. The title is clickbaitey but the actual discussion is interesting. It's pretty clear that Swedish policy was wrong in terms of thinking natural immunity was any kind of answer, and that their overall culture and possibly some other fundamentally scandanavian factor was what saved them from the worst of the disease.
They are an interesting case study but they are clearly not a model for future pandemic response except maybe for other scandanavian countries.
PS Thanks to whoever gifted me gold!
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ā€œAww, itā€™s so...average,ā€ she said to him in a cold brick of passion


Saw a guys house with a big sign that said
NO VAXX, NO MASKS, NO LOCKDOWN, NO[something else]

And then around the corner had some Jesus quote. And a trump sign.

My guy you dont know the first thing about Jesus.

This was in Ohio tho on a trip, so not too surprising


I remember when the mask mandate came out and I had some friends lose it.

This is how it all starts! I was told. This is how they start to take control. First the masks, then passes to get around.

With the mask mandate and vaccines becoming available cases started to come down. Low enough to pretty well get rid of the masks. I thought that was odd...how were they going to take control?

Vaccine hesitancy and the eased mask restrictions caused cases to go up again. Mask mandates came back. Now there's a passport with restrictions for the unvaccinated. Again, I'm being told by friends and some family that this is how they take control. Limit movement. This won't go away I'm told.

Government has come out and said when cases go down the passport will go away.

The amount of energy and mental gymnastics I've seen people do to prove they're right is
insane. I've lost friends. I can't even see my mom anymore because she's drank this crazy shit up and refuses the vaccine. She's more willing to stand her ground than to be their for my second childs birth. To see my two year old daughter riding her bike.

Clear as day. The Science is their. The data. The statistics.


I remember when the mask mandate came out and I had some friends lose it.

This is how it all starts! I was told. This is how they start to take control. First the masks, then passes to get around.

With the mask mandate and vaccines becoming available cases started to come down. Low enough to pretty well get rid of the masks. I thought that was odd...how were they going to take control?

Vaccine hesitancy and the eased mask restrictions caused cases to go up again. Mask mandates came back. Now there's a passport with restrictions for the unvaccinated. Again, I'm being told by friends and some family that this is how they take control. Limit movement. This won't go away I'm told.

Government has come out and said when cases go down the passport will go away.

The amount of energy and mental gymnastics I've seen people do to prove they're right is
insane. I've lost friends. I can't even see my mom anymore because she's drank this crazy shit up and refuses the vaccine. She's more willing to stand her ground than to be their for my second childs birth. To see my two year old daughter riding her bike.

Clear as day. The Science is their. The data. The statistics.
If you really believe government is going to give up their newfound powers, you are one fucking dumb shit


Interesting video. The title is clickbaitey but the actual discussion is interesting. It's pretty clear that Swedish policy was wrong in terms of thinking natural immunity was any kind of answer, and that their overall culture and possibly some other fundamentally scandanavian factor was what saved them from the worst of the disease.
They are an interesting case study but they are clearly not a model for future pandemic response except maybe for other scandanavian countries.
PS Thanks to whoever gifted me gold!
Yup , but flu bros will keep posting Sweden as the exampleā€¦


I've lost friends. I can't even see my mom anymore because she's drank this crazy shit up and refuses the vaccine. She's more willing to stand her ground than to be their for my second childs birth. To see my two year old daughter riding her bike.
This seems like overkill.
Obviously your life, your decisions but this just seems really sad.
Should be possible for your mom to see the kids if you keep a bit of distance and insist on hand sanitizer and washing.
Even if she isn't vaccinated it's not like covid is a death sentence.

Honestly can't imagine letting the relationship with friends and family go down the tubes when a 2 metre distance and washing hands properly etc will still keep everyone relatively safe.

Would prefer if they were all vaccinated of course but there's definitely room for compromise in my opinion.

The science, data and statistics must tell you that the odds are good even without a vaccine. Just keep a bit of distance and be careful.
Obviously your life though.
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Rodent Whores
Video: Swedish State Epidemiologist Anders Tegnell: Sweden won the argument on Covid (9/23/21)


Good video with a reasonable discussion regarding the analysis of their decisions. "Success" is only really judged by seeing if the goals were met. If the primary goal was to prevent as much deaths as reasonably possible, then I don't think the Swedish model was a success, given the much lower death rates of their neighbors. However, if the overall happiness and economy were also priorities, then it's arguable that according to those metrics, they were a success and did the best they could with what they had available to them. I'm not sure if Swedes in general felt more free/happy/prosperous than their neighbors, but that is an analysis for another day. For any nation, as long as the governed are reasonably satisfied with the government and the government is upholding the will of the people with their best interests in mind, that's good. In that context, the Swedish model faired alright.

What's interesting is that on 11:55, Anders mentions personal responsibility and the culture of Sweden; how the legal system for communicable diseases builds on the responsibility of the individual to take care and not infect other people. This, in my opinion, is the main key to making the Swedish strategy work, and why thinking America could do the same thing is not realistic. The selfishness of the individual and lack of empathy or compassion for their fellow Americans has been demonstrated time and time again over this past year, as many (but not all) Americans refused to mask up, socially distance, comply with restrictions or get a vaccine in order to do their part as an individual for the protection of others. The Swedish model expects personal responsibility, and too many Americans have demonstrated that they have none.

Very pathetic, given that the moral framework for many of their lives is the concept of "love thy neighbor".


This is how it all starts! I was told. This is how they start to take control.

These kind of people are funny because, like, where have you been all your life? Society already controls you. You're already just a cog in a machine that was in place well before you were born. In what way does the government need to "control" you beyond this? You're just a worker bee in the vast hive, that is all that's needed of you.
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This seems like overkill.
Obviously your life, your decisions but this just seems really sad.
Should be possible for your mom to see the kids if you keep a bit of distance and insist on hand sanitizer and washing.
Even if she isn't vaccinated it's not like covid is a death sentence.

Honestly can't imagine letting the relationship with friends and family go down the tubes when a 2 metre distance and washing hands properly etc will still keep everyone relatively safe.

Would prefer if they were all vaccinated of course but there's definitely room for compromise in my opinion.

The science, data and statistics must tell you that the odds are good even without a vaccine. Just keep a bit of distance and be careful.
Obviously your life though.
Somehow when reading this thread I don't get the impression that this lack of room for compromise is any kind of practical consideration.
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ā€œAww, itā€™s so...average,ā€ she said to him in a cold brick of passion
If you really believe government is going to give up their newfound powers, you are one fucking dumb shit
If you really believe the government is more worried about gaining power over anything else in this situation you are one fucking paranoid loon.
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