Of course things are 'hunky dorey' in Melbourne. The protests are just a few fucking bell ends

Exactly the same as it was here in London last year.
Wait...you responded to me, after telling me you wouldn't?
(okay now to the replies)
In regards to everything being fine, again tell that to the private business owner who lost everything, it's wonderful that you and yours were compliant, but clearly everything isn't "roses and sunshines" if nearly 3000 folks protested and a select few jerkoffs hurt law enforcement (seriously fuck those people) and more protests are expected
but hey its always bellends, dimwits and idiots...never your fellow people with different ideas on the matter...(makes it easier to put that nose in the air huh)
The vast, vast majority in Victoria are just obeying the lockdown rules until the vaccine program brings them out of it again.
The Australian state of Victoria has extended its lockdown for another three weeks after tough restrictions failed to lower the number of daily new coronavirus cases.
Again not so black and white...
You, and others like you, are desperate to forward this narrative that governments are overreaching with their powers and that 'the people just won't stand for it!' when it's clearly absolute horseshit. You can't stop a very small minority acting like a right bunch of cunts... but that's all they are.
Because they are against your narrative? and acting like cunts...I'll give you those that got violent, but the majority of the protests are angry Australians
Everybody else is sensible, and realises that we're in a pandemic and that things will get better again once vaccinations are high enough.
Except the tens of thousands out of work and desperate...how entitled of you
But, you know, I only have the evidence of an entire country of people here in the UK to back up what I'm saying, so what do I know, eh?
See above
And just to clarify... you know... in case you weren't too sure of my position:
Yeah no...it's becoming quite clear
At this late stage in the pandemic, where we have access to more data about covid and the vaccines from reliable sources than we could ever need, anyone who does not have a decent medical reason for not getting the vaccine is a fucking dimwit. Not EVIL... just a fucking dimwit. A selfish dimwit.
over (just in the states) 150 million dimwits...damn that's a lot of dumb, thank god they have the "sensible" such as you to save them from themselves...
I think because every case is literally the same exact same shit. they all parrot the same garbage anti vaxx memes on facebook before they get covid, say they are doing okay and make a call out for the prayer warriors, then someone from their family updates about their passing, start a go fund me, and say how good of a person they were if you look past their posts about Michelle obama being a gorrila and God only creating 2 genders,
What a gross generalization
come on 12gob you're better than that...
it's actually quite tiring how predictably stupid these people are, but I think people are starting to see the pattern and self preservation is kicking in. Like you said, there is a lighter side to all this, and people are bringing in receipts to show that the sub has led people to go out and get vaccinated so that they are not the subject of mockery after succumbing to the virus
Unless you too believe that out of over 150 million people they are all crazy right wing, sexist and transphobic rednecks/hicks/racists (numbers don't support this FYI)
Oh yeah bulling people to comply, never backfired before now has it...
Aside from using the tax system as your tool of choice instead of a simple mandate, I don't see a significant difference than what we're already doing now. I don't have any reason to think that your tax proposal will be accepted any better than what we have now, or that it would even be effective at getting more people vaccinated, since the anti-vaxxers will still cry "discrimination" and question your motives.
Simple mandate?
What kind of power do you think the President of the States holds Renta?
Tenth amendment protects the States from federal overreach (time will tell if the vaccine mandate is unconstitutional, via Supreme Court)
There is a reason why numerous states have said they won't comply with the order...a Nation wide mandate that affects everyone wouldn't allow that (not US)
Each State acts as it's own tiny country, with the federal Government overseeing the country and crimes/rules that have a farther reach.
Each state asked for a lockdown of different lengths and handles the "freedoms" of it's citizens differently, why do you think the numbers vary by state?
My "tax proposal" was a tax incentive, similar to how the government offers for electric vehicles etc, AKA a tax break for healthy living (lower taxes on un-manufactured food) and tax breaks for business' that encourage vaccination (how is up to them)
Also while we're on the subject
The US has one of the highest numbers of vaccinated ( by Biden's words over 175 million) actually now at 183 million
Meanwhile the UK is at 93 (66%)
India is at 211.5 mill at only (15%)
China (supposedly) is at 2 bill (55%)
just as an example, so seems like the US is on track (or better) to me more or less with the rest of the free world
You underestimate how hard it is to run a country of 300 million people where half of them don't trust you from the start.
Yeah I mentioned the division, but Biden didn't help shit via his actions thus far, there is a reason he is shouted at everywhere he goes in public (even the first responders...that one surprised me)
Then you acknowledge that what Biden did wasn't an actual slur, and is only perceived to be a slur because a bunch of anti-vaxxer snowflakes got their feelings hurt. Like I said in my previous reply to you - facts don't care about feelings. Being mad about feelings demonstrates that the mad ones are the unreasonable ones, not Biden.
Nope I sure don't lol I said "most of what you're saying" as in I agree that he didn't intend to include them, but he still did. He blamed the unvaccinated, again a better speech than most from him, but still scolded those holding out rather than reaching out to them.
I dont know the whole situation there, but those prairie provinces from the beginning acted like the US states who preferred an "I live for today and personal freedom" mantra during covid. We're in the spacious prairies, kick ass cowboys, and no dopey virus will pin us down. We'll just beat it by living as normal.
My politics in every website saying I'm middle of the road libertarianish, but in many topics I totally skew right.
But for covid shots, even I did it.
Good for you (I'm in the same boat politically FYI) it's the right thing to do
There's a time to stand up for rights, freedoms, oppression and a Sheriff of Nottingham trying to tax everyone 80% for greed. And a time to man up and do it.
Nope sorry, going to disagree there
Benjamin Franklin has been mis-quoted alot lately, but he said
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Now obviously a pandemic is more than a "little safety", but the point stands of what I said before, there is a reason so many in the US in particular have fought this thing, they see their liberties' at risk the same I might point out that those on the left freaked out during the whole Patriot Act garbage...the Government has proven time and again they will cross that line in the sand if given the opportunity.
Just because the government is nagging people to do it doesn't mean it's evil oppression olympics. But some people interpret government protocols to be twisted or bribe infested so they purposely do the opposite.
Agreed, but the Government isn't "nagging them", they are forcing them to via an potentially unconstitutional mandate.
Again I agree that more need to be vaccinated and put this crap to bed, but by attacking and slurring those who mostly just are misinformed or have trust issues...We push them further into a divide, I don't want a new variant that's even worse...maybe it goes after the youth or worse the children in mass this time (this variant was already worse with children) we nip it in the bud by coming together working side by side...not sowing division.