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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


I will be getting my flu shot very soon as usual. Since one has nothing to do with another I can guarantee you I will be fine and not die or transform into a mutant or whatever that quack is ranting about.

Look at my posts in this thread, very rarely will I post this type of stuff here. You are taking a few examples and generalizing that this is happening all the time.


Gold Member
Dude you really need to stop reading deranged shit like this.

I will be getting my flu shot very soon as usual. Since one has nothing to do with another I can guarantee you I will be fine and not die or transform into a mutant or whatever that quack is ranting about.
Even worse was he extended view to the annual flu shot and tons of people will die from it. If he kept his dumb opinion to strictly covid, he might be able to convince some people. But if anyone believes this bald guy for claiming the same for flu shots that have gone on for decades, the persons got some loose screws.

Ya, there's sure 100 of millions of people around the world dying every year taking the flu shot.
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Lil’ Gobbie
Dude you really need to stop reading deranged shit like this.

I will be getting my flu shot very soon as usual. Since one has nothing to do with another I can guarantee you I will be fine and not die or transform into a mutant or whatever that quack is ranting about.
just listen bro ˘_˘)

proceeds to lecture others on something he understands nothing about
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Gold Member
I'd be wary about posting these kinds of clips with unverified explanations, it could be they were getting arrested for not wearing a mask but also could be for any other reason.

I once talked to someone complaining how all cops are evil bastards because they pulled her boyfriend out of his parked car and gave him 18 months in prison just for sitting in his car.

Of course she was omitting that the guy was sitting in his car on a residential street with a massive hoard of weed that he was selling.


Rodent Whores

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
I listened. That dude is talking some bullshit right there. Many exaggerated and outright false claims.

If you take a booster shot you will die? I guess that explains the 3 million dead Israelis /s
Actually I think he said if you get even a single dose you're going to die, so thats about 3.4 billion people dead any moment now.
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Rodent Whores
You are free to get the vaccine or not get it. You are not free to be a public danger. Civilization.

Anti-Vaxxers Do Not Have a Constitutional or Statutory Right to Endanger Everyone Else

Brought on behalf of all New Mexico residents who are equally selfish, the plaintiffs sought an injunction barring the state from enforcing a public health order that requires (with limited exceptions) all hospital, nursing-home, assisted-living-facility, adult-day-care, rehabilitation-facility, and prison workers, all employees of the governor’s office, and all who would enter the New Mexico State Fair grounds to be vaccinated against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19. The plaintiffs asserted various constitutional and statutory claims. In a thorough and trenchant decision, Valdez v. Grisham, — F. Supp. 3d —-, 2021 WL 4145746 (D.N.M. 2021), a federal district court rejected them all. That is consistent with long-standing precedent and other recent decisions—as we discussed here, here, and here.

Implicitly responding to the plaintiffs’ assertion that the vaccines were “experimental,” the court recited at the outset both the extensive testing that each had undergone before the EUAs were granted, including “at least one well-designed Phase 3 clinical trial that demonstrate[d] the vaccine’s safety and efficacy in a clear and compelling manner,” and the fact that “[c]omprehensive data collected since the three vaccines received EUA status demonstrates that they are safe and highly effective in preventing infection and severe illness, and that serious adverse side effects from the vaccines are exceedingly rare.”

Asserting a violation of their right to substantive due process, the plaintiffs alleged that they “‘have [constitutionally] protected liberty interests’ ‘in their right to live without governmental interference,’ their right ‘to bodily integrity,’ their right ‘to raise their children as they see fit,’ and their right ‘to engage in their chosen professions,’ and that because the state’s public health order is ‘not narrowly tailored,’ it violates these substantive due process rights.” 2021 WL 4145746, at *5.

Relying on well-established constitutional precedent, the court explained that a two-part analytic framework applies when a legislative enactment or executive action is challenged on substantive due-process grounds. The first step is to identify the “fundamental liberty interest” purportedly at issue. The second step is to determine whether that interest “is ‘deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition’ and ‘implicit in the concept of ordered liberty, such that neither liberty nor justice would exist if they were sacrificed.’”

The court found that the plaintiffs did “not explain how the rights allegedly violated by the [public health order] are fundamental.” 2021 WL 4145746, at *5. “ndeed nowhere,” said the court, did the plaintiffs “address how the right to work in a hospital or attend the State Fair, unvaccinated and during a pandemic, is ‘deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition.’”

Moreover, said the court, “federal courts have consistently held that vaccine mandates do not implicate a fundamental right and that rational basis review therefore applies in determining the constitutionality of such mandates.” 2021 WL 4145746, at *5. Applying that standard, the court rejected the plaintiffs’ substantive due-process claim, concluding that “[t]he vaccination requirements set forth in the [New Mexico public health order], … grounded in medicine and science, are rationally related to [the state’s] legitimate purpose of protecting our community ‘against an epidemic of disease [that] threatens the safety of its members.’” Id. at *8 (quoting Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11, 27 (1905)).

All that is necessary for state action to survive the “rational basis test” is that it bear “a rational relationship to a legitimate government interest.” Glucksberg, 521 U.S. at 721. The Valdez court found that New Mexico’s vaccination requirements did more than that, concluding that “[t]he governmental purpose of stemming the spread of COVID-19, especially in the wake of the Delta variant, is not only legitimate, but is unquestionably a compelling interest.”

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service


It's been fun guys. Probably dying any minute now.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
The average person really isn’t well equipped to navigate the Information Age.
Im not even completely sure that audio is from that video. Hard to tell since you can't even really see his mouth. Putting Chinese subtitles on it though definitely makes it EXTRA SCARY for people. Its kind of good to see the crazy stuff people are exposed to.

It reminds me of when I was a kid, raised atheist. One of my friends at the time insisted I was going to hell unless I declared Jesus Christ as my personal savior at recess. I was like holy shit, well that sounds awful so I guess I will. Got home and told my parents about it and they explained the evidence and my options super calmly.

A lot of people don't recognize that they are actually experiencing fear when hearing something, and so they don't even really know how to start dissecting it. Most people don't like to admit they're afraid, and it makes them more easy to manipulate if they don't think too deeply on it. Makes me feel bad for victims of trash information.

Cant wait for the Deepfake age with official-looking CDC videos saying stuff like this. Going to get even worse.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I feel like we’re headed into a bizarre and horrific period of digital natural selection - where humanity has moved from survival of the fittest, into survival of the least gullible. I very much doubt Covid will be the last thing that does this.
It won't last. Once people can't tell what is real during a presidential debate or something else important, it'll be followed be heavy censorship, or Internet 2.0. But yeah, it'll be ugly for a while longer for sure.


Rodent Whores
I feel like we’re headed into a bizarre and horrific period of digital natural selection - where humanity has moved from survival of the fittest, into survival of the least gullible. I very much doubt Covid will be the last thing that does this.
It's a potential possibility, until we develop decent self-help AI assistants.

Theoretically, our self help apps will get good enough to be right almost all of the time when it tells us what we should be doing with our lives that a lot of us probably won't question them anymore and just follow along. Even if you're gullible, as long as you blindly follow the directions of an AI that learned to maximize your health and survivability, you'd still be fine. In theory.


I feel like we’re headed into a bizarre and horrific period of digital natural selection - where humanity has moved from survival of the fittest, into survival of the least gullible. I very much doubt Covid will be the last thing that does this.
I'm reminded of this old (1970s) BBC documentary I once saw, very gradiose, about the rise of civilization, it had something like 11 parts, and in the first they try to paint a picture of humanity at it's most primitive. So they go to this nomadic tribe somewhere in Kazachstan that is still living an extremely traditional life, herding their cattle from one pasture to the next through the seasons of the year. Sometime every year, the tribe came to a river that had to be crossed. The crossing is dangerous and arduous which basically meant that every year, there were a number of old people that could no longer cross the river. They were basically just left there to die on the bank of the river, while the tribe moved on.

When I see modern technology and the way it is affecting our society, I often find myself returning to that image of the river.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Look at my posts in this thread, very rarely will I post this type of stuff here. You are taking a few examples and generalizing that this is happening all the time.

I'm really not trying to do that. It's just you share these tweets without context often enough that it becomes a topic of discussion, that's all.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Yeah I really wish Chaplain Chaplain would stop sharing tweets from obviously bogus or incorrect sources. I get wanting to cast a wide net, but some of that is just.....come on man. At lkeast check the source. See how many followers. See if they back up their stuff. See if they are from a reputable outlet.

It's just basic research. Don't just copy and paste the first things that you see that relate to the topic you are wanting to post about. Otherwise it is just a needless distraction from a source that is aiming to get clicks rather than provide useful information.
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It's just basic research. Don't just copy and paste the first things that you see that relate to the topic you are wanting to post about. Otherwise it is just a needless distraction from a source that is aiming to get clicks rather than provide useful information.

You are presupposing that I do not presently attempt to do. Regardless, understood. ^_~

What Really Happened in Wuhan – Author calls for Fauci resignation over lab leak Covid origin theory
An award-winning Australian journalist has called for the resignation of America’s top infectious diseases expert after her explosive new book uncovered links between the US government and the Wuhan lab that she believes is where the Covid-19 pandemic began.

Sharri Markson told i that evidence from painstaking research and interviews with insiders in China and Washington have added weight to the “lab leak” origin theory. It purports that a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China in late 2019 triggered the pandemic, causing the deaths of more than 4.7 million people worldwide.

The hypothesis is being investigated by scientists exploring the pandemic’s origins, after it was initially dismissed early on as a conspiracy.

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You are presupposing that I do not presently attempt to do. Regardless, understood. ^_~

What Really Happened in Wuhan – Author calls for Fauci resignation over lab leak Covid origin theory


The fuck is a perspective piece about an art gallery exhibition relevant to? Can’t listen to science when you’re not reading science! Good fucking god.

They want you silenced. Too bad this isn't era for them. You'd already be banned.

Every internet political anti vaxxer had said this 100 trillion times by now, and yet they still haven’t gotten any closer to what’s right or the truth. Why is that?
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The fuck is a perspective piece about an art gallery exhibition relevant to? Can’t listen to science when you’re not reading science! Good fucking god.

Every internet political anti vaxxer had said this 100 trillion times by now, and yet they still haven’t gotten any closer to what’s right or the truth. Why is that?

Maybe some believe there is a bigger narrative at work acting as an umbrella for all things COVID-19, no?


How about not posting unsubstantiated stuff at all?

Two things, 1) I have both shots (I am not anti-vax), and 2) your unsubstantiated claim is not moral/ethical absolute. I think the best way forward is to hear all opposing views, use our reasoning capacities, and follow the truth wherever it goes. It would be extremely easy to post articles or opinions that all agree with one another and create a cohesive echo chamber on GAF (i.e., groupthink).


However, the consequence of this would lead to viewing others as the enemy (from a different tribe) which eventually leads to the fruit of cancel culture (as tech companies have demonstrated). Telling others what to think is not beneficial for human flourishing.

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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

Coronavirus patients are flooding and straining hospitals across the U.S., particularly in Western states, where administrators are put in positions of needing to ration care as their facilities are pushed to their breaking points by the delta variant.

Alaska this past week joined Idaho in adopting statewide crisis standards of care that provide guidance to health care providers making difficult decisions on how to allocate limited resources. Several hospitals in Montana have either activated crisis standards of care or are considering it as the state is pummeled by COVID-19.

Under the guidelines, providers can prioritize treating patients based on their chances of recovery, impacting anyone seeking emergency care, not just those with COVID-19.

Typically, crisis standards of care involve a scoring system to determine the patient’s survivability, sometimes including their estimated “life years” and how well their organs are working. Such guidelines do not call for factoring in vaccination status, much like emergency rooms don’t prioritize certain car crash victims based on whether a driver was drinking.

The vast majority of COVID-19 patients overwhelming hospitals are unvaccinated
, months after the vaccine became widely available to U.S. adults.

As of Friday, the ICUs in Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky and Texas all exceeded 90 percent capacity. The ICUs in Alaska and Montana, meanwhile, were 84 percent and 77 percent full, respectively, according to federal data.

At Providence Alaska Medical Center, the surge of COVID-19 patients make up about 24 percent of inpatients, with about 87 to 90 percent of all patients being unvaccinated.


Honestly by now I'm so used to reading zany out there takes and heavily editorialized/sensationalized news items that I'll probably start showing withdrawal symptoms if there is only measured and vetted reporting posted here henceforth.


Two things, 1) I have both shots (I am not anti-vax), and 2) your unsubstantiated claim is not moral/ethical absolute. I think the best way forward is to hear all opposing views, use our reasoning capacities, and follow the truth wherever it goes. It would be extremely easy to post articles or opinions that all agree with one another and create a cohesive echo chamber on GAF (i.e., groupthink).


However, the consequence of this would lead to viewing others as the enemy (from a different tribe) which eventually leads to the fruit of cancel culture (as tech companies have demonstrated). Telling others what to think is not beneficial for human flourishing.

Let me just say I've always appreciate Game Analyst's posts as they don't specifically push one perspective and are otherwise a pretty accurate reflection/documentation of the crazy times we are living through in terms of conflicting narratives.


So many anti-vaccine and people unwilling to get vaccinated. Darwin's Law is truly at work here.
what's absolutely stunning to me is the level of fanaticism where quite a number of people are literally willing to die on this hill rather than relent and take a shot. I mean, out of all the political hot-button issues we've seen over the last years, all the divisive flashpoint moments (elections etc), why choose this moment and this issue to make your final stand? It's not even a political issue by nature. Psychologists and sociologists will spend years theorizing about the behaviour we are currently seeing. Is it some kind of freaky subconscious thing around (physical) penetration? Is it mere happenstance and would nothing like it have happened if Trump got elected?


Is it some kind of freaky subconscious thing around (physical) penetration? Is it mere happenstance and would nothing like it have happened if Trump got elected?

This is one of the key reasons all of this is happening:

"The artificial intelligence behind these platforms determines what you see based on your social media and web activity, including your engagement with pages and ads. For example, on Twitter you may follow the politicians you like. Twitter algorithms quickly respond and show you more posts and people related to that political leaning. The more you like, follow and share, the faster you find yourself moving in that political direction. There is, however, this nuance: Those algorithms tracking you are often triggered by your negative emotions, typically impulsivity or anger. As a result, the algorithms amplify the negative and then spread it by sharing it among groups. This might play a role in the widespread anger among those engaged in politics, regardless of their side of the aisle...
In one study, 61% of Americans reported having unfriended, unfollowed or blocked someone on social media because of their political views or posts. Higher levels of social media use and exposure to sensationalized news about the pandemic is linked with increased depression and stress. And more time spent on social media correlates with higher anxiety, which can create a negative loop. One example: The Pew Research Center reports 90% of Republicans who get their political news only from conservative platforms said the U.S. has controlled the COVID-19 outbreak as much as possible. Yet less than half of Republicans who rely on at least one other major news provider thought so...
Scrolling and swiping culture has reduced our attention span (on average people spend 1.7 to 2.5 seconds on a Facebook newsfeed item). It has also deactivated our critical thinking skills. Even really big news doesn’t last on our feed longer than a few hours; after all, the next blockbuster story is just ahead. The Matrix does the thinking; we consume the ideology and are bolstered by the likes from our tribemates ... Before all this, our social exposure was mostly to family, friends, relatives, neighbors, classmates, TV, movies, radio, newspapers, magazines and books. And that was enough. In that, there was diversity and a relatively healthy information diet with a wide variety of nutrients. We always knew people who were not like-minded, but getting along with them was normal life, part of the deal. Now those different voices have become more distant – “the others” we love to hate on social media." (Co-authored by Associate Professor of Psychiatry Arash Javanbakht & digital solutions and marketing expert Maryna Arakcheieva, 11/12/20)

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what's absolutely stunning to me is the level of fanaticism where quite a number of people are literally willing to die on this hill rather than relent and take a shot. I mean, out of all the political hot-button issues we've seen over the last years, all the divisive flashpoint moments (elections etc), why choose this moment and this issue to make your final stand? It's not even a political issue by nature. Psychologists and sociologists will spend years theorizing about the behaviour we are currently seeing. Is it some kind of freaky subconscious thing around (physical) penetration? Is it mere happenstance and would nothing like it have happened if Trump got elected?

- Are you religious
-Are you a republican
-Are you educated

Pretty simple.


Remdesivir is fucking useless, just like HCQ and Ivermectin


No clinical benefit was observed from the use of remdesivir in patients who were admitted to hospital for COVID-19, were symptomatic for more than 7 days, and required oxygen support.



Two things, 1) I have both shots (I am not anti-vax), and 2) your unsubstantiated claim is not moral/ethical absolute. I think the best way forward is to hear all opposing views, use our reasoning capacities, and follow the truth wherever it goes. It would be extremely easy to post articles or opinions that all agree with one another and create a cohesive echo chamber on GAF (i.e., groupthink).


However, the consequence of this would lead to viewing others as the enemy (from a different tribe) which eventually leads to the fruit of cancel culture (as tech companies have demonstrated). Telling others what to think is not beneficial for human flourishing.


Never suggested you were anti-vax. But I do believe some due diligence on the accuracy of the things posted here would be beneficial. How you interpret that as telling other people what to think frankly baffles me.


I thought those Chaplain Chaplain tweets were posted as satire: Poe's Law.

Personal comments about why the contents of tweets are being posted might help distinguish what's serious and help discussion.


It’s not really a one and done thing though. Glad everyone is okay tho.
Yeah. Well. Just like the people who've had a shot. They don't get too messed up when they get covid. Proof is here in this very thread. Seems to be the same as people who've had it and beat it. They get it again, same as having the shot only, they don't get it as bad since their body is already on the know of it.


This is one of the key reasons all of this is happening:


I get what you're saying, but we've been at 'peak social media' for the last 3-4 years now, roughly speaking (maybe longer?) wouldn't you agree? It's still pretty bizarre that this pandemic, out of all other things that happened, is the thing that really pushed people over the edge.


- Are you religious
-Are you a republican
-Are you educated

Pretty simple.
Here in the netherlands, a large contingent of anti-vaxxers are basically new age hippies and assorted 'nature people'. There's also the religiously conservative, so that's similar, but still...
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