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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Just watched the JRE with Gupta. The scariest shit I heard was Dr. G's reason for vaccinating children. While I agree that children should be approved for those with high risk and/or comorbidities, the idea of mass vaccinations of children for a virus that has almost no chance of harming them for the greater good is a horrifying precedent to set. But hey Gupta wants this virus gone, so let's go.
I think the argument is that kids can still act as a vector for spread. But the bar for vaccines should always be if the risk of the disease far outweigh the risks from the vaccine and with the heart swelling issue that seems to impact younger boys in particular, I am not sure if the current mRNA vaccines meet that standard. Protein vaccines might, because the adjuvants are different.
They show levels as well.

But is threshold of antibodies enough? I don't know much about this but there's other immune responses (t-cells?) that need to be accounted for. In layman's terms that I can understand the confidence of an antibody test needs to be on par with the confidence of the vaccine, on a population as a whole. The two need to be comparable. Are we there yet?

Found this quite interesting article:

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Hearing Rogan boast about his 'natural antibodies' while having received a bunch of lab grown Regeneron antibodies was a good one. It also carries the suggestion that vaccinated people do not have these superior natural antibodies but some shoddy fake stuff that eventually will fail, leaving the 'naturally immune' master race to finally win out.

In that short clip Rogan drops one half truth after the other and since he is a far better podcaster then any of his guests he always comes off better for 'Rogan DESTROYS CNN doctor' clickbait.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I enjoy seeing these Hail Mary attempts at discrediting opposition and criticism as being "far right".

I mean, how far right are we talking?

It doesn't require deep investigation of that blog to see what their motivations are. I mean it's surface-level obvious and barely worth mentioning. I was just pointing out how you quickly took apolitical topics like a virus and pandemic responses into certain directions and then linked to a predictable source.

It's just we've seen this type of reaction many times before in this thread (and its ancestors) but have never been given a direct answer why you and yours always take this exact, predictable route. I was hoping for an honest and direct answer, that's all. I really don't wanna click through various blog links and try to decipher vague questions to figure that out. And if you don't want to answer but rather call me an asshole I am fine with that too - I probably deserve it and this is just a forum anyways.
It doesn't require deep investigation of that blog to see what their motivations are. I mean it's surface-level obvious and barely worth mentioning. I was just pointing out how you quickly took apolitical topics like a virus and pandemic responses into certain directions and then linked to a predictable source.

It's just we've seen this type of reaction many times before in this thread (and its ancestors) but have never been given a direct answer why you and yours always take this exact, predictable route. I was hoping for an honest and direct answer, that's all. I really don't wanna click through various blog links and try to decipher vague questions to figure that out. And if you don't want to answer but rather call me an asshole I am fine with that too - I probably deserve it and this is just a forum anyways.

They travel on a single track and at a single speed. Very easy to out manoeuvre once the signs become obvious.
Eastern Europe not looking good

Unvaxxed children are becoming victims of science-ignoring policy makers:

Beware. In most hospitals around the world you are "unvaccinated" for 14 days after your covid vaccine and many subsequent deaths will be labelled as COVID death even without a covid test.


Snake Oil Salesman
It doesn't require deep investigation of that blog to see what their motivations are. I mean it's surface-level obvious and barely worth mentioning. I was just pointing out how you quickly took apolitical topics like a virus and pandemic responses into certain directions and then linked to a predictable source.

It's just we've seen this type of reaction many times before in this thread (and its ancestors) but have never been given a direct answer why you and yours always take this exact, predictable route. I was hoping for an honest and direct answer, that's all. I really don't wanna click through various blog links and try to decipher vague questions to figure that out. And if you don't want to answer but rather call me an asshole I am fine with that too - I probably deserve it and this is just a forum anyways.

No no no no. We're not shifting goalposts yet.

You said it was "clearly a far right blog".

You used the word "clear"
You used the phrase "far right".

We all want to know how far right this blog is. How many a's should we use when typing faaaaar right?

The clues to the motivations of the blog are hidden within the title of the piece and the fact that you don't have to investigate anything at all. Corporate media can no longer be trusted.

So where in the in New York Times article that Sharyl references does it predict that the vaccine won't be ready until 2033?

Underneath the paywall. Take a look at the line graph at the top.


Underneath the paywall. Take a look at the line graph at the top.
That's a graph of what a "typical" timeline for developing a vaccine would be, without attempting to accelerate anything. It's not a projection of what the actual development of the COVID vaccine was expected to look like, since of course we are in the middle of a global pandemic!

All you need to do is click the "goal" button and it provides a roadmap for developing and distributing the vaccine within the 18 months target. Literally in the article it says:

"If a vaccine proves successful in early trials, regulators could issue an emergency-use provision so that doctors, nurses and other essential workers could get vaccinated right away — even before the end of the year. Researchers at Oxford announced this week that their coronavirus vaccine could be ready for emergency use by September if trials prove successful"
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Snake Oil Salesman
That's a graph of what a "typical" timeline for developing a vaccine would be, without attempting to accelerate anything. It's not a projection of what the actual development of the COVID vaccine was expected to look like, since of course we are in the middle of a global pandemic!

All you need to do is click the "goal" button and it provides a roadmap for developing and distributing the vaccine within the 18 months target. Literally in the article it says:

"If a vaccine proves successful in early trials, regulators could issue an emergency-use provision so that doctors, nurses and other essential workers could get vaccinated right away — even before the end of the year. Researchers at Oxford announced this week that their coronavirus vaccine could be ready for emergency use by September if trials prove successful"

I can't see past the paywall so I can only see the graph at the top.


Snake Oil Salesman
You can view the text at least, here:

It appears that you're right. She mistook the AIDS vaccine timeline with the Covid19 vaccine timeline. Good catch.

That being said, two of the three paragraphs she wrote seem to be correct. It's a FUD article that attempted to discredit Trumps vaccine timeline, and was basically proven wrong.

On to the the next 155 media mistakes...

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
It appears that you're right. She mistook the AIDS vaccine timeline with the Covid19 vaccine timeline. Good catch.

That being said, two of the three paragraphs she wrote seem to be correct. It's a FUD article that attempted to discredit Trumps vaccine timeline, and was basically proven wrong.

On to the the next 155 media mistakes...
But it wasn't really. People were right to say the vaccine wouldn't be available in October. It was available in January. That's not a huge difference but it's both important and correct.


Snake Oil Salesman
But it wasn't really. People were right to say the vaccine wouldn't be available in October. It was available in January. That's not a huge difference but it's both important and correct.

Untrustworthy people use half truths, framing, and tone to mislead people. Three tactics that have been used since the dawn of the caveman.

It works on people who want to believe. It doesn't work on skeptical people.

I'm sure it works on me in certain situations as well.

That article reads like FUD to me.
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Lil’ Gobbie
Untrustworthy people use half truths, framing, and tone to mislead people. Three tactics that have been used since the dawn of the caveman.

It works on people who want to believe. It doesn't work on skeptical people.

I'm sure it works on me in certain situations as well.

That article reads like FUD to me.
surely as a self proclaimed skeptic, you will admit Trump was the king of "half truths, framing, and using tone to mislead people", right? or do you just pick and choose what you are "skeptical" about like every other political hack :messenger_unamused:

that article you posted is garbage, the peoples twitters you post from are garbage, and your critical thinking skills are garbage. this is all fine by itself, but don't go around patronizing others about your so-called skeptical skills to repel bad information when it's painfully obvious to everyone you are unable to do so
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Snake Oil Salesman
surely as a self proclaimed skeptic, you will admit Trump was the king of "half truths, framing, and using tone to mislead people", right? or do you just pick and choose what you are skeptical about like every other political hack :messenger_unamused:

The king of half truths, framing, and using tone to mislead people? No. He wanted to be, for sure. Corporate media took that crown pretty easily.
Untrustworthy people use half truths, framing, and tone to mislead people. Three tactics that have been used since the dawn of the caveman.

It works on people who want to believe. It doesn't work on skeptical people.

I'm sure it works on me in certain situations as well.

That article reads like FUD to me.

having linked to an article that you admit contains false information would you say that article had half-truths, framing or a tone to mislead people?


Gold Member
Why is everything political for you? Why is everything a conspiracy? I mean, pages worth of arguing about some airline cancelling flights (why this matters or who cares I don't know), and now linking to a clearly far-right blog parading as "independent journalism" (boy, haven't seen that before....).

It's wild to witness a person tumble down a biased, conspiracy-theory driven worldview fed to them by partisan opportunists and be like "oh buy I'm a skeptic. Asking questions. FAKE NEWS!" I mean, it's as if grandma's Facebook from 2016 sprang to life and started posting on a discussion forum.

To be fair, he was being pressed on the airline thing. He wasn't just arguing for the sake of arguing. Also, there's a lot of info out there on the SWA situation - including the weather conditions at the time (from actual pilots in Florida), among other things, that were causing people to question the flight cancellations. Not all skepticism towards the news is rooted in right-wing conspiracy theories.


Lil’ Gobbie
having linked to an article that you admit contains false information would you say that article had half-truths, framing or a tone to mislead people?
he doesn't care; in his own words, which are not false, "it works on people who want to believe". there's just 0 self awareness going on
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Untrustworthy people use half truths, framing, and tone to mislead people. Three tactics that have been used since the dawn of the caveman.

It works on people who want to believe. It doesn't work on skeptical people.

I'm sure it works on me in certain situations as well.

That article reads like FUD to me.
I think people were worried trump would "pull a Putin" and push out a vaccine before trials had met their data threshold. Which makes a lot of assumptions about Trump's ability to control the levers of power in ways he realistically would never be able to, since he could barely even keep a cabinet together, but nonetheless would be a nightmare scenario.

Because of that bad decision, Russia has the highest vaccine hesitancy of any country in the world, despite wide availability. Because of their refusal to wait those short few months, they may never catch up. So I think it was right to point out why we don't want to do that. According to insider accounts, Trump wanted to do that too, he just couldn't.


Snake Oil Salesman
having linked to an article that you admit contains false information would you say that article had half-truths, framing or a tone to mislead people?

You do see the difference between someone like Sheryl Attkisson making a mistake / lying and when corporate media makes a mistake / lies right?

Corporate media has infrastructure and resources that dwarfs someone like Attkisson. They have reach and power that Attkison doesn't. So when 1 out of 156 bullet points gets called out (justifiably so) that doesn't exactly put the two in the same boat. The other 155 lies matter.
You do see the difference between someone like Sheryl Attkisson making a mistake / lying and when corporate media makes a mistake / lies right?

Corporate media has infrastructure and resources that dwarfs someone like Attkisson. They have reach and power that Attkison doesn't. So when 1 out of 156 bullet points gets called out (justifiably so) that doesn't exactly put the two in the same boat. The other 155 lies matter.

I see the difference between you saying skeptics don’t fall for half truths and then not only falling for half truths, but also defending them blindly until someone makes it so clear to you that you can‘t continue

so have you verified the other 155 claims now that you know that there is reason to be sceptical of that article?
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I think people were worried trump would "pull a Putin" and push out a vaccine before trials had met their data threshold. Which makes a lot of assumptions about Trump's ability to control the levers of power in ways he realistically would never be able to, since he could barely even keep a cabinet together, but nonetheless would be a nightmare scenario.

Because of that bad decision, Russia has the highest vaccine hesitancy of any country in the world, despite wide availability. Because of their refusal to wait those short few months, they may never catch up. So I think it was right to point out why we don't want to do that. According to insider accounts, Trump wanted to do that too, he just couldn't.
There have been many “insider accounts” that turned out to be falsified or exaggerated once all the dust settled. It’s hard to frame a statement around a presupposition you (and I mean the media when I say that) have about a president that you disagree with about an action that hasn’t even taken place.

We spent four years on a Russia path similar to this.

Look, whether you are on one side or the other politically, I think we can all agree that the news media at large has become a gross industry that has strayed very far from its original journalistic roots. It’s everywhere, and on both sides.

Not really a reply to you Kosmo, but more of a general statement on my part.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
It appears that you're right. She mistook the AIDS vaccine timeline with the Covid19 vaccine timeline. Good catch.

That being said, two of the three paragraphs she wrote seem to be correct. It's a FUD article that attempted to discredit Trumps vaccine timeline, and was basically proven wrong.

On to the the next 155 media mistakes...
The ironing is delicious.


Snake Oil Salesman
The ironing is delicious.

It's not though.

"Can't trust corporate media" has turned into "Your media is worse" which essentially means you've ceded ground on my original point. Corporate media is crumbling when the best defense for it is "Sharyl Attkisson was wrong on 1 of her 156 media mistakes blog".

It's a sinking ship that has a few people left trying to bail water out for it.

Enjoy the ironing I guess?

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
The only recent lie in this thread was your assertion that vaccine mandates had anything to do with the Southwest cancellations. What does Trump have to do with anything? This isn’t your thread to derail with whatever pent up grievance you need to air out.
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This Sky News Australia special investigation into the origins of COVID-19 reveals what really happened in Wuhan in the early days of the pandemic. Award-winning journalist Sharri Markson spent more than a year investigating the potential leak of the virus from a top-secret laboratory in Wuhan. Ms Markson uncovered evidence of a widespread cover-up and unpacks the new theory that “patient zero” worked in the Wuhan lab. Sky News Australia anchor and Investigations Writer at The Australian, Sharri has been at the forefront of investigating the origins of COVID-19 since early in 2020 when the virus spread globally. Since that time, the precise genesis of COVID-19 has been hotly contested, with scientists, government officials, the World Health Organization, and the Chinese authorities releasing conflicting reports. In a coup for Australian television, Sharri secures the first sit-down interview for an Australian broadcast media outlet with Donald Trump since he was elected president in 2016. Sharri also speaks with a range of Chinese whistle-blowers, scientists, and high-ranking intelligence officials to bring us closer to discovering the truth of what happened in Wuhan. These include John Ratcliffe, the U.S. Director of National Intelligence from 2020 to 2021, and former head of British intelligence service, Mi6, Sir Richard Dearlove.

this is a good documentary, at least it starts off as a good one before the various threads it lays out get crossed or end without a conclusion

there‘s a lot of suspicion around what happened in Wuhan and then China’s actions to hold and hide it, and then WHO dragging its legs to declare a pandemic

but this documentary only has talking heads that agree with each other, and except at 47 mins where she lays into Trump for starting gain of function research, there’s no conflicting viewpoints presented
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Big Pharma after adding the Animal Kingdom to their customer base:
It’s not a human vaccine

The vaccine was developed by the company Zoetis, and was specially made for animals. The company has donated more than 11,000 doses of the vaccine to dozens of zoos, conservatories, sanctuaries and other organizations across 27 states. The vaccine, according to Zoetis, has been authorized for experimental use on a case-by-case basis by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

This is basic math.

If 1 out of every 100 detected infections needs to go to the hospital then 10k infections per day lead to 100 new patients per day

With 90% of the population vaccinated which prevents 90% hospitalization then the same 10k infections will mean 10 unvaccinated (1% of 1000) and 9 vaccinated (10% of 1% of 9000) will be hospitalized.
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