I obviously understand what his posts were…but did he get a warning?Game Analyst banned from the thread, damn
I obviously understand what his posts were…but did he get a warning?Game Analyst banned from the thread, damn
And we have a sample size of hundreds of millions that indicate the new ones are safe too.We have decades of evidence to formally state the old vaccines are rather safe. It's too soon for those vaccines yet, remember it's too soon even for the manufactuers are they are still officially in the experimental test phase.
I obviously understand what his posts were…but did he get a warning?
Game Analyst banned from the thread, damn
Oh cool I can take him off ignore now. Those posts with like 6+ Tweets he made every page kept making the page take forever to load.
Britain approves Merck's COVID-19 pill in world first
Britain on Thursday became the first country in the world to approve a potentially game-changing COVID-19 antiviral pill jointly developed by U.S.-based Merck and R…
i think there's a better chance people take thisSuddenly people will become anti-pill
yea at this point I think these prayer warriors are looking for any out they can get from this untenable position they've dug their heels oni think there's a better chance people take this
Britain approves Merck's COVID-19 pill in world first
Britain on Thursday became the first country in the world to approve a potentially game-changing COVID-19 antiviral pill jointly developed by U.S.-based Merck and R…
i think there's a better chance people take this
Possibly. But then again the same ridiculous arguments used against vaccines still apply to this pill.i think there's a better chance people take this
If the underlying reason for most of this anti vaccine pushback is really a fear of needles, that would be the most pathetic thing ever.Or is this really all about people just being scared of a needle?
the woke crowd only accept vegan vaccine in their bodiesPossibly. But then again the same ridiculous arguments used against vaccines still apply to this pill.
It was developed too fast. It's experimental. We don't know the long term effects. Big pharma can't be trusted
My father's cousin's uncle's former roommate took the pill and his dick fell off.
You gotta keep up on your conspiracies. They will happily take this secretly just rebranded Ivermectin.Possibly. But then again the same ridiculous arguments used against vaccines still apply to this pill.
It was developed too fast. It's experimental. We don't know the long term effects. Big pharma can't be trusted
My father's cousin's uncle's former roommate took the pill and his dick fell off.
We should spread this rumour to trick the anti vax with taking the pillThey will happily take this secretly just rebranded Ivermectin.
i think there's a better chance people take this
It was being hinted at in this very thread long before any pill was available.We should spread this rumour to trick the anti vax with taking the pill![]()
Except that a lot of anti-vax people have been pushing prophylactic use of various agents from Ivermectin to Zinc and Vitamin D. Probably the least common argument I have seen is that you have to take the vaccine before you get COVID.Yeah. People have been asking for treatment of the disease instead of a vaccine that is only supposed to act as a preventative measure. Meaning that they've wanted to have something they can use if they get infected instead of something you have to, or are forced or pressured to, take "just in case."
I think that very rarely anti-vaccination people have been completely against pills too.
It only makes sense if this will be accepted by that group better than the vaccination.
Except that a lot of anti-vax people have been pushing prophylactic use of various agents from Ivermectin to Zinc and Vitamin D. Probably the least common argument I have seen is that you have to take the vaccine before you get COVID.
Jesus Christ, each of us has had a dozens of vaccines throughout our lives - kinda too late for the ‘changed’ part.1) People don't understand them and their effects fully and perceive them as 'changing' them. People 'feel' like they understand taking a pill for something even though they are wrong about that.
"Well, this MRNA stuff is just too experimental for me"Jesus Christ, each of us has had a dozens of vaccines throughout our lives - kinda too late for the ‘changed’ part.
Of course they found a reason to retract it. Significant improvement after only one dose of ultra cheap (20 cents) treatment? Impossible.retracted
RETRACTED: Samaha et al. Effects of a Single Dose of Ivermectin on Viral and Clinical Outcomes in Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infected Subjects: A Pilot Clinical Trial in Lebanon. Viruses 2021, 13, 989
The journal retracts the article, Effects of a Single Dose of Ivermectin on Viral and Clinical Outcomes in Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infected Subjects: A Pilot Clinical Trial in Lebanon [...]
Of course they found a reason to retract it. Significant improvement after only one dose of ultra cheap (20 cents) treatment? Impossible.
Of course they found a reason to retract it. Significant improvement after only one dose of ultra cheap (20 cents) treatment? Impossible.
I think vaccines have two problems in how they are perceived:
1) People don't understand them and their effects fully and perceive them as 'changing' them. People 'feel' like they understand taking a pill for something even though they are wrong about that.
2) Long term effect. It's greatest strength is it's greatest weakness. The effects of vaccination are for years or even for your entire life, which is great but it scares people to commit to a treatment that will be with them until they are old and gray.
This has allowed people like Wakefield to prey on people's doubts and fears.
Cheers to the pharmaceutical industry. This way they will even get more popular and don't cause distrust.
Cheers for lame program managers of not doing it and letting Pharma companies take their chance over 5 years in court. We in kindergarten now?Cheers to the EU for signing up to that clause
Cheers for lame program managers of not doing it and letting Pharma companies take their chance over 5 years in court. We in kindergarten now?
Let me put it this way: if I was risking 50 000€ fine for breaching a 150 000€ contract I thought was not in the best interest of my company - fuck yeah I would do it.if kindergarten = understanding how contracts work then yeah we are
Let me put it this way: if I was risking 50 000€ fine for breaching a 150 000€ contract I thought was not in the best interest of my company - fuck yeah I would do it.
Now I'm not an anti-vaxxer
I'm still anti-vaccine after having Covid
I'm not anti-vaccine. I've taken many through my life, but as I explained in how people react and businesses reacted completely turned me off from wanting to be apart of that process so I decided that it wasn't something I wanted. I'm certainly anti-covid vaccination (for myself) I'm not going to talk other people out of it if it's what is right for them.The knots you tie yourself into for the sake of whatever philosophy you set for yourself
I'm not anti-vaccine. I've taken many through my life, but as I explained in how people react and businesses reacted completely turned me off from wanting to be apart of that process so I decided that it wasn't something I wanted. I'm certainly anti-covid vaccination (for myself) I'm not going to talk other people out of it if it's what is right for them.
And it worked out as Covid really didn't have any crazy hold on me and certainly didn't cause any long-lasting damage, so it was certainly the right decision for myself. I'm mostly happy that my smell and taste are returning after a few weeks rather than a few months or a year, which I've been reading about. That would be a nightmare.Yeah you didn't get it out of spite, I understand.
And it worked out as Covid really didn't have any crazy hold on me and certainly didn't cause any long-lasting damage, so it was certainly the right decision for myself. I'm mostly happy that my smell and taste are returning after a few weeks rather than a few months or a year, which I've been reading about. That would be a nightmare.
I tried to stick with water and energy drinks - mostly because you could at least feel the bite that an energy drink has no matter if you can taste or not.
I wasn't trying to 'show them' or anything, that's not even what I'm about or my mentality. I just wanted to share what I went through and why I made the decisions I did in a Covid related topic. If you're for a vaccine, that's great. It helped my girlfriend not even deal with any sickness at all and I hope that happens for others as well.
I didn't like how people were treating each other and I wasn't comfortable with how businesses were handling it and handing out money in order to receive it. It didn't ave anything to do with 'sticking it to the man'. Like I said, I was for it until those moments, it just felt too strange for me and frankly, it still does.You are all over the place. You admitted that doing it out of spite "worked out" so you took a risk because you didn't like some messaging and managed to be lucky. Somewhere in your decision making you thought everything you heard about the positives of the vaccine was completely undone because you didn't like how some people advocated for it.
I didn't like how people were treating each other and I wasn't comfortable with how businesses were handling it and handing out money in order to receive it. It didn't ave anything to do with 'sticking it to the man'. Like I said, I was for it until those moments, it just felt too strange for me and frankly, it still does.
If I thought the vaccines were awful and terrible, I would have talked my girlfriend out of getting them, but that's not my choice - it's hers, and it helped her out. I'm certainly not against other people making their own decision and coming to their own conclusion.
However, I wouldn't consider myself lucky as I was sick for quite some just wasn't the worst sickness I've ever had due to suffering from awful migraines all my life which make almost any sickness seem insignificant.
I think you're trying to twist what I'm saying in order for you to vilify me in some way rather than even trying to come to a common ground or an understanding of my decisions for myself after just dealing with Covid. But to each their own.
Jabs, twisting my words and false equivalence. The usual, which is a shame.I'm just replaying your decision making back to you. It's not as simple as saying "get the vaccine or don't, your choice" because it's not about buying a type of chocolate bar or not. Regulations and policies are made from vaccine adoption. If more people were like you, which luckily they're not, we would see more lockdowns and more hospitalizations and deaths.
I'm not pro-vaccine as much as I am anti-pandemic, and if high adoption of a safe vaccine is one of the routes out of it then you bet I'm for it.
Dude Gunther chill the eff. New guy walks into the thread all innocent like and you put him on the witness stand. Everything is a confrontation with you. Part of the reason it’s not worth posting in here anymore. Let live a little more
Jabs, twisting my words and false equivalence. The usual, which is a shame.
I is that simple - you just see things differently than I do and the difference is you like telling people they should think like you out of fear where I think everyone should make their own decision based on what they feel is right for them. It's this kind of stuff that put me off to the entire thing in the first place and rather than understanding it's just more of the above rather than a conversation.
There's no reason we can't agree with each other and just tip our hats and go "I'm glad you were tested and didn't get anyone else sick and while you're against the vaccine, you don't shun the vaccines from others" but instead it's "You're trying to stick it to the man to feel good about yourself and we're lucky more people aren't like you".
I'm not pro-vaccine as much as I am anti-pandemic, and if high adoption of a safe vaccine is one of the routes out of it then you bet I'm for it.